Isacc SIm 2022.1.0 Multi GPU dose not work and memory leak is reporeted

I cannot enable the mult-gpu render in Isacc SIm 2022.1.0 and linking memory is reported.

My environment is as below.
Software: Isacc SIm 2022.1.0
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Displayer Info (when running the below code):

| NVIDIA-SMI 510.73.05    Driver Version: 510.73.05    CUDA Version: 11.6     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  NVIDIA GeForce ...  Off  | 00000000:17:00.0 Off |                  N/A |
| 25%   34C    P8    33W / 260W |    818MiB / 11264MiB |     30%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
|   1  NVIDIA GeForce ...  Off  | 00000000:65:00.0  On |                  N/A |
| 52%   66C    P2   208W / 260W |   2641MiB / 11264MiB |     98%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
| Processes:                                                                  |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
|    0   N/A  N/A      1439      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                  4MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A      2180      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                  4MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A    511962    C+G   ....0/kit/python/bin/python3      802MiB |
|    1   N/A  N/A      1439      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                 53MiB |
|    1   N/A  N/A      2180      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                226MiB |
|    1   N/A  N/A      2320      G   /usr/bin/gnome-shell               49MiB |
|    1   N/A  N/A    198391      G   ...857603391979510381,131072      126MiB |
|    1   N/A  N/A    471586      G   ...RendererForSitePerProcess       31MiB |
|    1   N/A  N/A    511962    C+G   ....0/kit/python/bin/python3     2133MiB |


#launch Isaac Sim before any other imports
#default first two lines in any standalone application
from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
import numpy as np

config = {
    'multi_gpu': True,
    'headless': False,


simulation_app = SimulationApp(config) # we can also run as headless.

from omni.isaac.core import World
from omni.isaac.core.objects import DynamicCuboid
import numpy as np

world = World()

fancy_cube_list = []
for i in range(50):
            prim_path="/World/random_cube_" + str(i),
            name="fancy_cube_" + str(i),
            position=np.array([0, 0, 10 * np.random.randn()]),
            size=np.array([0.5015, 0.5015, 0.5015]),
            color=np.array([0, 0, np.random.random()]),
# Resetting the world needs to be called before querying anything related to an articulation specifically.
# Its recommended to always do a reset after adding your assets, for physics handles to be propagated properly
for i in range(1000):
    # position, orientation = fancy_cube_list[0].get_world_pose()
    # linear_velocity = fancy_cube_list[0].get_linear_velocity()
    # # will be shown on terminal
    # print("Cube position is : " + str(position))
    # print("Cube's orientation is : " + str(orientation))
    # print("Cube's linear velocity is : " + str(linear_velocity))
    # # we have control over stepping physics and rendering in this workflow
    # # things run in sync
    world.step(render=True) # execute one physics step and one rendering step

simulation_app.close() # close Isaac Sim

Terminal info:

Passing the following args to the base kit application:  []
[Warning] [] No crash reporter present, dumps uploading isn't available.
[Info] [carb] Logging to file: /home/zzj/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/kit/logs/Kit/Isaac-Sim/2022.1/kit_20220614_145904.log
[0.186s] [ext: omni.stats-0.0.0] startup
[0.202s] [ext: omni.gpu_foundation-0.0.0] startup
2022-06-14 06:59:04 [201ms] [Warning] [carb] FrameworkImpl::setDefaultPlugin(client: omni.gpu_foundation_factory.plugin, desc : [carb::graphics::Graphics v2.5], plugin : failed. Plugin selection is locked, because the interface was previously acquired by: 
[0.211s] [ext: carb.windowing.plugins-1.0.0] startup
[0.227s] [ext: omni.assets.plugins-0.0.0] startup
[0.228s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.init-0.0.0] startup

| Driver Version: 510.73.5      | Graphics API: Vulkan
| GPU | Name                             | Active | LDA | GPU Memory | Vendor-ID | LUID       |
|     |                                  |        |     |            | Device-ID | UUID       |
| 0   | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti       | Yes: 0 |     | 11510   MB | 10de      | 0          |
|     |                                  |        |     |            | 1e07      | 3290ab32.. |
| 1   | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti       | Yes: 1 |     | 11510   MB | 10de      | 0          |
|     |                                  |        |     |            | 1e07      | ced825f2.. |
| OS: Linux zzj, Version: 5.13.0-48-generic
| XServer Vendor: The X.Org Foundation, XServer Version: 12013000 (
| Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9820X CPU @ 3.30GHz | Cores: Unknown | Logical: 20
| Total Memory (MB): 31775 | Free Memory: 27334
| Total Page/Swap (MB): 47679 | Free Page/Swap: 47679
2022-06-14 06:59:06 [1,688ms] [Warning] [carb.cudainterop.plugin] On Linux only, CUDA and the display driver does not support IOMMU-enabled bare-metal PCIe peer to peer memory copy.
However, CUDA and the display driver does support IOMMU via VM pass through. As a consequence, users on Linux,
when running on a native bare metal system, should disable the IOMMU. The IOMMU should be enabled and the VFIO driver
be used as a PCIe pass through for virtual machines.
[1.710s] [ext: omni.kit.pipapi-0.0.0] startup
[1.721s] [ext: omni.kit.pip_archive-0.0.0] startup
[1.730s] [ext: omni.isaac.core_archive-0.3.0] startup
[1.777s] [ext: omni.usd.config-1.0.0] startup
[1.779s] [ext: omni.usd.libs-1.0.0] startup
[1.920s] [ext: omni.isaac.ml_archive-0.1.0] startup
[1.982s] [ext: omni.kit.loop-isaac-0.1.0] startup
[1.983s] [ext: omni.kit.async_engine-0.0.0] startup
[1.985s] [ext: omni.appwindow-1.0.0] startup
[1.997s] [ext: omni.client-0.1.0] startup
[2.017s] [ext: omni.kit.test-0.0.0] startup
[2.075s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.core-0.0.0] startup
[2.310s] [ext: omni.ui-2.10.3] startup
[2.327s] [ext:] startup
[2.347s] [ext: omni.kit.mainwindow-0.0.0] startup
[2.350s] [ext: omni.uiaudio-1.0.0] startup
[2.352s] [ext: omni.kit.uiapp-0.0.0] startup
[2.353s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.physics-1.0.0] startup
[2.399s] [ext:] startup
[2.407s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.semantics-0.0.0] startup
[2.418s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.omnigraph-1.0.0] startup
[2.426s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.anim-0.0.0] startup
[2.464s] [ext: omni.kit.commands-1.2.2] startup
[2.471s] [ext: omni.timeline-1.0.2] startup
[2.474s] [ext: omni.hydra.scene_delegate-0.2.0] startup
[2.480s] [ext: omni.kit.audiodeviceenum-1.0.0] startup
[2.481s] [ext: omni.usd-1.5.3] startup
[2.778s] [ext: omni.kit.asset_converter-1.2.30] startup
[2.805s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.isaac-0.2.0] startup
[2.848s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.physx-0.0.0] startup
[2.876s] [ext: omni.kit.search_core-1.0.2] startup
[2.878s] [ext: omni.renderer-rtx-0.0.0] startup
[2.879s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.graph-1.4.2] startup
[2.888s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.filebrowser-2.2.26] startup
[2.893s] [ext: omni.kit.window.popup_dialog-2.0.7] startup
[2.898s] [ext: omni.mdl.neuraylib-0.1.0] startup
[2.902s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.path_field-2.0.3] startup
[2.903s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.versioning-1.3.8] startup
[2.905s] [ext: omni.kit.notification_manager-1.0.5] startup
[2.911s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.browser_bar-2.0.3] startup
[2.912s] [ext:] startup
[2.923s] [ext: omni.kit.window.filepicker-2.4.29] startup
[2.976s] [ext: omni.mdl-0.1.0] startup
[3.032s] [ext:] startup
[3.034s] [ext: omni.kit.window.file_exporter-1.0.4] startup
[3.035s] [ext: omni.kit.window.drop_support-1.0.0] startup
[3.036s] [ext: omni.kit.material.library-1.3.10] startup
[3.038s] [ext:] startup
[3.040s] [ext: omni.kit.context_menu-1.3.9] startup
[3.043s] [ext: omni.kit.window.file_importer-1.0.4] startup
[3.044s] [ext: omni.kit.stage_templates-1.1.2] startup
[3.046s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.stage-2.6.15] startup
[3.050s] [ext: omni.kit.window.file-1.3.16] startup
[3.052s] [ext: omni.debugdraw-0.1.0] startup
[3.057s] [ext: omni.kit.window.content_browser-2.4.28] startup
[3.077s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.prompt-1.0.1] startup
[3.077s] [ext:] startup
[3.110s] [ext: omni.hydra.engine.stats-1.0.0] startup
[3.116s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.settings-1.0.0] startup
[3.117s] [ext:] startup
[3.141s] [ext: omni.graph.core-2.27.0] startup
[3.145s] [ext: omni.hydra.rtx-0.1.0] startup
[3.153s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.legacy_gizmos-1.0.0] startup
[3.156s] [ext: omni.ui_query-1.1.1] startup
[3.158s] [ext: omni.graph-1.22.1] startup
[3.210s] [ext: omni.kit.window.viewport-0.0.0] startup
[4.539s] [ext: omni.kit.window.preferences-1.2.1] startup
[4.574s] [ext: omni.kit.ui_test-1.2.0] startup
[4.576s] [ext: omni.graph.ui-1.6.1] startup
[4.600s] [ext: omni.kvdb-0.0.0] startup
[4.603s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.searchfield-1.0.6] startup
[4.605s] [ext: omni.convexdecomposition-1.4.12] startup
[4.608s] [ext: omni.graph.action-1.17.0] startup
[4.620s] [ext: omni.localcache-0.0.0] startup
[4.623s] [ext: omni.usdphysics-1.4.12] startup
[4.626s] [ext: omni.graph.scriptnode-0.5.0] startup
[4.628s] [ext: omni.physx-1.4.12-5.1] startup
[4.671s] [ext: omni.kit.usd_undo-0.1.0] startup
[4.676s] [ext: omni.graph.nodes-1.25.0] startup
[4.713s] [ext: omni.physx.commands-1.4.12-5.1] startup
[4.774s] [ext: omni.syntheticdata-0.2.1] startup
[4.807s] [ext: omni.physx.ui-1.4.12-5.1] startup
[4.896s] [ext: omni.warp-0.2.1] startup
Warp initialized:
   Version: 0.2.1
   Using CUDA device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
   Using CPU compiler: /usr/bin/g++
[6.630s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.capture-0.0.0] startup
[6.634s] [ext:] startup
[6.637s] [ext: omni.physx.demos-1.4.12-5.1] startup
[6.640s] [ext: omni.physics.tensors-0.1.0] startup
[6.647s] [ext:] startup
2022-06-14 06:59:11 [6,730ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] Deprecated: getSimulationEventStream is deprecated, please use getSimulationEventStreamV2
[6.741s] [ext: omni.kit.window.toolbar-1.2.4] startup
[6.747s] [ext: omni.physx.tensors-0.1.0] startup
[6.753s] [ext: omni.physx.vehicle-1.4.12-5.1] startup
[6.764s] [ext: omni.physx.tests-1.4.12-5.1] startup
[6.807s] [ext: omni.kit.numpy.common-0.1.0] startup
[6.810s] [ext:] startup
[6.817s] [ext: omni.physx.cct-1.4.12-5.1] startup
[6.869s] [ext: omni.isaac.version-1.0.0] startup
[6.870s] [ext: omni.isaac.dynamic_control-1.0.0] startup
[6.878s] [ext: omni.physx.bundle-1.4.12-5.1] startup
[6.878s] [ext: omni.kit.primitive.mesh-1.0.0] startup
[6.882s] [ext: omni.command.usd-1.0.1] startup
[6.886s] [ext: omni.isaac.core-1.15.1] startup
[7.057s] [ext: omni.replicator.core-1.2.0] startup
[7.253s] [ext: omni.kit.window.extensions-1.1.0] startup
[7.258s] [ext: omni.isaac.core_nodes-0.9.0] startup
[7.268s] [ext: omni.isaac.ui-0.2.1] startup
[7.270s] [ext: omni.kit.window.script_editor-1.6.2] startup
[7.277s] [ext: omni.isaac.wheeled_robots-0.5.4] startup
[7.288s] [ext:] startup
[7.289s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.delegate.default-1.0.15] startup
[7.291s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.delegate.modern-1.6.0] startup
[7.293s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.zoombar-1.0.3] startup
[7.294s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.editor.core-1.3.3] startup
[7.296s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.stage_icons-1.0.2] startup
[7.298s] [ext: omni.kit.browser.core-2.0.12] startup
[7.302s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.widget.variables-2.0.2] startup
[7.304s] [ext: omni.kit.window.stage-2.3.7] startup
[7.307s] [ext: omni.kit.browser.folder.core-1.1.13] startup
[7.310s] [ext: omni.graph.window.core-1.22.1] startup
[7.316s] [ext: omni.isaac.lula-1.1.0] startup
[7.326s] [ext: omni.graph.instancing-1.1.4] startup
[7.332s] [ext: omni.graph.window.action-1.3.8] startup
[7.333s] [ext: omni.graph.tutorials-1.1.2] startup
[7.348s] [ext: omni.rtx.window.settings-0.6.1] startup
[7.354s] [ext: omni.isaac.motion_planning-0.2.0] startup
[7.360s] [ext: omni.graph.bundle.action-1.0.0] startup
[7.361s] [ext: omni.rtx.settings.core-0.5.5] startup
[7.365s] [ext: omni.isaac.motion_generation-3.1.2] startup
[7.370s] [ext: omni.isaac.kit-0.1.9] startup
[7.370s] [ext: omni.isaac.debug_draw-0.1.2] startup
[7.376s] [ext: omni.kit.selection-0.1.0] startup
[7.377s] [ext: omni.isaac.franka-0.0.0] startup
[7.379s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.layers-1.5.17] startup
[7.392s] [ext:] startup
[7.394s] [ext: omni.isaac.isaac_sensor-0.3.4] startup
2022-06-14 06:59:11 [7,391ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] Deprecated: getSimulationEventStream is deprecated, please use getSimulationEventStreamV2
[7.401s] [ext:] startup
[7.405s] [ext: omni.isaac.surface_gripper-0.1.2] startup
[7.410s] [ext:] startup
[7.412s] [ext: omni.isaac.range_sensor-0.4.2] startup
[7.439s] [ext: omni.graph.window.generic-1.3.8] startup
[7.441s] [ext: omni.isaac.utils-0.1.11] startup
[7.444s] [ext: omni.isaac.universal_robots-0.2.1] startup
[7.445s] [ext:] startup
[7.446s] [ext:] startup
[7.448s] [ext:] startup
[7.449s] [ext:] startup
[7.450s] [ext:] startup
[7.452s] [ext:] startup
[7.453s] [ext:] startup
[7.457s] [ext: omni.isaac.occupancy_map-0.2.4] startup
[7.469s] [ext: omni.ui.scene-1.4.6] startup
[7.476s] [ext: omni.kit.window.console-0.2.0] startup
[7.482s] [ext: omni.kit.window.status_bar-0.1.1] startup
[7.486s] [ext:] startup
[7.488s] [ext:] startup
[7.489s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.viewport-1.0.6] startup
[7.491s] [ext: omni.isaac.urdf-0.2.2] startup
[7.521s] [ext: omni.isaac.dofbot-0.2.0] startup
[7.522s] [ext: omni.kit.window.title-1.1.1] startup
[7.525s] [ext: omni.kit.profiler.window-1.4.4] startup
[7.531s] [ext: omni.graph.visualization.nodes-1.1.1] startup
[7.536s] [ext: omni.isaac.synthetic_utils-0.2.1] startup
[7.543s] [ext: semantics.schema.editor-0.2.2] startup
[7.546s] [ext: omni.isaac.sim.python-2022.1.0] startup
[7.547s] Simulation App Starting
2022-06-14 06:59:12 [7,543ms] [Warning] [] Different GPUs have different available VRAM. The texture streaming system will be limited to the lower VRAM number
[8.601s] app ready
[37.744s] Simulation App Startup Complete
2022-06-14 06:59:42 [37,873ms] [Warning] [omni.client.python] Waiting for a request that has taken longer than 20ms to complete: 
  File "/home/zzj/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/user_examples/", line 19, in <module>
  File "/home/zzj/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/scenes/", line 184, in add_default_ground_plane
  File "/home/zzj/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/utils/", line 494, in get_assets_root_path
  File "/home/zzj/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/utils/", line 183, in check_server
  File "/home/zzj/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.1.0/kit/extscore/omni.client/omni/client/", line 133, in stat

2022-06-14 06:59:43 [38,935ms] [Warning] [carb.flatcache.plugin] Type tag does not have a corresponding USD type
2022-06-14 06:59:43 [38,949ms] [Warning] [] Requesting texture to use texture streaming, but the service isn't available.The texture will be created as a regular resource.
[49.276s] Simulation App Shutting Down
[49.276s] [ext: omni.isaac.sim.python-2022.1.0] shutdown
[49.276s] [ext: omni.graph.visualization.nodes-1.1.1] shutdown
[49.295s] [ext: omni.graph.bundle.action-1.0.0] shutdown
[49.295s] [ext: omni.graph.window.action-1.3.8] shutdown
[49.324s] [ext: omni.graph.window.generic-1.3.8] shutdown
[49.361s] [ext: omni.graph.window.core-1.22.1] shutdown
[49.379s] [ext: omni.isaac.universal_robots-0.2.1] shutdown
[49.380s] [ext: omni.isaac.surface_gripper-0.1.2] shutdown
[49.494s] [ext: omni.isaac.wheeled_robots-0.5.4] shutdown
[49.494s] [ext: omni.isaac.dofbot-0.2.0] shutdown
[49.494s] [ext: omni.isaac.franka-0.0.0] shutdown
[49.494s] [ext: omni.isaac.motion_generation-3.1.2] shutdown
[49.495s] [ext: omni.isaac.isaac_sensor-0.3.4] shutdown
[49.624s] [ext: omni.isaac.motion_planning-0.2.0] shutdown
[49.628s] [ext: omni.isaac.core_nodes-0.9.0] shutdown
[49.629s] [ext: omni.isaac.range_sensor-0.4.2] shutdown
[49.666s] [ext: omni.isaac.occupancy_map-0.2.4] shutdown
[49.889s] [ext: omni.isaac.synthetic_utils-0.2.1] shutdown
[49.889s] [ext: omni.isaac.utils-0.1.11] shutdown
[50.003s] [ext: omni.isaac.core-1.15.1] shutdown
[50.004s] [ext: omni.isaac.ml_archive-0.1.0] shutdown
[50.004s] [ext: omni.isaac.core_archive-0.3.0] shutdown
[50.004s] [ext: omni.isaac.debug_draw-0.1.2] shutdown
[50.005s] [ext: omni.isaac.dynamic_control-1.0.0] shutdown
[50.153s] [ext: omni.isaac.kit-0.1.9] shutdown
[50.153s] [ext: omni.isaac.lula-1.1.0] shutdown
[50.173s] [ext: omni.isaac.urdf-0.2.2] shutdown
[50.319s] [ext: omni.isaac.ui-0.2.1] shutdown
[50.319s] [ext: omni.isaac.version-1.0.0] shutdown
[50.320s] [ext: omni.kit.asset_converter-1.2.30] shutdown
[50.339s] [ext: omni.graph.instancing-1.1.4] shutdown
[50.341s] [ext: omni.kit.browser.folder.core-1.1.13] shutdown
[50.360s] [ext: omni.kit.browser.core-2.0.12] shutdown
[50.380s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.widget.variables-2.0.2] shutdown
[50.398s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.editor.core-1.3.3] shutdown
[50.418s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.delegate.default-1.0.15] shutdown
[50.435s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.delegate.modern-1.6.0] shutdown
[50.453s] [ext: semantics.schema.editor-0.2.2] shutdown
[50.581s] [ext: omni.replicator.core-1.2.0] shutdown
[50.600s] [ext: omni.kit.primitive.mesh-1.0.0] shutdown
[50.607s] [ext: omni.syntheticdata-0.2.1] shutdown
[50.609s] [ext: omni.graph.tutorials-1.1.2] shutdown
[50.610s] [ext: omni.graph.nodes-1.25.0] shutdown
[50.611s] [ext: omni.graph.scriptnode-0.5.0] shutdown
[50.611s] [ext: omni.graph.action-1.17.0] shutdown
[50.612s] [ext: omni.graph.ui-1.6.1] shutdown
2022-06-14 06:59:55 [50,705ms] [Warning] [] remove_menu_items "Create" failed list.remove(x): x not in list
[50.735s] [ext: omni.warp-0.2.1] shutdown
[50.752s] [ext: omni.graph-1.22.1] shutdown
2022-06-14 06:59:55 [50,765ms] [Warning] [omni.ext.impl._internal] omni.graph-1.22.1 -> <class 'omni.graph.core._impl.extension.PublicExtension'>: extension object is still alive, something holds a reference on it. References: ["[0]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 170194736", "[1]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 352673584", "[2]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 215364544", "[3]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 161615712", "[4]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 354001216", '[*] ...']
[50.773s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.780s] [ext: omni.command.usd-1.0.1] shutdown
[50.780s] [ext: omni.physx.bundle-1.4.12-5.1] shutdown
[50.780s] [ext: omni.physx.cct-1.4.12-5.1] shutdown
[50.798s] [ext: omni.physx.tests-1.4.12-5.1] shutdown
[50.814s] [ext: omni.kit.window.extensions-1.1.0] shutdown
[50.814s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.viewport-1.0.6] shutdown
[50.830s] [ext: omni.ui.scene-1.4.6] shutdown
[50.830s] [ext: omni.rtx.settings.core-0.5.5] shutdown
[50.833s] [ext: omni.physx.vehicle-1.4.12-5.1] shutdown
[50.868s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.884s] [ext: omni.physx.demos-1.4.12-5.1] shutdown
[50.900s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.919s] [ext: omni.physx.ui-1.4.12-5.1] shutdown
[50.944s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.searchfield-1.0.6] shutdown
[50.959s] [ext: omni.kit.ui_test-1.2.0] shutdown
[50.960s] [ext: omni.ui_query-1.1.1] shutdown
[50.960s] [ext: omni.kit.window.preferences-1.2.1] shutdown
2022-06-14 06:59:55 [50,983ms] [Warning] [omni.ext.impl._internal] omni.kit.window.preferences-1.2.1 -> <class 'omni.kit.window.preferences.scripts.preferences_window.PreferencesExtension'>: extension object is still alive, something holds a reference on it. References: ["[0]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 338787616", "[1]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 345521632", "[2]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 170070976"]
[50.991s] [ext: omni.rtx.window.settings-0.6.1] shutdown
[50.991s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.991s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.992s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.992s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.layers-1.5.17] shutdown
[50.993s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.993s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.993s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.994s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.994s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.994s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.994s] [ext:] shutdown
[50.994s] [ext:] shutdown
2022-06-14 06:59:55 [51,010ms] [Warning] [omni.ext.impl._internal] -> <class ''>: extension object is still alive, something holds a reference on it. References: ["[0]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 215287488", "[1]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 215761776", "[2]:type: <class 'cell'>, id: 139908661001744"]
[51.017s] [ext: omni.kit.window.content_browser-2.4.28] shutdown
2022-06-14 06:59:55 [51,042ms] [Warning] [omni.ext.impl._internal] omni.kit.window.content_browser-2.4.28 -> <class 'omni.kit.window.content_browser.extension.ContentBrowserExtension'>: extension object is still alive, something holds a reference on it. References: ["[0]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 139908666533904", "[1]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 212623392", "[2]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 154844560"]
[51.050s] [ext:] shutdown
[51.059s] [ext: omni.kit.window.file-1.3.16] shutdown
[51.059s] [ext: omni.kit.window.file_exporter-1.0.4] shutdown
[51.059s] [ext: omni.kit.window.file_importer-1.0.4] shutdown
[51.060s] [ext: omni.kit.window.stage-2.3.7] shutdown
[51.060s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.stage-2.6.15] shutdown
[51.060s] [ext: omni.kit.window.filepicker-2.4.29] shutdown
[51.060s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.filebrowser-2.2.26] shutdown
[51.060s] [ext: omni.kit.search_core-1.0.2] shutdown
[51.061s] [ext: omni.kit.window.status_bar-0.1.1] shutdown
[51.062s] [ext: omni.kit.window.viewport-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.096s] [ext: omni.kit.window.toolbar-1.2.4] shutdown
[58.097s] [ext: omni.kit.context_menu-1.3.9] shutdown
[58.098s] [ext: omni.kit.material.library-1.3.10] shutdown
[58.101s] [ext: omni.kit.window.popup_dialog-2.0.7] shutdown
[58.101s] [ext:] shutdown
[58.101s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.browser_bar-2.0.3] shutdown
[58.101s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.path_field-2.0.3] shutdown
[58.101s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.prompt-1.0.1] shutdown
[58.101s] [ext: omni.kit.selection-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.101s] [ext: omni.kit.notification_manager-1.0.5] shutdown
[58.102s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.graph-1.4.2] shutdown
[58.102s] [ext:] shutdown
[58.103s] [ext: omni.kit.window.script_editor-1.6.2] shutdown
[58.103s] [ext: omni.kit.window.console-0.2.0] shutdown
[58.104s] [ext:] shutdown
[58.104s] [ext:] shutdown
[58.105s] [ext:] shutdown
[58.105s] [ext: omni.kit.profiler.window-1.4.4] shutdown
[58.123s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.settings-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.123s] [ext: omni.kit.uiapp-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.123s] [ext: omni.kit.mainwindow-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.123s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.versioning-1.3.8] shutdown
[58.123s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.zoombar-1.0.3] shutdown
[58.140s] [ext: omni.kit.window.drop_support-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.140s] [ext: omni.ui-2.10.3] shutdown
[58.140s] [ext: omni.physx.commands-1.4.12-5.1] shutdown
[58.156s] [ext: omni.kit.usd_undo-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.156s] [ext: omni.kit.test-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.157s] [ext: omni.kit.window.title-1.1.1] shutdown
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,169ms] [Warning] [omni.ext.impl._internal] omni.kit.window.title-1.1.1 -> <class 'omni.kit.window.title.title.WindowTitle'>: extension object is still alive, something holds a reference on it. References: ["[0]:type: <class 'frame'>, id: 41060304"]
[58.176s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.capture-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.177s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.core-0.0.0] shutdown
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,180ms] [Warning] [omni.kit.renderer.plugin] Found 14 dangling textures
[58.222s] [ext: omni.appwindow-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.223s] [ext: omni.kit.loop-isaac-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.223s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.isaac-0.2.0] shutdown
[58.224s] [ext: omni.physx.tensors-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.225s] [ext: omni.physx-1.4.12-5.1] shutdown
[58.253s] [ext: omni.convexdecomposition-1.4.12] shutdown
[58.269s] [ext: omni.localcache-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.285s] [ext: omni.kvdb-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.300s] [ext: omni.physics.tensors-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.315s] [ext: omni.usdphysics-1.4.12] shutdown
[58.315s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.physx-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.331s] [ext: omni.graph.core-2.27.0] shutdown
[58.331s] [ext: omni.hydra.engine.stats-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.331s] [ext: omni.debugdraw-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.331s] [ext: omni.kit.stage_templates-1.1.2] shutdown
[58.331s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.legacy_gizmos-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.332s] [ext: omni.usd-1.5.3] shutdown
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000000 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/plus.24x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000001 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/angle_left.32x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000002 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/angle_right.32x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000003 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/bookmark_grey.36x36.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000004 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/settings.28x40.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000005 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/search.32x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000006 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/filter.28x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000007 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/list.32x40.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000008 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_select_model.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000009 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_select_prim.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000000a (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_select_models.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000000b (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_move_global.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000000c (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_rotate_global.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000000d (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_scale.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000000e (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_snap.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000000f (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_play.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000010 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_pause.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000011 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/filter.28x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000012 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/options.28x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000013 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/eye_header.44x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000014 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/options.28x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000015 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layers.36x36.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000016 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layer_save.28x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000017 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layers_switch_local.84x44.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000018 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/cloud.28x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000019 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/drop_down.12x12.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000001a (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layers_switch_global.84x44.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000001b (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/external_link.52x52.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000001c (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/new_layer.52x52.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x10000001d (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/trash.44x44.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x200000028 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_stop.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000031 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/Plus.20x20.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000032 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layers.40x40.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000033 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layer_delta.24x24.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000034 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/Prim.40x40.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000035 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/sensor_icon.52x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned snapshot handle 0x100000036 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/Xform.40x40.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000000 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/plus.24x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,324ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000001 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/angle_left.32x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000002 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/angle_right.32x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000003 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/bookmark_grey.36x36.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000004 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/search.32x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000005 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/settings.28x40.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000006 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/filter.28x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000008 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/list.32x40.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000009 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_select_model.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000000a (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_select_prim.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000000b (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_select_models.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000000c (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_move_global.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000000d (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_rotate_global.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000000e (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_scale.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000000f (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_snap.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000010 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_play.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000011 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_pause.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000012 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/filter.28x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000013 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/options.28x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000014 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/eye_header.44x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000015 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/options.28x32.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000016 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layers.36x36.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000017 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layer_save.28x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000018 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layers_switch_local.84x44.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000019 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layers_switch_global.84x44.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000001a (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/cloud.28x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000001b (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/drop_down.12x12.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000001c (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/external_link.52x52.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000001d (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/new_layer.52x52.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x10000001e (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/trash.44x44.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000032 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/Plus.20x20.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000033 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layers.40x40.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000034 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/Prim.40x40.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000035 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/layer_delta.24x24.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000036 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/sensor_icon.52x28.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000037 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/toolbar_stop.56x56.png)
2022-06-14 07:00:02 [58,325ms] [Warning] [carb.assets.plugin] Evicting asset type c1237a43d569db21 v0.1 orphaned asset 0x100000038 (/tmp/carb.NqQBWd/Xform.40x40.png)
[58.343s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.physics-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.362s] [ext: omni.uiaudio-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.362s] [ext: omni.kit.audiodeviceenum-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.363s] [ext:] shutdown
[58.363s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.init-0.0.0] shutdown
2022-06-14 07:00:03 [58,759ms] [Error] [] pipelineLayouts: 3 or descriptorSetLayouts: 3 is leaking memory. Missing call to destroyResourceBindingSignature()
2022-06-14 07:00:03 [58,806ms] [Error] [] pipelineLayouts: 3 or descriptorSetLayouts: 3 is leaking memory. Missing call to destroyResourceBindingSignature()
[58.873s] [ext: carb.windowing.plugins-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.874s] [ext: omni.renderer-rtx-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.875s] [ext: omni.client-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.875s] [ext: omni.assets.plugins-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.876s] [ext: omni.hydra.scene_delegate-0.2.0] shutdown
[58.876s] [ext: omni.gpu_foundation-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.876s] [ext: omni.hydra.rtx-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.881s] [ext: omni.kit.async_engine-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.881s] [ext: omni.kit.commands-1.2.2] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.mdl-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext:] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.kit.numpy.common-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.kit.pip_archive-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.kit.pipapi-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.mdl.neuraylib-0.1.0] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.stats-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.timeline-1.0.2] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.omnigraph-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.semantics-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.anim-0.0.0] shutdown
[58.882s] [ext:] shutdown
[58.883s] [ext: omni.usd.libs-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.887s] [ext: omni.usd.config-1.0.0] shutdown
[58.887s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.stage_icons-1.0.2] shutdown
Simulation App Shutdown Complete

Do you see memory leak with just adding 50 cubes? @hmazhar

The below information was provided from the Terminal when I shut down the app.

2022-06-14 07:00:03 [58,759ms] [Error] [] pipelineLayouts: 3 or descriptorSetLayouts: 3 is leaking memory. Missing call to destroyResourceBindingSignature()
2022-06-14 07:00:03 [58,806ms] [Error] [] pipelineLayouts: 3 or descriptorSetLayouts: 3 is leaking memory. Missing call to destroyResourceBindingSignature()

The destroyResourceBindingSignature can be ignored, it occurs after you shutdown SimulationApp and does not affect running the simulator.

Can you elaborate on Multi GPU not working? I don’t see any specific errors in your log specific to this