Orin with Rogue Carrier Board USB Issue

Hello, everyone.
Has anyone experienced a situation where Orin couldn’t find a device when the USB setup looks like this?

USB Connection Diagram

I’m using the AGX202 carrier board from Connect Tech, and I’m having trouble understanding why the ORIN device can’t seem to find the keyboard when I’ve set up the USB connections as shown in the image I uploaded. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions to help me with this issue?


Since this is custom board, don’t know the direct answer.

But have you tried other kind of devices? I mean maybe all the devices fail to get detected but not just usb keyboard.

You are right, all the devices are unable to detect by the orin.

then please contact the board vendor.

I’ve already reached out to them, but I’ll have to await their reply. In addition to contacting the vendor, I’m also curious if any experts here might have a solution to this. Thanks.

You can try to dump the dmesg after you connect the usb device to the board.

But a actual fix requires to check their hardware design.

I don’t know their board, so cannot provide a acutal fix.
BTW, don’t know their board does not mean I need a picture of their board.

Yes. I understand.
What I think is the type c port is set as device mode default, so when I connect a device to it, the orin is unable to detect the device.

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