Please provide the following info (tick the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
[*] DRIVE OS 6.0.6
DRIVE OS 6.0.5
DRIVE OS 6.0.4 (rev. 1)
Target Operating System
[*] Linux
Hardware Platform
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-D00)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-C00)
[*] DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (not sure its number)
SDK Manager Version
Host Machine Version
[*] native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with SDK Manager
native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers
native Ubuntu Linux 18.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers
Hi All
We ovserved the issue of our Drive Orin won’t boot up.
However we can’t find the root cause, please tell me any advice.
- Do you know same boot up issue?
- How do you think we can solve this boot up issue?
■Reproduce steps
The 1st step:
We did following comands at Drive Orin’s terminal after boot up Drive Orin.
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install gedit
- sudo apt-get install a2ps aptitude awscli bindfs cmake csvtool curl dkms doxygen elfutils equivs faketime ffmpeg firefox-geckodriver fzf gdb git gitk gparted graphviz hwloc ifstat jq kcov libarchive-dev libatlas-base-dev libatlas3-base libavcodec-dev libavcodec-extra libavformat-dev libcudnn8 libcurl4-openssl-dev libfftw3-dev libftdi-dev libftgl-dev libgcc-7-dev libgdal-dev libgeotiff-dev libgflags-dev libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libglib2.0-dev libglm-dev libgraphicsmagick1-dev libgsl-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libhdf5-dev libhidapi-dev libhugetlbfs-bin libhugetlbfs-dev liblapack-dev libleveldb-dev liblmdb-dev libmosquitto-dev libmsgpack-dev libpcap-dev libpopt-dev libproj-dev libprotobuf-dev libpulse-dev libqhull-dev libqt5charts5-dev libqt5multimedia5-plugins libqt5svg5-dev libqt5webchannel5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libqwt-qt5-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-sound1.2-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsnmp-dev libsuitesparse-dev libswscale-dev libtbb-dev libtinfo5 libtinyxml2-dev libusb-dev libv4l-dev libwebsockets-dev libwrap0-dev libxerces-c-dev lzip mesa-utils nano nvidia-prime nvme-cli openjdk-11-jdk-headless ovmf patchelf pbzip2 postgresql-client-12 protobuf-compiler pv pyqt5-dev pyqt5-dev-tools python-protobuf python3-attr python3-bs4 python3-cffi python3-crypto python3-dateutil python3-decorator python3-future python3-gdal python3-git python3-github python3-httplib2 python3-jsonpickle python3-keyring python3-lxml python3-matplotlib python3-msgpack python3-netifaces python3-pandas python3-pexpect python3-prctl python3-psutil python3-psycopg2 python3-pygal python3-pygit2 python3-pyinotify python3-pyqrcode python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia python3-pyqt5.qtquick python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine python3-pysnmp4 python3-pyudev python3-serial python3-simplejson python3-sphinx python3-sphinx-rtd-theme python3-ujson python3-venv python3-xdg python3-zeroconf qemu-kvm qml-module-qtquick-controls2 qt5-default qtbase5-dev qtcreator qtdeclarative5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qtpositioning5-dev qttools5-dev-tools qtwebengine5-dev ripgrep rsync rzip seccure snmp socat sqlite3 squashfuse strace synaptic sysstat time tmux ubuntu-minimal units valgrind xsdcxx xtightvncviewer xvfb zstd
4.sudo aptitude install libibverbs-dev
5.sudo aptitude install mpi-default-dev
6.sudo aptitude install libopenmpi-dev
The 2nd steps:
I connected the Host PC(Windows 10) to Drive Orin and launched the Tera Turm.
=>The COM Port info is as below:
・COM9: Drive Orin(ubuntu)
・COM7: NVShell
The 3rd steps:
I issued “poweroff” command at the “NVShell”.
The log is as below when I did this step.
Info: Executing cmd: poweroff, argc: 0, args:
NvShell>INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Powering off
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: VRS11 PG Monitoring disable.
MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 185
MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 0
MCU_FOH: SPI : E2E_P05Check Status : 7 : 0
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Linkup status is not active
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Linkup status is not active
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Ethernet peripherals de-initialized
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Power down sequence is complete !
Command Executed
The 4th steps:
I issued “poweron” command at the “NVShell”.
The log is as below when I did this step.
Info: Executing cmd: poweron, argc: 0, args:
NvShell>INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Powering up
Check for VRS10…
Check for VRS10…
Check for VRS11-1…
Check for VRS11-1…
Check for VRS11-1…
Check for VRS11-1…
Check for VRS11-2…
Check for VRS11-2…
Check for VRS11-2…
Check for VRS11-2…
Check for VRS10…
Check for VRS10…
Check for VRS10…
Check for VRS10…
INFO: NVMCU_ORINPWRCTRL: FUNC_NIRQ continuous monitoring Enabled!
INFO: BtChn_Cfg: No valid next bootchain loaded
INFO: SftyMon_tmon: Board Temperature sensor initialized
Check for VRS10…
Check for VRS10…
Check for VRS10…
MCU_FOH: MCU FOH : Initiate SOC Error Pin Monitoring & SPI communication
INFO:Marvell switch: 0: NW_CFG_BASE
INFO:Marvell switch: Marvell Oak/Spruce configuration completed…
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Switch Init
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: Linkup status is not active
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: 88Q5072 OAK Link Active
INFO: Marvell Phy: Phy init begin…
MCU_FOH: SOC error pin is de-asserted
MCU_FOH: SOC error pin is asserted
MCU_FOH: Spi Transmit Started
MCU_FOH: ErrReport: ErrorCode-0x28da ReporterId-0xe04c Error_Attribute-0x0 Timestamp-0x606df53
MCU_FOH: ErrReport: ErrorCode-0x28d1 ReporterId-0xe04c Error_Attribute-0x0 Timestamp-0x606e23b
MCU_FOH: ErrReport: ErrorCode-0x18540001 ReporterId-0x8001 Error_Attribute-0x0 Timestamp-0x606e53b
MCU_FOH: ErrReport: ErrorCode-0x9 ReporterId-0x800d Error_Attribute-0x0 Timestamp-0x606e9bb
MCU_FOH: ErrReport: ErrorCode-0x18540001 ReporterId-0x8001 Error_Attribute-0x0 Timestamp-0x61ab9eb
MCU_FOH: Periodic Report: KeyOfSeed-0xffff
MCU_FOH: Periodic Report[0]:SystemFailureId-0xabcd, MaturationState-0xef, Failure_Attribute-0x22
MCU_FOH: Periodic Report[9]:SystemFailureId-0x1234, MaturationState-0x56, Failure_Attribute-0xee
INFO: Marvell Phy: Phy init completed…
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: PHYs Init
INFO: MCU_PltfPwrMgr: StbM Init
INFO: MCU_PLTFPWRMGR: Power-up sequence is complete !
Power on the system
Command Executed
INFO: SftyMon_IoHwAbs: PG_VRS11 monitoring started…
INFO: MCU_SWC_FanControl: max_rpm fan2 : 0
INFO: MCU_SWC_FanControl: maxrpm of fan2 has more than 50 percent deviation against rated maxrpm
NvShell>ERROR: MCU_SWC_FanControl: count_NoEthFrame expired
ERROR: MCU_SWC_FanControl: count_NoEthFrame_TA value reached to: 101
ERROR: MCU_SWC_FanControl: moving to error state
■Supplemental info
The log at the NVIDIA Orin X1(COM9) from Host PC.
瞼0000.065] I> MB1 (version:
[0000.070] I> t234-A01-0-Silicon (0x12347) Prod
[0000.075] I> Boot-mode : Coldboot
[0000.078] I> Emulation:
[0000.080] I> Entry timestamp: 0x00000000
[0000.084] I> last_boot_error: 0x0
[0000.087] I> BR-BCT: preprod_dev_sign: 0
[0000.091] I> rst_source: 0x0, rst_level: 0x0
[0000.095] I> Task: Bootchain select WAR set (0x5000c27d)
[0000.100] I> Active chain: 0
[0000.103] I> Task: CRC check (0x5001e5f9)
[0000.107] I> Skip FUSE records CRC check as records_integrity fuse is not burned
[0000.114] I> Task: Initialize MB2 params (0x5000d339)
[0000.119] I> MB2-params @ 0x40060000
[0000.123] I> Task: Crypto init (0x5001d575)
[0000.127] I> Task: Secure debug controls (0x5000c879)
[0000.132] I> Task: strap war set (0x5000c245)
[0000.136] I> strap value(0x4000401) set to 0x4000401
[0000.141] I> Task: Initialize SOC Therm (0x5001b93d)
[0000.146] I> Task: Program NV master stream id (0x5000c82d)
[0000.151] I> Task: Verify boot mode (0xd482031)
[0000.157] I> Task: Alias fuses (0x50010c5d)
[0000.162] W> FUSE_ALIAS: Fuse alias on production fused part is not supported.
[0000.169] I> Task: Print SKU type (0x5000f8f1)
[0000.173] I> FUSE_OPT_CCPLEX_CLUSTER_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.178] I> FUSE_OPT_GPC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.182] I> FUSE_OPT_TPC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.187] I> FUSE_OPT_DLA_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.191] I> FUSE_OPT_PVA_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.195] I> FUSE_OPT_NVENC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.200] I> FUSE_OPT_NVDEC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.204] I> FUSE_OPT_FSI_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.208] I> FUSE_OPT_EMC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.221] I> FUSE_OPT_ADC_CAL_FUSE_REV = 0x2
[0000.225] I> FUSE_SKU_INFO_0 = 0x90
[0000.228] I> FUSE_OPT_SAMPLE_TYPE_0 = 0x2 QS
[0000.232] I> FUSE_PACKAGE_INFO_0 = 0x2
[0000.236] I> SKU: Prod
[0000.238] I> Task: Boost clocks (0x50014c19)
[0000.242] I> Initializing PLLC2 for AXI_CBB.
[0000.246] I> AXI_CBB : src = 35, divisor = 0
[0000.251] I> Task: Voltage monitor (0x50014c2d)
[0000.255] I> VMON: Vmon re-calibration and fine tuning done
[0000.260] I> Task: UPHY init (0x5000d859)
[0000.265] I> UPHY init done
[0000.268] I> Task: Boot device init (0x50000bd9)
[0000.273] I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
[0000.277] I> Qspi clock source : pllc_out0
[0000.281] I> QSPI Flash: Macronix 64MB
[0000.285] I> QSPI-0l initialized successfully
[0000.289] I> Task: TSC init (0x500205e9)
[0000.293] I> Task: Load membct (0x50012381)
[0000.297] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000401
[0000.300] I> Loading MEMBCT
[0000.303] I> Active chain: 0
[0000.306] I> Slot: 0
[0000.308] I> Binary[0] block-0 (partition size: 0x40000)
[0000.313] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: MEM-BCT-0
[0000.318] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0000.321] I> BCH load address is : 0x40050000
[0000.326] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0000.330] I> BCH of MEM-BCT-0 read from storage
[0000.334] I> BCH address is : 0x40050000
[0000.338] I> MEM-BCT-0 header integrity check is success
[0000.343] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MEM0
[0000.348] I> component binary type is 0
[0000.352] I> MEM-BCT-0 binary is read from storage
[0000.357] I> MEM-BCT-0 binary integrity check is success
[0000.362] I> Binary MEM-BCT-0 loaded successfully at 0x40040000 (0xe580)
[0000.369] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000401
[0000.374] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000401
[0000.378] I> Task: Load Page retirement list (0x500118e9)
[0000.383] I> Task: SDRAM params override (0x5001235d)
[0000.388] I> Task: Save mem-bct info (0x50014e71)
[0000.393] I> Task: Carveout allocate (0x50014ed5)
[0000.397] I> RCM blob carveout will not be allocated
[0000.402] I> ECC region[0]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.406] I> ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.411] I> ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.415] I> ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.419] I> ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.424] I> Non-ECC region[0]: Start:0x80000000, End:0x880000000
[0000.429] I> Non-ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.434] I> Non-ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.439] I> Non-ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.443] I> Non-ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.453] I> allocated(CO:68) base:0xb0000000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.460] I> allocated(CO:38) base:0x870000000 size:0x10000000 align: 0x100000
[0000.467] I> allocated(CO:39) base:0x866000000 size:0xa000000 align: 0x200000
[0000.474] I> allocated(CO:31) base:0x858000000 size:0x8000000 align: 0x8000000
[0000.481] I> allocated(CO:43) base:0x862000000 size:0x4000000 align: 0x200000
[0000.488] I> allocated(CO:47) base:0x854000000 size:0x4000000 align: 0x200000
[0000.495] I> allocated(CO:20) base:0x860000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.502] I> allocated(CO:24) base:0x852000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.509] I> allocated(CO:28) base:0x850000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.516] I> allocated(CO:29) base:0x84e000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.523] I> allocated(CO:22) base:0x84d000000 size:0x1000000 align: 0x1000000
[0000.530] I> allocated(CO:35) base:0x84c000000 size:0x1000000 align: 0x100000
[0000.537] I> allocated(CO:41) base:0x84b000000 size:0x1000000 align: 0x100000
[0000.545] I> allocated(CO:02) base:0x84a800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.551] I> allocated(CO:03) base:0x84a000000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.558] I> allocated(CO:06) base:0x849800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.565] I> allocated(CO:10) base:0x849000000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.572] I> allocated(CO:56) base:0x848800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x200000
[0000.579] I> allocated(CO:07) base:0x848400000 size:0x400000 align: 0x400000
[0000.586] I> allocated(CO:33) base:0x848000000 size:0x400000 align: 0x200000
[0000.593] I> allocated(CO:19) base:0x847d80000 size:0x280000 align: 0x10000
[0000.600] I> allocated(CO:23) base:0x847a00000 size:0x200000 align: 0x200000
[0000.607] I> allocated(CO:01) base:0x847c00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.614] I> allocated(CO:04) base:0x847900000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.621] I> allocated(CO:05) base:0x847800000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.627] I> allocated(CO:08) base:0x847700000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.634] I> allocated(CO:15) base:0x847600000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.641] I> allocated(CO:17) base:0x847500000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.648] I> allocated(CO:27) base:0x847400000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.655] I> allocated(CO:32) base:0x847300000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.662] I> allocated(CO:60) base:0x847200000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.669] I> allocated(CO:54) base:0x847d00000 size:0x80000 align: 0x80000
[0000.676] I> allocated(CO:69) base:0x847180000 size:0x80000 align: 0x10000
[0000.683] I> allocated(CO:52) base:0x847150000 size:0x30000 align: 0x10000
[0000.689] I> allocated(CO:49) base:0x847140000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.696] I> allocated(CO:50) base:0x847130000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.703] I> allocated(CO:65) base:0x847120000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.710] I> Task: Thermal check (0x50021b69)
[0000.714] I> max_chip_limit = 125
[0000.717] I> min_chip_limit = -43
[0000.720] I> max temp read = 33
[0000.723] I> min temp read = 31
[0000.726] I> Task: Update FSI SCR with thermal fuse data (0x50021c75)
[0000.732] I> Task: Enable WDT 5th expiry (0x50021855)
[0000.737] I> Task: I2C register (0x50000b75)
[0000.741] I> Task: Reset FSI (0x50014c29)
[0000.745] I> Task: Pinmux init (0x50013d05)
[0000.750] I> Task: Prod config init (0x50014151)
[0000.754] E> device prod data table is empty in MB1 BCT
[0000.759] I> Task: Pad voltage init (0x50013da1)
[0000.764] I> Task: Prod init (0x50014195)
[0000.768] I> Task: Common rail init (0x500148ed)
[0000.782] I> DONE: Thermal config
[0000.786] I> DONE: SOC rail config
[0000.789] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: MEMIO rail config not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.796] I> DONE: MEMIO rail config
[0000.799] I> DONE: GPU rail info
[0000.802] I> DONE: CV rail info
[0000.805] I> Task: Mem clock src (0x500121ad)
[0000.809] I> Task: Misc. board config (0x50014995)
[0000.814] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Platform config not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.820] I> Task: SDRAM init (0x500121b1)
[0000.827] I> SDRAM-params @ 0xd485000
[0000.830] I> MSS code-drop: NvBootSdramInit
[0000.834] I> MSS CAR: PLLM/HUB programming for MemoryType: 4 and MemBctRevision: 9
[0000.842] I> MSS CAR: Init PLLM
[0000.845] I> MSS CAR: Init PLLHUB
[0000.849] I> Encryption: MTS: en, TX: en, VPR: en, GSC: en
[0000.861] I> mb1_sdram_init Done !
[0000.864] I> SDRAM Size in Total 0x800000000
[0000.868] I> Task: Dram Ecc scrub (0x50011a2d)
[0000.873] I> Task: DRAM alias check (0x50012355)
[0000.904] I> Task: Program NSDRAM carveout (0x50015831)
[0000.910] I> NSDRAM carveout encryption is disabled
[0000.915] I> Task: Register checker (0x50012359)
[0000.924] I> Task: Enable clock-mon (0x500205d1)
[0000.941] I> FMON: Fmon re-programming done
[0000.945] I> Task: Mapper init (0x5001eb2d)
[0000.951] I> Task: SC7 Context Init (0x500208d9)
[0000.957] I> Task: CCPLEX IST init (0x5000d10d)
[0000.963] I> Task: CPU WP0 (0x5000c2e5)
[0000.968] I> Loading MCE
[0000.971] I> Active chain: 0
[0000.974] I> Slot: 0
[0000.977] I> Binary[8] block-0 (partition size: 0x40000)
[0000.983] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: MCE
[0000.988] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0000.992] I> BCH load address is : 0x4003e000
[0000.998] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.003] I> BCH of MCE read from storage
[0001.007] I> BCH address is : 0x4003e000
[0001.012] I> MCE header integrity check is success
[0001.018] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MTSM
[0001.023] I> component binary type is 8
[0001.027] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.034] I> MCE binary is read from storage
[0001.039] I> MCE binary integrity check is success
[0001.044] I> Binary MCE loaded successfully at 0x40000000 (0x2c7c0)
[0001.052] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.067] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.072] I> Sending WP0 mailbox command to PSC
[0001.082] I> Task: XUSB Powergate (0x50000b81)
[0001.089] I> XUSB powergate done.
[0001.092] I> Task: MB1 fixed firewalls (0x5001fc05)
[0001.114] I> Task: Load bpmp-fw (0x5001ff61)
[0001.120] I> Active chain: 0
[0001.123] I> Slot: 0
[0001.125] I> Binary[15] block-0 (partition size: 0x180000)
[0001.132] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: BPMP_FW
[0001.137] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.142] I> BCH load address is : 0x807fe000
[0001.147] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.152] I> BCH of BPMP_FW read from storage
[0001.157] I> BCH address is : 0x807fe000
[0001.162] I> BPMP_FW header integrity check is success
[0001.168] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is BPMF
[0001.173] I> component binary type is 15
[0001.178] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.193] I> BPMP_FW binary is read from storage
[0001.201] I> BPMP_FW binary integrity check is success
[0001.206] I> Binary BPMP_FW loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x1027c0)
[0001.215] I> Active chain: 0
[0001.218] I> Slot: 0
[0001.220] I> Binary[16] block-100880 (partition size: 0x80000)
[0001.227] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: BPMP_FW_DTB
[0001.233] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.238] I> BCH load address is : 0x807fc000
[0001.243] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.248] I> BCH of BPMP_FW_DTB read from storage
[0001.253] I> BCH address is : 0x807fc000
[0001.259] I> BPMP_FW_DTB header integrity check is success
[0001.265] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is BPMD
[0001.270] I> component binary type is 16
[0001.274] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.280] I> BPMP_FW_DTB binary is read from storage
[0001.286] I> BPMP_FW_DTB binary integrity check is success
[0001.292] I> Binary BPMP_FW_DTB loaded successfully at 0x807ec5f0 (0xf840)
[0001.301] I> Task: Load psc-fw (0x500200ed)
[0001.306] I> Active chain: 0
[0001.309] I> Slot: 0
[0001.312] I> Binary[17] block-0 (partition size: 0xc0000)
[0001.318] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: PSC_FW
[0001.323] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.328] I> BCH load address is : 0x80ffe000
[0001.333] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.338] I> BCH of PSC_FW read from storage
[0001.343] I> BCH address is : 0x80ffe000
[0001.349] I> PSC_FW header integrity check is success
[0001.354] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is PFWP
[0001.359] I> component binary type is 17
[0001.364] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.372] I> PSC_FW binary is read from storage
[0001.377] I> PSC_FW binary integrity check is success
[0001.383] I> Binary PSC_FW loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x46110)
[0001.391] I> Task: Load nvdec-fw (0x50020161)
[0001.397] I> Active chain: 0
[0001.400] I> Slot: 0
[0001.403] I> Binary[7] block-0 (partition size: 0x80000)
[0001.409] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: NVDEC
[0001.414] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.419] I> BCH load address is : 0x800fe000
[0001.424] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.429] I> BCH of NVDEC read from storage
[0001.434] I> BCH address is : 0x800fe000
[0001.439] I> NVDEC header integrity check is success
[0001.445] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is NDEC
[0001.450] I> component binary type is 7
[0001.454] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.462] I> NVDEC binary is read from storage
[0001.468] I> NVDEC binary integrity check is success
[0001.473] I> Binary NVDEC loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x46000)
[0001.481] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.499] I> Task: Load tsec-fw (0x50020519)
[0001.505] I> Active chain: 0
[0001.508] I> Slot: 0
[0001.511] I> Binary[19] block-0 (partition size: 0x40000)
[0001.517] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: TSEC
[0001.522] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.526] I> BCH load address is : 0x800fe000
[0001.532] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.537] I> BCH of TSEC read from storage
[0001.541] I> BCH address is : 0x800fe000
[0001.547] I> TSEC header integrity check is success
[0001.552] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is TSEC
[0001.558] I> component binary type is 19
[0001.562] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.568] I> TSEC binary is read from storage
[0001.573] I> TSEC binary integrity check is success
[0001.578] I> Binary TSEC loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x13000)
[0001.589] I> Task: GPIO interrupt map (0x50014b2d)
[0001.595] I> Task: SC7 context save (0x50020915)
[0001.601] I> Active chain: 0
[0001.604] I> Slot: 0
[0001.607] I> Binary[27] block-0 (partition size: 0x100000)
[0001.613] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: BR_BCT
[0001.618] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.623] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.628] I> BR_BCT binary is read from storage
[0001.633] I> BR_BCT binary integrity check is success
[0001.639] I> Binary BR_BCT loaded successfully at 0xa0000000 (0x2000)
[0001.647] I> Active chain: 0
[0001.650] I> Slot: 0
[0001.652] I> Binary[13] block-0 (partition size: 0x40000)
[0001.659] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: SC7-FW
[0001.664] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.668] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.673] I> BCH load address is : 0xa0002000
[0001.679] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.684] I> BCH of SC7-FW read from storage
[0001.688] I> BCH address is : 0xa0002000
[0001.694] I> SC7-FW header integrity check is success
[0001.699] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is WB0B
[0001.705] I> component binary type is 13
[0001.709] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.715] I> SC7-FW binary is read from storage
[0001.721] I> SC7-FW binary integrity check is success
[0001.727] I> Binary SC7-FW loaded successfully at 0xa0004000 (0x27f60)
[0001.735] I> Active chain: 0
[0001.738] I> Slot: 0
[0001.740] I> Binary[22] block-0 (partition size: 0x40000)
[0001.747] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: PSC_RF
[0001.752] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.756] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.761] I> BCH load address is : 0xa002bf60
[0001.767] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.772] I> BCH of PSC_RF read from storage
[0001.776] I> BCH address is : 0xa002bf60
[0001.782] I> PSC_RF header integrity check is success
[0001.787] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is PSCR
[0001.793] I> component binary type is 22
[0001.797] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.803] I> PSC_RF binary is read from storage
[0001.808] I> PSC_RF binary integrity check is success
[0001.814] I> Binary PSC_RF loaded successfully at 0xa002df60 (0x1b140)
[0001.837] I> Task: Save WP0 payload to SC7 ctx (0x50021521)
[0001.844] I> Task: Load MB2rf binary to SC7 ctx (0x500214b5)
[0001.851] I> Active chain: 0
[0001.854] I> Slot: 0
[0001.857] I> Binary[14] block-0 (partition size: 0x40000)
[0001.863] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: MB2_RF
[0001.868] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.873] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.878] I> BCH load address is : 0xa00d69a8
[0001.883] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.888] I> BCH of MB2_RF read from storage
[0001.893] I> BCH address is : 0xa00d69a8
[0001.898] I> MB2_RF header integrity check is success
[0001.904] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MB2R
[0001.909] I> component binary type is 14
[0001.913] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.919] I> MB2_RF binary is read from storage
[0001.925] I> MB2_RF binary integrity check is success
[0001.930] I> Binary MB2_RF loaded successfully at 0xa00d89a8 (0x1bd00)
[0001.939] I> Task: Save Fuse-Bypass data to SC7 ctx (0x5002141d)
[0001.947] W> FUSE_ALIAS: Fuse alias on production fused part is not supported.
[0001.954] I> SC7 context fuse-bypass data is empty
[0001.960] I> Task: Save PMIC data to SC7 ctx (0x5002124d)
[0001.966] I> Task: Save Pinmux data to SC7 ctx (0x50021155)
[0001.973] I> Task: Save Pad Voltage data to SC7 ctx (0x5002105d)
[0001.981] I> Task: Save I2C bus freq data to SC7 ctx (0x50020fe9)
[0001.988] I> Task: Save SOCTherm data to SC7 ctx (0x50020f75)
[0001.995] I> Task: Save FMON data to SC7 ctx (0x50020f01)
[0002.002] I> Task: Save VMON data to SC7 ctx (0x50020e89)
[0002.009] I> Task: Save TZDRAM data to SC7 ctx (0x50021589)
[0002.015] I> Task: Save GPIO int data to SC7 ctx (0x50021361)
[0002.023] I> Task: Save TSC control data to SC7 ctx (0x50020e15)
[0002.030] I> Task: Save clock data to SC7 ctx (0x50020da1)
[0002.037] I> Task: Save debug data to SC7 ctx (0x50020d2d)
[0002.048] I> SC7 context save done
[0002.052] I> Task: Load MB2/Applet/FSKP (0x5000d23d)
[0002.058] I> Loading MB2
[0002.061] I> Active chain: 0
[0002.064] I> Slot: 0
[0002.067] I> Binary[6] block-0 (partition size: 0x80000)
[0002.073] I> get_binary_info: Binary name: MB2
[0002.078] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0002.082] I> BCH load address is : 0x8007e000
[0002.088] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0002.093] I> BCH of MB2 read from storage
[0002.097] I> BCH address is : 0x8007e000
[0002.103] I> MB2 header integrity check is success
[0002.108] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MB2B
[0002.114] I> component binary type is 6
[0002.118] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0002.127] I> MB2 binary is read from storage
[0002.133] I> MB2 binary integrity check is success
[0002.138] I> Binary MB2 loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x69950)
[0002.146] I> Task: Map CCPLEX SHARED carveout (0x5000d3e1)
[0002.154] I> Task: Prepare MB2 params (0x5000d49d)
[0002.161] I> BR-BCT Boot Chain Fields
[0002.165] I> u32_non_gpio_select_boot_chain : 0
[0002.170] I> u32_num_boot_chains : 4
[0002.175] I> bf_bl_gpio_select_boot_chain_1b : 1
[0002.181] I> Task: Dram ecc test (0x50011ac9)
[0002.186] I> Task: Misc NV security settings (0x5000cc51)
[0002.193] I> NVDEC sticky bits programming done
[0002.198] I> Successfully powergated NVDEC
[0002.202] I> Task: Disable/Reload WDT (0x500218ad)
[0002.208] I> Task: Program misc carveouts (0x50015251)
[0002.215] I> Program IPC carveouts
[0002.222] I> Programmed SLCG global override := 0x0
[0002.228] I> MB1: MSS reconfig completed
I> MB2 (version:
I> t234-A01-0-Silicon (0x12347)
I> Boot-mode : Coldboot
I> Emulation:
I> Entry timestamp: 0x00229227
I> Regular heap: [base:0x40040000, size:0x10000]
I> DMA heap: [base:0x848800000, size:0x800000]
I> Task: MB2 Params integrity check (0x500024a8)
I> Task: ARI update carveout TZDRAM (0x50002434)
I> Task: Configure OEM set LA/PTSA values (0x50001d54)
I> Task: GR Dump for MB1 (0x50014dbc)
W> GR Blob not found
W> GR Blob not found
I> Task: Enable hot-plug capability (0x50023f64)
I> Task: DRAM ECC Scrub in MB2 (0x50024c28)
I> Task: PSC mailbox init (0x50011830)
I> Task: Crypto init (0x50005878)
I> Task: Enable clock for external modules (0x5001d6fc)
I> Task: OEM SC7 context save init (0x50014200)
I> Task: I2C register (0x500023e8)
I> Task: Map CCPLEX_INTERWORLD_SHMEM carveout (0x500023c8)
I> Task: Boot device init (0x500022c0)
I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
I> Qspi clock source : pllc_out0
I> QSPI Flash: Macronix 64MB
I> QSPI-0l initialized successfully
I> Secondary storage device: SDMMC_USER instance: 3
I> sdmmc HS400 mode enabled
I> Secondary storage device: UFS instance: 0
I> UFS link startup successful
I> NOP successful
I> UFS Hardware init successful
I> Shifted to HS mode 2 Gear 4 successfully
I> NOP successful
I> UFS init successful
I> UFS USER LUN block count: 0x3b80000, block size: 0x1000
I> Task: → Partition Manager Init (0x50002294)
I> New customer data format , PT offset 8
I> Found 63 partitions in QSPI_FLASH (instance 0)
I> Found 0 partitions in SDMMC_BOOT (instance 3)
I> Found 14 partitions in SDMMC_USER (instance 3)
I> Found 32 partitions in UFS_USER (instance 0)
I> Task: Load PVIT (0x50011098)
I> Partition name: A_pvit
I> Size of partition: 262144
I> Binary@ device:8/0 block-5440 (partition size: 0x40000), name: A_pvit
I> Skip version check for PVIT
I> pvit: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary pvit loaded successfully at 0x850006000
I> Number of entries in PVIT are 42
I> Task: Check PVIT for MB1 bins (0x500113a4)
I> Task: Check PVIT for BR bins (0x50011190)
I> Partition name: A_mb1-bootloader
I> Size of partition: 524288
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-93696 (partition size: 0x80000), name: A_mb1-bootloader
I> Partition name: A_psc-bl
I> Size of partition: 262144
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-94720 (partition size: 0x40000), name: A_psc-bl
I> Partition name: A_mb1-bct
I> Size of partition: 262144
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-95232 (partition size: 0x40000), name: A_mb1-bct
I> Task: Pass DRAM ECC PRL Flag to FSI (0x50024ca8)
I> Task: Load and authenticate registered FWs (0x50017fdc)
I> Task: Load AUXP FWs (0x50023920)
I> Successfully register SPE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Successfully register RCE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Successfully register DCE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Unpowergating APE
I> Unpowergate done
I> Successfully register APE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Successfully register FSI FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Successfully register XUSB FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Skipping PVA FW load
I> Partition name: A_spe-fw
I> Size of partition: 524288
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-97280 (partition size: 0x80000), name: A_spe-fw
I> Partition name: A_rce-fw
I> Size of partition: 1048576
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-106496 (partition size: 0x100000), name: A_rce-fw
I> spe-fw: PVIT version check passed
I> spe: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary spe loaded successfully at 0x847700000
I> Partition name: A_dce-fw
I> Size of partition: 9437184
I> Binary@ device:8/0 block-3136 (partition size: 0x900000), name: A_dce-fw
I> rce-fw: PVIT version check passed
I> rce: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary rce loaded successfully at 0x847500000
I> Successfully register RCE FW context save task with MB2 loader
I> dce : oem authentication of header done
I> dce : meta-blob integrity check is success.
I> dce : will be decompressed at 0x860000000
I> version 1 Bin 1 BCheckSum 0 content_size 0 Content ChkSum 1 reserved_00 0
I> Reserved10 0 BlockMaxSize 5 Reserved11 0
I> dce : decompressed to 11430016 bytes
I> dce-fw: PVIT version check passed
I> dce: plain binary integrity check is success
I> Partition name: A_adsp-fw
I> Size of partition: 2097152
I> Binary@ device:8/0 block-1024 (partition size: 0x200000), name: A_adsp-fw
I> dce: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary dce loaded successfully at 0x860000000
I> Partition name: A_fsi-fw
I> Size of partition: 6291456
I> Binary@ device:8/0 block-1536 (partition size: 0x600000), name: A_fsi-fw
I> FSI load addr: 0x84e000000
I> adsp-fw: PVIT version check passed
I> ape: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary ape loaded successfully at 0x848400000
I> Successfully register APE FW context save task with MB2 loader
I> Partition name: A_xusb-fw
I> Size of partition: 262144
I> Binary@ device:8/0 block-3072 (partition size: 0x40000), name: A_xusb-fw
I> fsi-fw: PVIT version check passed
I> fsi: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary fsi loaded successfully at 0x84e000000
I> Successfully register FSI FW context save task with MB2 loader
I> FSI SCPM configured
I> Configuring FSI PLL
I> FSI_CHSM_ATCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CHSM_BTCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU0_ATCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU0_BTCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU0_CTCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU1_ATCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU1_BTCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU1_CTCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU2_ATCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU2_BTCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU2_CTCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU3_ATCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU3_BTCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_CPU3_CTCM DMA xfer done
I> FSI_SRAM DMA xfer done
I> xusb-fw: PVIT version check passed
I> xusb: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary xusb loaded successfully at 0x847800000
I> Successfully register XUSB FW context save task with MB2 loader
I> Task: Carveout setup (0x5001ac30)
I> Program remaining OEM carveouts
I> Program ATF_FSI carveout
I> Task: Enable FSITHERM (0x50010dd0)
I> Task: Enable FSI VMON (0x50010948)
I> FSI VMON: FSI Vmon re-calibration and fine tuning done
I> Task: Validate FSI Therm readings (0x500109a8)
I> FSITHERM max temp = 33
I> FSITHERM min temp = 31
I> Task: Restore XUSB sec (0x50002258)
I> Task: Enable FSI SE clock (0x50011c00)
I> Enable FSI-SE clock…
I> Task: Ratchet update (0x50026288)
W> OPTIN fuse not set, skip ratchet update
I> Task: Initialize CPUBL Params (0x50012cfc)
I> CPUBL-params @ 0x850000000
I> Task: Initialize HVInfo (0x50012dd4)
I> HvInfo @ 0x85000a000
I> 0xff I> 0x87 I> 0xd7 I> 0xe5 I> 0x26 I> 0x89 I> 0xea I> 0x21 I> 0xc6 I> 0x4d I> 0x6d I> 0x39 I> 0x90 I> 0x32 I> 0xd7 I> 0x76 I> 0xaa I> 0x06 I> 0x5b I> 0x3f I> 0x9a I> 0x5f I> 0x5c I> 0x7b I> 0xee I> 0xc2 I> 0xe1 I> 0xb5 I> 0x85 I> 0x40 I> 0xe6 I> 0x7d I> 0x28 I> 0xe7 I> 0x4f I> 0x4c I> 0x93 I> 0x29 I> 0x19 I> 0x5e I> 0x54 I> 0xe1 I> 0x08 I> 0x48 I> 0xb5 I> 0x6f I> 0xa5 I> 0x69 I> 0x87 I> 0xa8 I> 0xfd I> 0x68 I> 0xb3 I> 0x7e I> 0x4b I> 0x30 I> 0xd8 I> 0x3b I> 0x07 I> 0x0e I> 0xa7 I> 0x24 I> 0x67 I> 0xf6 I>
I> Task: Prepare eeprom data (0x50012bdc)
I> Task: Revoke PKC fuse (0x5000207c)
I> PKC revoke fuse burn not requested
I> Task: FSI padctl context save (0x500144ec)
I> Task: Unpowergate APE (0x5001243c)
W> mb2_unpowergate_ape: skip! APE is in unpowergated state
I> Task: Memctrl reconfig pending clients (0x50002060)
I> Task: OEM firewalls (0x50020eb0)
I> OEM firewalls configured
I> Task: Powergate APE (0x500125b8)
I> Powergating APE
I> Powergate done
I> Task: OEM firewall restore saved settings (0x500210c4)
I> Task: Unhalt AUXPs (0x50023b90)
I> Unhalting SPE…
I> Enabling combined UART
��・spe: early_init
vic initialized
tsc initialized
aon lic initialized
spe: tag is 796ca1b9e5ee76ea6e7e6687ac46ef71
spe: SafeRTOS v8.4
spe: init
scheduler initialized
aon hsp initialized
tag initialized
tcu initialized
bpmp ipc initialized
spe: late init
cpu_nic clock initialized
apb clock initialized
pm initialized
bpmp hsp initialized
top1 hsp initialized
ccplex ipc initialized
spe: start scheduler
疉> Task: Trigger mailbox for PSC-BL1 exit (0x500118b8)
I> Sending opcode 0x4d420802 to psc
矜pmp: socket 0
bpmp: base binary md5 is a42a49f89ac2462f7d1dc6d34232707e
bpmp: combined binary md5 is bc32b19598089cb9211ae492ae219add
bpmp: firmware tag is bc32b19598089cb9211a-a42a49f89ac
initialized vwdt
initialized mail_early
initialized fuse
initialized vfrel
initialized hwwdt
initialized adc
fmon_populate_monitors: found 199 monitors
initialized fmon
initialized mc
initialized reset
initialized uphy_early
initialized emc_early
471 clocks registered
initialized clk_mach
initialized clk_cal_early
�疉> Received ACK from psc
I> Task: Start secure NOR provision (0x5001489c)
W> Secure NOR provision request cannot be made as security mode fuse is not bu�砠nitialized clk_mach_early_config
initialized io_dpd
initialized soctherm
initialized tj_init
initialized regime
initialized i2c
vrs12_check_level_retry: mdev@30 adc 0x42 lvl 52 range [0, 64]
vrmon_chk_boot_state: found 4 rail monitors
initialized vrmon
vrs12_check_level_retry: mdev@30 adc 0x40 lvl 130 range [96, 168]
initialized regulator
I> Task: Load FSI keyblob (0x50011c48)
I> Sending opcode OP_FSI_KEYBLOB to psc-fw
I> Sending opcode 0x53535452 to psc
�砠nitialized avfs_clk_platform
initialized powergate
initialized dvs
fmon_enable: FMON_HUB: detected fault 0x1
fmon_enable: FMON_HUB: detected fault 0x1
initialized clk_mach_config
initialized pm
initialized suspend
initialized strap
initialized mce_dbell
initialized emc
initialized emc_mrq
initialized clk_cal
initialized uphy_dt
initialized uphy_mrq
HSIO UPHY reset has been de-asserted 0xfe0c0
�疉> Received ACK from psc
I> FSI KeyBlob DMA xfer done
I> Task: MB2-PSC_FW Key Manager Init (0x50001f1c)
I> Sending opcode OP_PSC_KEY_MANAGER to psc-fw
I> Sending opcode 0x4b45594d to psc
�砠nitialized uphy
vrs12_check_level_retry: mdev@31 adc 0x41 lvl 131 range [113, 160]
vrs12_check_level_retry: mdev@30 adc 0x41 lvl 131 range [99, 186]
�疉> Received ACK from psc
I> Task: Unhalt AUXPs (0x50023b98)
I> Unhalting RCE
I> RCE unhalt successful
I> Unhalting DCE
I> DCE unhalt successful
I> APE unhalt skipped
I> FSI unhalt successful
�砠nitialized pg_late
�疉> �砠nitialized pg_mrq_init
swdtimer_init: 0 reg polling start w period 47 ms
initialized swdtimer
initialized hwwdt_late
initialized bwmgr
initialized thermal_host_trip
initialized thermal_mrq
initialized oc_mrq
initialized reset_mrq
initialized mail_mrq
initialized fmon_mr�縻 3.189633] Camera-FW on t234-rce-safe started
initialized clk_mrq
�縱CU console enabled.
�砠nitialized avfs_mrq
initialized i2c_mrq
initialized tag_mrq
initialized bwmgr_mrq
initialized console_mrq
initialized clk_sync_fmon_post
�疽ask: Load HV/CPUBL (0x500134dc)
萃CE Started
�疉> Task: Load TOS (0x50013af4)
I> Task: Load OIST (0x50013fc0)
I> ccplex ist is not enabled skip te�耒roduction error 0 and Status 0
FSI AUTOSAR FW Version: 1.5.7
Build: (e�砠nitialized clk_cal_late
initialized noc_late
initialized cvc
initialized avfs_clk_mach_post
initialized avf�羆438f31 6fc73f31 Tue �碵_clk_platform_post
�翳an 24 07:37:33 IST 2023)
BswM Enter Run
LIC programm�砠nitialized cvc_late
initialized rm
initialized console_late
handling unreferenced clks
enable ca�肅ng done
Safety Services EPS Initialized.
Time take�碆1_core
enable can1_�冐 from Error Reporting to SEH: 627 microseconds
enable can2_cor� 胄aken from Error Reporting to SEH: 650 microseconds
Time taken from Error �矼
enable can2_host
enable mss_encrypt
enable xusb_hs_hsicp
enable i2c7
enable maud
enable mphy_core_pll_fixed
enable mphy_l0_rx_ana
enable mphy_l0_rx_ls_bit
enable mphy_l0_rx_symb
enable mphy_l0_tx_ls_3xbit
enable mphy_l0_tx_symb
enable mphy_l1_rx_ana
enable mphy_tx_1mhz_ref
enable hub
enable disp
ena�耙eporting to SEH: 672 microseconds
Time taken from E�縻 3.314508] Camer�矜le dsi_core
enable aza_2xbit
enable qspi1_2x_pm
enable pllc4_muxed
enable�胙ror Reporting to SEH: 720 microseconds
DemoApp: ErrCo� 硴phy_l0_tx_2x_symb
�縺-FW on t234-rce-safe ready SHA1=a8296e53 (crt 12.461 ms, total boot 138.407 m�矼nable xusb_ss_superspeed
enable xusb_ss_dev
enable xusb_fs_dev
enable xusb_fs_h
enable xusb_falcon_enable xusb_falcon_host
enable xusb_core_ss
enable xusb_core_host
enable xusb_core_dev
enable dsi_lp
enable pex_usb_pad_pll3_mgmt�纉)
� 皋always_on)
initialized clk_mach_post
initialized pg_post
initialized regulator_post
initialized profile
initialized fuse_late
initialized mrq
initialized patrol_scrubber
initialized cactmon
initialized extas_post
bpmp: init complete
�聹e-0x28da ReptrId-0xe04c ErrAttr-0x0
EPS TimeStamp: 0x605833f
DemoApp: ErrCode-0x28d1 ReptrId-0xe04c ErrAttr-0x0
EPS TimeStamp: 0x6058627
DemoApp: ErrCode-0x18540001 ReptrId-0x8001 ErrAttr-0x0
EPS TimeStamp: 0x605891f
DemoApp: ErrCode-0x9 ReptrId-0x800d ErrAttr-0x0
EPS TimeStamp: 0x6058d97
Fsi Ccplex Com Init done
Time taken from Error Reporting to SEH: 60 microseconds
DemoApp: ErrCode-0x18540001 ReptrId-0x8001 ErrAttr-0x0
EPS TimeStamp: 0x61834ff
----------GPT Test Started----------
Gpt_Test: Module Id: 155
Gpt_Test: Vendor ID: 100
Gpt_Test: sw_major_version: 1
Gpt_Test: sw_minor_version: 5
Gpt_Test: sw_patch_version: 0
Elapsed time one shot mode PASS: 60
Elapsed time Expired one shot mode channel 1 PASS: 150
Remaining time for continous mode ch-2 PASS: 2186
No interupt for channel 1, Disable Notification PASS:15
Concurrent channel call for start timer PASS:45 107
GPT Test passed
----------GPT Test Finished----------
Bsw_Stub_TimerNotification: 1
Gpt 1 OneShot
Time before 1: 6
Time after 1: 15020
Enable Notification for channel 1 PASS
Bsw_Stub_TimerNotification: 0
Gpt 0 Timer
Time before 0: 4
Time after 0: 30019
Enable Notification for channel 0 PASS
Bsw_Stub_TimerNotification: 2
Gpt 2 Timer
Time before 2: 8
Time after 2: 40023
Enable Notification for channel 2 PASS
Bsw_Stub_TimerNotification: 3
Gpt 3 Timer
Time before 3: 10
Time after 3: 50330
Enable Notification for channel 3 PASS
Bsw_Stub_TimerNotification: 0
Gpt 0 Timer
Time before 0: 30019
Time after 0: 60019
Enable Notification for channel 0 PASS
Bsw_Stub_TimerNotification: 2
Gpt 2 Timer
Time before 2: 40023
Time after 2: 80021
Enable Notification for channel 2 PASS
Port_Test: Vendor Id: 155
Port_Test: moduleID: 124
Port_Test: sw_major_version: 1
Port_Test: sw_minor_version: 5
Port_Test: sw_patch_version: 0
Port PIN mode change Test passed
Port Refresh Test passed
Port_Test: Passed
Bsw_Stub_TimerNotification: 3
Gpt 3 Timer
Time before 3: 50330
Time after 3: 100530
Enable Notification for channel 3 PASS
�菫dmin Task Init
Admin Task Init complete
Print Task Init
RM Task Init
SHA Task Init
SHA Init
Admin Task Started
DCE SC7 SHA Enabled
RM Task Started
RM Task Running
Print Task Started
Print Task Running
SHA Task Started
SHA Task Running
DCE: FW Boot Complete
Admin Task Running
�癈t vectors load
I> Task: Load and authenticate registered FWs (0x50017fdc)
I> Partition name: A_kernel
I> Size of partition: 10485760
I> Binary@ device:8/0 block-6144 (partition size: 0xa00000), name: A_kernel
I> kernel : oem authentication of header done
I> kernel : meta-blob integrity check is success.
I> kernel : will be decompressed at 0x866000000
I> version 1 Bin 1 BCheckSum 0 content_size 0 Content ChkSum 1 reserved_00 0
I> Res�耜HA256 test success!
�痳rved10 0 BlockMaxSize 5 Reserved11 0
I> kernel : decompressed to 3886240 bytes
I> kernel: PVIT version check passed
I> kernel: plain binary integrity check is success
I> Partition name: A_secure-os
I> Size of partition: 4194304
I> Binary@ device:8/0 block-0 (partition size: 0x400000), name: A_secure-os
I> MB2-params @ 0x40060000
I> kernel: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary kernel loaded successfully at 0x866000000
I> tos : oem authentication of header done
I> tos : meta-blob integrity check is success.
I> tos : will be decompressed at 0x865d41000
I> version 1 Bin 1 BCheckSum 0 content_size 0 Content ChkSum 1 reserved_00 0
I> Reserved10 0 BlockMaxSize 5 Reserved11 0
I> tos : decompressed to 1830288 bytes
I> secure-os: PVIT version check passed
I> tos: plain binary integrity check is success
I> tos: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary tos loaded successfully at 0x865d41000
I> Task: Setup SMMU PTW carveout for RUNTIME (0x50012bd4)
I> Task: Add cpubl params integrity check (0x500133b0)
I> Added cpubl params digest.
I> Task: Load native kernel DTB and Ramdisk (0x500128bc)
I> Task: Modify native kernel DTB (0x5001dc14)
I> SKIP modifying kernel DTB
I> Task: Prepare TOS params (0x50013a64)
I> Task: OEM SC7 context save (0x500145f0)
I> OEM sc7 context saved
I> Task: Disable MSS perf stats (0x50023c2c)
I> Task: Program display sticky bits (0x50023ba0)
I> Task: Storage device deinit (0x500025d4)
I> Task: DRAM ECC Scrub remaining DRAM in MB2 (0x50024c74)
I> Task: SMMU external bypass disable (0x50010eec)
I> Task: SMMU init (0x50010e04)
I> Task: Program CBB PCIE AMAP regions (0x50001da0)
I> Task: Program GICv3 registers (0x50023cd4)
I> Task: Audit firewall settings (0x500210c0)
I> Task: GR Dump for MB2 (0x50014ec8)
W> GR Blob not found
I> Task: Lock fusing (0x50002568)
I> Checking EMC Errors
I> MB2 finished
�翊io_Test: Vendor Id: 155
Dio_Test: moduleID: 120
Dio_Test: sw_major_version: 1
Dio_Test: sw_minor_version: 6
Dio_Test: sw_patch_version: 0
-------------DIO test passed.--------------
�篶OTICE: BL31: v1.4(release):cbeb80be7
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 23:41:26, Jan 28 2023
���癬���・-------------MCU test started.--------------
Test Clock Selection register success
Test CHSM_CPU_BASE success
Test FSI_FABRIC_BASE success
Test FSI_SE success
Test FSI_SPI_BASE success
Test FSI_TS_BASE success
Test UARTFSI_BASE success
Test UARTFSI_EN success
Test PLLFSI_BASE success
Test PLLFSI_MISC_0 success
Test PLLFSI_MISC_1 success
Test PLLFSI_MISC_2 success
Test PLLFSI_MISC_3 success
Test PLLFSI_MISC_4 success
Test PLLFSI_MISC_5 success
Test PLLFSI_MISC_6 success
Test PLL_FSI FMON success
Test CHSM_CPU FMON success
Test FSI_FABRIC FMON success
Test FSI_SPI FMON success
Test FSI_TS FMON success
Test FSI_CAN_RST_0 success
Test FSI_CAN_RST_1 success
Test FSI_SPI_RST_0 success
R52 CPU running at 1200 MHz
Test Mcu_InitRamSection Success
MCU Version Info => model:0x65 vendor:0x9b sw:1:5:0
-------------MCU test passed.--------------
�當RIVE Hypervisor
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x1
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x0
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x3
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x2
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x4
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x5
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x7
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x8
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x6
NP Debug Server Thread: 0xb
NP Debug Server Thread: 0xa
NP Debug Server Thread: 0x9
��nvhost server initialization completed
��vsc_logging_init: Vsc Event Trace is Enabled
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device sdmmc3_user
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device sdmmc3_user
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device sdmmc3_user
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device sdmmc3_user
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device sdmmc3_user
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device sdmmc3_user
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device sdmmc3_user
vsc_nvlog_init - nvlog is enabled
��vsc_logging_init: Vsc Event Trace is Enabled
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device qspi0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device qspi0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device qspi0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device qspi0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device qspi0
qspi_init_async_io: registering ASYNC IO device for QSPI instance 0
��vsc_logging_init: Vsc Event Trace is Enabled
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
vsc_dev_mgr_get_storage_device_by_id: set up device ufs_lun0
�� HVRTOS audio server
HVRTOS audio server init done
pctStart: 0x9a0000
pctLen: 0x20000
dtbStart: 0x9c0000
dtbLen: 0x20000
request dispatcher registered successfully
Queue registered successfully
Audio Server ↔ BPMP IVC Queue Init Success
Client Queue registered successfully
Audio init complete!��QSPI Flash MX25U51245G Detected! JDEC ID, 0xc29595
QSPI Flash MX25U51245G Detected! JDEC ID, 0xc29595
��Configured symbol clocks: tx_rate: 583680000 rx_rate: 312500000
�� Audio Server post init - Hello World
��fill_normal_lun_features()::Writeback Cache is enabled
UFS device Thin provisioning is in disabled state. ERASE/DISCARD not supported(0)
��pl:[I]: storage is virtualized
��pl:[I]: storage is virtualized
��pl:[I]: device_registration_virt_init Succ��p��es��l��s��:��f��[��u��I��l��]����:��
�� d��p��e��l��v��:��i��[��c��I��e��]��_��:��r�� ��e��P��g��V��i��I��s��T��t�� ��r��L��a��o��t��a��i��d��o��e��n��d��_��
��vi��p��r��l��t��:��_��[��i��I��n��]��i��:��t�� �� ��P��S��l��u��a��c��t��c��f��e��o��s��r��s��m��f�� ��u��C��l��h����i��
��p��p��I��l��d ��:��0��[��x��I��2��]��3��:���� ��
��PVIT Loaded
pl:[I]: Platform ChipId 0x23
��pl:[I]: BCH SHA512 digest verif��p��i��l��c��:��at��[��i��I��o��]��n��:�� �� ��s��B��u��C��c��H��c�� ��e��S��s��H��s��A��f��5��ul��1����2��
�� diges��p��t��l�� ��:��v��[��e��I��r��]��i��:��f�� ��i��P��c��V��a��I��t��T��i�� ��o��e��n��n�� ��t��s��r��u��y��c�� f��c��o��e��u��s��n��s��d��f�� ��u��a��l��n����d��
�� SHA i��p��s��l�� ��:��m��[��a��I��t��]��c��:��h�� ��i��P��n��V��g��I����T��
�� entry found and SHA is ma��p��t��l��c��:��h��[��i��I��n��]��g��:���� ��
��Loaded PT
pl:[I]: dev_id 0xe��p�� ��l��i��:��n��[��s��I��t��]��a��:��n�� ��c��L��e��o�� ��a��0��d��x��e��8��d�� �� ��p��P��a��T��r����t��
��_��p��na��l��m��:��e��[�� ��I��:��]��p��:��t�� �� ��d��p��e��a��v��r��_��t��i��_��d��id�� �� ��0��0��x��x��e��1�� �� ��i��s��n��t��s��a��t��r��a��t��n��_��c��a��e��d�� ��d��0��r��x�� ��a��0�� ��x��p��0��a�� ��r��s��t��i��_��z��n��e��a�� ��m��0��e��x�� ��4��:��0��p��0��t��0�� ��0��p�� ��a��e��r��n��t��d��_��_��i��ad��d��d�� ��r��0�� ��x��0��1��x�� ��3��s��f��t��f��a��f��r��f��t����_��
��a��p��d��l��d��:��r��[�� ��I��0��]��x��:��0�� �� ��d��s��e��i��v��z��_��e��id�� �� ��0��0��x��x��4��e��0�� ��0��i��0��n��0��s�� ��t��e��a��n��n��d��c��_��e��a�� ��d��0��d��x��r��8�� �� ��0��p��x��a��3��r��f��t��f��_��f��n��f��a����me��
�� ��p��:��l��k��:��e��[��r��I��n��]��e��:��l�� ��-��d��d��e��t��v��b ��_��p��i��a��d��r�� ��t��0��_��x��i��e��d�� �� ��i��0��n��x��s��2��t�� ��a��st��n��a��c��r��e��t�� ��_��0��a��x��d��a��d�� ��r��p�� ��a��0��r��x��t��4��_��0��n��0��a��0��m��0��e�� �� ��s��:��i��k��z��e��e��r�� ��n��0��e��x��l��6��-��0��d��0��t��0��b��0�� �� ��p��e��a��n��r��d��t��_��_��a��i��d��d��d�� ��r ��0��0��x��x��2��9�� ��f��s��f��t��f��a��f��r����t��
��_��p��a��l��d��:[��d��I��r��]�� ��:��0�� ��x��d��4��e��0��v��0��_��0��i��0��d�� �� ��s��0x��i��e��z�� ��e��i�� ��n��0��s��x��t��4��a��0��n��0��c��0��e��0�� �� ��0��e��x��n��8��d�� ��_��p��a��a��d��r��d��t��r��_�� ��n��0��a��x��m��7��e��f�� :��f��k��f��e��f��r����n��
��e��p��l��l�� ��:��p��[��a��I��r��]��t��:��_�� ��id��d�� ��e��0��v��x��_��3��i�� ��d��s�� ��t��0��a��x��r��e��t�� ��_��i��a��n��dd��s��r��t�� ��a��0��n��x��c��a��e��0�� ��0��0��0��x��0��a�� �� ��s��p��iz��a��e��r�� ��t��0��_��x��n��1��a��b��m��0��e��0�� ��0��:��0��k��0��e�� e��r��n��n��d��e��_��l��a�� ��d��p��d��a��r��r�� ��t��0��_��x��i��1��d��b�� ��9��0��f��x��f��3��f�� ��f��s����t��
��a��p��r��l��t��:��_��[��a��I��d��]��d��: ��r��d�� ��e��0��v��x��_��8��i��0��d��0�� ��0��0��0��x�� ��e��s�� ��i��in��z��s��e��t�� ��a��0��n��x��c��1��e��7�� ��8��0��0��x��0��8��0�� ��0��pa�� ��r��e��t��n��_��d��n��_��a��a��m��d��e��d�� ��r��:�� ��r��0��a��x��m��1��d��7��i��f��s��f��k��f�� ��f��p��f��a����r��
��t��p��_��l��i��:��d��[�� ��I��0x��]��4��:�� �� ��s��B��t��o��a��o��r��t��t��e��_��d��a�� ��d��c��d��h��r��a�� ��i��0��n��x�� ��1��A��b����a��
��0��p��0��l��0��:��0��[�� ��I��s��]��i��:��z�� ��e��L�� ��o��0��a��x��d��7��i��0��n��0��g��0�� ��0��K��0��e�� ��r��e��n��n��e��d��l��_�� ��a��I��d��m��d��a��r��g�� ��e��0����x��
pl:[I]: dev_id 0xe i��p��ns��l��t��:��a���耜HA512 test success!
�痙��n��I��c��]��e��:�� �� ��0��B��x��C��8��H�� �� ��p��S��a��H��rt��A��_��5��n��1��a��2��m�� ��e��d�� ��i��:��g��g��e��o��s��s��t��0�� ��-��v��gp��e��1��r�� ��i��p��f��a��i��r��c��t��a��_��t��i��i��d��o�� ��n��0�� ��x5��s�� ��u��s��c��t��c��a��e��r��s��t��s��_��f��a��u��d��l��d����r��
�� 0x22a��p��0��l��0��:��0��[��0��I�� ��]��s��:��i�� ��z��P��e ��V��0��I��x��T��4�� ��0��e��0��n��0��t��0��r�� ��y��e�� ��n��f��d��o��_��u��a��n��d��d��d�� ��r��a�� ��n��0��d��x�� ��2��S��2��H��d��A��f�� ��f��i��f��s��f�� ����m��
��a��p��t��l��c��:��h��[��i��I��n��]��g��:���� ��
��dev_id 0xe instance 0x8 part_name :gos0-fs par��p��t��l��_��:��i��[��d��I�� ��]��0��:��x�� ��6��m�� ��e��s��t��t��a��a��-��rt��b��_��l��a��o��d��b��d�� ��r��h�� ��a��0��s��x��h��2�� ��2��v��e��e��00��r��0��i��0��f�� ��y��s�� ��i��s��z��u��e��c�� ��c��0��e��x��s��6��s��7�� ��e��0�翕2E is initialized
���痳��x��e��8��0��3��0��0��0��0��0��0�� ����e��
��nd_addr 0x6811bffff
pl:[I]: dev_id 0xe instance 0x8 part_name :gos0-gpt p��p��a��l��r��:��t��[��_��I��i��]��d��:�� �� ��0��v��x��e��7��r�� ��s��s��i��t��o��a��n��r�� ��t��1��_�� ��a��B��d��i��d��n��r�� �� ��1��0�� ��x��B��6��C��8��h��1��e��1��c��d��k��f��S��0��u��0��m��0�� �� ��0��s�� ��i��c��z��o��e��n�� ��t��0��e��x��n��2��t��1��_��0��s��0��i��0��z�� ��e��e�� ��n��0��d�� ��_��C��ad��o��d��n��r��t�� ��e��0��n��x��t��6�� ��8��C��1��h��1��k��f��S��f��u��f��m��ff�� ����1��
�� ��p�� ��l��r��:��e��[��s��I��e��]��r��:��v�� ��e��B��d��o��_��o��0��t��0��e�� ��d�� �� ��0��c����h��
��a��p��i��l��n��:�� ��[��A��I����]��
��:��p�� ��l��R��:��e��[��s��I��e��]��r��:��v�� ��e��L��d��o��1��a��0��d�� ��i��0��n�� ��g��B�� ��l��K��o��e��c��r��k��n��M��e��a��l��x�� ��S��I��i��m��z��a��e��g�� ��e��5���� ��
��Reserved11 0
��pl:[I]: BCH SHA512 digest verification successful
pl:[I]: PVIT entry found and SHA is matching
pl:[I]: meta-blob hash verify success 0xa4000
pl:[I]: version 1 Bin 1 BCheckSum 0 content_size 0 Content ChkSum 1 reserved_00 0
pl:[I]: Reserved10 0 BlockMaxSize 5 Reserved11 0
��pl:[I]: Plaintext SHA512 validation successful
pl:[I]: Loading DTB image
pl:[I]: BCH SHA512 digest verification successful
pl:[I]: PVIT entry found and SHA is matching
pl:[I]: Ignoring Reserved Memory value 0x0
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x0 to cpu-0 node in FDT
pl:[I]: yield cpu node not present, skipping update
pl:[I]: total mac_address 10
pl:[I]: Subnode vscd0-smmu-static-mapping already exists
pl:[I]: Created subnode vscd1-smmu-static-mapping in FDT
pl:[I]: Added HWRNG info to DTB
pl:[I]: GR carveout not found, skipping
pl:[I]: Kernel Cmdline: usr_fs=/dev/vblk_ufs30 tegraid= bl_prof_dataptr=2048@0xf3407800
pl:[I]: jumping to kernel at 0x80080000 (virtual 0x80080000)
Starting Update VM (SDP 7.1)
��pl:[I]: Plaintext SHA512 validation successful
pl:[I]: Loading Ramdisk Image
pl:[I]: BCH SHA512 digest verification su�羹=======INFO: w/o TCM translation in App==========
callback called:
DMA transfer verified
callback called:
DMA transfer verified
DMA transfer verified for 0x510c3f00 & 0x510c40c0
pl:[I]: PVIT entry found and SHA is matching
pl:[I]: meta-blob hash verify success 0x1ba3000
pl:[I]: version 1 Bin 1 BCheckSum 0 content_size 0 Content ChkSum 1 reserved_00 0
pl:[I]: Reserved10 0 BlockMaxSize 5 Reserved11 0
pl:[I]: Plaintext SHA512 validation successful
pl:[I]: Loading DTB image
pl:[I]: BCH SHA512 digest verification successful
pl:[I]: PVIT entry found and SHA is matching
pl:[I]: Ignoring Reserved Memory value 0x0
pl:[I]: Added mpidr:��B�� ��o��0��o��x��t��1�� ��0��s��0��a��0��n��0��i�� ��t��to��y�� �� �� ��p��c��a��p��s��u��s��-��e��0��d�� ����n��
��ode in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x10100 to cpu-1 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x10200 to cpu-2 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x10300 to cpu-3 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x20000 to cpu-4 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x20100 to cpu-5 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added�矮ebugfs initialized
� 瘢pidr: 0x20200 to cpu-6 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x20300 to cpu-7 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x100 to cpu-8 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x200 to cpu-9 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x0 to cpu-10 node in FDT
pl:[I]: Added mpidr: 0x300 to cpu-11 node in FDT
pl:[I]: CARVEOUT_FSI_CPU_NS base(0x7fdfd10000) size(0x1000000)
pl:[I]: total mac_address 10
��Starting Epd
��pl:[E]: Unable to find /smmu-static-mapping node : FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND
pl:[E]: Function: path_offset_print_error(0xff002af90) Error: FileNotFound (0x30013)
pl:[I]: Added HWRNG info to DTB
pl:[I]: Kernel Cmdline: aurixfw=AFW root=/dev/vblkdev0p1 loglevel=3 ip=off usr_fs=/dev/vblkdev1:/mnt/persistent/metadata usr_fs2=/dev/vblkdev3:/mnt/persistent/data rw_overlay=/dev/vblkdev4:/rw_overlay ufs_fs=/dev/vblkdev2 gpt rootwait rw gpt tegra_keep_boot_clocks disable_android_paranoid_network sdhci_tegra.en_boot_part_access=1 console=ttyS2,115200n8 pci=ecrc=on verity=0 tegraid= bl_debug_data=65536@0x7fe97f0000 bl_prof_dataptr=2048@0x7fe0d17000
pl:[I]: jumping to kernel at 0x80200000 (virtual 0x80000000)
��nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta, 506
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_1, 129
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_2, 130
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_3, 131
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_4, 132
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_5, 133
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_6, 134
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_7, 135
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_8, 136
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_9, 137
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_10, 138
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_11, 139
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_12, 140
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_13, 141
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_14, 142
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_15, 143
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_16, 144
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_17, 145
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_18, 146
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_19, 147
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_20, 148
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_21, 149
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_22, 150
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_23, 151
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_24, 152
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_25, 153
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_26, 154
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_29, 157
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_30, 158
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_31, 159
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_32, 160
nvsciipc_init:INFO : endpoint is not defined in PCT: pkcs11_keystore_ta_33, 161
Loading UART driver for debug console…
Starting nvmap
Starting nvhost
Starting vscd
Starting nvtzvault
Wait for VBLK driver
VBLK driver ready
Mounting Persistent Partition
Current boot mode is: GPIO
Active bootchain is: A
�耜HA3_256 test success!
���瘤vhost guest connect: module_id:1
nvhost guest connect: module_id:2
nvhost guest connect: module_id:9
nvhost guest connect: module_id:15
nvhost guest connect: module_id:8
NVDEC RISC-V boot success
nvhost guest connect: module_id:7
nvhost guest connect: module_id:16
�葭tarting RmBootstrap
Registered event_type:[0] for dce_core_ipc_type:[1]
Registered event_type:[1] for dce_core_ipc_type:[3]
dce_ipc State Initialized
RmBootstrap completed successfully
���痙 1.873797] INITRAMFS STARTS
Loading K5.15 prebuilt modules
Getting target_board from device-tree …
unable to find driver for 0000 rev 00
[ 2.074469] Trying switch_root to /new_root
[ 2.074498] INITRAMFS END
�耜HA3_512 test success!
疱elcome to Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS!
[ OK ] Created slice system-modprobe.slice.
[ OK ] Started Dispatch Password …ts to Console Directory Watch.
[ OK ] Set up automount Arbitrary…s File System Automount Point.
[ OK ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes.
[ OK ] Reached target Swap.
[ OK ] Reached target System Time Set.
[ OK ] Listening on Journal Audit Socket.
[ OK ] Listening on Journal Socket (/dev/log).
[ OK ] Listening on Journal Socket.
[ OK ] Listening on udev Control Socket.
[ OK ] Listening on udev Kernel Socket.
Mounting Huge Pages File System…
Mounting POSIX Message Queue File System…
Mounting Kernel Debug File System…
Mounting Kernel Trace File System…
Starting Set the console keyboard layout…
Starting Create list of st…odes for the current kernel…
Starting Load Kernel Module chromeos_pstore…
Starting Load Kernel Module efi_pstore…
Starting Load Kernel Module pstore_blk…
Starting Load Kernel Module pstore_zone…
Starting Load Kernel Module ramoops…
Starting Set console scheme…
Starting Load Kernel Modules…
Starting Remount Root and Kernel File Systems…
Starting udev Coldplug all Devices…
[ OK ] Mounted Huge Pages File System.
[ OK ] Mounted POSIX Message Queue File System.
[ OK ] Mounted Kernel Debug File System.
[ OK ] Mounted Kernel Trace File System.
[ OK ] Finished Create list of st… nodes for the current kernel.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module chromeos_pstore.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module efi_pstore.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module pstore_blk.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module pstore_zone.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module ramoops.
[ OK ] Finished Set console scheme.
[ OK ] Finished Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
[ OK ] Reached target NVIDIA Basic Initialization Target.
Starting Load/Save Random Seed…
Starting Create System Users…
[ OK ] Finished Set the console keyboard layout.
[ OK ] Finished Create System Users.
Starting Time synchronisation across boots…
Starting Create Static Device Nodes in /dev…
[ OK ] Started Time synchronisation across boots…
[ OK ] Reached target System Time Synchronized.
Starting Journal Service…
Creating mount directories.
[ OK ] Finished Create Static Device Nodes in /dev.
[ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems (Pre).
[ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems.
Starting udev Kernel Device Manager…
[ OK ] Started udev Kernel Device Manager.
/dev/vblkdev1 & /dev/vblkdev3 are already resized.
[ OK ] Reached target Sound Card.
[ OK ] Started Journal Service.
�耜HA3_384 test success!
� 疵tarting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage…
[ OK ] Finished Load/Save Random Seed.
[ OK ] Finished Flush Journal to Persistent Storage.
Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories…
[ 4.087935] Safety I2S: Clearing reset for i2s7…
[ 4.088105] Safety I2S: Success!
�痙 4.133130] Safety I2S: Sound card registered successfully
�翕D25519 SIGN GENERATE/VERIFY test success!
ED25519 PreHash SIGN GENERATE/VERIFY test success!
�痙 OK ] Finished Load Kernel Modules.
[ OK ] Finished udev Coldplug all Devices.
[ OK ] Finished Create Volatile Files and Directories.
Templates already setup. Skipping…
[ OK ] Created slice system-nv_ma…ell_interface_configure.slice.
[ OK ] Listening on Load/Save RF …itch Status /dev/rfkill Watch.
Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System…
Mounting Kernel Configuration File System…
Starting Load Kernel Module chromeos_pstore…
Starting Load Kernel Module efi_pstore…
Starting Load Kernel Module pstore_blk…
Starting Load Kernel Module pstore_zone…
Starting Load Kernel Module ramoops…
Starting Apply Kernel Variables…
Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown…
[ OK ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System.
[ OK ] Mounted Kernel Configuration File System.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module chromeos_pstore.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module efi_pstore.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module pstore_blk.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module pstore_zone.
[ OK ] Finished Load Kernel Module ramoops.
[ OK ] Finished Apply Kernel Variables.
Starting Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status…
[ OK ] Finished Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown.
[ OK ] Reached target System Initialization.
Starting Remove Stale Onli…t4 Metadata Check Snapshots…
Starting Marvell Ethernet …ion via Userland PHY Driver…
[ OK ] Started Add entropy to /de…random 's pool a hardware RNG.
[ OK ] Finished Marvell Ethernet …ation via Userland PHY Driver.
[ OK ] Finished Remove Stale Onli…ext4 Metadata Check Snapshots.
[ OK ] Started Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status.
[ OK ] Created slice system-nv_usbmounter.slice.
Starting Auto mount USB sticks…
[ OK ] Finished Auto mount USB sticks.
�翆BC ENCRYPT/DECRYPT test success!
�甎usr/sbin/drive-oem-config: line 71: log-output: command not found
System has not been setup with a valid username and password.
Shutting down system to prevent further problems.
This service will prompt again for usersetup in next boot.
Press ENTER key to continue…�翡CM ENCRYPT/DECRYPT test success!
KEY GENERATE test success!
RAND test success!
KEY EXCHANGE test success!
SHA1 test success!
SHA224 test success!
SHA384 test success!
SHA512_224 test success!
SHA512_256 test success!
SHA3_224 test success!
SHA Async test success!
RSA test success!
KEY COPY test success!
痙 OK ] Removed slice system-modprobe.slice.
[ OK ] Removed slice system-nv_…ll_interface_configure.slice.
[ OK ] Stopped target Sound Card.
[ OK ] Stopped target System Time Synchronized.
[ OK ] Stopped target System Time Set.
[ OK ] Closed Load/Save RF Kill…tch Status /dev/rfkill Watch.
Stopping Auto mount USB sticks…
Stopping Add entropy to …dom 's pool a hardware RNG…
Stopping Load/Save Random Seed…
[ OK ] Stopped Add entropy to /…andom 's pool a hardware RNG.
[ OK ] Unmounted /media/sda1.
[ OK ] Stopped Load/Save Random Seed.
[ OK ] Stopped Auto mount USB sticks.
[ OK ] Removed slice system-nv_usbmounter.slice.
[ OK ] Stopped target System Initialization.
[ OK ] Stopped target Local Encrypted Volumes.
[ OK ] Stopped Dispatch Passwor…s to Console Directory Watch.
Stopping Time synchronisation across boots…
[ OK ] Stopped Apply Kernel Variables.
[ OK ] Stopped Load Kernel Modules.
Stopping Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown…
[ OK ] Stopped Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown.
[ OK ] Stopped Time synchronisation across boots…
[ OK ] Stopped Create Volatile Files and Directories.
[ OK ] Stopped target Local File Systems.
Unmounting /home…
Unmounting /mnt/persistent/data…
Unmounting /mnt/persistent/metadata…
[ OK ] Unmounted /mnt/persistent/metadata.
[ OK ] Unmounted /mnt/persistent/data.
Unmounting /mnt…
[ OK ] Unmounted /home.
[ OK ] Unmounted /mnt.
[ OK ] Stopped target Local File Systems (Pre).
[ OK ] Stopped target Swap.
[ OK ] Reached target Unmount All Filesystems.
[ OK ] Stopped Create Static Device Nodes in /dev.
[ OK ] Stopped Create System Users.
[ OK ] Stopped Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
[ OK ] Reached target Shutdown.
[ OK ] Reached target Final Step.
[ OK ] Finished Power-Off.
[ OK ] Reached target Power-Off.
[ 4.442270] lan743x 0007:01:00.0: Adding to iommu group 17
[ 4.442791] platform regulatory.0: Direct firmware load for regulatory.db failed with error -2
[ 4.442797] platform regulatory.0: Falling back to sysfs fallback for: regulatory.db
[ 4.444944] spi-tegra114 3210000.spi: Adding to iommu group 56
[ 4.460852] lan743x 0007:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 → 0002)
[ 4.460889] lan743x 0007:01:00.0 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): PCI: Vendor ID = 0x1055, Device ID = 0x7431
[ 4.460955] lan743x 0007:01:00.0 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): ID_REV = 0x74310011, FPGA_REV = 0.0
[ 4.460975] lan743x 0007:01:00.0 (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): MAC address set to 48:b0:2d:91:cf:a9
[ 4.491704] cfg80211: failed to load regulatory.db
[ 4.510165] brcmfmac 0001:01:00.0: Adding to iommu group 15
[ 4.512363] spi-tegra114 c260000.spi: Adding to iommu group 57
[ 4.513426] brcmfmac 0001:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 → 0002)
[ 4.566969] loop: module loaded
[ 4.597188] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access ELECOM MF-HJU2 PMAP PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 4.627193] brcmfmac: brcmf_fw_alloc_request: using cypress/cyfmac54591-pcie for chip BCM4355/13
[ 4.636613] bluedroid_pm bluedroid_pm: IRQ index 0 not found
[ 4.648854] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 7831552 512-byte logical blocks: (4.01 GB/3.73 GiB)
[ 4.650244] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[ 4.650247] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 00
[ 4.651243] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
[ 4.651247] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
[ 4.732621] cdi_tsc c6a0000.tsc_sig_gen: CDI TSC probing…
[ 4.743828] sda: sda1
[ 4.748056] CAN device driver interface
[ 4.793798] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk
[ 4.806215] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: starting parse dt
[ 4.806220] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: Missing interrupt prop
[ 4.806233] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: Missing temp-alert-gpio prop
[ 4.806236] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: !!!Found deprecated property!!!
[ 4.806238] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: success parsing dt
[ 4.811740] irq: IRQ385: trimming hierarchy from :pmc@c360000
[ 4.811751] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: starting parse dt
[ 4.811794] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: !!!Found deprecated property!!!
[ 4.811796] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: success parsing dt
[ 4.814708] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: success in enabling tmp451 VDD rail
[ 4.822273] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: success in enabling tmp451 VDD rail
[ 4.831257] Message RAM Configuration
[ 4.831257] | base addr |0x0c312000|
[ 4.831257] | sidfc_flssa |0x00000000|
[ 4.831257] | xidfc_flesa |0x00000040|
[ 4.831257] | rxf0c_f0sa |0x000000c0|
[ 4.831257] | rxf1c_f1sa |0x000009c0|
[ 4.831257] | rxbc_rbsa |0x000009c0|
[ 4.831257] | txefc_efsa |0x000009c0|
[ 4.831257] | txbc_tbsa |0x00000a40|
[ 4.831257] | tmc_tmsa |0x00000ec0|
[ 4.831257] | mram size |0x00001000|
[ 4.832150] Release 3.2.3 from 09.06.2018
[ 4.850753] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: LOC shutdown limit 107
[ 4.851426] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: EXT shutdown limit 127
[ 4.858247] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: LOC shutdown limit 107
[ 4.858920] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: EXT shutdown limit 127
[ 4.882087] net can0: mttcan device registered (regs=000000008313b196, irq=236)
[ 4.888111] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: initial LOC temp: 38000
[ 4.888642] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: initial EXT temp: 34000
[ 4.889591] brcmfmac: brcmf_fw_alloc_request: using cypress/cyfmac54591-pcie for chip BCM4355/13
[ 4.890289] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: hi_b:-4, lo_b:0
[ 4.891052] Message RAM Configuration
[ 4.891052] | base addr |0x0c322000|
[ 4.891052] | sidfc_flssa |0x00000000|
[ 4.891052] | xidfc_flesa |0x00000040|
[ 4.891052] | rxf0c_f0sa |0x000000c0|
[ 4.891052] | rxf1c_f1sa |0x000009c0|
[ 4.891052] | rxbc_rbsa |0x000009c0|
[ 4.891052] | txefc_efsa |0x000009c0|
[ 4.891052] | txbc_tbsa |0x00000a40|
[ 4.891052] | tmc_tmsa |0x00000ec0|
[ 4.891052] | mram size |0x00001000|
[ 4.891181] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: irq config failed: 0xffffffea
[ 4.891943] Release 3.2.3 from 09.06.2018
[ 4.894317] nct1008_nct72 4-0049: nct1008_probe: initialized
[ 4.896032] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: initial LOC temp: 30000
[ 4.896770] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: initial EXT temp: 32000
[ 4.897785] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: hi_b:-4, lo_b:0
[ 4.901086] brcmfmac: brcmf_c_preinit_dcmds: Firmware: BCM4355/13 wl0: Mar 7 2022 19:41:22 version 13.35.271 (6759183 CY) FWID 01-a8167f89
[ 4.901724] nct1008_nct72 4-004c: nct1008_probe: initialized
[ 4.935282] net can1: mttcan device registered (regs=00000000dc7187ee, irq=237)
[ 5.072197] lan743x 0007:01:00.0 enP7p1s0: renamed from eth0
[ 5.129807] isc-mgr isc-mgr.0: isc_mgr_probeing…
[ 5.141333] isc-mgr isc-mgr.1: isc_mgr_probeing…
[ 5.153032] isc-mgr isc-mgr.2: isc_mgr_probeing…
[ 5.164108] isc-mgr isc-mgr.3: isc_mgr_probeing…
[ 5.212229] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_0: cdi_mgr_probeing…
[ 5.218136] irq: IRQ387: trimming hierarchy from :pmc@c360000
[ 5.223625] irq: IRQ388: trimming hierarchy from :pmc@c360000
[ 5.234270] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_0: CIM A02
[ 5.234581] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_0: FRSYNC source: 0 0 0
[ 5.245553] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_3: cdi_mgr_probeing…
[ 5.245628] (NULL device *): CIM A02
[ 5.251065] irq: IRQ389: trimming hierarchy from :pmc@c360000
[ 5.256869] irq: IRQ390: trimming hierarchy from :pmc@c360000
[ 5.268159] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_3: CIM A02
[ 5.268442] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_3: FRSYNC source: 0 0 0
[ 5.279866] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_2: cdi_mgr_probeing…
[ 5.279916] (NULL device *): CIM A02
[ 5.285556] irq: IRQ391: trimming hierarchy from :pmc@c360000
[ 5.290326] irq: IRQ392: trimming hierarchy from :pmc@c360000
[ 5.299529] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_2: CIM A02
[ 5.299800] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_2: FRSYNC source: 0 0 0
[ 5.308232] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_7: cdi_mgr_probeing…
[ 5.308306] (NULL device *): CIM A02
[ 5.312595] irq: IRQ393: trimming hierarchy from :pmc@c360000
[ 5.316831] irq: IRQ394: trimming hierarchy from :pmc@c360000
[ 5.324889] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_7: CIM A02
[ 5.325151] cdi-mgr sipl_devblk_7: FRSYNC source: 0 0 0
[ 5.325911] brcmfmac 0001:01:00.0 wlP1p1s0: renamed from wlan0
[ 5.333453] (NULL device *): CIM A02
[ 5.357284] logitech-djreceiver 0003:046D:C534.0001: hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Logitech USB Receiver] on usb-3610000.xhci-3/input0
[ 5.431548] tegra_hv_wdt tegra_hv_wdt: failed to find ivc property
[ 5.431554] tegra_hv_wdt tegra_hv_wdt: failed to parse device tree
[ 5.446177] tegra_hv_pm_ctl tegra_hv_pm_ctl: tegra_hv_pm_ctl_probe: Probed
[ 5.691200] cryptd: max_cpu_qlen set to 1000
[ 5.743382] logitech-djreceiver 0003:046D:C534.0002: hiddev96,hidraw1: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Logitech USB Receiver] on usb-3610000.xhci-3/input1
[ 5.808532] logitech-djreceiver 0003:046D:C534.0002: device of type eQUAD nano Lite (0x0a) connected on slot 1
[ 5.810529] logitech-djreceiver 0003:046D:C534.0002: device of type eQUAD nano Lite (0x0a) connected on slot 2
[ 5.825928] input: Logitech Wireless Keyboard PID:4023 Keyboard as /devices/platform/3610000.xhci/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.1/0003:046D:C534.0002/0003:046D:4023.0003/input/input7
[ 5.840704] input: Logitech Wireless Keyboard PID:4023 Consumer Control as /devices/platform/3610000.xhci/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.1/0003:046D:C534.0002/0003:046D:4023.0003/input/input8
[ 5.855876] input: Logitech Wireless Keyboard PID:4023 System Control as /devices/platform/3610000.xhci/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.1/0003:046D:C534.0002/0003:046D:4023.0003/input/input9
[ 5.865071] hid-generic 0003:046D:4023.0003: input,hidraw2: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Logitech Wireless Keyboard PID:4023] on usb-3610000.xhci-3/input1:1
[ 5.880655] input: Logitech Wireless Mouse PID:4091 Mouse as /devices/platform/3610000.xhci/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.1/0003:046D:C534.0002/0003:046D:4091.0004/input/input14
[ 5.899156] hid-generic 0003:046D:4091.0004: input,hidraw3: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Logitech Wireless Mouse PID:4091] on usb-3610000.xhci-3/input1:2
[ 6.435901] lan743x 0007:01:00.0 enP7p1s0: using MSIX interrupts, number of vectors = 6
[ 6.437804] lan743x 0007:01:00.0 enP7p1s0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off
[ 6.438005] lan743x 0007:01:00.0 enP7p1s0: successfully registered ptp clock
[ 6.438840] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enP7p1s0: link becomes ready
[ 6.692648] input: Logitech Wireless Keyboard PID:4023 as /devices/platform/3610000.xhci/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.1/0003:046D:C534.0002/0003:046D:4023.0003/input/input18
[ 6.692857] logitech-hidpp-device 0003:046D:4023.0003: input,hidraw2: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Logitech Wireless Keyboard PID:4023] on usb-3610000.xhci-3/input1:1
[ 6.737966] FAT-fs (sda1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.
[ 6.772588] input: Logitech Wireless Mouse as /devices/platform/3610000.xhci/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.1/0003:046D:C534.0002/0003:046D:4091.0004/input/input19
[ 6.772765] logitech-hidpp-device 0003:046D:4091.0004: input,hidraw3: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Logitech Wireless Mouse] on usb-3610000.xhci-3/input1:2
[ 18.838359] audit: type=1107 audit(1684316227.016:5): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:kernel:s0 msg=‘avc: denied { start } for auid=n/a uid=0 gid=0 path=“/lib/systemd/system/” cmdline=“” scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=service permissive=1
[ 18.838359] exe=“/usr/lib/systemd/systemd” sauid=0 hostname=? addr=? terminal=?’
[ 18.841312] audit: type=1107 audit(1684316227.016:6): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:kernel:s0 msg=‘avc: denied { status } for auid=n/a uid=0 gid=0 path=“/lib/systemd/system/” cmdline=“” scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=service permissive=1
[ 18.841312] exe=“/usr/lib/systemd/systemd” sauid=0 hostname=? addr=? terminal=?’
[ 19.204602] systemd-shutdown[1]: Syncing filesystems and block devices.
[ 19.210451] systemd-shutdown[1]: Sending SIGTERM to remaining processes…
[ 19.221148] systemd-journald[707]: Received SIGTERM from PID 1 (systemd-shutdow).
[ 19.294738] systemd-shutdown[1]: Sending SIGKILL to remaining processes…
[ 19.303273] systemd-shutdown[1]: Unmounting file systems.
[ 19.304222] [1151]: Remounting ‘/etc’ read-only in with options ‘seclabel,lowerdir=/etc,upperdir=/mnt/persistent/metadata/etc,workdir=/mnt/persistent/metadata/tmp/etc’.
[ 19.306512] [1152]: Unmounting ‘/etc’.
[ 19.378171] [1153]: Remounting ‘/’ read-only in with options ‘seclabel’.
[ 19.383834] EXT4-fs (vblkdev0p1): re-mounted. Opts:
[ 19.387376] systemd-shutdown[1]: All filesystems unmounted.
[ 19.387381] systemd-shutdown[1]: Deactivating swaps.
[ 19.387406] systemd-shutdown[1]: All swaps deactivated.
[ 19.387409] systemd-shutdown[1]: Detaching loop devices.
[ 19.388426] systemd-shutdown[1]: All loop devices detached.
[ 19.388429] systemd-shutdown[1]: Detaching DM devices.
[ 19.388496] systemd-shutdown[1]: All DM devices detached.
[ 19.388499] systemd-shutdown[1]: All filesystems, swaps, loop devices and DM devices detached.
[ 19.391083] systemd-shutdown[1]: Syncing filesystems and block devices.
[ 19.391691] systemd-shutdown[1]: Powering off.
[ 19.530628] lan743x 0007:01:00.0 enP7p1s0: ptp clock unregister
[ 19.530646] lan743x 0007:01:00.0 enP7p1s0: Link is Down
[ 19.614776] nvethernet 6810000.ethernet mgbe0_0: Link is Down
[ 19.723106] nvgpu: 17000000.ga10b gk20a_pm_shutdown:1326 [INFO] shutting down
[ 19.723113] nvgpu: 17000000.ga10b gk20a_pm_shutdown:1357 [INFO] shut down complete
[ 19.723162] arm-smmu 8000000.iommu: disabling translation
[ 19.723237] arm-smmu 12000000.iommu: disabling translation
[ 19.723314] late_shutdown started
[ 19.723351] Disabling non-boot CPUs …
[ 19.794769] CPU1: shutdown
[ 19.794897] psci: CPU1 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 19.822648] CPU2: shutdown
[ 19.822768] psci: CPU2 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 19.846633] CPU3: shutdown
[ 19.846749] psci: CPU3 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 19.878689] CPU4: shutdown
[ 19.878831] psci: CPU4 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 19.898603] CPU5: shutdown
[ 19.898728] psci: CPU5 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 19.922582] CPU6: shutdown
[ 19.922706] psci: CPU6 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 19.942571] CPU7: shutdown
[ 19.942697] psci: CPU7 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 19.962648] CPU8: shutdown
[ 19.962776] psci: CPU8 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 19.990557] CPU9: shutdown
[ 19.990681] psci: CPU9 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 20.010708] CPU10: shutdown
[ 20.010827] psci: CPU10 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 20.030516] CPU11: shutdown
[ 20.030638] psci: CPU11 killed (polled 0 ms)
[ 20.031054] reboot: Power down
[ 20.031056] printk: enabled sync mode
[ 20.100247] printk: console [ttyS2]: printing thread stopped
Guest has issued a PSCI SystemOff/SystemReset