I have an AGX Xavier that I obtained a while ago from an acquaintance.
I was booting fine but neither of us had the login credentials anymore. I set it aside for a long time and now I’m trying to revive it and it will not boot. I figure a device with a GPU and 32GB of unified memory is going to be useful for quite a few things still these days.
It goes straight into DFU mode as seen via lsusb on an attached linux box.
When attempting to flash to eMMC I get
16:09:50 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 17.9260 ] [...] 100%
16:09:50 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 17.9275 ] 000000000d0d2c01: E> NV3P_SERVER: Failed to initialize partition table from GPT.
error, and upon doing some more research on these forums it’s apparent the eMMC probably died. Example: AGX Xavier error during flashing - #16 by stefan.sesser
I attempted to flash to NVMe after installing one, and I got a blinking cursor to show on HDMI off the device, but this flash also failed!
17:00:59 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: tar: Read checkpoint 540000
17:01:00 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: tar: Read checkpoint 550000
17:01:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: writing item=16, 9:0:secondary_gpt, 61203267072, 16896, gpt_secondary_9_0.bin, 16896, fixed--0, d39dffceb0d95c536057ff095e2b8a0394c02d2f
17:01:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ 140]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Failed to write to APP
17:01:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: Cleaning up...
17:01:07 INFO: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: [ Component Install Finished with Error ]
17:01:07 ERROR: Flash Jetson Linux - flash: command terminated with error
17:01:07 SUMMARY: DateTime Target Setup - target: Depends on failed component
I wonder if I am likely to see success from poking around any further with the flash.sh script and whatnot. Does anyone know if this means there is some interaction required with eMMC even to boot NVMe and i’ve got a bricked device?
At this point resetting the device has it boot up in DFU mode again.
How would I go about RMAing this device?