Problem with material adding/editing

I am having problems with adding materials to scene, or editing an existing one.

scenario 1.
Isaac Sim loads, empty stage opens.
When I try to add OmniPBR or OmniGlass material to the stage the application freezes, and stage tab looks like:

Isaac Sim does not crash the app stays in frozen state forever.

scenario 2.
I open a *.usd file, that I’ve been working on Isaac Sim, and there are materials (in the stage) that were taken from blender. When I click any one of them, the app freezes. (before the property tab loads)

scenario 3.
Isaac Sim loads, empty stage opens.
I add a Cube to the stage, and then add OmniPBR, nothing goes wrong, I can edit the material, change its color etc.

I didn’t find anything wrong in log files, there are no any crashreports when this happens. But I can share the log files, or any other extra information if you need.

Please provide all relevant details below. This will help the community provide more accurate and timely assistance.

Isaac Sim Version

Other (please specify):

Isaac Lab Version (if applicable)

Other (please specify):

Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Windows 11
Windows 10
Other (please specify):

GPU Information

  • Model:
  • Driver Version:

Topic Description

Detailed Description

(Describe the issue in detail, including what you were trying to do, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened)

Steps to Reproduce

(Add more steps as needed)

Error Messages

(If applicable, copy and paste any error messages you received)

Screenshots or Videos

(If applicable, add screenshots or links to videos that demonstrate the issue)

Additional Information

What I’ve Tried

(Describe any troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken)

Related Issues

(If you’re aware of any related issues or forum posts, please link them here)

Additional Context

(Add any other context about the problem here)

Are you able to reproduce the issue by following this tutorial? If so, at which step do you encounter the freezing issue?

Isaac Sim Version: 4.2.0
I don’t have Isaac Lab.
Ubuntu 22.04
GPU Model: RTX 3060 Ti
GPU Driver Version: I had 550, after having this issue, I changed it to the recommended one, which is 535, I had the issue in both.

Yes, under the title “Material Properties”, first step “1. Click Create → Materials → OmniPBR twice.” The app froze just after adding a OmniPBR material.

I’ve waited approximately 12 minutes but nothing changed.
The following is the last line of the log file from “/home/‘USERNAME’/.nvidia-omniverse/logs/Kit/Isaac-Sim/4.2”

2024-10-24 04:32:31 [418,833ms] [Info] [rtx.neuraylib.plugin] [EntityResolver] DONE ::OmniPBR <—> ::OmniPBR (file:/home/‘USERNAME’/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/kit/mdl/core/Base/OmniPBR.mdl)

The issue does not exist on Isaac Sim Version 4.1.0.

Does this freezing issue occur when you attempt to create a second OmniPBR material? Specifically, does it happen when you click Create → Materials → OmniPBR for the second time to create ‘OmniPBR_01’?

I cannot reproduce this issue on my end using Isaac Sim 4.2.0.

me too, my isaacSim is also Stucking, when I add OmniSurface material, just freeze. V4.2

Have you Figured it out?

Isaac Sim Version: 4.2.0
I don’t have Isaac Lab.
Ubuntu 22.04
GPU Model: RTX 4080 super

I can’t even create any OmniPBR material, the first one that I am trying to create mades the app frozen.

When I need to do something about materials, I use the version 4.1.0. The problem on 4.2.0 still exists.

Today i uninstalled all the isaacsim and related plugins, now it working good,. When u install it, it ask cache path and other path, just change to another. In my case i changed /ov to /ov2