Ignition Gazebo Plugin Issues on Jetson Orin Nano

Hello NVIDIA Community,

I’m encountering issues with Ignition Gazebo on my Jetson Orin Nano (JetPack 6.0). I can create and visualize my robot, but plugins fail to load, showing the following errors:
Error Messages:

[ignition::plugin::Loader::LookupPlugin] Failed to get info for [drive_plugin].
[Err] [SystemLoader.cc:125] Failed to load system plugin [drive_plugin] : could not instantiate from library [libignition-gazebo-diff-drive-system.so].

[ignition::plugin::Loader::LookupPlugin] Failed to get info for [scene_broadcaster].
[Err] [SystemLoader.cc:125] Failed to load system plugin [scene_broadcaster] : could not instantiate from library [libignition-gazebo-scene-broadcaster-system.so].

What I’ve Tried:

Verified IGN_GAZEBO_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_PATH is set correctly.
Reinstalled Ignition Gazebo.
Checked plugin dependencies with ldd, all appear satisfied.
Ran with verbose logging (-v4), indicating plugins fail to instantiate.
Suspect ARM64 compatibility issues with precompiled plugins.


Has anyone successfully used Ignition Gazebo plugins on Jetson Orin Nano or similar ARM-based platforms?
Is building Ignition Gazebo from source the only solution for ARM64 compatibility?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

Hi @david.workacc08, I’ve not personally tried Ignition Gazebo, but had run previous versions back on 18.04. What I think I would do first is search your system for those libraries. find /usr -name 'libignition-gazebo-diff-drive-system*'

If they aren’t installed, track down which apt package they are in and try installing them.

Otherwise you may want to try building it from source. ROS-based stuff that had been necessary sometimes, but on 22.04 ROS has been natively installable (understanding that Gazebo and ROS are not tightly linked)

@Raffaello also might have ideas or experience about this if he’s tried it recently

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