I was using jetson nano with usb mouse and keyboard.
and i tried to use USB webcam too,
However, after I plugged the webcam to the jetson nano usb port,
suddenly, usb mouse and keyboard stop working.
and after I unplugged the usb webcam,
They worked well again.
I’m using
‘Logitech mk240 wireless keyboard and mouse combo’ for mouse and keyboard
On Jetson Nano developer kit, it is embedded hub with one pair of USB3/USB2 rootport. So one possible reason is the spcecific webcam occupies most bandwidth and affects other USB devices. Do you see any error message in plugging the webcam? Or it can be successfully enumerated.
If you monitor “dmesg --follow”, then what do you see as you plug in the cam? Prior to plugging in the cam, what do you see from “lsusb” and “lsusb -t”? Once you plug in the web cam, what is the new “lsusb” and “lsusb -t”?