Error importing .usd facial animation into unreal 5

I’m using Audio2Face to generate facial animations that I plan to import into Unreal 5.3. I have installed the .usd importer and Omniverse connector. When I try to import the .usd file, I get the error below. I have tried importing a test file that was not generated by A2F, and it worked, so I assume there’s an issue with A2F or the way I’m doing it. I have reinstalled UE5 to no avail. Please help!

LogOmniverseUsd: Warning: USD Error in pxrInternal_v0_23__pxrReserved__::PlugPlugin::_Load at line 258 in file C:\USD_src\pxr\base\plug\plugin.cpp : Failed to load plugin ‘Omniverse USD Live Multi-Threaded Plugin’: The specified module could not be found.
in ‘u:/UnrealEngine/UE_5.3/UE_5.3/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/NVIDIA/Omniverse/ThirdParty/omni_usd_resolver/win64_release/release/omni_usd_live_v2.dll’

Hi @goatfacegames

Can you tell me about your workflow. For example how did you export the Audio2Face as USD? Did you export as geometry cache or directly saved the file?

Also are you able to import this USD file inside any other application, e.g. USD Composer, Blender or Maya?

Only judging by the error, it seems omni_usd_live_v2.dll file is missing from that path.

Thanks for your reply. I started responding, going through my workflow, and I compared it to the tutorial I was watching. I realized that I wasn’t importing it properly; I was dragging the .usd file into the content drawer, rather than right-clicking and choosing “Import USD Animation.” It is now working perfectly.

Thanks again for getting back to me!

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