Setting exposure of camera


I am wondering how to set the exposure of a camera in Isaac Sim, programatically from Python. I expect different exposure settings to produce differently illuminated images of the same scene. I tried using GetShutterOpenAttr and GetShutterCloseAttr of the UsdGeom.Camera but this seem to be ignored as written at the bottom of

How can I set the exposure?
Thank you in advance.

Hi - Apologies for the late response. Are you still having any issues with the latest Isaac Sim 2022.2.1 release?

Yes. The problem is still same. I do not know how to set the exposure of a camera. There is the “/rtx/post/tonemap/cameraShutter” parameter but I do not understand its units and meaning. I want to set the exposure in seconds or microseconds, higher value should make the image brighter, but increasing this parameter makes it darker.

Hi @rthaker,
I have the same problems, any updates?

You are trying to set the exposure of the camera with code ?

@Richard3D Yes! do you have any sample code? use Replicator? ( I want to set shutter time, gain, whitebalance for camera) Thank you very much.

If you roll your mouse over any setting it will give you the tooltip help that you need with the code. For example go to post processing in the Rendering Settings and you will see all the camera tools. Pick one and put your mouse over it and it will give you the code string you need.

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