I am having problems with adding materials to scene, or editing an existing one.
scenario 1.
Isaac Sim loads, empty stage opens.
When I try to add OmniPBR or OmniGlass material to the stage the application freezes, and stage tab looks like:
Isaac Sim does not crash the app stays in frozen state forever.
scenario 2.
I open a *.usd file, that I’ve been working on Isaac Sim, and there are materials (in the stage) that were taken from blender. When I click any one of them, the app freezes. (before the property tab loads)
scenario 3.
Isaac Sim loads, empty stage opens.
I add a Cube to the stage, and then add OmniPBR, nothing goes wrong, I can edit the material, change its color etc.
I didn’t find anything wrong in log files, there are no any crashreports when this happens. But I can share the log files, or any other extra information if you need.
Isaac Sim Version: 4.2.0
I don’t have Isaac Lab.
Ubuntu 22.04
GPU Model: RTX 3060 Ti
GPU Driver Version: I had 550, after having this issue, I changed it to the recommended one, which is 535, I had the issue in both.
Yes, under the title “Material Properties”, first step “1. Click Create → Materials → OmniPBR twice.” The app froze just after adding a OmniPBR material.
I’ve waited approximately 12 minutes but nothing changed.
The following is the last line of the log file from “/home/‘USERNAME’/.nvidia-omniverse/logs/Kit/Isaac-Sim/4.2”
Does this freezing issue occur when you attempt to create a second OmniPBR material? Specifically, does it happen when you click Create → Materials → OmniPBR for the second time to create ‘OmniPBR_01’?
I cannot reproduce this issue on my end using Isaac Sim 4.2.0.
Today i uninstalled all the isaacsim and related plugins, now it working good,. When u install it, it ask cache path and other path, just change to another. In my case i changed /ov to /ov2