Hi, I’m starting to use a jetson that somebody previously used just to try the system so he just did the preparation of the agx orin developer kit but because it was a long time ago, I wanted to go to recovery mode to use sdkmanager to make the agx completely new. But, I’ve tried everything and the jetson never want to go in recovery mode. To tell you :
Before every try i did a software update then i’ve went to a terminal to do these command :
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
to be sure to be on the last system and then,
1st : I’ve tried to use the button with the system with no power ( connect the cable to my pc then hold press recovery and then put the power cable in it, hold 2 more second the recovery button then release).
2nd : I’ve tried to use the button with the system on ( connect cable to pc, then hold press recovery mode and press the reboot button, hold 2 more second the recovery button then release).
3rd : I’ve connected the jetson to my pc then use the cable connection and PuTTY and Mobaxterm use the command : " sudo reboot --force forced-recovery " .
After all these tried I check to see if the jetson was in recovery with the command " lsusb " but no connection so i use the command " dmesg | tail -n 50 " to see if the usb was receiving a connection or an error but nothing (I use ubuntu 22.04.6 LTS).
After that, I tried on an other pc to see if my pc was the problem but same thing. So I’ve then check if i was really the roots of the pc and yes I’m so i check if the bootloader was corrupted with the command " sudo nvbootctrl get-current-slot " that return 0 so for me no problem with that.
The state of the system when i did the try was like blocked because it was not in recovery mode but also wasn’t on a “normal” mode (like i could reach the system with putty or mobaxterm with a cable connection).
SO now i’m a little bit lost because i don’t know what i can do to enter this recovery mode. I don’t know if this could be the problem but when i start the connection with mobaxterm and that i connect to the jetson there are line of code that tell me this :
"This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are
not required on a system that users do not log into.
To restore this content, you can run the ‘unminimize’ command.
Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications is not enabled.
0 updates can be applied immediately.
26 additional security updates can be applied with ESM Apps. "
I don’t know if one of these could be the problem.
I’ve also saw under the system a jumper in front of the USB-C connection (the one near the 40 pin connector) and it’s placed in the 3rd pinhead starting from the right if all the connector is in front of us (USB-C, ETHERNET PORT, 2 USB-A, DP, MICRO USB) and that the button are on the right.
So now I’m really lost if somebody could help me it would be really great,
Thank you.