Does SDKManager work in VM?

I set up SDKManager 2.2 in an oracle VirtualBox ubuntu 22.04.1, with 11GB of ram allocated to it.
I put the board in REC mode and connected it to the front usb-c port using a usb-to-usb-c cable. SDKManager detected it:

My problems is in the next step:

When I press flash, the previously detected board disconnects itself and shows this error:
"Could not detect target hardware

Please make sure the target hardware is connected and turned on, choose OK and RETRY."

I also tried: echo “-1” > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend in my VirtualBox (not sure if i had to try it in Orin instead)

Here is my log zip from “Export logs” in the GUI
SDKM_logs_JetPack_6.1_Linux_for_Jetson_AGX_Orin_[64GB_developer_kit_version] (182.0 KB)

No, the VM is not supported.

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