I am getting the following error when trying to use “–no-channel-insert-size” with deepvariant on version 4.0.0-1 using “pbrun deepvariant --in-bam in.bam --ref ref.fna --out-variants out.vcf --no-channel-insert-size”:
[PB Error 2022-Dec-03 22:50:11][src/trtManager.cu:320] The dimension of model file doesn’t match with the confirguation. Model:100,221,7. Confirguation:100,221,6, exiting.
[PB Error 2022-Dec-03 22:50:12][./inc/common.h:108] NvInfer ERROR: CUDA initialization failure with error 4. Please check your CUDA installation: Installation Guide Linux :: CUDA Toolkit Documentation, exiting.
Considering the error (“the dimension of model file doesn’t match with the confirguation … 100,221,7 … 100,221,6”), it appears that the pre-trained weights for Deepvariant don’t match the model that is being constructed; that is, it is probably trying to use the weights with the channel-insert-size layer on a model that does not have the layer (or vice-versa). Can you please help with loading the correct weights/model?