Remote capture for linux target

In User Guide :: Nsight Graphics Documentation, it said remote target for Windows is supported. Is Linux as a remote target supported? I’d like to do a capture remoted for the application running on the linux machine, is this possible ?

Thank you for using Nsight Graphics and thank you for your question. Have you downloaded the Linux version of Nsight Graphics and tried on the Linux version? You can launch the Linux version of Nsight Graphics from a Linux host machine. Remote debugging on Linux is supported through SSH connections. Enter your SSH information when establishing the connection to connect to the target machine.

Thanks very much for your quickly reply.

So my setup is I’m running Vulkan app in the linux machine, and I want to be able to do a catpure from my windows machine.

The step I tried

  1. run vulkan application on linux machine
  2. on windows machien, start the Nsight Graphics, and in the connection field, I put the IP address of the linux machine. but it failed to connect to the linux machine

I can ssh from my windows machine to the linux machine

I think there must be a command or something I need to do on the linux side so that Nsight graphcis on Windows can actually connect to the linux side.

I’ve tried to start the Nsgith graphics UI in the linux, still no luck.

Unfortunately, this is something that Nsight Graphics does not support at this time, i.e., connecting to an application running on a Linux target device from a Windows host machine.

Does it support connecting to an application running on a Linux machine from another Linux machine? From the doc it seem should work(User Guide :: Nsight Graphics Documentation)

I tried to lauch the frame debugger remotely from host A
and got following log:

Preparing to launch...
Checking file deployment:
Checking file deployment:
Checking file deployment:
Checking file deployment: VK_LAYER_NV_nomad_release_public_2022_6_1.json
Checking file deployment: Injector
Checking file deployment:
Checking file deployment: targetsettings_nomad.config
Checking file deployment:
/tmp/var/linux-desktop-nomad-x64/Injector -l32 "/tmp/var/linux-desktop-nomad-x86/" -l64 "/tmp/var/linux-desktop-nomad-x64/" -d "/home/usr/src/Vulkan/build/bin" -nio "/home/user/src/Vulkan/build/bin/bloom" 
Launching: /tmp/var/linux-desktop-nomad-x64/Injector
Process launched
Trying to connect to process...
Searching for attachable processes on x.x.x.x:49152-49215...
Searching for attachable processes on x.x.x.x:49152-49215...
Searching for attachable processes on x.x.x.x:49152-49215...
Searching for attachable processes on x.x.x.x:49152-49215...
Searching for attachable processes on x.x.x.x:49152-49215...

The message Searching for attachable processes on x.x.x.x:49152-49215... repeats forever.
And the lauch on the target machine never happend. The x.x.x.x is the remote linux machine, and I can ssh to it, and from the dialog, it can also select the application from the remote host, so the ssh connection is working. I also enable the tcp port range 49152-49215 on the taraget machine, but nothing happend there.
I guess I must miss some critial step here, would please help to see what’s my problem?

Thanks for the additional information. Sorry you’re not able to get this working from a Linux host to a Linux target. I’ll contact the engineering manager and get back to you.

Wanted to get back to you on your question. According to our engineering manager, it looks like the executable was never successfully started. Usually this is caused by some configurations, for example, missing the DISPLAY environment. If the app requires X11, the user must make sure this env is in the “Environment” of the Nsight Graphics launch dialog. Also, one tip is to make sure the application can be launched in a SSH session, then copy the command/environments into the Nsight Graphics launch dialog.
Let me know if this helps.