I have a Jetson Xavier NX 16 GB emmc. There is no micro sd card slot on here. Previously, Jetpack 5.0.2 was installed on the emmc. I was able to hook it up to the monitor, but since everything was installed on the 16gb emmc, I wanted to reflash it to the NVME.
I have connected it to SDK manager on my host machine running Ubuntu 18.04. I have then flashed the NVME with Jetpack 5.0.2 (not the run time version) using the manual set up, not automatic.
It had flashed, but when it went on to install the SDK components, I could not proceed. I connected the Jetson Xavier NX to my monitor, but no display would show up, not even the NVIDIA splash screen. Even after removing everything and trying to display it to the monitor, nothing would show up.
After this, I had re-flashed the emmc with the OS and I am waiting on this because the Xavier would not get a display.
Thank you.