Installing Jetpack SDK Manager on Fedora 34

On Fedora 34, I downloaded the SDK Manager using this link

After installing, I ran the following command to attempt to flash a Jetson AGX devkit:

sdkmanager --cli install \
  --logintype devzone --host \
  --product Jetson --version 4.6 \
  --targetos Linux --target JETSON_AGX_XAVIER \
  --select 'Jetson OS' --select 'Jetson SDK Components' \
  --flash all

which returned the following

No update is available.
Authenticating with NVIDIA server...
Login succeeded.
Loading user information...
User information loaded successfully.
Loading server data...
Server data loaded successfully.

 * Available on ubuntu1604, ubuntu1804. For available versions run sdkmanager --query.

Does this mean flashing only works on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04? If so, why is the rpm available for download? What is its purpose?

For Jetson platform, yes, only Ubuntu Desktop 16.04, 18.04.

That might be for other platforms, but does it mean it can work well if it can be downloaded?

In general, if something is able to be downloaded I would expect it to work as advertised…

Regardless, thanks for the info, I’m looking into running it inside a vm with usb passthrough

If you use a VM, then be certain that the USB passes through even if USB disconnects and reconnects. Often a VM is the cause of failure because it loses USB during the disconnect/reconnect.

Btw, JetPack/SDK Manager is just a front end for the actual flash software. So far as flash is concerned you could likely download the “driver package” and “sample rootfs” and flash on command line without issue. However, the optional “extra” packages (e.g., CUDA) are actually performed by JetPack/SDKM (so you’d get to flash, but not install those extras…you’d have to know which package name they have and then use the usual “sudo apt-get ...” to install those).

If you were to use the driver package and sample rootfs it would go something like this:

  • Download the most recent L4T driver and rootfs packages here.
  • Unpack the driver package as a regular user. This will create a “Linux_for_Tegra/” subdirectory.
  • Go to “Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/”, and unpack the sample rootfs with sudo.
  • cd back to “Linux_for_Tegra/”, and run this command:
    sudo ./
  • Now you can flash as many times as you want from “Linux_for_Tegra/” without repeating the above steps.

Assuming you have an NX dev the command line flash would look something like this when the NX is in recovery mode:
sudo ./ jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1

Note that if you were just flashing the QSPI of an SD card model (a dev kit), then it would be something like this:
sudo ./ jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-qspi mmcblk0p1

You’re probably better off with a native Ubuntu 18.04 host PC, but this will eventually (for future releases) require Ubuntu 20.04. I don’t think anyone would ever recommend a VM, but if you understand the VM’s setup for USB, then it is probably ok.

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