The engine plan file is generated on an incompatible device, expecting compute 8.6 got compute 7.0, please rebuild

Environment setup:
Software Version = DRIVE OS Linux 5.1.6 and DriveWorks 2.2
Target Operating System = Linux
Hardware Platform = NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Xavier DevKit (E3550)
SDK Manager Version =
Host Machine Version = Ubuntu 18.04

When i am using camera USB sample program on Driveworks its working fine.
When i am using the LaneDetection sample program i am getting this error: “The engine plan file is generated on an incompatible device, expecting compute 8.6 got compute 7.0, please rebuild.” I am using
RTX 3080 GPU card.

Dear @kagitala.varalakshmi1,
DRIVE SW 10.0 does not support ampere GPUs. Please use Volta/Turing based GPU to test samples on host. However, you can continue development on host and cross compile to test on target.

Thank you.i will try it.

Can we use a different version of SW or any suggestions for work around on this issue.?

Dear @kagitala.varalakshmi1,
If you want to run NV DNN applications on host, you need to use Volta/Turing based GPUs.