New Jetson Nano Orin Super failed the initial installation

First of all, I am completely new to the jetson nano orin develop kit, and new to the linux system.
After I received my new kit, the kit showed the firmware is of 3.x version, I updated the firmware to 35.5.0 with a newly created SD card with 5.1.3 package. I followed the nvidia website developer guide tried to upgrade the firmware to 6.x in order to install the latest package and I failed to update qspi when I issued the command “sudo apt-get install nvidia-14t-jetson-orin-nano-qspi-updater”, it reported an error said cannot find the package. The next thing happened is the screen went blank and the jetson fan stopped. When I switch off the power and switch the power back on, the fan will rotate for 2 sec and then just stopped. There is nothing further happened. there is nothing show on screen to see UEFI information at start up. I have tried many times, always the fan will start and last only for 2 seconds.
Eventually, I started to learn linux on my windows machine and installed WSL and debian linux 22.04 pack. But the SDKManager fail to detect the board at all. I tried to do “force recovery mode” by shorting the pin of For Rec with GND, and make sure the power is switched on when the pins are connected. still the SDKManager cannot see any board even though it was connected by USB A/USB C line. I have run out of any ideas after searching around this forum for many hours. I am hoping Nvidia Mod will come to rescue me or anyone else can give me a hand.

Welcome to both. You will probably get a better response in whichever Jetson forum suits you best, here.

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How do you get this information?
Are you using Orin Nano devkit or Jetson Nano devkit?

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When first time boot, I was trying to know if the firmware update is needed, I went into the UEFI. I saw this information.
I am having the Jetson Orin Nano Super, just received this week.

Now, seems nothing I can do anymore. when i use the jumper to force into recovery mode, the sdk manager always tell “could not detect a board”

want to make it clear as the first message might be misunderstood about the kit name, the full name on the box is Jetson Orin Nano devkit

@kayccc, i am hoping you can give some advice i can take from here. I wish do not have to go through RMA process and I will do whatever I can if save it is feasible.

I am having the same issue too. I found a few interesting things so far;

  1. I recently purchased a Jetson Orin Nano Dev Kit from Arrow (although the listing was for Super, what arrived was p3766 devkit).

  2. I am able to upgrade/flash to L4T 36.3.1 without a problem.

  3. When I install JetPack 6.2, it does an upgrade to 36.4.3, and after the upgrade it fails to boot.

  4. I force downgrade to 36.3.1 and it boots. When JetPack 6.2 start-up, it upgrades to 36.4.3 again rendering the board unbootable.

  5. The only way I can get around this is to downgrade JetPack to 6.1 (it fails on the qspi upgrades).

Not sure what I’m doing wrong here, I’ve tried sdkmanager several times, and command line qspi flashing several times. I can’t seem to get any qspi firmware 36.4+ working.

edit; following the instructions here helped me recover the board. JetPack preparation and physical cable layout | Install Red Hat Device Edge on NVIDIA Jetson Orin and IGX Orin | Red Hat Developer … for now I’m running with JetPack 6.1 since 6.2 will force me into an unbootable state.

edit; jetpack 6.1r1 causes the behavior where it makes the machine unbootable. when I see the nvidia l4t bootloader upgrade message, I know the system will not boot next attempt. no output on the screen, the keyboard is unresponsive. absolutely nothing from what I can tell. I can put it in recovery mode and restart the above process.

I think I tracked it down to my monitor. I tried 3 different monitors at my home and one works.

My primary monitor is a 49’ Ultra Wide AGON AG493UCX. After getting firmware 36.4.x installed, the board refuses to boot when this monitor is plugged in.

I took it over to a Dell 29" (don’t recall the model). Same issue.

Then I used the last monitor, a Samsung 32’ 4k monitor, and it worked as expected.

If I power it on and boot it headless, it works. If I try to power it on with the DP plugged in, it doesn’t boot or show any output/display.

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@joseph.macaulay thanks for your sharing. my part number start 945-13766-nnnn-nnn, model number P3766. so likely they are close or same.
The issue I am having may not be the same. i only managed to Jetpack 5.x, then everything disappeared. when power it on, the fan just spin for 2 sec or may be 3 sec. then stopped. the power led green light is on. there is nothing at all on the screen. when I tried the forced recovery mode and using sdkmanager, I never can detect the board.
my question to you is, when you use 49’ Ultra Wide AGON AG493UCX, did the fan on the kit stop after powered on? appreciate your any response. thanks.

When in ‘recovery mode’ the fan does not turn on in my observation.

With the Ultrawide Monitor Connected in non-recovery mode, I think the fan would turn on.

I am using a high quality usb-c cable (its a 240w charging+data cable).

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