Jetson Orin Nano UEFT Firmware Version 3.0-32616947 built on 2023-02-21 how do I update to latest firmware level

When I boot the Orin Nano without microSD card, with USB keyboard, display port monitor, no network cable, I see that the firmware level
Jetson Orin Nano UEFT Firmware Version 3.0-32616947 built on 2023-02-21

I assume this is less than 36.0 (πŸš€ Initial Setup Guide - NVIDIA Jetson AI Lab).

How do I update firmware version to latest?

I followed the steps on the guide (πŸš€ Initial Setup Guide - NVIDIA Jetson AI Lab)
I was able to complete up to Step 2.2 i.e. flash the microSD card with the Jetpack 5.1.3 image with Etcher. However, when I insert the microSD card and reboot the Orin Nano, it starts up, then abruptly stops. (I have display port monitor connected, USB Keyboard, Power, no network connection). Appreciate guidance on what may be the issue here.

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Use sdkmanager to flash your board and the UEFI version would be upgraded. But you cannot use jetpack5 rootfs anymore.

Thank you! When trying to run this on MacOS with docker (Docker Images β€” SDK Manager) I was unable to flash the device since the device is not found at the flashing step.

the device does show up on the host when I run lsusb and ioreg, but is not visible inside docker container, even when I give privileged access and expose the relevant /dev path to the container.

Thanks for the guidance regarding sdk-manager. Here are the steps taken that finally set up the linux os.
1. Switched to MAC OS with Intel Chip (AMD 64)
1. Installed Parallel Desktop and Ubuntu AMD 64
2. Install the .deb SDK Manager from the website Example
3. Follow instructions and flash with correct Jetson Linux (Jetpack 6.1), which worked! See below for considerations about recovery mode.
2. Recovery Mode considerations
1. Jetson had to be placed in recovery mode for installation to work.
2. To place in recovery mode:
1. Unplug device from power
2. Remove USB connection to host computer.
3. Use jumper cable to attach pins 9 and 10 together (they are labelled as SysRst and GND)
4. Plug device into power. Fan should NOT turn on.
5. Connect USB to host computer: NOTE, needs to connected from USB C port on Jetson to computer USB port, and must use a data compatible USB cable, NOT a power USB cable.
6. Remove jumper cable. Device should be recognized by host computer.
1. Note, if you use parallels desktop, you should get a pop up on connection asking if you want the device to be connected to host computer main OS or parallel desktop. Choose parallel desktop if that is where installation is happening and SDK manager is running.
3. Continue with the linux os install and flash the SD card.

1. MacOS does not expose the USB peripherals to Docker even after changing privileges to allow full access. So docker does not seem to be an option.
2. Cannot install Apple Silicon compatible Ubuntu on VMWare Fusion.
3. NVIDIA SDK Manager seems to require AMD 64 (so not able to install on newer M3 Apple Silicon), use Mac OS with Intel chip.

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I’m in the same boat, received a nano with a 3.0 firmware.

I actually have an arm64 version of ubuntu server with gnome installed in fusion on my m4 mac but alas when attempting to install sdkmanager via repo, dpkg still fails with an unhelpful error and the gui does not load. Unfortunately the only instructions provided are for the gui, although the sdkmanager cli appears to be up and functional I have no way to proceed it seems, I guess I could dig for the cli documentation if it exists.

maybe I have one x86 ubuntu desktop around here, but really I’ve been moving away from x86 for quite some time. I mean the Jetson isn’t even x86 so kind of annoying I’m still dependent on that architecture to flash it.

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