Hi, all.
I am trying to install night-system CLI. But I can’t find any executable nsys binary file or installation file.
I installed cuda/nsight-system using sdkmanager when I set my xavier.
However, I can’t launch nsys as follows.
$ nsys
Command 'nsys' not found, did you mean:
command 'sys' from deb openafs-client
Try: sudo apt install <deb name>
$ ./usr/local/cuda/bin/nsys
Error: Nsight Systems 2019.5.2 hasn't been installed with CUDA Toolkit 10.2
$ ./usr/local/cuda-10.2/bin/nsys
Error: Nsight Systems 2019.5.2 hasn't been installed with CUDA Toolkit 10.2
Also, I found this document(Getting Started Guide), but I am still in trouble with executing nsys.
(base) yjkim@casys:/opt/nvidia/nsight-systems/2020.4.2/target-linux-armv8$ ls
host-linux-armv8 libToolsInjectionCuBLAS64_10.so libToolsInjectionNvMedia64.so libcupti-tegra.so.10.1 nsys-launcher sqlite3
launcher libToolsInjectionCuDNN64_7.so libToolsInjectionProxy64.so libcupti-tegra.so.10.2 nvtx
libLauncher64.so libToolsInjectionCuDNN64_8.so libcupti-sbsa.so.10.2 libnvlog.so python
libToolsInjection64.so libToolsInjectionCuda64.so libcupti-tegra.so.10.0 nsys reports
(base) yjkim@casys:/opt/nvidia/nsight-systems/2020.4.2/target-linux-armv8$ ./nsys
/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1: No such file or directory
(base) yjkim@casys:/opt/nvidia/nsight-systems/2020.4.2/target-linux-armv8$ ./nsys-launcher
/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1: No such file or directory
Any help will be very appreciated.