Omniverse Laucher - Unexpected error happened during the authentication


I’ve been trying to open Omniverse Laucher and it’s showing this message:

“Unexpected error happened during the authentication. Please try to log out from the launcher and authenticate again.”

I’ve tried to restart all services from http://localhost:3080 and reinstalling Omniverse Launcher and it doesn’t get solved.

OS: Windows 10
GPU: GeForce RTX 3060
GPU Driver: 497.17

Here’s my launcher log:
launcher.log (127.8 KB)

Here’s my auth log:
auth_log.txt (211.7 KB)

Hello @glauber_sp! I am informing the dev team about your issue. I will post back when I have more information from them!

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Hello @WendyGram i’ve got exactly the same problem after trying to update Audio2face , i tried to delete all Omnviverse related programes and folders on my desktop and reinstall it but same error .
I really want to try the new updated Audio2Face if someone have a solution please share it .
Have a good Day =)
launcher.log (658.1 KB)

@glauber_sp , @WendyGram I 've just found the solution following the clean-up tool tutorial in the link just bellow Cleanup-Tool — Omniverse Utilities documentation , worked like a charm .

Hi @Yongje. The cleanup tool worked for me as well. Thanks for sharing!

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@glauber_sp Your welcome but after 1 day of fun in Audio2Face now the problem is back and now the CleanUp Tool don’t change anything . @WendyGram please send us help =)