关于Jetson AGX Xavier 模块 载板设计问题

你们好 我们使用Jetson AGX Xavier模块 P2888 自己设计载板,设计载板时 只保留了供电12V 和5V 加电后未开机,求助。

在设计载板中 并未保留上电时序部分 只是对SYS引脚和NON TEGRA引脚做了部分配置电阻。该方法是否可行。

Hi, please describe questions in English so as to let more resource know the meaning.

The power on sequence is MUST, please follow OEM DG well to do design.

Hello, we use the Jetson AgX Xavier module p2888 to design the carrier board by ourselves. When we design the carrier board, we only reserve the 12V and 5V power supply and do not start it after power up. For help. In the design of the carrier board, the power on sequence is not reserved, only the sys pin and non Tegra pin are partially configured with resistance. Whether the method is feasible.

No, the power on sequence is MUST, please follow OEM DG to make design.

Now my design is finished. There is no way to add sequential circuits. Is there any other way to solve it.

Customer should follow the design guide to do custom design, otherwise it is out of the range of support.

Now change the hardware design, do not use any buttons, power on. How to deal with aock, VIN ﹣ PWR ﹣ on, button ﹣ power ﹣ on and other signals. Can I communicate by phone.

We really need your support in case of any problems. Asked a lot of domestic technical support can not be explained, only through this platform can

OEM DG has the answer for auto-power-on connections or others, also the devkit carrier board schematic can be used as reference. We support JEP customer thru forum, no other ways.

This way of communication is too inefficient. I have to wait a few hours for you to reply to a question, so I only need to ask you one question at a time.

There is no way to add attachments to let me communicate quickly and accurately.

You can list all questions in one topic, and also attachment is available to upload. If you move mouse cursor to right side of your comment, you will see a “Add Attachment” pin button there. Again, filing questions to forum to get answer if possible, that is the support way of JEP customers.

If you hover your mouse over the quote icon of one of your existing posts, then other icons will show up. The “paper clip” icon is for attaching.

After these days of experiments, we have proved that the module can be started normally without following the power on sequence. Just configure the corresponding pin level to start the machine. This is quite different from the official reply. I feel that you are very irresponsible in dealing with the problems I put forward. There is no technical support to seriously consider my questions. Let me see OEM dg. I need an official to give a reasonable explanation to this problem! I can start the machine normally without power on. Don’t the technical support staff know? Why also tell me must have power on time sequence!!! This technical problem is solved by ourselves. Why is my question so hasty? I hope technical support can give me a satisfactory answer.

Did you really check the OEM DG? If not, please do that first as your questions are covered by it. OEM DG and ref SCH can cover most design questions, that’s why we suggest customer to check that before design. As for your questions, there are several power on sequence figures in DG which contains Power-OFF to On Sequence (Auto-Power-On Case), and also contains the description for auto-power-on: Auto-Power-On Option (No MCU) For designs that will not have a power button but should power on when the main power supply is connected, The ACOK_L signal shown in the figure above should be pulled to GND. Again, power on sequence is MUST for custom design, otherwise we can not guarantee no potential risk.

I’m angry that you explain it to me now. Why don’t you say at first that there is a hidden danger if you don’t operate according to the time sequence, but you can also turn on the machine. So we don’t waste so much time on timing. Your reply to my question today fully proves how irresponsible you were to reply to my question before!!!

The most important thing I’ve asked is why I was so irresponsible when I asked questions. All designers can see it. Let’s see for yourself how far the gap between the questions you reply to now and those you replied to before is. You should not reply me so perfunctorily if you are serious and responsible before. Now that I’ve debugged and turned on, what’s the use of how you reply to my signal now. You’re just not responsible

As you can see, the first answer to your question is “The power on sequence is MUST, please follow OEM DG well to do design.”, i don’t understand why you think it is “perfunctorily”?

Again and again, the power on sequence is MUST, please do NOT violate it.