Improvement Suggestions for Isaac Lab Installation Documentation

Improvements are needed for the Isaac Lab documentation. Two installation methods are provided at the link below:

1. pip install method

The installation method suggested is not sufficient on its own. The following process must be completed first:

pip install isaacsim== --extra-index-url

Even after successfully completing this process, using it for development proves difficult.

The link below includes information about installation through the Omniverse Launcher, which is not necessary for development:

However, the use is hindered as autocomplete or IntelliSense support for related libraries is lacking.

Performing setup_python_env properly is impossible without the _isaac_sim symbolic link. While someone who has read Isaac Sim installed from binaries thoroughly would understand, those who have only seen the pip installation guide might find it difficult. The documentation needs clearer explanations.

2. using binaries install method

It is hard to discern the intent behind the Omniverse Launcher URL provided:

As demonstrated by the following post, there is confusion about what needs to be downloaded, necessitating improvements:

Furthermore, even after launching, installing version 4.0 is challenging as it is not the default and is hidden:

This oversight may have been mine, but clearer information regarding the need for Isaac Sim 4.0 when using the Isaac Lab would be appreciated. Since the previous versions were labeled as 2023.1.1, etc., I did not realize a different version was necessary.