Nano can't be flashed by sdk manager 1. 6.0.817

I have tried for several times. Here is the error

Hi AlfredNG,

Can you please provide the full log for more investigation? You could package and upload the ~/.nvsdkm folder to this thread.

Yes! nano and tx2nx can’t be flashed by sdkm
nvsdkm.tar.gz (631.6 KB)

Hi AlfredNG,

In the flashing log of Nano device, there is following error:

ERROR xmllint not found! To install - please run: “sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils”

Can you please run above command to install libxml2-utils then retry flashing?

For the TX2 flashing error, I’ve directed to other colleague for more investigation.

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hello AlfredNG,

there’s an error about Reading board information failed.
could you please put your target to enter forced-recovery mode and use lsusb to check the device-id.

nano or tx2nx?

Creat! Nano is OK!

please initial another new thread to TX2 series to follow-up this. thanks!

Here it is.

Here is the usb ID 0955:7c18 NVidia Corp.
My carrier board is Nano’s.