Orin nx custom carrier board first power problem

I designed custom carrier board for orin nx. I just soldered sodimm connector and 12v power. So I only powered orin nx I didn’t connect other device. But Orin NX was broken. I dont understand anything. I only connected 12V. (no connect enable,sleep,reset pin). I didn’t do the start sequence. Has anyone experienced this problem before? Is is important start sequence? Can you help me?

Hi, did you follow the Orin NX product Design Guide doc in DLC to design your board? There are requests of power logic and sequence as you can see in it. The module could be triggered auto-power-on by your design.

Yes, I followed the Design Guide. Module id pin pull up and powerin 12V. 12V power directly connect GPU pins.

No idea about that. You may check the design based on the items in the checklist sheet (attached in the Design Guide doc) one by one.

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