Problems importing Onshape models into Isaac Sim


When I try to import a custom robot model directly from Onshape, it is not importing the whole model but just a wheel and it starts throwing an error. Check the error messages and imported wheel in the below image.

First, I thought it may be because some of the materials do not have material and mass/inertial properties but even after fixing those issues, the same problem exists.

I have tried to import other models with proper material/inertial properties but that is working and I was able to import them, without any issues.

Then I tried to import other models, but that too was working without any issues.

What could be the reason for this, is it because of the size or complexity of the model ? because compared to other models that I tried to import, this one has a lot of parts and assemblies or could it be memory or GPU related issues ? but I have aRTX 3090 with 24GB GPU memory and 32GB memory in my PC. or anything else. The error message does not provide a lot of information.

Any inputs could be appreciated, Thanks !!!