Jetson Orin TPM hoolk up recommendations

I am currently working on a new custom basecard for the Jetson Orin NX.
Do you have recommendation on how best to hook up a OPTIGA™ TPM SLB 9670 (SLB 9670VQ2.0) TPM chipset?

Plan was to use 1.8V with SPI0…reset using SOM’s SYS_RESET per another post I found.
Is there a recommendation on best GPIO to use as interrupt?
Is an IRQ needed?

I tend to use the out of the box DevKit IO to avoid my customers having to modify any SDK files when flashing.

Hi joeschlupf,

What’s your Jetpack version in use?

Do you mean that you have the similar design for your custom carrier board as the devkit and you want to use the default BSP package for your custom board?

You can refer to How to enable TPM2.0 module in Xavier? - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Xavier - NVIDIA Developer Forums to port the TPM module but we would suggest you asking the porting guide from your vendor.

You can select any unused GPIO as interrupt in your case but it seems not needed for TPM.

We tend to use JetPack 5.1.2 and higher as of now
Yes, similar design to dev kit carrier board so we can use the default BSP.
We use the Jetson IO tools to activate the SPI port.
OK, I’ll hook up GPIO 9 just in case but will try not using it.

You can also refer to the following thread for the configuration in device tree.
SPI TPM module support fail on jetpack 5.0.2/5.1 on jetson xavier agx - #6 by DaneLLL

Thanks Kevin, The other posts have good information

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