Unable to install holoscan on Clara AGX dev kit

I have a Clara AGX Dev kit with Jetson AGX Xavier inside. I’d like to update reflash the device using the SDK Manager, but I find that the only available product options are ‘data science’ or ‘Jetson’ and there is no option for the ‘holoscan’ product. I have registered for the Nvidia Developer program but that hasn’t helped. Is there anything else I should be doing?
I’m running the latest SDK Manager on WSL Ubuntu 22.04, but I’ve also tried all 3 docker images and each gives the same results.

Hi @andrew.hazell,
The reflash instructions are here: holoscan-docs/devkits/clara-agx/clara_agx_user_guide.md at main · nvidia-holoscan/holoscan-docs · GitHub

with more details on the device manager and Holopack1.2 version here: Install Clara Holoscan Software :: NVIDIA SDK Manager Documentation

If Holopack is not an option in your setup, please share a screenshot.

Thanks for the reply. I’ve tried following the instructions in those links. However, I don’t see the holoscan product and neither do I have an option to select clara AGX dev kits:

Hi @andrew.hazell ,
Using WSL is not supported.
Your host computer needs to be running Ubuntu18.04. Ubuntu20.04 may work too, but no guarantees.
Ensure your AGX is in recovery mode, and then connect the usbc cable to it. Does a window pop up?

I have also tried using the docker images for Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu20.04. Neither of these worked either. Would you expect them to?
Thanks for your help with this.

I do get a USB connection pop up to indicate a virtual USB mass storage device attached. I can use the instructions in this to setup the right IP forwarding, and subsequently I can ssh to the Clara AGX on

I have reproduced this behavior on my end. Will need to get back to you on this.

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Hi @andrew.hazell

Holopack 1.2 is now added back. I verified this on my ClaraAGX, with an Ubuntu20.04 host machine. Can you try the SDK manager again and report if the issue is resolved?
Thank you for reporting the issue.

Thanks, that’s fixed the problem!

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