Oculus Rift S and Orin/Orin Nano VR

First off, my apologies if this is the wrong place to ask.

I’m doing some viability checking on a project I’m planning,using a VR headset in a highly portable configuration. I’ve already got an Oculus Rift S available for it, and just need to pick a brain. The Orin Nano looks like it might be suitable for the job.

Has anyone had any luck getting the Rift S working with a Jetson SBC, or know why it could be problematic? My plan is to use OpenHMD software wise. The main catch is the DisplayPort. The Rift S uses it for video, and apparently is quite picky on their configuration.

On a related note. Does anyone know of a carrier board which breaks out both DisplayPort and 4 camera CSI-2 ports?

I’m also not tied to the Orin Nano. It just seems the best suited to the job, right now.

Thanks in advance.

I don’t have answer as we never tried it, hope someone can share experiences with you. You may also check VR Development on Jetson boards - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson Projects - NVIDIA Developer Forums

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