Isaac Sim 2022.2.0 freezes when opening an USD file


I just upgraded the isaac sim to 2022.2.0. However, I found that I cannot open the usd file. that I can previously open with 2022.1.1 and 2021.2.1. I also found that I have multiple warnings from [rtx.neuraylib.plugin][MDLC:COMPILER], like

2022-12-27 11:44:57 [25,245ms] [Warning] [rtx.neuraylib.plugin] [MDLC:COMPILER] 1.0 MDLC comp warn : path_to_my_mdl_file/xxxxx.mdl?watch=00007f562f0fe410(210,20): C230 identical subexpression to the left and to the right of the ‘?:’ operator

Is this the reason of crash? and how can I fix it? Or is there any other reason, below is my crash report

022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] Crash metadata for upload:
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] CarbSdkVersion = ‘129.7+129.tc225.e66972f6’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] DumpId = ‘1a10c1c0-d827-4fc5-77574fb0-7a36023b’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] ProductName = ‘OmniverseKit’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] RetryCount = ‘0’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] StartupTime = ‘1672141472’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] UptimeSeconds = ‘27’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] Version = ‘’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] appName = ‘Isaac-Sim’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] appState = ‘started’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] appVersion = ‘2022.2.0’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] autoloadExts = ‘’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildBranch = ‘release’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildCi = ‘tc’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildHash = ‘7098f305’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildId = ‘13069179’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildMajor = ‘104’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildMinor = ‘1’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildMr = ‘0’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildNumber = ‘385’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildPatch = ‘0’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildVersion = ‘104.1.0’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] environmentName = ‘default’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] experience = ‘Isaac Sim’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] kitRendererDriverVersion = ‘525.60’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] lastCommand = ‘SetLightingMenuModeCommand(lighting_mode=,usd_context_name=)’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] lastCommands = ‘SetLightingMenuModeCommand(lighting_mode=,usd_context_name=)’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] memoryStats = ‘(avail/total) RAM: 48.2286/62.5769GB, Swap: 2/2GB, VM: 1.71799e+10/1.71799e+10GB’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] portableMode = ‘0’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] stageUrl = ‘/xxxx/xxxx.usd’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] systemInfo = ’
| Driver Version: 525.60.11 | Graphics API: Vulkan
| GPU | Name | Active | LDA | GPU Memory | Vendor-ID | LUID |
| | | | | | Device-ID | UUID |
| 0 | NVIDIA RTX A6000 | Yes: 0 | | 49386 MB | 10de | 0 |
| | | | | | 2230 | c0ba7899… |
| OS: Linux rl01, Version: 5.15.0-57-generic
| Processor: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-13900K | Cores: Unknown | Logical: 32
| Total Memory (MB): 64078 | Free Memory: 54986
| Total Page/Swap (MB): 2047 | Free Page/Swap: 2047

2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] telemetrySessionId = ‘12362981999018307623’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] userId = ‘’
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] Crash report files for upload:
2022-12-27 11:44:59 [27,120ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] upload_file_minidump = ‘/home/rl01/.local/share/ov/data/Kit/Isaac-Sim/2022.2/’

Looking forward for your reply.


I found the reason of crash. I used ‘my_computer’ in some settings of material prim, such as my_computer:/path_to_png.png. Somehow, the new isaac-sim cannot find the right path. I remove my_computer:, and the usd files can be opened without crash.

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