JetPack 4.5.1 Installation Failed for Jetson TX1 and apt-get upgrade issue

Hello, I am a beginner. I am trying to install JetPack on my Jetson TX1. The person that was using the device before me called apt-get upgrade and update and now you cannot use the login page. You can only login to the device through the terminal. I am trying to flash JetPack on the device because from my understanding this will fix the device. However, when I tried to install JetPack 4.5.1 on the host device using the SDK, the installation fails. I have given the error messages and the summary messages below. The full log file is also attached. Could you please provide guidance? And if this is not the way to fix the upgrade issue, then could someone please explain what exactly I need to do. Thank you!

Filtered for “error”:

12:01:47 ERROR: dpkg: warning: failed to open configuration file '/home/scamp/.dpkg.cfg' for reading: Permission denied
12:02:13 ERROR: Drivers for Jetson - target_image: rm: cannot remove '/home/scamp/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.5.1_Linux_JETSON_TX1/Linux_for_Tegra/'
12:02:13 ERROR: Drivers for Jetson - target_image: : Permission denied
12:02:13 INFO: Drivers for Jetson - target_image: [ Package PreInstall Finished with Error ]
12:02:13 ERROR: Drivers for Jetson - target_image: command terminated with error
12:02:13 SUMMARY: Drivers for Jetson - target_image: First Error: Installation failed.
12:03:40 ERROR: NVIDIA Nsight Graphics - host: E: Unsupported file /home/scamp/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/NVIDIA_Nsight_Graphics_L4T_Public_2020.5.20329.deb given on commandline
12:03:41 INFO: NVIDIA Nsight Graphics - host: [ Package Install Finished with Error ]
12:03:41 ERROR: NVIDIA Nsight Graphics - host: command terminated with error
12:04:21 ERROR: NVIDIA Nsight Systems - host: E: Unsupported file /home/scamp/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/NsightSystems-linux-public-2020.5.3.17-0256620.deb given on commandline
12:04:21 INFO: NVIDIA Nsight Systems - host: [ Package Install Finished with Error ]
12:04:21 ERROR: NVIDIA Nsight Systems - host: command terminated with error
12:05:12 ERROR: CUDA on Host - host: E: Unsupported file /home/scamp/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-10-2-local-10.2.89-440.40_1.0-1_amd64.deb given on commandline
12:05:17 ERROR: CUDA on Host - host: E: Unable to locate package cuda-toolkit-10-2
12:05:17 INFO: CUDA on Host - host: [ Package Install Finished with Error ]
12:05:17 ERROR: CUDA on Host - host: command terminated with error

Filtered for “summary”:

12:02:13 SUMMARY: Drivers for Jetson - target_image: First Error: Installation failed.
12:02:13 SUMMARY: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta) - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: Multimedia API - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: TensorRT on Target - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: VisionWorks on Target - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: VPI on Target - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: CUDA Toolkit for L4T - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: cuDNN on Target - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: OpenCV on Target - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: NVIDIA Nsight Systems - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: DateTime Target Setup - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: Device Mode Host Setup in Target SDK - target: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: Flash Jetson TX1 - flash: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: Device Mode Host Setup in Flash - flash: Depends on failed component
12:02:13 SUMMARY: File System and OS - target_image: Depends on failed component
12:03:41 SUMMARY: NVIDIA Nsight Graphics - host: Failed to query debian packages details [host]
12:04:21 SUMMARY: NVIDIA Nsight Systems - host: Failed to query debian packages details [host]
12:05:17 SUMMARY: CUDA on Host - host: Unable to locate debian package
12:05:17 SUMMARY: CUDA Cross Compile Package on Host - host: Depends on failed component
12:05:17 SUMMARY: VisionWorks on Host - host: Depends on failed component
12:05:17 SUMMARY: VPI Cross Compile Package on Host - host: Depends on failed component
12:05:17 SUMMARY: VPI on Host - host: Depends on failed component (127.2 KB)

Just want to clarify, where do you run sdkmanager application on? You directly run it on your TX1?

I am running the SDK on my host Linux machine which is Kubuntu 18.04. I have the TX1 in recovery mode connected via the micro USB. The SDK does recognize the board is connected.

I am not sure whether Kubuntu can work or not. Officially we only guarantee ubuntu.

But your error log is the permission denied, do you give sdkmanager the root password of your host?

Also, the error you hit is not reflash the board. What do you want to do here? Installing the OS only? Installing the SDK only? Want to install them both? Or you don’t know what your are doing here?

Truly, I am not sure what I am doing here. I thought that if I flashed JetPack it would fix the issues that were caused by someone calling the apt-get upgrade. I read that I need to reflash the board to fix that issue, so I can log in through the login screen again. But I would also like to install JetPack anyways. The ultimate goal for the module is to install and use TensorFlow.


There are two parts of what sdkmanager will install. The first one is OS, just like you need a ubuntu as your computer environment. sdkmanger will flash OS to your jetson. Recovery mode is for this part.

The second part is the SDK, they are not necessary software for boot up. For example, you don’t need CUDA to make your system boot up. This part is using ssh between your host and jetson. Host will ssh to jetson TX1 and install the SDK for you.
The second part requires the first part to be done first. Which means you need a OS to be installed/flashed first.

For now, I don’t think this is an issue on jetson. More like sdkmanager is not able to download pre-requisite software on your host.

For those errors happening now, I would say actually you could search those error over Internet and others may share a quick solution.

Your issue is not related to jetson now, so no need to check only this forum.

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