VR Stopped Working with Kit 106.5

I have an Omniverse application configured with Kit 106.4 and can start a VR session with it without a problem using the omni.kit.xr.profile.vr extension and SteamVR. I updated the application to use Kit 106.5, deleted the app’s cached data, built it, and ran it. Then, VR no longer works. There are no errors. The two viewports show up but there is no registered motion. The view in the VR headset stays in the SteamVR virtual home.

If I revert back to 106.4, delete cache, rebuild, and run the app, everything works fine again.

Note: If I update the app from 106.4 to 106.5 and do not delete the cache, the VR works. Is it possible that a dependency was removed from the 106.5 release?

When you say the cache, you mean the extensions folder? Well I will check with the dev team on this. Obviously for now, update but do not delete the extensions folder.

Furthermore, it would be fairly simple, to do it both ways and compare the extensions folders from both and identify, exactly what the difference is. You might find the exact extension that is missing from the new cache. Do that and then let us know.

By cache, I am referring to the application’s folder in the data/kit folder. I do not delete the cached extensions, i.e., data/exts folder. It is possible that it is not a missing extension, but a missing property from one of the toml files. However, I’ll do some comparisons and see if I can find something (but may have to wait until Monday).

Ok understood. Yeah that is the main “data” folder, but in there, there are some “installed” extensions, meaning any extensions you install AFTER the build. Anything you download from Extension Manager, after the main build, that you do not include hard coded into the Kit file. So you are probably downloading the VR extensions for kit 106.4, then when you delete you data folder, you are wiping out the VR extensions you need.

Here is my folder path for downloaded extensions, installed AFTER the build “C:\Users\richa\AppData\Local\ov\data\Kit\My USD Composer\0.1\exts\3”

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I think I found the issue (not really an issue). The default VR system changed from SteamVR to CloudXR.


So! When I ran it, nothing happened because it wasn’t trying to go through SteamVR anymore. Running it after v106.4 probably cached SteamVR as the last used system.

Is there a way to keep track of these changes? With the kit 106.4 update, a function in XR Core was renamed, and I didn’t see any mention of it in the changelog. Finding that I had to rename this function took a while to debug. Any advice on tracking extension changes?

I am glad you found this solution. I am going to check with the dev team to see if they are aware of this change.

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