Scale of objects completely different in Code 2022.2.0

Hi guys

I recently wrote a script for generating synthetic data with Replicator in Code 2022.1.3
Now I installed Code 2022.2.0 and the script does not work anymore.

Here is a script that shows the same behaviour. If used in Code 2022.1.3 everything is fine.
If used in Code 2022.2.0 all the objects load in a completely different scale. (3.5 KB)

Am I missing some settings that changed? Of course I could either change the scale of the files I used or the scale settings via script. I am not sure if this change was intended and I don’t want to change everything just to change it back with the next release.

Are you aware of this topic?

Best regards

Hi @Sturm_1. It looks the same for me on both version. I added a meter cube in both to compare as well:

I wonder if your default MetersPerUnit setting is different for one of your Code apps:

Hi @mati-nvidia , thanks for your reply.

This is how the example script looks for me.

I also added an one meter cube for reference. In Code 2022.2.0 on the right its not even visible. Its inside the red circle. The Meters per Unit are on the same setting as yours for both versions.

It also seems that the scale setting stretches the objects unevenly on the different axes.

Sript was loaded directly after startup without touching any settings. I just tried running it in Isaac 2022.1.1 and it seems to have the same problems with scale:

Thanks @Sturm_1. I’ll check with the Replicator team to see if there’s anything on their end that could be causing this.

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Hi @Sturm_1. I’ve opened internal issue OM-74644 and the dev team is looking into this.

Could you please test with Code-2022.3 and let me know if you have any updates that I can provide to the dev team?

Thank you!

Hi @mati-nvidia . Thanks for your support!

I tested my script with the new Code-2022.3 release and the issue is gone. All the objects are now showing up in the correct scale and I can generate synthetic data without any problems.

Thanks for your help!

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