Download reset to 0 after omniverse launcher relaunch


  1. start omniverse
  2. open “exchange” tab
  3. search audio2face and click
  4. click INSTALL button
  5. display progress: "downloading audio2face ", waiting
  6. display progress: “downloading kit-sdk-launcher”, waiting
  7. maybe network issue, download speed almost 0, restart omniverse
  8. there is no downloading work display
  9. navigate to audio2face on omniverse gui, click INSTALL, It will redownload audio2face from zero bytes, I had find the downloaded zip file in pkg/degs which size is 4.5GB, but now it is 0 and need redownload
    does the audio2face can only downloading once without restart? this issue wasted serveral GB of my traffic and a long wait, please help me

And more, I have backed up the zip file the omniverse downloaded earlier,put it in pkg/deps but omniverse cannot recognize it

try install it manual with zip file
cmd “start start omniverse-launcher://install?path=D:/ovo/pkg/deps/”

this is output:
16:57:43.453 > Omniverse Launcher 1.9.11 (production)
16:57:43.457 > Argv: C:\Users\cscloud\AppData\Local\Programs\omniverse-launcher\NVIDIA Omniverse Launcher.exe omniverse-launcher://install/?path=D:/ovo/pkg/deps/
16:57:43.457 > Crash dumps directory: C:\Users\cscloud\AppData\Roaming\omniverse-launcher\Crashpad
16:57:43.459 > Start polling Launcher updates.
16:57:43.495 > Reset current installer.
16:57:43.502 > Running production web server.
16:57:43.509 > HTTP endpoints listening at http://localhost:33480
16:57:43.509 > HTTP endpoints listening at
16:57:43.512 > Sharing: false
16:57:43.527 > Started the Navigator web server on
16:57:44.031 > Registered omniverse-launcher for Windows.
16:57:44.031 > Registered omniverse for Windows.
16:57:44.045 > Found /install command…
16:57:44.058 > Run omniverse-launcher://install/?path=D:/ovo/pkg/deps/ command…
16:57:44.059 > Enqueue [2e2018d1-122f-4865-a299-e76803777c11] .
16:57:44.060 > Set current installer [2e2018d1-122f-4865-a299-e76803777c11] .
16:57:44.068 > Initialized.
16:57:44.069 > [2e2018d1-122f-4865-a299-e76803777c11] Extracting D:/ovo/pkg/deps/ to D:\ovo\pkg\tMSZAo…
16:57:44.079 > (node:19772) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
(Use NVIDIA Omniverse Launcher --trace-deprecation ... to show where the warning was created)
16:57:45.793 > Logged in.
[20448:0624/] Unable to move the cache: 拒绝访问。 (0x5)
[20448:0624/] Unable to create cache"
16:59:01.781 > [2e2018d1-122f-4865-a299-e76803777c11] Read description.toml file from D:\ovo\pkg\tMSZAo
17:05:54.434 > Dequeue [2e2018d1-122f-4865-a299-e76803777c11] .
17:05:54.435 > Reset current installer.
17:05:54.435 > Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘D:\ovo\pkg\tMSZAo\description.toml’

redownloaded afterall