How to perform the CAN Loop back for self-test

Hi Team

i have seen a option called Loop back for self test in the can section of orin NX in the document given below. can you Let me know what this self test and how to run this
Can loopback for self test

Hi Mr_JP,

What’s your carrier board for Orin NX?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?

You could refer to the developer guide to configure can0 for Orin NX and do the loopback test. It should be an internal loopback so that you don’t need to wire any port.
Controller Area Network (CAN) — Jetson Linux Developer Guide documentation (

I am using the VVDN-JXN-NX board with orin NX som, I have tried the software loop-back, but i would like to confirm is there any methods available to test it by shorting the TX and RX of the can. So that i can verify the hardware connection till the Can TX and RX pins on the board.

It seems you are using the custom carrier board.

You could use 2 boards with 2 CAN transceivers for your case.
The connection is just like the following instruction.
Controller Area Network (CAN) — Enabling CAN

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