I did this command :
sudo apt-get --purge remove “cublas” “cuda*” “nsight*” “nvidia”
After this using jtop , I check the driver i got ::
Cuda , l4t and jetpack all is missing
After rebooting the fan working a while and stop , can’t reach it over ip
Is there any possible to work again?
I use jetson agx orin
Thanks for visiting the NVIDIA Developer forums! Your topic will be best served in the Jetson category.
I will move this post over for visibility.
Thank u Mr. Tom
I which to get the reply ASAP!!
Hi ahmadsondos103,
Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Orin?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?
It may be expected result since they have dependancy.
Could you try running the following command to install Jetpack?
$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-jetpack
Or you can re-flash the board to check if it could help.
Yes it’s jetson agx orin
The jetson isnt openinig to try the command that u gave and fan is stopping after a while.
Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Orin?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?
Please share the full serial console log for further check.
Have you also tried to re-flash the board?
Thanks, it was solved by flashing.
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