Where can I find the URDF model of the Unitree Go1?

The Isaac only provided the usd file, but I can’t convert it into the urdf or xacro file. Meanwhile, the go1.usd is different from the urdf offered by unitree company. Where can I find the urdf file corresponding to the go1.usd? Wish for your help!

We provide the URDF alongside the USD in Isaac/Robots/Unitree/go1.urdf

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How can I download it to a local folder? I need to use the urdf in the launch file. But it seems to be stored on a server. I can’t find it in the local folder.

Try right-clicking it on the content browser and then download file

I found it! Thank you for your help!

The format of the urdf file seems to be wrong. I tried the a1.urdf and go1.urdf, but they can’t show in rviz. Then I use the command “check_urdf”, and get the error prompt like this. How should I do? Hope for your help!

Thanks for letting me know, the files were indeed broken, I replaced them in our asset folder and it should be republished soon. The urdfs were collected from this Repository:

Thanks for your help.

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