After I connect to wifi successfully(I can surf the Internet), the wifi will be disconnected automatically and a dialog box pops up with “authentication required by wifi network”, if I click the “connect” button in a short time it will reconnect to the Internet
In the connection setting, I have checked the option “All users may connect to this network” but still will be disconnected. And the MTU is automatic, the security is “WPA&WPA2 Personal”
By the way, I have seen the same issue topics in this forum, but I can’t find them.
I don’t think so. My other PC can connect the same wifi normal without break off. And the tx2 connect other wifi will still break off. I think there is something wrong in the tx2.
I’m not sure about that, my Jetpack version is 3.3. Actually, I don’t want to reflash my tx2, or I have to reinstall my tx2. And in my view, this should be the system setting issue
In my implementation I do not have that issue.
But from my expirience, wifi access points have several configuration parameters and their firmware can be upgraded. <when I am having an issue like the one that you described - I typically reset the networking device, upgrade the firmware from the official manufacturer’s website, and implement the configuration again. in most cases that resolves issues.