Hey there,
I’m trying to use the vMaterials 2.0 in Unreal Engine 5, but couldn’t find a way to get some MDL categories (Metal, Plastic) imported correctly, while others seem to work (Fabric, Carpet, …)
When I try to distill a Metal MDL, like Copper Scratched, i get the following errors:
Failed to distill omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Materials/vMaterials_2/Metal/Copper_Scratched.mdl
Failed to distill function
MDL importer plugin is turned on, of course.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong here?
Any Ideas, what could be the problem?
If other materials work well then i dont believe you are doing anything wrong. The error is a bit non descriptive, is there a way to get more deailed logging from UE5?
We do the implementation of the distilling code while epic did the integration in UE. i can check whether the material has issues on our side, but for the UE side, you might need to talk to Epic.
thanks for your quick reply!
here you go … this would be the more descriptive error log i get:
Any clue?
ok, so this is through omniverse and not UE’s native importer. And the distilling succeeds, but the UE connector fails to handle the “endless_texture” function vMaterials use. I can relay this to the Omniverse UE connector team. This sounds like a shortcomming of our UE connector.
oh, that’s a pitty … yes please, opening a ticket on this issue would be great … connectivity to omniverse and hence other tools with these MDL materials as a basis would be simply awesome!
Was the problem successfully solved?
I dont have any resolution yet.