Unable to complete installment of NVIDIA AI Workbench

main.log (443.2 KB)
I have read some of the forums, I was installing my ai workbench but it shows up application error after i clicked on the installer and restarted the pc. They did show to be downloading the WSL2 distribution for a while tho… But not long after it just shows up “Application Error”. I’ll also post my logs and will look forward for an answer asap!



This is probably an issue between your virtualization setting in your BIOS and configuring Virtual Machine Platform.

Try the following and let me know if it works.

  • Open a windows shell and run systeminfo
    • Inspect the “Hyper-V Requirements” field. It’s the last one printed.
    • It should say Hyper-V Requirements: A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed.
  • If it doesn’t, then you should be able to fix your system as follows:
    • Check virtualization in your BIOS: Go into your BIOS and verify that virtualization is properly enabled.
    • Then check Windows settings: Go to “Turn Windows features on or off” and check the following:
      • Make sure “Windows Subsystem for Linux” is checked
      • If “Virtual Machine Platform” is already checked, uncheck it
      • If “Virtual Machine Platform” isn’t checked, check it.
    • Then reboot your system.
  • Then, if in the previous step you unchecked “Virtual Machine Platform”, check it again and reboot your system.
  • Then, run the installer again. Things should work.
    Please let me know if this works.

Hello, thanks for the quick response, it still didn’t work.
Firstly, when I run system info, it already showed the Hyper-V Requirements just like what you described.
Even so, I went to check my BIOS and my virtualization was already enabled from before.
I also went to the setting to check my “Turn Windows features on or off”
I have already unchecked->reboot->check->reboot the Virtual Machine Platform and run the installer again. Sadly it didn’t work. I hope to hear back from you asap!

ok. can you following the steps in the documentation to send us logs?

Log and Runtime Files - NVIDIA Docs

main.log (799.6 KB)
I’m unable to do the command on wsl through Ubuntu and NVIDIA-Workbench, but I can still send you the main logs

makes sense. the main logs are fine.

Is there any solution?

We need to see that main log first.

Can you send it to aiworkbench-ea@nvidia.com?

Ok, I sent it

Hi, I checked your log files and noticed the following symlink error

w s l : A l o c a l h o s t p r o x y c o n f i g u r a t i o n w a s d e t e c t e d b u t n o t m i r r o r e d i n t o W S L . W S L i n N A T m o d e d o e s n o t s u p p o r t l o c a l h o s t p r o x i e s .

I ran this issue by Engineering and they recall seeing this if a user had a default distro installed that was WSL 1 that would cause path translations to fail. They have already taken steps previously to prevent this issue, so they suspect the root cause must be somewhere else. Here are their recommendations:

If the user is running with an HTTP proxy configured in windows (and running on a new enough windows) they could turn on the new auto-proxy feature: Accessing network applications with WSL | Microsoft Learn

Or they could try the new mirrored networking mode to see if that helps: Accessing network applications with WSL | Microsoft Learn

See if these recommendations help. If the issue persists, please let us know.

Thanks, it appears that my workbench can start now, but now, a different problem occurs, which is that I can’t seem to select my local location. It shows up an error message as such

And also, here’s the contents of the error logs, which is named nvwb.log
{“level”:“info”,“gitServerUrl”:“https://github.com”,“status”:“”,“time”:“2024-09-04T14:22:19+08:00”,“message”:“Detected git server with valid credentials during auto git author configuration.”}
{“level”:“error”,“error”:“exit status 1”,“cmd”:“/home/workbench/.nvwb/bin/wb-svc -quiet start-container-tool”,“stderr”:“container tool failed to reach ready state. try again: failed to reach podman, even though it appears to be ready. Verify podman is functioning properly and you can run podman ps from your terminal.: bash: line 1: podman: command not found\n\n\n”,“time”:“2024-09-04T14:38:29+08:00”,“message”:“RunCommand failed.”}
{“level”:“error”,“error”:“container tool failed to reach ready state. try again: failed to reach podman, even though it appears to be ready. Verify podman is functioning properly and you can run podman ps from your terminal.: bash: line 1: podman: command not found\n\n\n”,“isWrapped”:false,“isInteractive”:false,“engine”:“json”,“detail”:“detail”,“time”:“2024-09-04T14:38:29+08:00”,“message”:“an error occurred while executing ‘/home/workbench/.nvwb/bin/wb-svc -quiet start-container-tool’”}
{“level”:“error”,“error”:“exit status 1”,“cmd”:“/home/workbench/.nvwb/bin/wb-svc -quiet start-container-tool”,“stderr”:“container tool failed to reach ready state. try again: failed to reach podman, even though it appears to be ready. Verify podman is functioning properly and you can run podman ps from your terminal.: bash: line 1: podman: command not found\n\n\n”,“time”:“2024-09-04T15:25:30+08:00”,“message”:“RunCommand failed.”}
{“level”:“error”,“error”:“container tool failed to reach ready state. try again: failed to reach podman, even though it appears to be ready. Verify podman is functioning properly and you can run podman ps from your terminal.: bash: line 1: podman: command not found\n\n\n”,“isWrapped”:false,“isInteractive”:false,“engine”:“json”,“detail”:“detail”,“time”:“2024-09-04T15:25:30+08:00”,“message”:“an error occurred while executing ‘/home/workbench/.nvwb/bin/wb-svc -quiet start-container-tool’”}

I look forward to your reply again. Thanks. (Also this is using Docker)

Actually, It’s fixed after I run my docker application on my desktop. Thanks a bunch for the help!

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Does this mean that Docker Desktop didn’t properly start when AI Workbench started?

Yes, i had to manually restart my pc first, then the docker automatically run when my pc got turned on.

I am also unable to install the AI Workbench.
Get the following message:
Docker install workflow failed.
Any help is appreciated.

Hi Harry

Can you send the logs?

Hard to diagnose without them.

You can see how to get them here: Log and Runtime Files - NVIDIA Docs
