Getting error when trying to import .usd facial animation file from audio2face to unreal engine 5.2.1

Hello, I just updated to the 2023 version of audio2face and am getting an error when i try an import the .usd file into unreal.

LogOmniverseImporter: Error: Cannot find skeleton animation in …/…/…/…/…/FINISHED_CARTOON/1_new_scenes_June2023/23.leg_cramp/audio/a2f/Muscle_spazm_scream_bsweight.usd

Previous to updating i never had any issues like this, any idea what could be the issue?

I’ve tried to upload a previous .usd from which i made using the older version of audio2face and i’m getting the same issue.

Any thoughts?


If this happens with the old A2F files too, then this is probably related to Unreal Engine. Have you tried older versions of UE or a fresh install of UE?

hmm, since updating to unreal 5.2.1 i’ve imported .usd files from the old version of audio2face without issue, only having this problem since updating audio2face.