I’ve been having issues with using flashing Jetpack 4.4 onto my TX2 with a custom carrier board. Other versions such as 4.2.2 and 4.3 flash correctly, however Jetpack 4.4 usually hangs at the end and does not flash. With a 4.3 flash, I have tried using OTA Update by following the upgrade to new minor release, which resulted in failure to reboot with the following error:
MTS error (2) : dram alias check failure
cpu waypoint 0.5 failed
ERROR: Highest Layer Module = 0x32, Lowest Layer Module = 0x32, Aux Info - 0x1, Reason = 0x6.
We are currently using UART0_RTS with an FTDI which results in a pin strapping error with the EMC clock, which I have resolved by ensuring it always selects 0xa (external-memory-0), and I can capture video from an IMX415 with no issue. Is this possibly the issue preventing Jetpack 4.4 from working? I mainly just want the SDK components, which I presume I can do without the L4T upgrade.
No sorry, the end users of the board said they only want Jetpack 4.3 for now, so I focused on reliability of 4.3.
From what I remember the SDK manager always hung at 99% while flashing the os image and just timed out. Using jetson_flash.sh also just ended up hanging from what i recall, it has been a while and I do not have access to boards anymore (I’ve finished my end of the project, so back to uni, grinding my teeth on PyTorch and TensorRT).