HDMI Output from Sony camera to Nvidia Jetson TX2

Hi Guys,

I’m very very new to the Jetson world. I want to connect the hdmi output of my mirrorless camera (Sony a7ii) and process it using the Nvidia Jetson TX2. Preferably I would like to be able to do this in real-time.

I have been looking for answers to see if this is even possible, if there maybe is some kind of breakout board or other way to get the HDMI output of my camera into the Jetson.

Could you maybe help me and point me in the right direction of how I could tackle this? I’ve googled a lot, but most answers go above my level of understanding right now…

My goal eventually is to process the video stream and check A: if there’s a face and B: if it’s sharp.

I hope you guys can shed some light onto this (for me) mistery…

Check this product out


1.We provide MIPI-CSI or usb as camera input interface. → Seems not what can be done by Sony a7ii.
2.Use the HDMI-in module → May work for your case, but we don’t officially support it on L4T.

This thread may help. These users have a HDMI->CSI module experience.

Do you think it would also be possible to use something like this: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/HDMI-to-USB3-0-Video-Capture-Dongle-signal-compatible-with-Windows-Linux-Mac-OS-X-and/32797904458.html?src=google&albslr=206110225&isdl=y&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&source={ifdyn:dyn}{ifpla:pla}{ifdbm:DBM&albch=DID}&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=494-037-6276&isdl=y&albcp=664365076&albag=32654332494&slnk=&trgt=68416666751&plac=&crea=nl32797904458&netw=g&device=c&mtctp=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3NHIiobf2AIVQxIbCh2tQgklEAQYAyABEgKWB_D_BwE → a HDMI to usb3 converter. I’m asking because most solutions seem to be out of my budget, as i’m still a student without funding or anything…

Hi j.g.a.m.cox,

I cannot guarantee… If this can work on Linux, mount as a usb camera node like /dev/video0 then it might work.

Any review for this product on linux?

J130 doesn’t work with jetson tx2.
I own this board and there is no way to use it with jetson tx2.
The manufacturer have not releases the necessary patches and they have a release date …so actually it’s not usable.

I’ve already requested a refund.

The board you can find in this link:

works fine

Did this work ?

In the end I used products from Avermedia to accomplish my goals, being:

Their support sucks, but by stalking some of their people on Linkedin I was able to get it running. The people are friendly, the business just doesnt have good communication systems in place.

Good luck!