Hey Simplychenable,
thanks for your efforts to help clearing this up.
There is definitely something weird going on. The folder inside the Windows/Documents directory seems to be created by the connector HDA, not by Nucleus. After a fresh install of Nucleus and all folders deleted, the folder appears the moment I run Houdini with the connector installed.
I’ve attached a screenshot, showing the folders in Documents and the folder in localhost.
Note that the contents are the same except for the subfolders /Test and /backup.
I understand that Nucleus installs it’s own filesystem accessible only through the Nucleus browser. Is that correct? I was searching for the physical location on my drive for the files I saved to the localhost path from inside Houdini, that’s how I stumbled over the folder in documents.
This all seems very convoluted to me. It may connect to the other problem I described in this thread:
I just tried to save a fresh scene using the ov save hip button. and it shows up in the Nucleus browser and the windows/documents/Omniverse folder. So the two are definitely connected.
Is this perhaps why the ROP has trouble creating folders during export?