Is AGX Orin SoM can use with the AGX Xavier Devkit


Out of curiosity I would like to ask a question. Since the AGX Xavier and AGX Orin are form factor and pin compatible as shown below from the nvidia-jetson-agx-orin-technical-brief.pdf, will I be able to use the AGX Orin SoM on the AGX Xavier devkit?


When i tried to boot the AGX Xavier devkit with the AGX Orin SoM on the board, the board didnot boots up. Is this an expected behaviour? If so what is causing the same?

Hey! I was looking into that earlier. The connectors are physically compatible, but what runs to each of those pins are different (not software compatible).

I don’t know that it’s impossible, but you’re well beyond plug and play.

Please try with JetPack5.0.2 GA release. Thanks

Hi @kayccc ,

Thanks for the response.

I have re-flashed the board with the JetPack5.0.2 release. Still the Orin SoM is not booting with the AGX Devkit.

Any other pointers do you have?

Thanks and Regards
Ann Rose Antony

This is not fully compatible. Suggest to use AGX Orin devkit.

Could you please help me to figure out which is the blockage part for the compatible?

Is it from the software side or from hardware side? Or the AGX Xavier SoM and AGX Orin SoM is not fully compatible?

Yes, not fully compatible. There is a document for the difference.

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