I am using Jetson Nano development kit (Jetson Nano Developer Kit | NVIDIA Developer) and I want to flash it using SD card. How should I procced.?
@DaveYYY thank you for your suggestion but I am using the Jetson Nano that do not contain the SD card slot, Jetson Nano | NVIDIA Developer
Then find a host PC with Ubuntu 18.04 and use SDK Manager instead.
Yes, that’s what we are following to flash JN, but…
I am asking, if there is a way to flash this JN with use of SD card.?
I don’t know what you are talking about.
What exactly do you mean with use of SD card
when it does not have an SD card slot?
In a clear sentence @DaveYYY,
I would like to know that.,
- Can I flash Jetson Nano (https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-nano) having no slot for SD card, using SD card by connecting it through MMC (MultiMediaCard) communication port (/dev/mmcblk1p1).?
- And if ‘Yes’ then how.?
I still don’t know what you are talking about.
You mean you have a custom carrier board with an SD card slot on it?
Sorry for the confusion @DaveYYY,
Let me explain you with more clarification…
First of all, we have design custom carrier board for the jetson nano, and the SD card slot is on the custom board. (Attached pdf has the connection of the JN to SD card for you to understand the communication and connections.)
Now we would like to flash JN using this configuration of SD card connection which used MMC (MultiMediaCard) communication protocol between both.
Also, when we connect SD in this slot, we have node in ‘/dev/mmcblk1p1’, which is basically the first partition to the JN system.
SD card interface.pdf (84.2 KB)
Got you.
Then I think you can try patching flash.sh
like this:
# Determine rootdev_type
- if [[ "${target_rootdev}" == "internal" || "${target_rootdev}" == mmcblk0p* || \
"${target_rootdev}" == ${BOOTDEV} ]]; then
+ if [[ "${target_rootdev}" == "internal" || "${target_rootdev}" == mmcblk0p* || "${target_rootdev}" == mmcblk1p* || \
"${target_rootdev}" == ${BOOTDEV} ]]; then
Then flash with:
sudo ./flash.sh <your borad config file> mmcblk1p1
Thank you,
I’ll look into this and get back to you.
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