Will not boot after enabling Security Boot (Jetson AGX Xavier)


This is a continuation from another post that I have provided below:

I am just going to cut and paste the last entry of that post, because that is the issue that I am trying to resolve:



Well, I just burn the security mode (odm_production_mode) fuse using:

‘sudo ./odmfuse.sh -i 0x19 -p -k RSA_Key.pem -S SBK.txt jetson-agx-xavier-devkit’

And flashed it using:

‘sudo ./flash.sh -u RSA_Key.pem -v SBK.txt --user_key User_Key.txt jetson-agx-xavier-devkit mmcblk0p1’

The Jetson AGX Xavier is doing the same exact things as the Jetson Xavier NX up to this point. It frozen on the Nvidia screen.


So now what are the next steps?..

hello dcapers44,

please also setup serial console to gather UART logs and attach to the thread. we’ll need to check bootloader messages for more details.

Welcome to minicom 2.7.1

Compiled on Aug 13 2017, 15:25:34.
Port /dev/ttyUSB3, 07:12:40

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys

[0000.103] W> RATCHET: MB1 binary ratchet value 4 is too large than ratchet level 2 from HW fuses.
[0000.111] I> MB1 (prd-version:
[0000.117] I> Boot-mode: Coldboot
[0000.120] I> Chip revision : A02P
[0000.123] I> Bootrom patch version : 15 (correctly patched)
[0000.128] I> ATE fuse revision : 0x200
[0000.131] I> Ram repair fuse : 0x0
[0000.135] I> Ram Code : 0x2
[0000.137] I> rst_source : 0x0
[0000.140] I> rst_level : 0x0
[0000.143] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0000.158] I> sdmmc DDR50 mode
[0000.162] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.168] W> Return default slot: _a
[0000.171] I> Active Boot chain : 0
[0000.174] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0000.179] W> MB1_PLATFORM_CONFIG: device prod data is empty in MB1 BCT.
[0000.187] I> Temperature = 26000
[0000.190] W> Skipping boost for clk: BPMP_CPU_NIC
[0000.194] W> Skipping boost for clk: BPMP_APB
[0000.198] W> Skipping boost for clk: AXI_CBB
[0000.202] W> Skipping boost for clk: AON_CPU_NIC
[0000.207] W> Skipping boost for clk: CAN1
[0000.210] W> Skipping boost for clk: CAN2
[0000.215] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0000.217] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0000.227] I> Sdmmc: HS400 mode enabled
[0000.233] I> ECC region[0]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.237] I> ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.241] I> ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.245] I> ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.249] I> ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.253] I> Non-ECC region[0]: Start:0x80000000, End:0x100000000
[0000.259] I> Non-ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.263] I> Non-ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.268] I> Non-ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.272] I> Non-ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.278] E> FAILED: Thermal config
[0000.285] E> FAILED: MEMIO rail config
[0000.303] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0000.314] I> sdmmc bdev is already initialized
[0000.410] I> MB1 done

����main enter
SPE VERSION #: R01.00.14 Created: Sep 19 2018 @ 11:03:21
HW Function test
Start Scheduler.
in late init
  [0000.418] I> Welcome to MB2(TBoot-BPMP) (version: 00.00.2018.32-mobile-feba5943)
[0000.419] I> DMA Heap @ [0x526fa000 - 0x52ffa000]
[0000.419] I> Default Heap @ [0xd486400 - 0xd48a400]
[0000.420] E> DEVICE_PROD: Invalid value data = 70020000, size = 0.
[0000.426] W> device prod register failed
[0000.429] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0000.432] I> Boot_device: SDMMC_BOOT instance: 3
[0000.438] I> sdmmc-3 params source = boot args
[0000.441] I> sdmmc bdev is already initialized
[0000.445] I> sdmmc-3 params source = boot args
[0000.454] I> Found 17 partitions in SDMMC_BOOT (instance 3)
[0000.460] I> Found 42 partitions in SDMMC_USER (instance 3)
[0000.461] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.466] W> Return default slot: _a
[0000.470] I> Active Boot chain : 0
[0000.473] I> parsing oem signed section of bpmp-fw header done
[0000.479] I> bpmp-fw binary init read from storage
[0000.486] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0000.487] I> oem authentication of bpmp-fw header done
[0000.494] I> bpmp-fw binary done read from storage
[0000.497] I> bpmp-fw: Authentication init Done
[0000.501] I> parsing oem signed section of cpubl header done
[0000.506] I> cpubl binary init read from storage
[0000.515] I> bpmp-fw: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.518] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0000.519] I> oem authentication of cpubl header done
[0000.524] I> cpubl binary done read from storage
[0000.529] I> cpubl: Authentication init Done
[0000.534] I> parsing oem signed section of rce header done
[0000.538] I> rce binary init read from storage
[0000.543] I> Relocating BR-BCT
[0000.548] I> cpubl: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.552] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0000.553] I> oem authentication of rce header done
[0000.558] I> rce binary done read from storage
[0000.562] I> rce: Authentication init Done
[0000.567] I> parsing oem signed section of ape header done
[0000.572] I> ape binary init read from storage
[0000.578] I> rce: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.582] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0000.584] I> oem authentication of ape header done
[0000.589] I> ape binary done read from storage
[0000.593] I> ape: Authentication init Done
[0000.598] I> parsing oem signed section of tos header done
[0000.602] I> tos binary init read from storage
[0000.607] I> ape: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.613] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0000.614] I> oem authentication of tos header done
[0000.619] I> tos binary done read from storage
[0000.623] I> tos: Authentication init Done
[0000.628] I> parsing oem signed section of bpmp-fw-dtb header done
[0000.633] I> bpmp-fw-dtb binary init read from storage
[0000.640] I> tos: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.646] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0000.647] I> oem authentication of bpmp-fw-dtb header done
[0000.655] I> bpmp-fw-dtb binary done read from storage
[0000.657] I> bpmp-fw-dtb: Authentication init Done
[0000.662] I> parsing oem signed section of cpubl-dtb header done
[0000.667] I> cpubl-dtb binary init read from storage
[0000.675] I> bpmp-fw-dtb: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.711] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0000.712] I> oem authentication of cpubl-dtb header done
[0000.712] I> cpubl-dtb binary done read from storage
[0000.713] I> cpubl-dtb: Authentication init Done
[0000.715] I> parsing oem signed section of eks header done
[0000.716] I> eks binary init read from storage
[0000.718] I> cpubl-dtb: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.722] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0000.723] I> oem authentication of eks header done
[0000.728] I> eks binary done read from storage
[0000.732] I> eks: Authentication init Done
[0000.736] I> eks: Authentication Finalize Done
[0000.740] I> EKB detected (length: 0x410) @ VA:0x5270a400
��NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):5b49e7f80
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 14:42:47, Jan 15 2021
ipc-unittest-main: 1519: Welcome to IPC unittest!!!
ipc-unittest-main: 1531: waiting forever
ipc-unittest-srv: 329: Init unittest services!!!
hwkey-agent: 40: hwkey-agent is running!!
hwkey-agent: 197: key_mgnt_processing .......
hwkey-agent: 162: ekb_verification: EKB_CMAC verification is not match.
hwkey-agent: 240: key_mgnt_processing: failed (-7)
hwkey-agent: 44: main: Failed to verify or extract EKB (-7).
exit called, thread 0xffffffffea8a2d58, name trusty_app_2_92b92883-f96a-4177
luks-srv: 40: luks-srv is running!!
platform_bootstrap_epilog: trusty bootstrap complete

welcome to lk
calling constructors
initializing heap
creating bootstrap completion thread
top of bootstrap2()
initializing platform
bpmp: platform_init
tag is e73a758761f0c6d24a1e69a2ac6b5035
tag_show initialized
dt initialized
mail initialized
chipid initialized
fuse initialized
sku initialized
speedo initialized
ec_get_ec_list: found 45 ecs
ec initialized
ec_mrq initialized
vmon_populate_monitors: found 3 monitors
vmon initialized
adc initialized
fmon_populate_monitors: found 73 monitors
fmon initialized
fmon_mrq initialized
reset initialized
nvhs initialized
392 clocks registered
WARNING: pll_c4 has no dyn ramp
clk_mrq_init: mrq handler registered
clk initialized
nvlink initialized
io_dpd initialized
io_dpd initialized
thermal initialized
i2c5 controller initialized
initialized i2c mrq handling
i2c initialized
regulator initialized
avfs_clk_platform initialized
soctherm initialized
aotag initialized
powergate initialized
dvs initialized
pm initialized
pg_late initialized
strap initialized
tag initialized
emc initialized
clk_dt initialized
avfs_ccplex_platform initialized
tj_max: dt node not found
tj_init initialized
uphy_mrq_init: mrq handler registered
uphy_dt initialized
uphy initialized
safereg_init: period 80 ms
ec_late initialized
  ��mrq initialized
��[0001.242] I> Welcome to Cboot
��fmon_post initialized
��[0001.242] I> Cboot Version: t194-9efcbc4f
[0001.243] I> CPU-BL Params @ 0xf2820000
[0001.243] I>  0) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.247] I>  1) Base:0xf1100000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.251] I>  2) Base:0xf2000000 Size:0x00200000
[0001.256] I>  3) Base:0xf1200000 Size:0x00200000
[0001.260] I>  4) Base:0xf1000000 Size:0x00100000
��clk_set_parent failed for clk i2c2, parent pll_aon (-22)
clk_set_parent failed for clk i2c8, parent pll_aon (-22)
clk_dt_late initialized
machine_check initialized
pm_post initialized
dbells initialized
avfs_clk_platform_post initialized
dmce initialized
cvc initialized
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster0: not monitored
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster1: not monitored
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster2: not monitored
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster3: not monitored
avfs_clk_mach_post initialized
regulator_post initialized
rm initialized
sc7_diag initialized
thermal_test initialized
serial_late initialized
clk_post initialized
clk_dt_post initialized
mc_reg initialized
pg_post initialized
dyn_modules initialized
sku_debugfs initialized
speedo_debugfs initialized
adc_debugfs initialized
clk_debugfs initialized
��[0001.265] I>  5) Base:0xf0f00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.344] I>  6) Base:0xf3800000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.349] I>  7) Base:0xf1c00000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.353] I>  8) Base:0xf0e00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.358] I>  9) Base:0xf0d00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.362] I> 10) Base:0xf3000000 Size:0x00800000
[0001.366] I> 11) Base:0x40000000 Size:0x00040000
[0001.371] I> 12) Base:0xf0c00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.375] I> 13) Base:0x40046000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.380] I> 14) Base:0x40048000 Size:0x00002000��emc_debugfs initialized
dvs_debugfs initialized
[0001.389] I> 15) Base:0xac000000 Size:0x00004000
��fmon_debugfs initialized
vmon_debugfs initialized
pg_debugfs initialized
profile_fs initialized
debugfs_cons initialized
mail_fs initialized
profile initialized
cvc_debugfs initialized
dmce_debugfs initialized
ec_debugfs initialized
rm_debugfs initialized
soctherm_debug initialized
gr_reader initialized
mods initialized
dt_fs initialized
debugfs_mrq initialized
debug_mrq initialized
debug_safereg initialized
initializing target
calling apps_init()
starting app shell
entering main console loop
] ��[0001.394] I> 16) Base:0x4004a000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.444] I> 17) Base:0xf0b00000 Size:0x00100000
[0001.448] I> 18) Base:0x4004c000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.453] I> 19) Base:0xf2200000 Size:0x00600000
[0001.457] I> 20) Base:0x4004e000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.462] I> 21) Base:0xf0ad0000 Size:0x0000c000
[0001.466] I> 22) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.471] I> 23) Base:0xf0ae0000 Size:0x00020000
[0001.475] I> 24) Base:0xf6000000 Size:0x02000000
[0001.480] I> 25) Base:0x40050000 Size:0x00002000
[0001.484] I> 26) Base:0x40040000 Size:0x00006000
[0001.489] I> 27) Base:0xf1800000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.493] I> 28) Base:0xf4c00000 Size:0x01400000
[0001.498] I> 29) Base:0xf1400000 Size:0x00400000
[0001.502] I> 30) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.506] I> 31) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.511] I> 32) Base:0xf8000000 Size:0x08000000
[0001.515] I> 33) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.520] I> 34) Base:0xf3c00000 Size:0x01000000
[0001.524] I> 35) Base:0xab000000 Size:0x01000000
[0001.529] I> 36) Base:0xa0000000 Size:0x0b000000
[0001.533] I> 37) Base:0xf2800000 Size:0x00800000
[0001.538] I> 38) Base:0x80000000 Size:0x20000000
[0001.542] I> 39) Base:0xb0000000 Size:0x08000000
[0001.547] I> 40) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.551] I> 41) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.556] I> 42) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.560] I> 43) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.565] I> 44) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.569] I> 45) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000
[0001.573] GIC-SPI Target CPU: 0
[0001.576] Interrupts Init done
[0001.579] calling constructors
[0001.582] initializing heap
[0001.585] I> Heap: [0xa06945e8 ... 0xab000000]
[0001.589] initializing threads
[0001.592] initializing timers
[0001.595] creating bootstrap completion thread
[0001.599] top of bootstrap2()
[0001.602] CPU: MIDR: 0x4E0F0040, MPIDR: 0x80000000
[0001.607] initializing platform
[0001.609] E> DEVICE_PROD: Invalid value data = 0, size = 0.
[0001.615] W> device prod register failed
[0001.619] I> Bl_dtb @0xaaf00000
[0001.625] W> "plugin-manager" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.627] W> "ids" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.631] W> "connection" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.635] W> "configs" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.647] I> Find /i2c@3160000's alias i2c0
[0001.647] I> Reading eeprom i2c=0 address=0x50
[0001.673] I> Device at /i2c@3160000:0x50
[0001.673] I> Reading eeprom i2c=0 address=0x56
[0001.698] I> Device at /i2c@3160000:0x56
[0001.700] I> Find /i2c@3180000's alias i2c2
[0001.700] I> Reading eeprom i2c=2 address=0x54
[0001.702] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.702] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a8 with repeat start true.
[0001.703] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.703] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa8 at 0x00000000 via instance 2.
[0001.712] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
[0001.717] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d
[0001.721] I> Reading eeprom i2c=2 address=0x57
[0001.725] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.729] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00ae with repeat start true.
[0001.737] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.742] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xae at 0x00000000 via instance 2.
[0001.752] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
[0001.757] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d
[0001.761] I> Reading eeprom i2c=2 address=0x52
[0001.765] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.769] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a4 with repeat start true.
[0001.777] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.782] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa4 at 0x00000000 via instance 2.
[0001.792] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
[0001.797] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d
[0001.802] I> Find /i2c@c240000's alias i2c1
[0001.805] I> Reading eeprom i2c=1 address=0x52
[0001.810] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.813] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a4 with repeat start true.
[0001.821] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.826] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa4 at 0x00000000 via instance 1.
[0001.836] E> eeprom: Retry to read I2C slave device.
[0001.841] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.845] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a4 with repeat start true.
[0001.853] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.858] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa4 at 0x00000000 via instance 1.
[0001.868] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
[0001.873] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d
[0001.877] I> Reading eeprom i2c=1 address=0x50
[0001.881] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.885] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a0 with repeat start true.
[0001.893] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.898] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa0 at 0x00000000 via instance 1.
[0001.908] E> eeprom: Retry to read I2C slave device.
[0001.913] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
[0001.917] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a0 with repeat start true.
[0001.925] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
[0001.930] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa0 at 0x00000000 via instance 1.
[0001.940] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
[0001.945] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d
[0001.949] I> create_pm_ids: id: 2888-0004-400-L, len: 15
[0001.954] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00,, len: 93
[0001.965] I> create_pm_ids: id: 2822-0000-700-K, len: 15
[0001.970] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00,, len: 93
[0001.981] I> Adding plugin-manager/ids/2888-0004-400=/i2c@3160000:module@0x50
[0001.988] W> "i2c@3160000" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.993] W> "module@0x50" doesn't exist, creating
[0001.997] I> Adding plugin-manager/ids/2822-0000-700=/i2c@3160000:module@0x56
[0002.004] W> "module@0x56" doesn't exist, creating
[0002.011] I> Adding plugin-manager/cvm
[0002.013] W> "chip-id" doesn't exist, creating
[0002.017] I> Adding plugin-manager/chip-id/A02P
[0002.021] I> Plugin-manager override starting
[0002.027] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement-tegra-wdt-en matches
[0002.034] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement-soft-wdt matches
[0002.044] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-pcie-c5-rp matches
[0002.048] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-tegra-ufs-lane10 matches
[0002.059] I> Disable plugin-manager status in FDT
[0002.059] I> Plugin-manager override finished successfully
[0002.060] I> gpio framework initialized
[0002.064] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'nvidia,tegra194-gpio' driver
[0002.071] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'nvidia,tegra194-gpio-aon' driver
[0002.077] I> tegrabl_tca9539_init: i2c bus: 1, slave addr: 0x46
[0002.085] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible ti,tca9539
[0002.092] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible nxp,tca9539
[0002.099] W> tegrabl_tca9539_init: failed to fetch phandle from dt
[0002.105] I> tegrabl_tca9539_init: i2c bus: 1, slave addr: 0x44
[0002.112] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible ti,tca9539
[0002.120] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible nxp,tca9539
[0002.127] W> tegrabl_tca9539_init: failed to fetch phandle from dt
[0002.134] I> fixed regulator driver initialized
[0002.146] I> register 'maxim' power off handle
[0002.147] I> virtual i2c enabled
[0002.147] I> registered 'maxim,max20024' pmic
[0002.149] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'max20024-gpio' driver
[0002.155] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0002.158] I> Boot_device: SDMMC_BOOT instance: 3
[0002.167] I> sdmmc-3 params source = boot args
[0002.167] I> create_pm_ids: id: 2888-0004-400-L, len: 15
[0002.172] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00,, len: 93
[0002.183] I> create_pm_ids: id: 2822-0000-700-K, len: 15
[0002.188] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:00,touch-config:00,display-config:00,, len: 93
[0002.199] I> sdmmc bdev is already initialized
[0002.204] I> sdmmc-3 params source = boot args
[0002.234] I> Found 17 partitions in SDMMC_BOOT (instance 3)
[0002.247] I> Found 42 partitions in SDMMC_USER (instance 3)
[0002.257] I> enabling 'vdd-hdmi-5v0' regulator
[0002.263] I> regulator 'vdd-hdmi-5v0' already enabled
[0002.264] I> hdmi cable connected
[0002.266] W> set volts not configured for 'vdd-1v0'
[0002.268] W> set volts not configured for 'vdd-1v8-hs'
[0002.273] E> invalid display type
[0002.278] E> invalid display type
[0002.279] E> cannot find any other nvdisp nodes
[0002.294] I> edid read success
[0002.307] I> edid read success
[0002.307] I> width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825
[0002.307] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148500000
[0002.308] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148500000
[0002.308] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648
[0002.309] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648
[0002.313] I> width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824
[0002.319] I> width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824
[0002.324] I> width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026
[0002.330] I> width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026
[0002.335] I> width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026
[0002.341] I> width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026
[0002.347] I> width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825
[0002.352] I> Best mode Width = 1920, Height = 1080, freq = 148351648
[0002.362] I> hdmi_enable, starting HDMI initialisation
[0002.367] I> hdmi_enable, HDMI initialisation complete
[0002.377] I> Load in CBoot Boot Options partition and parse it
[0002.384] E> Error -9 when finding node with path /boot-configuration
[0002.384] E> tegrabl_cbo_parse_info: "boot-configuration" not found in CBO file.
[0002.387] I> Using default boot order
[0002.391] I> boot-dev-order :-
[0002.394] I> 1.sd
[0002.396] I> 2.usb
[0002.397] I> 3.nvme
[0002.399] I> 4.emmc
[0002.401] I> 5.net
[0002.403] I> Hit any key to stop autoboot:     4       3       2       1
[0004.411] initializing target
[0004.411] calling apps_init()
[0004.412] starting app kernel_boot_app
[0004.431] I> found decompressor handler: lz4-legacy
[0004.432] I> decompressing BMP blob ...
[0004.443] I> Kernel type = Normal
[0004.443] I> Loading kernel-bootctrl from partition
[0004.444] I> Loading partition kernel-bootctrl at 0xa4ad0000 from device(0x1)
[0004.450] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: magic number(0x00000000) is invalid
[0004.451] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: use default dummy boot control data
[0004.451] I> ########## SD (0) boot ##########
[0004.452] I> No sdcard
[0004.453] I> -0 params source = 
[0004.456] E> Blockdev open: exit error
[0004.460] E> SD boot failed, err: 724238353
[0004.464] I> ########## USB (0) boot ##########
[0004.473] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0004.474] W> Return default slot: _a
[0004.490] I> USB Firmware Version: 60.06 release
[0004.546] I> regulator of usb2-0 already enabled
[0004.554] I> regulator of usb2-1 already enabled
[0004.563] I> regulator of usb2-2 already enabled
[0004.574] I> enabling 'vdd-5v-sata' regulator
[0005.646] I> USB 2.0 port 4 new full-speed USB device detected
[0005.648] W> WARNING: event and command not matching, cmd_trb_ptr = 0xa9ad0000, cmd_ring.dma = 0xa9ad0040
[0005.749] I> Start to enumerate device
[0005.750] W> WARNING: event and command not matching, cmd_trb_ptr = 0xa9ad0000, cmd_ring.dma = 0xa9ad0040
[0005.754] I> This device is non-MSD, skip enumeration
[0005.754] E> Failed to enumerate USB device
[0005.754] E> failed to start xhci controller
[0005.755] E> Error in init of XUSB host driver, err: 7979000d
[0005.755] W> Failed to initialize device 5-0
[0005.759] E> USB boot failed, err: 2037973005
[0005.764] I> ########## Fixed storage boot ##########
[0005.774] I> Already published: 00010003
[0005.775] I> Look for boot partition
[0005.776] I> Fallback: assuming 0th partition is boot partition
[0005.781] I> Detect filesystem
[0005.808] I> Loading extlinux.conf ...
[0005.809] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
[0005.852] I> L4T boot options
[0005.852] I> [1]: "primary kernel"
[0005.852] I> Enter choice: 
[0008.853] I> Continuing with default option: 1
[0008.853] I> Loading kernel sig file from rootfs ...
[0008.853] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/Image.sig
[0008.872] I> Loading kernel binary from rootfs ...
[0008.872] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/Image
[0009.092] I> overload load_size to 34338824 (from 34338832)
[0009.104] I> Validate kernel ...
[0009.104] I> T19x: Authenticate kernel (bin_type: 37), max size 0x5000000
[0009.106] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0009.418] W> keyslot 14 is zero
[0009.429] I> No kernel-dtb binary path
[0009.429] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0009.429] W> Return default slot: _a
[0009.430] I> A/B: bin_type (38) slot 0
[0009.430] I> Loading kernel-dtb from partition
[0009.430] I> Loading partition kernel-dtb at 0x91000000 from device(0x1)
[0009.439] I> Validate kernel-dtb ...
[0009.439] I> T19x: Authenticate kernel-dtb (bin_type: 38), max size 0x400000
[0009.442] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0009.447] W> keyslot 14 is zero
[0009.448] I> Loading ramdisk from rootfs ...
[0009.452] I> Loading initrd sig file from rootfs ...
[0009.457] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/initrd.sig
[0009.480] I> Loading initrd binary from rootfs ...
[0009.480] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/initrd
[0009.537] I> overload load_size to 7236790 (from 7236800)
[0009.540] I> Validate initrd ...
[0009.540] I> T19x: Authenticate initrd (bin_type: 49), max size 0x4000000
[0009.541] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK
[0009.608] W> keyslot 14 is zero
[0009.616] I> Kernel hdr @0xa4ad0000
[0009.616] I> Kernel dtb @0x90000000
[0009.617] I> decompressor handler not found
[0009.617] I> Copying kernel image (34338824 bytes) from 0xa4ad0000 to 0x80080000 ... [0009.623] I> Done
[0009.623] E> fdt_open_into fail (FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC)
[0009.624] E> Error (727449637) extracting the kernel DTB
[0009.643] I> Kernel EP: 0x80080000, DTB: 0x90000000
[0009.644] -----------------------------------------------
[0009.646] Synchronous Exception: UNKNOWN EXCEPTION
[0009.648] -----------------------------------------------
[0009.650] ESR 0x2000000: ec 0x0, il 0x1, iss 0x0
[0009.652] -----------------------------------------------
[0009.654]  [Stack Trace]
[0009.656] => pc:0x80080000, sp:0xA0EA3500
[0009.660] => pc:0xA060F858, sp:0xA0EA3730
[0009.664] => pc:0xA060F86C, sp:0xA0EA37A0
[0009.668] => pc:0xA060F4EC, sp:0xA0EA37E0
[0009.672] => pc:0xA060EA60, sp:0xA0EA37F0
[0009.675] => pc:0xA060EA34, sp:0xA0EA3800
[0009.679] -----------------------------------------------
[0009.684] iframe 0xa0ea3410:
[0009.687] x0  0x        90000000 x1  0x               0 x2  0x               0 x3  0x               0
[0009.696] x4  0x        80080000 x5  0x              20 x6  0x         b200123 x7  0x        ffffffc0
[0009.705] x8  0x               0 x9  0xffffffffffffffff x10 0x               6 x11 0x               2
[0009.714] x12 0x               1 x13 0x              40 x14 0x               1 x15 0x             2c0
[0009.724] x16 0x            1500 x17 0x             1e0 x18 0x               0 x19 0x               0
[0009.733] x20 0x        a0ea37b0 x21 0x               0 x22 0x               0 x23 0x               0
[0009.742] x24 0x               0 x25 0x               0 x26 0x               0 x27 0x               0
[0009.751] x28 0x               0 x29 0x        a0ea3730 lr  0x        a060f80c sp  0x        a0ea3500
[0009.760] elr 0x        80080000
[0009.763] spsr 0x        400003c9
[0009.766] -----------------------------------------------
[0009.771] panic (caller 0xa0601238): die
[0009.775] HALT: spinning forever...

@JerryChang I provided you with what you requested of me… Is there anything else you need for me to provide you with? Are do you have any suggestions to the solution of my issue?

hello dcapers44,

by checking your fuse commands again, you’re not enable PublicKeyHash to fuse the board.
you may enable below to enable PKC+SBK for Jetson AGX Xavier.
for example,
$ sudo ./odmfuse.sh -i 0x19 -c PKC -p -k <rsa-key.pem> -S <SBK file> jetson-xavier

dcapers@NUC-Ubuntu-18:~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo ./odmfuse.sh -i 0x19 -c PKC -p -k RSA_Key.pem -S SBK.txt jetson-xavier-nx-devkit

The option -c is obsolete now. Please use "--auth" instead.

copying soft_fuses(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg)... done.t
copying soft_fuses(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg)... done.
./tegraflash.py --chip 0x19 --applet "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin" --skipuid --soft_fuses tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --bins "mb2_applet nvtboot_applet_t194.bin" --cmd "dump eeprom boardinfo cvm.bin;reboot recovery" --encrypt_key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt" --key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem" 
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0076 ] Generating RCM messages
[   0.0354 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin --offset 4096
[   0.0389 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0568 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   0.1165 ] 
[   0.1369 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B --appendsigheader /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin zerosbk
[   0.1454 ] Header already present for /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin
[   0.1646 ] 
[   0.1672 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.1694 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.1905 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.1908 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.1933 ] 
[   0.1953 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin --offset 2960 --length 1136 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.1969 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.1975 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.1978 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.2004 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.2750 ] 
[   0.2763 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --setmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin --updatesigheader /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.sig oem-rsa
[   0.2814 ] 
[   0.3082 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg.pdf sfuse.bin
[   0.3127 ] 
[   0.3139 ] tegrarcm_v2 --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x19 0 --sfuses sfuse.bin --download rcm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin 0 0
[   0.3149 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
[   0.3192 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
[   0.3192 ] RCM 2 is saved as rcm_2.rcm
[   0.3192 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
[   0.3192 ] 
[   0.3192 ] Signing RCM messages
[   0.3204 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.3214 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.3218 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.3220 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.3237 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.5357 ] 
[   0.5357 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
[   0.5370 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.5389 ] 
[   0.5390 ] Boot Rom communication
[   0.5402 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml --skipuid
[   0.5412 ] RCM version 0X190001
[   0.5454 ] Boot Rom communication completed
[   1.5750 ] 
[   2.5802 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   2.5835 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.5872 ] 
[   2.5909 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   2.6133 ] 
[   2.6175 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_applet_t194.bin
[   2.6210 ] 
[   2.6385 ] header_magic: 50000ea
[   2.6629 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_list.xml
[   2.6663 ] Key is a SBK key
[   2.6673 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   2.6893 ] 
[   2.6921 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[   2.6950 ] 
[   2.6976 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.encrypt
[   2.7000 ] 
[   2.7025 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid PLDT
[   2.7052 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.encrypt
[   2.7124 ] 
[   2.7127 ] header_magic: 3e918cce
[   2.7155 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   2.7183 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   2.7190 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   2.7194 ] Valid PKC key
[   2.7217 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   2.7955 ] 
[   2.7970 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   2.7997 ] 
[   2.8009 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download mb2 nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   2.8019 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.8204 ] Sending mb2
[   2.8205 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.8361 ] 
[   2.8393 ] tegrarcm_v2 --boot recovery
[   2.8422 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.8648 ] 
[   3.8709 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   3.8936 ] 
[   3.8981 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   3.8997 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.9331 ] 
[   3.9370 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   3.9402 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.9732 ] 
[   3.9768 ] Retrieving board information
[   3.9804 ] tegrarcm_v2 --oem platformdetails chip chip_info.bin
[   3.9837 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   4.0044 ] Saved platform info in chip_info.bin
[   4.0089 ] Chip minor revision: 2
[   4.0090 ] Bootrom revision: 0xf
[   4.0090 ] Ram code: 0x2
[   4.0090 ] Chip sku: 0xd0
[   4.0090 ] Chip Sample: non es
[   4.0091 ] 
[   4.0098 ] Retrieving EEPROM data
[   4.0099 ] tegrarcm_v2 --oem platformdetails eeprom cvm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
[   4.0129 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   4.0322 ] Saved platform info in /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
[   4.0667 ] 
[   4.0670 ] Rebooting to recovery mode
[   4.0717 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   4.0748 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   4.0930 ] 
[   4.0932 ] Rebooting to recovery mode
[   4.0962 ] tegrarcm_v2 --reboot recovery
[   4.0990 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   4.1406 ] 
Board ID(2888) version(400) sku(0004) revision(L.0)
copying sdram_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p3668-0001-a00.cfg)... done.
copying sdram_config1(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg)... done.
copying misc_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg)... done.
copying pinmux_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p3668-a01.cfg)... done.
copying scr_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini-p3668.cfg)... done.
copying scr_cold_boot_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini-p3668.cfg)... done.
copying pmc_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p3668-a01.cfg)... done.
copying pmic_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p3668-0001-a00.cfg)... done.
copying br_cmd_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p3668-0001-a00.cfg)... done.
copying prod_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-prod-p3668-0001-a00.cfg)... done.
copying dev_params(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-br-bct-qspi.cfg)... done.
copying misc_cold_boot_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg)... done.
copying device_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-qspi-p3668.cfg)... done.
copying gpioint_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p3668-0001-a00.cfg)... done.
copying soft_fuses(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg)... done.
Existing mb2_bootloader(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin) reused.
Existing mts_preboot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
Existing mts_mce(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mce_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
Existing mts_proper(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mts_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
copying bootloader_dtb(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000.dtb)... done.
Existing bpmp_fw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/bpmp_t194.bin) reused.
copying bpmp_fw_dtb(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00.dtb)... done.
Existing tlk(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tos-trusty_t194.img) reused.
Existing eks(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/eks.img) reused.
Existing spe_fw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/spe_t194.bin) reused.
Existing mb1file(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin) reused.
Existing spefile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/spe_t194.bin) reused.
Existing tegraboot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_t194.bin) reused.
Existing tbcfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cboot_t194.bin) reused.
Existing scefile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/camera-rtcpu-sce.img) reused.
Existing camerafw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/camera-rtcpu-rce.img) reused.
Existing wb0boot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/warmboot_t194_prod.bin) reused.
Existing cfg(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/flash.xml) reused.
Existing bl(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin) reused.
Existing applet(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin) reused.
./tegraflash.py --sdram_config tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p3668-0001-a00.cfg,tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg --misc_config tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg --pinmux_config tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p3668-a01.cfg --scr_config tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini-p3668.cfg --scr_cold_boot_config tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini-p3668.cfg --pmc_config tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p3668-a01.cfg --pmic_config tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --br_cmd_config tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --prod_config tegra19x-mb1-prod-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --dev_params tegra194-br-bct-qspi.cfg --misc_cold_boot_config tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg --device_config tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-qspi-p3668.cfg --gpioint_config tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --soft_fuses tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg  --bins "mb2_bootloader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin; mts_preboot preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin; mts_mce mce_c10_prod_cr.bin; mts_proper mts_c10_prod_cr.bin; bootloader_dtb tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000.dtb; bpmp_fw bpmp_t194.bin; bpmp_fw_dtb tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00.dtb; tlk tos-trusty_t194.img; eks eks.img; kernel boot.img; kernel_dtb tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000.dtb; spe_fw spe_t194.bin" --cfg flash.xml --bl nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin --odmdata 0xB8190000 --chip 0x19 --applet mb1_t194_prod.bin  --key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem" --encrypt_key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt" --cmd "sign" 
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0138 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0148 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0152 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0155 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0175 ] 
[   0.0178 ] Generating RCM messages
[   0.0195 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file mb1_t194_prod.bin --offset 4096
[   0.0208 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0211 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   0.0375 ] 
[   0.0392 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin zerosbk
[   0.0403 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin
[   0.0449 ] 
[   0.0464 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0475 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0479 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0482 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0499 ] 
[   0.0512 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --file mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin --offset 2960 --length 1136 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.0523 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0527 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0530 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0549 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.1258 ] 
[   0.1271 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --setmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.sig oem-rsa
[   0.1321 ] 
[   0.1333 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg sfuse.bin
[   0.1345 ] 
[   0.1357 ] tegrarcm_v2 --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x19 0 --sfuses sfuse.bin --download rcm mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin 0 0
[   0.1371 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
[   0.1411 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
[   0.1411 ] RCM 2 is saved as rcm_2.rcm
[   0.1411 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
[   0.1411 ] 
[   0.1412 ] Signing RCM messages
[   0.1424 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.1434 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.1438 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.1440 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.1457 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.3580 ] 
[   0.3580 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
[   0.3593 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.3611 ] 
[   0.3612 ] Parsing partition layout
[   0.3770 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt flash.xml.tmp
[   0.3802 ] 
[   0.3803 ] Creating list of images to be signed
[   0.3820 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --list images_list.xml
[   0.3835 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t194_prod.bin
[   0.3847 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   0.4076 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t194_prod.bin
[   0.4196 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   0.4216 ] adding BCH for spe_t194.bin
[   0.4290 ] adding BCH for spe_t194.bin
[   0.4332 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_t194.bin
[   0.4366 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_t194.bin
[   0.4419 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.4491 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.4504 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.4509 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.4531 ] adding BCH for mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.4576 ] adding BCH for mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.5598 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod.bin
[   0.6610 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod.bin
[   0.6620 ] adding BCH for cboot_t194.bin
[   0.6631 ] adding BCH for cboot_t194.bin
[   0.6766 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000.dtb
[   0.6908 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000.dtb
[   0.6969 ] adding BCH for tos-trusty_t194.img
[   0.7027 ] adding BCH for tos-trusty_t194.img
[   0.7142 ] adding BCH for eks.img
[   0.7261 ] adding BCH for eks.img
[   0.7263 ] adding BCH for adsp-fw.bin
[   0.7400 ] adding BCH for adsp-fw.bin
[   0.7424 ] adding BCH for camera-rtcpu-rce.img
[   0.7449 ] adding BCH for camera-rtcpu-rce.img
[   0.7530 ] adding BCH for bpmp_t194.bin
[   0.7617 ] adding BCH for bpmp_t194.bin
[   0.7872 ] adding BCH for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00.dtb
[   0.8131 ] adding BCH for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00.dtb
[   0.8199 ] adding BCH for boot.img
[   0.8261 ] adding BCH for boot.img
[   0.8263 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000.dtb
[   0.8267 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000.dtb
[   0.8384 ] 
[   0.8398 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list images_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.8409 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.8413 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.8415 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.8432 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.2640 ] 
[   3.2640 ] Generating br-bct
[   3.2653 ] Performing cfg overlay
[   3.2653 ] ['tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p3668-0001-a00.cfg', 'tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg']
[   3.2658 ] sw_memcfg_overlay.pl -c tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p3668-0001-a00.cfg -s tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg -o /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg
[   3.4063 ] 
[   3.4065 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   3.4066 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-qspi.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[   3.4513 ] 
[   3.4514 ] Updating bl info
[   3.4525 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin
[   3.4552 ] 
[   3.4574 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   3.4585 ] 
[   3.4587 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.4600 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.4611 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.4614 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.4778 ] 
[   3.4792 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.4842 ] 
[   3.4855 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.4866 ] 
[   3.4878 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   3.4888 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.4929 ] 
[   3.4930 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.4946 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.4959 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.4964 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.4966 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.4980 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.5694 ] 
[   3.5710 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.5760 ] 
[   3.5910 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   3.5933 ] 
[   3.5936 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.5967 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.5989 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.5994 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.6225 ] 
[   3.6242 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.6297 ] 
[   3.6311 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.6323 ] 
[   3.6334 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   3.6345 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.6386 ] 
[   3.6387 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.6401 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.6412 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.6415 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.6418 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.6436 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.7154 ] 
[   3.7169 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.7219 ] 
[   3.7236 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.7248 ] 
[   3.7250 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.7263 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.7278 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.7281 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.7341 ] 
[   3.7355 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt spe_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.7382 ] 
[   3.7394 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.7405 ] 
[   3.7418 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid SPEF
[   3.7429 ] Header already present for spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.7448 ] 
[   3.7449 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.7466 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.7476 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.7480 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.7483 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.7498 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.8209 ] 
[   3.8224 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.8251 ] 
[   3.8266 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.8277 ] 
[   3.8279 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.8292 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.8302 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.8305 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.8369 ] 
[   3.8384 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt spe_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.8411 ] 
[   3.8423 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.8437 ] 
[   3.8450 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid SPEF
[   3.8460 ] Header already present for spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.8479 ] 
[   3.8481 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.8497 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.8510 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.8514 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.8516 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.8531 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.9261 ] 
[   3.9276 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.9303 ] 
[   3.9318 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.9329 ] 
[   3.9331 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.9344 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.9354 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.9357 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.9469 ] 
[   3.9484 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.9524 ] 
[   3.9538 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.9552 ] 
[   3.9566 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[   3.9577 ] Header already present for nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.9608 ] 
[   3.9609 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.9623 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.9632 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.9636 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.9638 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.9654 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.0387 ] 
[   4.0403 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.0442 ] 
[   4.0458 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   4.0469 ] 
[   4.0471 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.0485 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.0496 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.0498 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.0618 ] 
[   4.0635 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.0678 ] 
[   4.0694 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.0705 ] 
[   4.0717 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[   4.0727 ] Header already present for nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.0758 ] 
[   4.0760 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.0777 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.0791 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.0796 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.0797 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.0813 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.1522 ] 
[   4.1538 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.1576 ] 
[   4.1592 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.1603 ] 
[   4.1605 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.1618 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.1628 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.1630 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.1648 ] 
[   4.1662 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.1677 ] 
[   4.1689 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.1700 ] 
[   4.1711 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSP
[   4.1722 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.1728 ] 
[   4.1729 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.1742 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.1751 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.1754 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.1757 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.1775 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.2483 ] 
[   4.2499 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.2515 ] 
[   4.2529 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.2540 ] 
[   4.2542 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.2556 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.2566 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.2569 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.2583 ] 
[   4.2603 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.2620 ] 
[   4.2632 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.2643 ] 
[   4.2655 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSP
[   4.2665 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.2671 ] 
[   4.2672 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.2685 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.2695 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.2699 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.2701 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.2716 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.3434 ] 
[   4.3450 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.3466 ] 
[   4.3480 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.3491 ] 
[   4.3493 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.3507 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.3517 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.3520 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.3619 ] 
[   4.3635 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.3671 ] 
[   4.3682 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.3694 ] 
[   4.3707 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSM
[   4.3719 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.3746 ] 
[   4.3747 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.3761 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.3775 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.3779 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.3781 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.3796 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.4504 ] 
[   4.4521 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.4555 ] 
[   4.4570 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.4582 ] 
[   4.4584 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.4597 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.4607 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.4610 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.4705 ] 
[   4.4719 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.4753 ] 
[   4.4768 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.4783 ] 
[   4.4799 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSM
[   4.4811 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.4838 ] 
[   4.4839 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.4853 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.4863 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.4867 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.4869 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.4885 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.5596 ] 
[   4.5611 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.5645 ] 
[   4.5660 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.5672 ] 
[   4.5674 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.5687 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.5697 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.5700 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.7890 ] 
[   4.7906 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.8459 ] 
[   4.8471 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.8483 ] 
[   4.8494 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSB
[   4.8504 ] Header already present for mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.9038 ] 
[   4.9039 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.9054 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.9065 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.9068 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.9070 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.9086 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.9859 ] 
[   4.9874 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.0442 ] 
[   5.0491 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   5.0502 ] 
[   5.0504 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.0518 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.0528 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.0531 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.2727 ] 
[   5.2742 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.3297 ] 
[   5.3309 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.3320 ] 
[   5.3332 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSB
[   5.3342 ] Header already present for mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.3889 ] 
[   5.3891 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.3905 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.3916 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.3919 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.3921 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.3939 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.4712 ] 
[   5.4726 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.5274 ] 
[   5.5330 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   5.5342 ] 
[   5.5344 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.5357 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.5367 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.5370 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.5411 ] 
[   5.5424 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.5449 ] 
[   5.5462 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.5473 ] 
[   5.5484 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.5494 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.5506 ] 
[   5.5507 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.5520 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.5530 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.5534 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.5536 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.5551 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.6260 ] 
[   5.6275 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.6298 ] 
[   5.6313 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   5.6324 ] 
[   5.6326 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.6340 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.6350 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.6353 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.6397 ] 
[   5.6411 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.6434 ] 
[   5.6450 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.6462 ] 
[   5.6473 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.6483 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.6496 ] 
[   5.6497 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.6511 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.6521 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.6524 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.6526 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.6544 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.7257 ] 
[   5.7272 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.7295 ] 
[   5.7309 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   5.7320 ] 
[   5.7322 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.7336 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.7346 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.7349 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.7642 ] 
[   5.7656 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.7737 ] 
[   5.7749 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.7760 ] 
[   5.7772 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.7782 ] Header already present for cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.7858 ] 
[   5.7859 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.7873 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.7884 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.7887 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.7889 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.7905 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.8619 ] 
[   5.8633 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.8713 ] 
[   5.8733 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   5.8744 ] 
[   5.8746 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.8761 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.8773 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.8776 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.9066 ] 
[   5.9083 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.9167 ] 
[   5.9180 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.9192 ] 
[   5.9203 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.9213 ] Header already present for cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.9285 ] 
[   5.9287 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.9303 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.9314 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.9318 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.9320 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.9335 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.0056 ] 
[   6.0072 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.0153 ] 
[   6.0193 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   6.0204 ] 
[   6.0206 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.0219 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   6.0230 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.0232 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.0372 ] 
[   6.0386 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   6.0431 ] 
[   6.0445 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   6.0457 ] 
[   6.0468 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.0479 ] Header already present for tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   6.0513 ] 
[   6.0514 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.0528 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.0538 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.0541 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.0543 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.0560 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.1270 ] 
[   6.1286 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.1330 ] 
[   6.1482 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   6.1494 ] 
[   6.1496 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.1509 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   6.1520 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.1523 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.1657 ] 
[   6.1672 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   6.1716 ] 
[   6.1728 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   6.1740 ] 
[   6.1751 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.1762 ] Header already present for tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   6.1797 ] 
[   6.1798 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.1812 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.1823 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.1826 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.1828 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.1845 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.2559 ] 
[   6.2575 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.2618 ] 
[   6.2635 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img
[   6.2647 ] 
[   6.2649 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.2662 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.2676 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.2679 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.2946 ] 
[   6.2960 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.3034 ] 
[   6.3046 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.3057 ] 
[   6.3069 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.3080 ] Header already present for tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.3148 ] 
[   6.3149 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.3165 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.3176 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.3179 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.3181 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.3197 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.3920 ] 
[   6.3935 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.4009 ] 
[   6.4029 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img
[   6.4043 ] 
[   6.4044 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.4058 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.4069 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.4071 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.4337 ] 
[   6.4352 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.4426 ] 
[   6.4438 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.4450 ] 
[   6.4461 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.4471 ] Header already present for tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.4542 ] 
[   6.4543 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.4557 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.4568 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.4572 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.4574 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.4591 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.5304 ] 
[   6.5319 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.5393 ] 
[   6.5412 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img
[   6.5425 ] 
[   6.5427 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.5444 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list eks_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.5454 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.5457 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.5458 ] 
[   6.5471 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt eks_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.5483 ] 
[   6.5495 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.5507 ] 
[   6.5518 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.5529 ] Header already present for eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.5530 ] 
[   6.5531 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.5545 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list eks_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.5556 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.5559 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.5563 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.5581 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.6295 ] 
[   6.6310 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.6324 ] 
[   6.6338 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img
[   6.6349 ] 
[   6.6351 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.6364 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list eks_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.6375 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.6377 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.6380 ] 
[   6.6392 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt eks_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.6404 ] 
[   6.6422 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.6436 ] 
[   6.6448 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.6458 ] Header already present for eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.6460 ] 
[   6.6461 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.6475 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list eks_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.6485 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.6489 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.6491 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.6507 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.7216 ] 
[   6.7231 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.7244 ] 
[   6.7258 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin
[   6.7270 ] 
[   6.7271 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.7284 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   6.7295 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.7297 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.7351 ] 
[   6.7366 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   6.7391 ] 
[   6.7403 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.7414 ] 
[   6.7426 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.7439 ] Header already present for adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.7454 ] 
[   6.7456 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.7470 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.7482 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.7486 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.7489 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.7507 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.8219 ] 
[   6.8234 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.8259 ] 
[   6.8274 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin
[   6.8285 ] 
[   6.8287 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.8301 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   6.8311 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.8313 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.8366 ] 
[   6.8381 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   6.8406 ] 
[   6.8418 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.8430 ] 
[   6.8444 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.8456 ] Header already present for adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.8471 ] 
[   6.8472 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.8485 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.8500 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.8504 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.8507 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.8522 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.9230 ] 
[   6.9246 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.9271 ] 
[   6.9286 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img
[   6.9297 ] 
[   6.9299 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.9312 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.9323 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.9325 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.9504 ] 
[   6.9521 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.9577 ] 
[   6.9589 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.9604 ] 
[   6.9616 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.9626 ] Header already present for camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.9669 ] 
[   6.9671 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.9684 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.9694 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.9698 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.9700 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.9715 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.0454 ] 
[   7.0470 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.0525 ] 
[   7.0542 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img
[   7.0554 ] 
[   7.0556 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.0574 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.0585 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.0587 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.0768 ] 
[   7.0782 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.0837 ] 
[   7.0849 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.0860 ] 
[   7.0871 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.0882 ] Header already present for camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.0928 ] 
[   7.0929 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.0943 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.0954 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.0957 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.0959 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.0976 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.1688 ] 
[   7.1703 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.1757 ] 
[   7.1774 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin
[   7.1786 ] 
[   7.1787 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.1803 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.1814 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.1817 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.2376 ] 
[   7.2391 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.2538 ] 
[   7.2551 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.2562 ] 
[   7.2574 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.2584 ] Header already present for bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.2722 ] 
[   7.2724 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.2739 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.2750 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.2754 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.2756 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.2772 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.3498 ] 
[   7.3513 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.3659 ] 
[   7.3694 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin
[   7.3706 ] 
[   7.3708 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.3722 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.3732 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.3735 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.4286 ] 
[   7.4301 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.4448 ] 
[   7.4460 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.4472 ] 
[   7.4483 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.4494 ] Header already present for bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.4634 ] 
[   7.4635 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.4650 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.4660 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.4664 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.4666 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.4682 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.5403 ] 
[   7.5418 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.5566 ] 
[   7.5590 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb
[   7.5604 ] 
[   7.5607 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.5620 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   7.5632 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.5634 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.5785 ] 
[   7.5799 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   7.5846 ] 
[   7.5858 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   7.5869 ] 
[   7.5880 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.5891 ] Header already present for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   7.5929 ] 
[   7.5930 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.5944 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.5955 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.5958 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.5960 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.5976 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.6694 ] 
[   7.6709 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.6756 ] 
[   7.6773 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb
[   7.6784 ] 
[   7.6786 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.6800 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   7.6811 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.6813 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.6962 ] 
[   7.6979 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   7.7031 ] 
[   7.7043 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   7.7054 ] 
[   7.7066 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.7077 ] Header already present for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   7.7118 ] 
[   7.7120 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.7134 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.7145 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.7148 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.7150 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.7166 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.7877 ] 
[   7.7892 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.7940 ] 
[   7.7956 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img
[   7.7968 ] 
[   7.7970 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.7983 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list boot_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.7998 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.8002 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.8002 ] 
[   7.8015 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt boot_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.8028 ] 
[   7.8040 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.8051 ] 
[   7.8062 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.8072 ] Header already present for boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.8074 ] 
[   7.8075 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.8088 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list boot_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.8099 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.8103 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.8105 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.8122 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.8831 ] 
[   7.8846 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.8860 ] 
[   7.8875 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img
[   7.8886 ] 
[   7.8888 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.8903 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list boot_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.8913 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.8917 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.8917 ] 
[   7.8930 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt boot_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.8947 ] 
[   7.8959 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.8971 ] 
[   7.8982 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.8992 ] Header already present for boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.8994 ] 
[   7.8995 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.9009 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list boot_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.9020 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.9024 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.9026 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.9041 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.9750 ] 
[   7.9766 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.9779 ] 
[   7.9793 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   7.9804 ] 
[   7.9806 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.9820 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   7.9830 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.9833 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.9967 ] 
[   7.9981 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   8.0026 ] 
[   8.0040 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.0052 ] 
[   8.0064 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   8.0075 ] Header already present for tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.0113 ] 
[   8.0114 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.0129 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.0140 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.0144 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.0146 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.0161 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.0902 ] 
[   8.0918 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.0961 ] 
[   8.0978 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   8.0989 ] 
[   8.0991 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.1005 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   8.1019 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.1022 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.1154 ] 
[   8.1171 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   8.1217 ] 
[   8.1231 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.1242 ] 
[   8.1254 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   8.1265 ] Header already present for tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.1303 ] 
[   8.1304 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.1318 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.1329 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.1332 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.1335 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.1351 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.2062 ] 
[   8.2078 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.2121 ] 
[   8.2183 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin
[   8.2194 ] 
[   8.2196 ] header_magic: 50000ea
[   8.2210 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_list.xml
[   8.2220 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.2223 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.2311 ] 
[   8.2325 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.2341 ] 
[   8.2357 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.2369 ] 
[   8.2380 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[   8.2390 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.2433 ] 
[   8.2434 ] header_magic: 3e918cce
[   8.2450 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.2461 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.2464 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.2466 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.2482 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.3196 ] 
[   8.3212 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.3244 ] 
[   8.3257 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin
[   8.3269 ] 
[   8.3271 ] header_magic: 9000014
[   8.3284 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_list.xml
[   8.3295 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.3297 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.3469 ] 
[   8.3485 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.3503 ] 
[   8.3515 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.3527 ] 
[   8.3538 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid CPBL
[   8.3549 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.3639 ] 
[   8.3641 ] header_magic: 572127db
[   8.3655 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.3666 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.3669 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.3671 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.3688 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.4404 ] 
[   8.4420 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.4472 ] 
[   8.4473 ] Copying signed file in /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x
[   8.4483 ] Generating br-bct
[   8.4495 ] Performing cfg overlay
[   8.4495 ] ['/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg']
[   8.4495 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   8.4496 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-qspi.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[   8.4947 ] 
[   8.4947 ] Updating bl info
[   8.4960 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.4988 ] 
[   8.4989 ] Generating br-bct
[   8.5003 ] Performing cfg overlay
[   8.5003 ] ['/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg']
[   8.5004 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   8.5005 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-qspi.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[   8.5453 ] 
[   8.5453 ] Updating bl info
[   8.5466 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[   8.5504 ] 
[   8.5505 ] Updating smd info
[   8.5518 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 --updatesmdinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.5535 ] 
[   8.5536 ] Updating Odmdata
[   8.5548 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0xB8190000
[   8.5563 ] 
[   8.5564 ] Get encrypted section of bct
[   8.5576 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --listencbct bct_list.xml
[   8.5589 ] 
[   8.5590 ] Signing BCT
[   8.5604 ] Generating signatures with encryption
[   8.5618 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --offset 2328 --file br_bct_BR.bct
[   8.5631 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.5635 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.5635 ] 
[   8.5635 ] Updating BCT with signature
[   8.5640 ] Get Signed section of bct
[   8.5651 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --listbct bct_list.xml
[   8.5664 ] 
[   8.5676 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   8.5686 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.5690 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.5692 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.5708 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.6413 ] 
[   8.6413 ] Updating BCT with signature
[   8.6427 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.6440 ] 
[   8.6441 ] Generating coldboot mb1-bct
[   8.6457 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg --misc tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg --scr tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini-p3668.cfg --pinmux tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p3668-a01.cfg --pmc tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p3668-a01.cfg --pmic tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --brcommand tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --prod tegra19x-mb1-prod-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --gpioint tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --device tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-qspi-p3668.cfg
[   8.6467 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1

[   8.6472 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p3668-a01.cfg 
[   8.6477 ] Added Platform Config 0 data with size :- 2496

[   8.6497 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini-p3668.cfg 
[   8.6502 ] Added Platform Config 1 data with size :- 19640

[   8.6717 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p3668-a01.cfg 
[   8.6724 ] Added Platform Config 2 data with size :- 24

[   8.6731 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p3668-0001-a00.cfg 
[   8.6737 ] Added Platform Config 4 data with size :- 348
[   8.6742 ] 
[   8.6742 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p3668-0001-a00.cfg 
[   8.6742 ] Added Platform Config 3 data with size :- 92
[   8.6742 ] 
[   8.6742 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-prod-p3668-0001-a00.cfg 
[   8.6743 ] Added Platform Config 5 data with size :- 128
[   8.6743 ] 
[   8.6743 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p3668-0001-a00.cfg 
[   8.6743 ] Added Platform Config 7 data with size :- 392
[   8.6743 ] 
[   8.6743 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-qspi-p3668.cfg 
[   8.6743 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 40
[   8.6743 ] 
[   8.6744 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[   8.6756 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.6767 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.6774 ] 
[   8.6774 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[   8.6786 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.6796 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.6800 ] 
[   8.6812 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct
[   8.6823 ] 
[   8.6825 ] header_magic: c0660000
[   8.6839 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_list.xml
[   8.6849 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.6852 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.6870 ] 
[   8.6883 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.hash zerosbk
[   8.6897 ] 
[   8.6909 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   8.6920 ] 
[   8.6932 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MBCT
[   8.6942 ] adding BCH for mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   8.6953 ] 
[   8.6955 ] header_magic: 61a13e4a
[   8.6968 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.6978 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.6981 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.6984 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.7001 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.7731 ] 
[   8.7747 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.7764 ] 
[   8.7765 ] Generating recovery mb1-bct
[   8.7780 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --mb1bct mb1_bct.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg --misc tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg --scr tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini-p3668.cfg --pinmux tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p3668-a01.cfg --pmc tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p3668-a01.cfg --pmic tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --brcommand tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --prod tegra19x-mb1-prod-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --gpioint tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p3668-0001-a00.cfg --device tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-qspi-p3668.cfg
[   8.7790 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1

[   8.7794 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p3668-a01.cfg 
[   8.7801 ] Added Platform Config 0 data with size :- 2496

[   8.7821 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini-p3668.cfg 
[   8.7827 ] Added Platform Config 1 data with size :- 19640

[   8.8036 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p3668-a01.cfg 
[   8.8042 ] Added Platform Config 2 data with size :- 24

[   8.8047 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p3668-0001-a00.cfg 
[   8.8054 ] Added Platform Config 4 data with size :- 348

[   8.8058 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p3668-0001-a00.cfg 
[   8.8062 ] Added Platform Config 3 data with size :- 92
[   8.8062 ] 
[   8.8062 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-prod-p3668-0001-a00.cfg 
[   8.8062 ] Added Platform Config 5 data with size :- 128
[   8.8062 ] 
[   8.8062 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p3668-0001-a00.cfg 
[   8.8062 ] Added Platform Config 7 data with size :- 392
[   8.8062 ] 
[   8.8062 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-qspi-p3668.cfg 
[   8.8062 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 40
[   8.8062 ] 
[   8.8063 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[   8.8074 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.8085 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.8090 ] 
[   8.8090 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[   8.8104 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.8116 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.8120 ] 
[   8.8132 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_bct_MB1.bct
[   8.8143 ] 
[   8.8145 ] header_magic: c0660000
[   8.8158 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_bct_MB1.bct_list.xml
[   8.8168 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.8171 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.8188 ] 
[   8.8201 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt mb1_bct_MB1.bct.hash zerosbk
[   8.8215 ] 
[   8.8227 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   8.8239 ] 
[   8.8251 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MBCT
[   8.8261 ] adding BCH for mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   8.8272 ] 
[   8.8273 ] header_magic: 61a13e4a
[   8.8286 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.8297 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.8301 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.8303 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.8320 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.9046 ] 
[   8.9062 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.9079 ] 
[   8.9080 ] Generating coldboot mem-bct
[   8.9092 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg --membct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_1.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_2.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_3.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_4.bct
[   8.9103 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[   8.9545 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[   8.9548 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[   8.9552 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]
[   8.9552 ] Packing sdram param for instance[4]
[   8.9552 ] Packing sdram param for instance[5]
[   8.9552 ] Packing sdram param for instance[6]
[   8.9552 ] Packing sdram param for instance[7]
[   8.9552 ] Packing sdram param for instance[8]
[   8.9552 ] Packing sdram param for instance[9]
[   8.9552 ] Packing sdram param for instance[10]
[   8.9552 ] Packing sdram param for instance[11]
[   8.9553 ] Packing sdram param for instance[12]
[   8.9553 ] Packing sdram param for instance[13]
[   8.9553 ] Packing sdram param for instance[14]
[   8.9553 ] Packing sdram param for instance[15]
[   8.9553 ] 
[   8.9553 ] Getting sector size from pt
[   8.9567 ] tegraparser_v2 --getsectorsize flash.xml.bin sector_info.bin
[   8.9580 ] 
[   8.9581 ] BlockSize read from layout is 200

[   8.9592 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_1.bct
[   8.9602 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.9605 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.9640 ] 
[   8.9654 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_2.bct
[   8.9665 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.9668 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.9700 ] 
[   8.9711 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_3.bct
[   8.9721 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.9724 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.9757 ] 
[   8.9772 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_4.bct
[   8.9784 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.9787 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.9819 ] 
[   8.9831 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --blocksize 512 --magicid MEMB --addsigheader_multi /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_1_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_2_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_3_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_4_encrypt.bct
[   8.9841 ] adding BCH for /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_1_encrypt.bct
[   8.9874 ] 
[   8.9886 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_coldboot.bct
[   8.9898 ] 
[   8.9910 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mem_coldboot.bct oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB
[   8.9920 ] Header already present for mem_coldboot.bct
[   8.9924 ] 
[   8.9925 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.9944 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mem_coldboot.bct_list.xml
[   8.9957 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.9962 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.9965 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.9978 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.0724 ] 
[   9.0739 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_coldboot.bct.signed mem_coldboot.bct.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.0755 ] 
[   9.0767 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.0778 ] 
[   9.0789 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB --appendsigheader mem_coldboot.bct oem-rsa
[   9.0800 ] Header already present for mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.0805 ] 
[   9.0820 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   9.0830 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.0834 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.0836 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.0854 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.1582 ] 
[   9.1597 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --updatesigheader mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.sig oem-rsa
[   9.1613 ] 
[   9.1615 ] Generating recovery mem-bct
[   9.1626 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1.cfg --membct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_1.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_2.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_3.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/14653/tmpu9tx6zji1_4.bct
[   9.1636 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[   9.2076 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[   9.2080 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[   9.2081 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]
[   9.2081 ] Packing sdram param for instance[4]
[   9.2082 ] Packing sdram param for instance[5]
[   9.2082 ] Packing sdram param for instance[6]
[   9.2082 ] Packing sdram param for instance[7]
[   9.2082 ] Packing sdram param for instance[8]
[   9.2082 ] Packing sdram param for instance[9]
[   9.2082 ] Packing sdram param for instance[10]
[   9.2082 ] Packing sdram param for instance[11]
[   9.2082 ] Packing sdram param for instance[12]
[   9.2082 ] Packing sdram param for instance[13]
[   9.2083 ] Packing sdram param for instance[14]
[   9.2083 ] Packing sdram param for instance[15]
[   9.2083 ] 
[   9.2085 ] Reading ramcode from backup chip_info.bin file
[   9.2085 ] RAMCODE Read from Device: 2

[   9.2086 ] Disabled BPMP dtb trim, using default dtb
[   9.2086 ] 
[   9.2100 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_rcm.bct
[   9.2111 ] 
[   9.2113 ] header_magic: 3000000
[   9.2126 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mem_rcm.bct_list.xml
[   9.2137 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.2139 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.2173 ] 
[   9.2189 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm.bct.encrypt mem_rcm.bct.hash zerosbk
[   9.2202 ] 
[   9.2214 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_rcm.bct.encrypt
[   9.2226 ] 
[   9.2237 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mem_rcm.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB
[   9.2248 ] adding BCH for mem_rcm.bct.encrypt
[   9.2268 ] 
[   9.2271 ] header_magic: 72aa2959
[   9.2285 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   9.2296 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.2299 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.2301 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.2318 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.3044 ] 
[   9.3059 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.3080 ] 
[   9.3090 ] nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   9.3092 ] preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   9.3094 ] mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   9.3097 ] mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   9.3131 ] tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000.dtb
[   9.3453 ] bpmp_t194.bin
[   9.3471 ] tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00.dtb
[   9.3477 ] tos-trusty_t194.img
[   9.3486 ] eks.img
[   9.3488 ] boot.img
[   9.3490 ] tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000.dtb
[   9.3496 ] spe_t194.bin
[   9.3500 ] nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   9.3526 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   9.3547 ] 
[   9.3568 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B
[   9.3587 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   9.3670 ] 
[   9.3672 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   9.3699 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   9.3718 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.3745 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.3753 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.3768 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.4508 ] 
[   9.4524 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.4581 ] 
[   9.4599 ] tegraparser_v2 --generategpt --pt flash.xml.bin
[   9.4618 ] 
[   9.5126 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt flash.xml.bin --generateflashindex /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/flash.xml.tmp flash.idx
[   9.7103 ] 
./tegraflash.py --securedev --bins "mb2_bootloader encrypted_signed_t19x/nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed; mts_preboot encrypted_signed_t19x/preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; mts_mce encrypted_signed_t19x/mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; mts_proper encrypted_signed_t19x/mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; bootloader_dtb encrypted_signed_t19x/tegra194-p3668-all-p3509-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed; bpmp_fw encrypted_signed_t19x/bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; bpmp_fw_dtb encrypted_signed_t19x/tegra194-a02-bpmp-p3668-a00_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed; tlk encrypted_signed_t19x/tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed; eks encrypted_signed_t19x/eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed; spe_fw encrypted_signed_t19x/spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed" --bl encrypted_signed_t19x/nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed --bct encrypted_signed_t19x/br_bct_BR.bct --mb1_bct encrypted_signed_t19x/mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --mem_bct encrypted_signed_t19x/mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --mb1_cold_boot_bct encrypted_signed_t19x/mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --mem_bct_cold_boot encrypted_signed_t19x/mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed --applet encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_2_signed.rcm --applet_softfuse encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_1_signed.rcm --odmdata 0xB8190000 --chip 0x19   --cmd "readfuses fuse_info.txt fuses_to_read.xml; reboot recovery"
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0071 ] Reading fuses
[   0.0071 ] Boot Rom communication
[   0.0083 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --rcm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_1_signed.rcm --rcm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_2_signed.rcm
[   0.0093 ] BR_CID: 0xd8021911647d15030c00000013ff0100
[   0.0102 ] Boot Rom communication completed
[   1.0549 ] 
[   2.0601 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   2.0633 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.0800 ] 
[   2.0804 ] Parsing fuse info as per xml file
[   2.0835 ] tegraparser_v2 --get_fuse_names fuses_to_read.xml read_fuse_names.txt
[   2.0862 ] MagicId=0x45535546 version=0x1
[   2.0868 ] 
[   2.0873 ] trying to read fuse with CPU binary
[   2.0874 ] Updating Odmdata
[   2.0905 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0xB8190000
[   2.0924 ] 
[   2.0925 ] Sending BCTs
[   2.0937 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download bct_bootrom /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/br_bct_BR.bct --download bct_mb1 /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --download bct_mem /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   2.0949 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.1114 ] Sending bct_bootrom
[   2.1116 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.1128 ] Sending bct_mb1
[   2.1190 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.1236 ] Sending bct_mem
[   2.1783 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.1843 ] 0000000000000102: E> NONE: Invalid value MemBct dram size: 0MB for slot: 2.
[   2.2017 ] 
[   2.2018 ] 
Error: Return value 2
Command tegrarcm_v2 --download bct_bootrom /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/br_bct_BR.bct --download bct_mb1 /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --download bct_mem /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   2.2024 ] Rebooting to recovery mode
[   2.2054 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   2.2278 ] 
[   2.2463 ] tegradevflash_v2 --reboot recovery
[   2.2478 ] CPU Bootloader is not running on device.
[   2.2502 ] 
Error: Return value 4
Command tegradevflash_v2 --reboot recovery
Error: read fuse info failed.

@JerryChang I tried your suggested command line entry, but I believe there is a failure.

hello dcapers44,

wait, why you’re fusing Jetson Xavier NX DevKit?
please keep this topic for tracking enable secureBoot for Jetson AGX Xavier.

why -c PKC report an error? please enable -h to display all options for reference,

dcapers@NUC-Ubuntu-18:~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo ./odmfuse.sh -i 0x19 -c PKC -p -k RSA_Key.pem -S SBK.txt jetson-agx-xavier-devkit
[sudo] password for dcapers: 

The option -c is obsolete now. Please use "--auth" instead.

copying soft_fuses(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg)... done.
copying soft_fuses(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg)... done.
./tegraflash.py --chip 0x19 --applet "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin" --skipuid --soft_fuses tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --bins "mb2_applet nvtboot_applet_t194.bin" --cmd "dump eeprom boardinfo cvm.bin;reboot recovery" --encrypt_key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt" --key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem" 
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0069 ] Generating RCM messages
[   0.0080 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin --offset 4096
[   0.0090 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0093 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   0.0253 ] 
[   0.0268 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B --appendsigheader /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin zerosbk
[   0.0281 ] Header already present for /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin
[   0.0323 ] 
[   0.0335 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0347 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0353 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0355 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0372 ] 
[   0.0385 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin --offset 2960 --length 1136 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.0397 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0400 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0402 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0418 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.1129 ] 
[   0.1141 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --setmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin --updatesigheader /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.sig oem-rsa
[   0.1192 ] 
[   0.1207 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg.pdf sfuse.bin
[   0.1219 ] 
[   0.1231 ] tegrarcm_v2 --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x19 0 --sfuses sfuse.bin --download rcm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin 0 0
[   0.1242 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
[   0.1285 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
[   0.1285 ] RCM 2 is saved as rcm_2.rcm
[   0.1285 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
[   0.1286 ] 
[   0.1286 ] Signing RCM messages
[   0.1298 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.1308 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.1311 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.1314 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.1329 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.3436 ] 
[   0.3436 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
[   0.3449 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.3466 ] 
[   0.3467 ] Boot Rom communication
[   0.3479 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml --skipuid
[   0.3489 ] RCM version 0X190001
[   0.3531 ] Boot Rom communication completed
[   1.3820 ] 
[   2.3885 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   2.3928 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.3967 ] 
[   2.4007 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   2.4262 ] 
[   2.4312 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_applet_t194.bin
[   2.4350 ] 
[   2.4356 ] header_magic: 50000ea
[   2.4412 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_list.xml
[   2.4434 ] Key is a SBK key
[   2.4438 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   2.4548 ] 
[   2.4572 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[   2.4594 ] 
[   2.4617 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.encrypt
[   2.4638 ] 
[   2.4652 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid PLDT
[   2.4664 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_applet_t194.bin.encrypt
[   2.4702 ] 
[   2.4703 ] header_magic: 3e918cce
[   2.4719 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   2.4730 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   2.4734 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   2.4736 ] Valid PKC key
[   2.4753 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   2.5472 ] 
[   2.5488 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   2.5516 ] 
[   2.5528 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download mb2 nvtboot_applet_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   2.5538 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.5694 ] Sending mb2
[   2.5696 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.5845 ] 
[   2.5858 ] tegrarcm_v2 --boot recovery
[   2.5867 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.6088 ] 
[   3.6147 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   3.6384 ] 
[   3.6437 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   3.6482 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.6667 ] 
[   3.6704 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   3.6738 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.7063 ] 
[   3.7101 ] Retrieving board information
[   3.7141 ] tegrarcm_v2 --oem platformdetails chip chip_info.bin
[   3.7176 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.7410 ] Saved platform info in chip_info.bin
[   3.7458 ] Chip minor revision: 2
[   3.7458 ] Bootrom revision: 0xf
[   3.7459 ] Ram code: 0x2
[   3.7459 ] Chip sku: 0xd0
[   3.7460 ] Chip Sample: non es
[   3.7460 ] 
[   3.7469 ] Retrieving EEPROM data
[   3.7471 ] tegrarcm_v2 --oem platformdetails eeprom cvm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
[   3.7502 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.7692 ] Saved platform info in /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
[   3.8033 ] 
[   3.8036 ] Rebooting to recovery mode
[   3.8081 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   3.8122 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.8302 ] 
[   3.8303 ] Rebooting to recovery mode
[   3.8347 ] tegrarcm_v2 --reboot recovery
[   3.8383 ] MB2 Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.8790 ] 
Board ID(2888) version(400) sku(0004) revision(L.0)
copying sdram_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg)... done.
copying sdram_config1(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg)... done.
copying misc_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg)... done.
copying pinmux_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg)... done.
copying scr_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg)... done.
copying scr_cold_boot_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg)... done.
copying pmc_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg)... done.
copying pmic_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying br_cmd_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying prod_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying dev_params(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg)... done.
copying misc_cold_boot_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg)... done.
copying device_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg)... done.
copying uphy_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying minratchet_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying gpioint_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying soft_fuses(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg)... done.
Existing mb2_bootloader(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin) reused.
Existing mts_preboot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
Existing mts_mce(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mce_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
Existing mts_proper(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mts_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
copying bootloader_dtb(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb)... done.
Existing bpmp_fw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/bpmp_t194.bin) reused.
copying bpmp_fw_dtb(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb)... done.
Existing tlk(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tos-trusty_t194.img) reused.
Existing eks(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/eks.img) reused.
Existing spe_fw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/spe_t194.bin) reused.
Existing mb1file(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin) reused.
Existing spefile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/spe_t194.bin) reused.
Existing tegraboot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_t194.bin) reused.
Existing tbcfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cboot_t194.bin) reused.
Existing scefile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/camera-rtcpu-sce.img) reused.
Existing camerafw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/camera-rtcpu-rce.img) reused.
Existing wb0boot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/warmboot_t194_prod.bin) reused.
Existing cfg(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/flash.xml) reused.
Existing bl(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin) reused.
Existing applet(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin) reused.
./tegraflash.py --sdram_config tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg,tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg --misc_config tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg --pinmux_config tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg --scr_config tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --scr_cold_boot_config tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --pmc_config tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg --pmic_config tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg --br_cmd_config tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --prod_config tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --dev_params tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --misc_cold_boot_config tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg --device_config tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg --uphy_config tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --minratchet_config tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --gpioint_config tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --soft_fuses tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg  --bins "mb2_bootloader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin; mts_preboot preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin; mts_mce mce_c10_prod_cr.bin; mts_proper mts_c10_prod_cr.bin; bootloader_dtb tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb; bpmp_fw bpmp_t194.bin; bpmp_fw_dtb tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb; tlk tos-trusty_t194.img; eks eks.img; kernel boot.img; kernel_dtb tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb; spe_fw spe_t194.bin" --cfg flash.xml --bl nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin --odmdata 0x9190000 --chip 0x19 --applet mb1_t194_prod.bin  --key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem" --encrypt_key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt" --cmd "sign" 
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0123 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0134 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0138 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0140 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0155 ] 
[   0.0157 ] Generating RCM messages
[   0.0167 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file mb1_t194_prod.bin --offset 4096
[   0.0177 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0180 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   0.0344 ] 
[   0.0357 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin zerosbk
[   0.0367 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin
[   0.0412 ] 
[   0.0425 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0439 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0443 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0445 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0465 ] 
[   0.0477 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --file mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin --offset 2960 --length 1136 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.0487 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0491 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0494 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0509 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.1216 ] 
[   0.1229 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --setmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.sig oem-rsa
[   0.1280 ] 
[   0.1292 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg sfuse.bin
[   0.1304 ] 
[   0.1315 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --ratchet_blob ratchet_blob.bin --minratchet tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg
[   0.1325 ] FwIndex: 1, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1327 ] FwIndex: 2, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1327 ] FwIndex: 3, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 4, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 5, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 6, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 7, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 8, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 11, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 12, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 13, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 14, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 15, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1328 ] FwIndex: 16, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1329 ] FwIndex: 17, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1329 ] FwIndex: 18, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1329 ] FwIndex: 19, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1329 ] FwIndex: 30, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1329 ] FwIndex: 31, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1329 ] 
[   0.1347 ] tegrarcm_v2 --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x19 0 --sfuses sfuse.bin --download rcm mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin 0 0
[   0.1358 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
[   0.1398 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
[   0.1398 ] RCM 2 is saved as rcm_2.rcm
[   0.1398 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
[   0.1398 ] 
[   0.1399 ] Signing RCM messages
[   0.1410 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.1419 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.1439 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.1442 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.1443 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.3554 ] 
[   0.3554 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
[   0.3568 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.3586 ] 
[   0.3588 ] Parsing partition layout
[   0.3599 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt flash.xml.tmp
[   0.3630 ] 
[   0.3630 ] Creating list of images to be signed
[   0.3642 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --list images_list.xml
[   0.3651 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t194_prod.bin
[   0.3660 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   0.3670 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t194_prod.bin
[   0.3717 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   0.3728 ] adding BCH for spe_t194.bin
[   0.3764 ] adding BCH for spe_t194.bin
[   0.3791 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_t194.bin
[   0.3820 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_t194.bin
[   0.3874 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.3926 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.3932 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.3937 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.3964 ] adding BCH for mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.4009 ] adding BCH for mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.5040 ] adding BCH for cboot_t194.bin
[   0.6063 ] adding BCH for cboot_t194.bin
[   0.6204 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.6341 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.6427 ] adding BCH for tos-trusty_t194.img
[   0.6511 ] adding BCH for tos-trusty_t194.img
[   0.6628 ] adding BCH for eks.img
[   0.6746 ] adding BCH for eks.img
[   0.6748 ] adding BCH for bpmp_t194.bin
[   0.6756 ] adding BCH for bpmp_t194.bin
[   0.7015 ] adding BCH for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb
[   0.7280 ] adding BCH for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb
[   0.7501 ] adding BCH for camera-rtcpu-rce.img
[   0.7723 ] adding BCH for camera-rtcpu-rce.img
[   0.7801 ] adding BCH for adsp-fw.bin
[   0.7881 ] adding BCH for adsp-fw.bin
[   0.7905 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod.bin
[   0.7935 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod.bin
[   0.7946 ] adding BCH for boot.img
[   0.7955 ] adding BCH for boot.img
[   0.7958 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.7962 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.8127 ] 
[   0.8141 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list images_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.8152 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.8155 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.8157 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.8174 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.2404 ] 
[   3.2405 ] Generating br-bct
[   3.2418 ] Performing cfg overlay
[   3.2418 ] ['tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg', 'tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg']
[   3.2423 ] sw_memcfg_overlay.pl -c tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg -s tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg -o /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg
[   3.2919 ] 
[   3.2920 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   3.2921 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[   3.3809 ] 
[   3.3809 ] Updating bl info
[   3.3822 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin
[   3.3849 ] 
[   3.3869 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   3.3881 ] 
[   3.3883 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.3896 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.3907 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.3909 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.4075 ] 
[   3.4092 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.4150 ] 
[   3.4162 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.4174 ] 
[   3.4184 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   3.4195 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.4236 ] 
[   3.4238 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.4251 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.4262 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.4266 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.4269 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.4285 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.4999 ] 
[   3.5014 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.5064 ] 
[   3.5081 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   3.5093 ] 
[   3.5094 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.5108 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.5123 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.5125 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.5287 ] 
[   3.5303 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.5353 ] 
[   3.5365 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.5377 ] 
[   3.5388 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   3.5399 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.5443 ] 
[   3.5444 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.5458 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.5468 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.5471 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.5474 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.5489 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.6232 ] 
[   3.6248 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.6298 ] 
[   3.6315 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.6326 ] 
[   3.6328 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.6342 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.6355 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.6358 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.6418 ] 
[   3.6436 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt spe_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.6465 ] 
[   3.6476 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.6488 ] 
[   3.6499 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid SPEF
[   3.6512 ] Header already present for spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.6532 ] 
[   3.6533 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.6547 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.6558 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.6561 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.6563 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.6580 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.7296 ] 
[   3.7311 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.7338 ] 
[   3.7353 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.7365 ] 
[   3.7367 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.7380 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.7391 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.7393 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.7456 ] 
[   3.7470 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt spe_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.7497 ] 
[   3.7509 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.7520 ] 
[   3.7531 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid SPEF
[   3.7542 ] Header already present for spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.7565 ] 
[   3.7566 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.7582 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.7594 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.7599 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.7601 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.7622 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.8331 ] 
[   3.8346 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.8373 ] 
[   3.8388 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.8399 ] 
[   3.8401 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.8414 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.8424 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.8426 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.8537 ] 
[   3.8553 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.8592 ] 
[   3.8613 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.8626 ] 
[   3.8638 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[   3.8649 ] Header already present for nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.8677 ] 
[   3.8679 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.8692 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.8703 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.8706 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.8709 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.8724 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.9435 ] 
[   3.9450 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.9489 ] 
[   3.9505 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.9516 ] 
[   3.9518 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.9532 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.9542 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.9545 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.9670 ] 
[   3.9685 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.9729 ] 
[   3.9742 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.9753 ] 
[   3.9767 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[   3.9779 ] Header already present for nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.9812 ] 
[   3.9813 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.9828 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.9839 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.9842 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.9845 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.9860 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.0573 ] 
[   4.0588 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.0627 ] 
[   4.0643 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.0654 ] 
[   4.0656 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.0669 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.0680 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.0682 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.0699 ] 
[   4.0713 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.0728 ] 
[   4.0741 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.0752 ] 
[   4.0764 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSP
[   4.0777 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.0784 ] 
[   4.0785 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.0801 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.0811 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.0815 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.0817 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.0832 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.1544 ] 
[   4.1559 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.1575 ] 
[   4.1589 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.1604 ] 
[   4.1606 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.1621 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.1631 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.1634 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.1648 ] 
[   4.1662 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.1677 ] 
[   4.1689 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.1700 ] 
[   4.1711 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSP
[   4.1721 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.1728 ] 
[   4.1729 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.1743 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.1753 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.1756 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.1758 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.1776 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.2503 ] 
[   4.2518 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.2534 ] 
[   4.2549 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.2560 ] 
[   4.2562 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.2575 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.2585 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.2588 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.2678 ] 
[   4.2693 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.2727 ] 
[   4.2739 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.2750 ] 
[   4.2765 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSM
[   4.2779 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.2805 ] 
[   4.2806 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.2820 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.2831 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.2834 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.2836 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.2853 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.3573 ] 
[   4.3588 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.3622 ] 
[   4.3638 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.3649 ] 
[   4.3651 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.3674 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.3686 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.3689 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.3783 ] 
[   4.3797 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.3831 ] 
[   4.3846 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.3860 ] 
[   4.3872 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSM
[   4.3883 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.3908 ] 
[   4.3909 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.3922 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.3935 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.3939 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.3942 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.3956 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.4693 ] 
[   4.4709 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.5072 ] 
[   4.5090 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.5103 ] 
[   4.5105 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.5120 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.5130 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.5133 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.7350 ] 
[   4.7364 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.7913 ] 
[   4.7927 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.7941 ] 
[   4.7954 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSB
[   4.7965 ] Header already present for mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.8496 ] 
[   4.8498 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.8512 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.8522 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.8526 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.8528 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.8546 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.9332 ] 
[   4.9348 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.9901 ] 
[   4.9964 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.9976 ] 
[   4.9978 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.9992 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.0002 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.0005 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.2196 ] 
[   5.2212 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.2767 ] 
[   5.2780 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.2794 ] 
[   5.2805 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSB
[   5.2815 ] Header already present for mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.3370 ] 
[   5.3371 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.3388 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.3398 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.3401 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.3403 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.3421 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.4202 ] 
[   5.4217 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.4763 ] 
[   5.4819 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   5.4830 ] 
[   5.4832 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.4845 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.4857 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.4859 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.5149 ] 
[   5.5163 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.5245 ] 
[   5.5257 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.5268 ] 
[   5.5279 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.5289 ] Header already present for cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.5360 ] 
[   5.5362 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.5376 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.5387 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.5390 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.5392 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.5408 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.6129 ] 
[   5.6145 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.6226 ] 
[   5.6258 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   5.6273 ] 
[   5.6275 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.6290 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.6301 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.6303 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.6602 ] 
[   5.6618 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.6698 ] 
[   5.6710 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.6725 ] 
[   5.6739 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.6752 ] Header already present for cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.6826 ] 
[   5.6827 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.6841 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.6852 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.6856 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.6858 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.6873 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.7587 ] 
[   5.7602 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.7683 ] 
[   5.7704 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   5.7718 ] 
[   5.7720 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.7734 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   5.7745 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.7747 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.7938 ] 
[   5.7952 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   5.8008 ] 
[   5.8020 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   5.8031 ] 
[   5.8042 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.8052 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   5.8100 ] 
[   5.8101 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.8115 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.8125 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.8129 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.8131 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.8147 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.8861 ] 
[   5.8876 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.8932 ] 
[   5.8950 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   5.8961 ] 
[   5.8963 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.8981 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   5.8992 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.8994 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.9182 ] 
[   5.9197 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   5.9254 ] 
[   5.9268 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   5.9281 ] 
[   5.9293 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.9303 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   5.9351 ] 
[   5.9352 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.9367 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.9377 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.9380 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.9382 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.9398 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.0118 ] 
[   6.0134 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.0190 ] 
[   6.0208 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img
[   6.0219 ] 
[   6.0221 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.0238 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.0248 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.0251 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.0515 ] 
[   6.0529 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.0604 ] 
[   6.0617 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.0628 ] 
[   6.0639 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.0649 ] Header already present for tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.0719 ] 
[   6.0720 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.0734 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.0745 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.0748 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.0750 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.0769 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.1482 ] 
[   6.1497 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.1571 ] 
[   6.1591 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img
[   6.1604 ] 
[   6.1606 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.1621 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.1631 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.1635 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.1896 ] 
[   6.1910 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.1985 ] 
[   6.1998 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.2010 ] 
[   6.2021 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.2031 ] Header already present for tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.2102 ] 
[   6.2104 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.2118 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.2129 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.2132 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.2134 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.2151 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.2865 ] 
[   6.2881 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.2957 ] 
[   6.2977 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img
[   6.2989 ] 
[   6.2991 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.3005 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list eks_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.3015 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.3018 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.3019 ] 
[   6.3032 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt eks_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.3044 ] 
[   6.3055 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.3066 ] 
[   6.3078 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.3088 ] Header already present for eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.3090 ] 
[   6.3091 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.3107 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list eks_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.3119 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.3122 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.3124 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.3143 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.3879 ] 
[   6.3896 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.3909 ] 
[   6.3923 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img
[   6.3934 ] 
[   6.3936 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.3950 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list eks_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.3960 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.3962 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.3965 ] 
[   6.3978 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt eks_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.3989 ] 
[   6.4007 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.4018 ] 
[   6.4030 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.4040 ] Header already present for eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.4043 ] 
[   6.4044 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.4058 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list eks_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.4068 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.4071 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.4073 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.4090 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.4798 ] 
[   6.4814 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.4827 ] 
[   6.4841 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin
[   6.4852 ] 
[   6.4854 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.4867 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   6.4878 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.4880 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.5436 ] 
[   6.5451 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   6.5596 ] 
[   6.5611 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.5624 ] 
[   6.5635 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.5645 ] Header already present for bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.5783 ] 
[   6.5785 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.5808 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.5819 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.5823 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.5826 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.5841 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.6567 ] 
[   6.6583 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.6727 ] 
[   6.6750 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin
[   6.6764 ] 
[   6.6766 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.6781 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   6.6791 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.6794 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.7349 ] 
[   6.7364 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   6.7510 ] 
[   6.7523 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.7535 ] 
[   6.7546 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.7556 ] Header already present for bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.7694 ] 
[   6.7695 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.7710 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.7722 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.7725 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.7727 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.7743 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.8464 ] 
[   6.8479 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.8625 ] 
[   6.8649 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb
[   6.8660 ] 
[   6.8662 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.8677 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   6.8687 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.8690 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.9176 ] 
[   6.9191 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   6.9319 ] 
[   6.9331 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   6.9343 ] 
[   6.9354 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.9365 ] Header already present for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   6.9484 ] 
[   6.9486 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.9500 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.9511 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.9514 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.9517 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.9532 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.0253 ] 
[   7.0268 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.0395 ] 
[   7.0418 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb
[   7.0433 ] 
[   7.0435 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.0450 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   7.0461 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.0463 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.0952 ] 
[   7.0967 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   7.1096 ] 
[   7.1111 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   7.1122 ] 
[   7.1133 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.1143 ] Header already present for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   7.1266 ] 
[   7.1267 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.1282 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.1292 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.1296 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.1298 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.1314 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.2033 ] 
[   7.2049 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.2182 ] 
[   7.2207 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img
[   7.2219 ] 
[   7.2221 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.2235 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.2245 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.2247 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.2424 ] 
[   7.2439 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.2500 ] 
[   7.2516 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.2528 ] 
[   7.2540 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.2550 ] Header already present for camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.2597 ] 
[   7.2599 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.2613 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.2623 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.2626 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.2628 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.2644 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.3364 ] 
[   7.3380 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.3434 ] 
[   7.3452 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img
[   7.3463 ] 
[   7.3465 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.3482 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.3493 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.3495 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.3674 ] 
[   7.3689 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.3754 ] 
[   7.3770 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.3782 ] 
[   7.3794 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.3804 ] Header already present for camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.3963 ] 
[   7.3964 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.3979 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.3990 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.3993 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.3995 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.4011 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.4724 ] 
[   7.4739 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.4793 ] 
[   7.4810 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin
[   7.4822 ] 
[   7.4824 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.4840 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.4851 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.4853 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.4904 ] 
[   7.4917 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.4944 ] 
[   7.4957 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.4968 ] 
[   7.4979 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.4992 ] Header already present for adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.5009 ] 
[   7.5011 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.5026 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.5036 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.5039 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.5042 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.5057 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.5764 ] 
[   7.5780 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.5810 ] 
[   7.5831 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin
[   7.5842 ] 
[   7.5844 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.5857 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.5868 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.5870 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.5926 ] 
[   7.5942 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.5970 ] 
[   7.5984 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.5995 ] 
[   7.6007 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.6017 ] Header already present for adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.6035 ] 
[   7.6036 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.6054 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.6066 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.6069 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.6071 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.6088 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.6822 ] 
[   7.6837 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.6862 ] 
[   7.6877 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   7.6888 ] 
[   7.6890 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.6904 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.6914 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.6917 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.6961 ] 
[   7.6975 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.6997 ] 
[   7.7009 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.7021 ] 
[   7.7032 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.7042 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.7056 ] 
[   7.7057 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.7070 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.7080 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.7083 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.7085 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.7106 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.7843 ] 
[   7.7859 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.7883 ] 
[   7.7899 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   7.7911 ] 
[   7.7912 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.7927 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.7941 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.7944 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.7989 ] 
[   7.8004 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.8026 ] 
[   7.8038 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.8049 ] 
[   7.8062 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.8072 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.8085 ] 
[   7.8086 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.8103 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.8117 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.8122 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.8124 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.8141 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.8860 ] 
[   7.8875 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.8898 ] 
[   7.8912 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img
[   7.8924 ] 
[   7.8925 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.8939 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list boot_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.8949 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.8952 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.8952 ] 
[   7.8965 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt boot_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.8979 ] 
[   7.8992 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.9003 ] 
[   7.9015 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.9025 ] Header already present for boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.9027 ] 
[   7.9028 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.9042 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list boot_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.9053 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.9057 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.9059 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.9074 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.9781 ] 
[   7.9797 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.9810 ] 
[   7.9824 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img
[   7.9835 ] 
[   7.9837 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.9851 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list boot_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.9862 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.9864 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.9865 ] 
[   7.9878 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt boot_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.9891 ] 
[   7.9911 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.9922 ] 
[   7.9938 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.9949 ] Header already present for boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.9951 ] 
[   7.9952 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.9966 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list boot_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.9977 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.9981 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.9983 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.9999 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.0704 ] 
[   8.0720 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.0734 ] 
[   8.0748 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   8.0759 ] 
[   8.0761 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.0775 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   8.0786 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.0789 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.0976 ] 
[   8.0992 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   8.1050 ] 
[   8.1063 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.1076 ] 
[   8.1087 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   8.1099 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.1149 ] 
[   8.1150 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.1165 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.1175 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.1179 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.1181 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.1197 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.1929 ] 
[   8.1945 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.2002 ] 
[   8.2020 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   8.2031 ] 
[   8.2033 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.2050 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   8.2061 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.2064 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.2258 ] 
[   8.2278 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   8.2337 ] 
[   8.2349 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.2361 ] 
[   8.2372 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   8.2383 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.2432 ] 
[   8.2433 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.2448 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.2459 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.2462 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.2464 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.2480 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.3200 ] 
[   8.3215 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.3283 ] 
[   8.3348 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin
[   8.3360 ] 
[   8.3362 ] header_magic: 50000ea
[   8.3375 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_list.xml
[   8.3386 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.3389 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.3473 ] 
[   8.3488 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.3505 ] 
[   8.3517 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.3528 ] 
[   8.3540 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[   8.3551 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.3593 ] 
[   8.3594 ] header_magic: 3e918cce
[   8.3610 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.3621 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.3625 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.3627 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.3643 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.4362 ] 
[   8.4378 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.4413 ] 
[   8.4428 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin
[   8.4443 ] 
[   8.4445 ] header_magic: 9000014
[   8.4459 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_list.xml
[   8.4469 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.4472 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.4637 ] 
[   8.4652 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.4668 ] 
[   8.4681 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.4692 ] 
[   8.4703 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid CPBL
[   8.4715 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.4799 ] 
[   8.4800 ] header_magic: 572127db
[   8.4815 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.4825 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.4828 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.4831 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.4847 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.5557 ] 
[   8.5573 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.5625 ] 
[   8.5626 ] Copying signed file in /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x
[   8.5636 ] Generating br-bct
[   8.5647 ] Performing cfg overlay
[   8.5648 ] ['/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg']
[   8.5648 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   8.5648 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[   8.6542 ] 
[   8.6543 ] Updating bl info
[   8.6556 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.6585 ] 
[   8.6586 ] Generating br-bct
[   8.6599 ] Performing cfg overlay
[   8.6599 ] ['/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg']
[   8.6600 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   8.6601 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[   8.7474 ] 
[   8.7474 ] Updating bl info
[   8.7487 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[   8.7525 ] 
[   8.7525 ] Updating smd info
[   8.7538 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 --updatesmdinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.7553 ] 
[   8.7553 ] Updating Odmdata
[   8.7565 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0x9190000
[   8.7580 ] 
[   8.7580 ] Get encrypted section of bct
[   8.7595 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --listencbct bct_list.xml
[   8.7608 ] 
[   8.7609 ] Signing BCT
[   8.7620 ] Generating signatures with encryption
[   8.7632 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --offset 2328 --file br_bct_BR.bct
[   8.7643 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.7645 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.7645 ] 
[   8.7645 ] Updating BCT with signature
[   8.7650 ] Get Signed section of bct
[   8.7661 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --listbct bct_list.xml
[   8.7674 ] 
[   8.7686 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   8.7697 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.7700 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.7702 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.7719 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.8431 ] 
[   8.8432 ] Updating BCT with signature
[   8.8444 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.8460 ] 
[   8.8461 ] Generating coldboot mb1-bct
[   8.8476 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg --misc tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg --scr tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --pinmux tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg --pmc tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg --pmic tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg --brcommand tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --prod tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --gpioint tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --uphy tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --device tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg
[   8.8487 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1

[   8.8490 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg 
[   8.8499 ] Added Platform Config 0 data with size :- 3008

[   8.8521 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg 
[   8.8526 ] Added Platform Config 1 data with size :- 19640

[   8.8739 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg 
[   8.8746 ] Added Platform Config 2 data with size :- 24

[   8.8750 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.8756 ] Added Platform Config 4 data with size :- 348

[   8.8760 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.8766 ] Added Platform Config 3 data with size :- 92

[   8.8770 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.8772 ] Added Platform Config 5 data with size :- 56
[   8.8772 ] 
[   8.8772 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.8772 ] Added Platform Config 7 data with size :- 392
[   8.8772 ] 
[   8.8772 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.8773 ] Added Platform Config 8 data with size :- 12
[   8.8773 ] 
[   8.8773 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg 
[   8.8773 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 32
[   8.8773 ] 
[   8.8774 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[   8.8788 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.8799 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.8805 ] 
[   8.8805 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[   8.8817 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.8827 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.8833 ] 
[   8.8833 ] Updating mb1-bct with ratchet information
[   8.8844 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --minratchet tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg
[   8.8854 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.8857 ] FwIndex: 1, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8859 ] FwIndex: 2, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8859 ] FwIndex: 3, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 4, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 5, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 6, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 7, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 8, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 11, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 12, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 13, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 14, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 15, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8860 ] FwIndex: 16, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8861 ] FwIndex: 17, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8861 ] FwIndex: 18, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8861 ] FwIndex: 19, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8861 ] FwIndex: 30, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8861 ] FwIndex: 31, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.8861 ] 
[   8.8873 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct
[   8.8884 ] 
[   8.8886 ] header_magic: 80680000
[   8.8901 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_list.xml
[   8.8911 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.8914 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.8933 ] 
[   8.8947 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.hash zerosbk
[   8.8959 ] 
[   8.8972 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   8.8983 ] 
[   8.8995 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MBCT
[   8.9005 ] adding BCH for mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   8.9022 ] 
[   8.9024 ] header_magic: 65f5398e
[   8.9040 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.9052 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.9055 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.9058 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.9073 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.9794 ] 
[   8.9810 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.9827 ] 
[   8.9829 ] Generating recovery mb1-bct
[   8.9843 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --mb1bct mb1_bct.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg --misc tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg --scr tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --pinmux tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg --pmc tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg --pmic tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg --brcommand tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --prod tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --gpioint tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --uphy tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --device tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg
[   8.9854 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1

[   8.9858 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg 
[   8.9866 ] Added Platform Config 0 data with size :- 3008

[   8.9887 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg 
[   8.9893 ] Added Platform Config 1 data with size :- 19640

[   9.0109 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg 
[   9.0117 ] Added Platform Config 2 data with size :- 24

[   9.0122 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0129 ] Added Platform Config 4 data with size :- 348

[   9.0134 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0136 ] Added Platform Config 3 data with size :- 92
[   9.0136 ] 
[   9.0136 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0136 ] Added Platform Config 5 data with size :- 56
[   9.0136 ] 
[   9.0136 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0136 ] Added Platform Config 7 data with size :- 392
[   9.0136 ] 
[   9.0136 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0136 ] Added Platform Config 8 data with size :- 12
[   9.0136 ] 
[   9.0136 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg 
[   9.0137 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 32
[   9.0137 ] 
[   9.0137 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[   9.0149 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[   9.0160 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   9.0166 ] 
[   9.0166 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[   9.0178 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[   9.0189 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   9.0194 ] 
[   9.0195 ] Updating mb1-bct with ratchet information
[   9.0206 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --minratchet tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg
[   9.0218 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   9.0221 ] FwIndex: 1, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0223 ] FwIndex: 2, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0223 ] FwIndex: 3, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0223 ] FwIndex: 4, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0223 ] FwIndex: 5, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0223 ] FwIndex: 6, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 7, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 8, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 11, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 12, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 13, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 14, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 15, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 16, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 17, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 18, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0224 ] FwIndex: 19, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0225 ] FwIndex: 30, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0225 ] FwIndex: 31, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0225 ] 
[   9.0236 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_bct_MB1.bct
[   9.0248 ] 
[   9.0249 ] header_magic: 80680000
[   9.0263 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_bct_MB1.bct_list.xml
[   9.0274 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.0276 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.0299 ] 
[   9.0314 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt mb1_bct_MB1.bct.hash zerosbk
[   9.0328 ] 
[   9.0340 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   9.0351 ] 
[   9.0362 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MBCT
[   9.0371 ] adding BCH for mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   9.0383 ] 
[   9.0384 ] header_magic: 65f5398e
[   9.0398 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   9.0408 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.0411 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.0413 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.0430 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.1138 ] 
[   9.1154 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.1171 ] 
[   9.1173 ] Generating coldboot mem-bct
[   9.1184 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg --membct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_1.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_2.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_3.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_4.bct
[   9.1194 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[   9.2061 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[   9.2065 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[4]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[5]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[6]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[7]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[8]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[9]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[10]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[11]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[12]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[13]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[14]
[   9.2070 ] Packing sdram param for instance[15]
[   9.2071 ] 
[   9.2071 ] Getting sector size from pt
[   9.2083 ] tegraparser_v2 --getsectorsize flash.xml.bin sector_info.bin
[   9.2096 ] 
[   9.2097 ] BlockSize read from layout is 200

[   9.2109 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_1.bct
[   9.2119 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.2122 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.2154 ] 
[   9.2166 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_2.bct
[   9.2177 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.2180 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.2213 ] 
[   9.2225 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_3.bct
[   9.2235 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.2238 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.2271 ] 
[   9.2283 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_4.bct
[   9.2294 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.2297 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.2332 ] 
[   9.2346 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --blocksize 512 --magicid MEMB --addsigheader_multi /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_1_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_2_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_3_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_4_encrypt.bct
[   9.2358 ] adding BCH for /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_1_encrypt.bct
[   9.2392 ] 
[   9.2403 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.2414 ] 
[   9.2426 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mem_coldboot.bct oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB
[   9.2440 ] Header already present for mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.2445 ] 
[   9.2446 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   9.2460 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mem_coldboot.bct_list.xml
[   9.2471 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.2474 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.2477 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.2492 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.3205 ] 
[   9.3221 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_coldboot.bct.signed mem_coldboot.bct.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.3237 ] 
[   9.3254 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.3274 ] 
[   9.3285 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB --ratchet_blob ratchet_blob.bin --appendsigheader mem_coldboot.bct oem-rsa
[   9.3295 ] Header already present for mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.3303 ] 
[   9.3318 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   9.3330 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.3334 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.3336 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.3353 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.4070 ] 
[   9.4086 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --updatesigheader mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.sig oem-rsa
[   9.4103 ] 
[   9.4104 ] Generating recovery mem-bct
[   9.4116 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291.cfg --membct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_1.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_2.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_3.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/16472/tmp26yvtq291_4.bct
[   9.4127 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[   9.4988 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[   9.4992 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[   9.4994 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]
[   9.4997 ] Packing sdram param for instance[4]
[   9.5000 ] Packing sdram param for instance[5]
[   9.5004 ] Packing sdram param for instance[6]
[   9.5007 ] Packing sdram param for instance[7]
[   9.5007 ] Packing sdram param for instance[8]
[   9.5007 ] Packing sdram param for instance[9]
[   9.5007 ] Packing sdram param for instance[10]
[   9.5007 ] Packing sdram param for instance[11]
[   9.5007 ] Packing sdram param for instance[12]
[   9.5007 ] Packing sdram param for instance[13]
[   9.5008 ] Packing sdram param for instance[14]
[   9.5008 ] Packing sdram param for instance[15]
[   9.5008 ] 
[   9.5009 ] Reading ramcode from backup chip_info.bin file
[   9.5010 ] RAMCODE Read from Device: 2

[   9.5010 ] Disabled BPMP dtb trim, using default dtb
[   9.5010 ] 
[   9.5024 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_rcm.bct
[   9.5036 ] 
[   9.5038 ] header_magic: 3000000
[   9.5052 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mem_rcm.bct_list.xml
[   9.5062 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.5065 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.5099 ] 
[   9.5113 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm.bct.encrypt mem_rcm.bct.hash zerosbk
[   9.5126 ] 
[   9.5139 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_rcm.bct.encrypt
[   9.5150 ] 
[   9.5162 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mem_rcm.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB
[   9.5171 ] adding BCH for mem_rcm.bct.encrypt
[   9.5189 ] 
[   9.5190 ] header_magic: 72aa2959
[   9.5204 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   9.5214 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.5218 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.5220 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.5237 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.5961 ] 
[   9.5976 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.5996 ] 
[   9.6006 ] nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   9.6009 ] preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   9.6011 ] mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   9.6013 ] mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   9.6052 ] tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   9.6057 ] bpmp_t194.bin
[   9.6067 ] tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb
[   9.6078 ] tos-trusty_t194.img
[   9.6084 ] eks.img
[   9.6085 ] boot.img
[   9.6086 ] tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   9.6410 ] spe_t194.bin
[   9.6416 ] nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   9.6456 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   9.6487 ] 
[   9.6515 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B
[   9.6541 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   9.6658 ] 
[   9.6662 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   9.6697 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   9.6724 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.6735 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.6740 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.6781 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.7530 ] 
[   9.7546 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.7596 ] 
[   9.7613 ] tegraparser_v2 --generategpt --pt flash.xml.bin
[   9.7629 ] 
[   9.7707 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt flash.xml.bin --generateflashindex /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/flash.xml.tmp flash.idx
[   9.9659 ] 
./tegraflash.py --securedev --bins "mb2_bootloader encrypted_signed_t19x/nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed; mts_preboot encrypted_signed_t19x/preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; mts_mce encrypted_signed_t19x/mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; mts_proper encrypted_signed_t19x/mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; bootloader_dtb encrypted_signed_t19x/tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed; bpmp_fw encrypted_signed_t19x/bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; bpmp_fw_dtb encrypted_signed_t19x/tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed; tlk encrypted_signed_t19x/tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed; eks encrypted_signed_t19x/eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed; spe_fw encrypted_signed_t19x/spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed" --bl encrypted_signed_t19x/nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed --bct encrypted_signed_t19x/br_bct_BR.bct --mb1_bct encrypted_signed_t19x/mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --mem_bct encrypted_signed_t19x/mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --mb1_cold_boot_bct encrypted_signed_t19x/mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --mem_bct_cold_boot encrypted_signed_t19x/mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed --applet encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_2_signed.rcm --applet_softfuse encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_1_signed.rcm --odmdata 0x9190000 --chip 0x19   --cmd "readfuses fuse_info.txt fuses_to_read.xml; reboot recovery"
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0071 ] Reading fuses
[   0.0071 ] Boot Rom communication
[   0.0082 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --rcm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_1_signed.rcm --rcm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_2_signed.rcm
[   0.0093 ] BR_CID: 0xd8021911647d15030c00000013ff0100
[   0.0103 ] Boot Rom communication completed
[   1.0521 ] 
[   2.0567 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   2.0577 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.0599 ] 
[   2.0601 ] Parsing fuse info as per xml file
[   2.0613 ] tegraparser_v2 --get_fuse_names fuses_to_read.xml read_fuse_names.txt
[   2.0624 ] MagicId=0x45535546 version=0x1
[   2.0628 ] 
[   2.0629 ] trying to read fuse with CPU binary
[   2.0630 ] Updating Odmdata
[   2.0642 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0x9190000
[   2.0662 ] 
[   2.0663 ] Sending BCTs
[   2.0678 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download bct_bootrom /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/br_bct_BR.bct --download bct_mb1 /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --download bct_mem /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   2.0693 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.1023 ] Sending bct_bootrom
[   2.1031 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.1052 ] Sending bct_mb1
[   2.1100 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.1143 ] Sending bct_mem
[   2.1613 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.2449 ] 
[   2.2452 ] Generating blob
[   2.2553 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --generateblob blob.xml blob.bin
[   2.2590 ] number of images in blob are 11
[   2.2608 ] blobsize is 6381592
[   2.2614 ] Added binary blob_nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed of size 260032
[   2.2764 ] Added binary blob_nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed of size 130928
[   2.2778 ] Added binary blob_preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 24016
[   2.2795 ] Added binary blob_mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 143200
[   2.2810 ] Added binary blob_mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 3430416
[   2.2828 ] Added binary blob_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed of size 287248
[   2.2847 ] Added binary blob_bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 856352
[   2.2860 ] Added binary blob_tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed of size 746752
[   2.2875 ] Added binary blob_tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed of size 402368
[   2.2891 ] Added binary blob_eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed of size 5136
[   2.2901 ] Added binary blob_spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 94960
[   2.2931 ] 
[   2.2932 ] Sending bootloader and pre-requisite binaries
[   2.2945 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download blob blob.bin
[   2.2955 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.3140 ] Sending blob
[   2.3141 ] [................................................] 100%
[   3.2271 ] 
[   3.2311 ] tegrarcm_v2 --boot recovery
[   3.2346 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.2576 ] 
[   4.2619 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   4.9084 ] 
[   4.9120 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   4.9281 ] 
[   4.9302 ] tegradevflash_v2 --iscpubl
[   4.9320 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   4.9490 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   4.9496 ] 
[   4.9521 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype PublicKeyHash read_fuse.bin
[   4.9545 ] 
[   4.9572 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   4.9593 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   4.9619 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   4.9636 ] Fuse read successful
[   4.9636 ] 
[   4.9659 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype SecureBootKey read_fuse.bin
[   4.9686 ] 
[   4.9711 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   4.9738 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   4.9760 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   4.9779 ] Fuse read successful
[   4.9780 ] 
[   4.9794 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype Kek0 read_fuse.bin
[   4.9807 ] 
[   4.9820 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   4.9831 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   4.9852 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   4.9872 ] Fuse read successful
[   4.9872 ] 
[   4.9885 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype Kek1 read_fuse.bin
[   4.9897 ] 
[   4.9909 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   4.9919 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0082 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.0099 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.0102 ] 
[   5.0115 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype Kek2 read_fuse.bin
[   5.0127 ] 
[   5.0139 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.0150 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0323 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.0342 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.0343 ] 
[   5.0363 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype Kek256 read_fuse.bin
[   5.0379 ] 
[   5.0396 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.0408 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0569 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.0589 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.0589 ] 
[   5.0608 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype BootSecurityInfo read_fuse.bin
[   5.0629 ] 
[   5.0653 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.0674 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0698 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.0717 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.0718 ] 
[   5.0739 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype JtagDisable read_fuse.bin
[   5.0758 ] 
[   5.0775 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.0790 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0815 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.0834 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.0834 ] 
[   5.0855 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype SecurityMode read_fuse.bin
[   5.0875 ] 
[   5.0892 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.0907 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0931 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.0950 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.0950 ] 
[   5.0974 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype SwReserved read_fuse.bin
[   5.1001 ] 
[   5.1021 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.1036 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.1062 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.1080 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.1081 ] 
[   5.1100 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype DebugAuthentication read_fuse.bin
[   5.1118 ] 
[   5.1135 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.1151 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.1173 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.1193 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.1193 ] 
[   5.1211 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype OdmId read_fuse.bin
[   5.1230 ] 
[   5.1248 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.1267 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.1289 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.1311 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.1311 ] 
[   5.1326 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype OdmLock read_fuse.bin
[   5.1339 ] 
[   5.1352 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.1363 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.1561 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.1579 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.1593 ] 
[   5.1606 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm0 read_fuse.bin
[   5.1622 ] 
[   5.1636 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.1646 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.1802 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.1819 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.1821 ] 
[   5.1834 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm1 read_fuse.bin
[   5.1846 ] 
[   5.1859 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.1870 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.2044 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.2063 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.2065 ] 
[   5.2079 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm2 read_fuse.bin
[   5.2092 ] 
[   5.2105 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.2116 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.2283 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.2303 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.2303 ] 
[   5.2319 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm3 read_fuse.bin
[   5.2334 ] 
[   5.2349 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.2363 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.2570 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.2595 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.2595 ] 
[   5.2619 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm4 read_fuse.bin
[   5.2644 ] 
[   5.2666 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.2686 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.2715 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.2768 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.2772 ] 
[   5.2794 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm5 read_fuse.bin
[   5.2816 ] 
[   5.2842 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.2868 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.2903 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.2922 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.2922 ] 
[   5.2943 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm6 read_fuse.bin
[   5.2961 ] 
[   5.2977 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.2992 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.3016 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.3035 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.3035 ] 
[   5.3049 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm7 read_fuse.bin
[   5.3060 ] 
[   5.3072 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.3083 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.3249 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.3268 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.3269 ] 
[   5.3281 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm8 read_fuse.bin
[   5.3292 ] 
[   5.3304 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.3315 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.3483 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.3501 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.3503 ] 
[   5.3515 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm9 read_fuse.bin
[   5.3527 ] 
[   5.3538 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.3547 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.3725 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.3744 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.3744 ] 
[   5.3759 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm10 read_fuse.bin
[   5.3777 ] 
[   5.3796 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.3815 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.3963 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.3981 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.3982 ] 
[   5.3999 ] tegraparser_v2 --read_fusetype ReservedOdm11 read_fuse.bin
[   5.4015 ] 
[   5.4031 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem readfuses __fuse_read_scatter.bin read_fuse.bin
[   5.4044 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.4207 ] Saved read fuses in file __fuse_read_scatter.bin
[   5.4229 ] Fuse read successful
[   5.4229 ] 
[   5.4233 ] Rebooting to recovery mode
[   5.4250 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   5.4648 ] 
[   5.4684 ] tegradevflash_v2 --reboot recovery
[   5.4717 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.4908 ] 
Fuse reading is done. The fuse values have been saved in: /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/fuse_info.txt
PublicKeyHash: 9c2b1440c40fe6f12fe5a3f3810b4a426f8780ee21d4b2d67a6f4297feaf3193
SecureBootKey: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Kek0: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Kek1: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Kek2: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Kek256: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
BootSecurityInfo: 00000005
JtagDisable: 00000000
SecurityMode: 00000001
SwReserved: 00000000
DebugAuthentication: 00000000
OdmId: 0000000000000000
OdmLock: 00000000
ReservedOdm0: 00000000
ReservedOdm1: 00000000
ReservedOdm2: 00000000
ReservedOdm3: 00000000
ReservedOdm4: 00000000
ReservedOdm5: 00000000
ReservedOdm6: 00000000
ReservedOdm7: 00000000
ReservedOdm8: 00000000
ReservedOdm9: 00000000
ReservedOdm10: 00000000
ReservedOdm11: 00000000
Production mode is set, you can't burn any manufacturing fuses now.
Error: check fuse values failed.
dcapers@NUC-Ubuntu-18:~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo ./odmfuse.sh -h
For Jetson TX2, Jetson Xavier, Jetson Xavier NX platforms:
  ./odmfuse.sh -i <TegraID> [options] TargetBoard

  Where options are,
    -c <CryptoType> ---------- Set the crypto type(obsolete). Please use "--auth" instead.
    -d <0xXXXX> -------------- sets sec_boot_dev_cfg=0xXXXX&0x3fff.
    -i <TegraID> ------------- tegra ID: 0x18-TX2, 0x19-Xavier
    -j ----------------------- Keep jtag enabled (obsolete). Jtag by default is enabled.
                               Jtag can be disabled by using "--disable-jtag" option.
                               Jtag can't be re-enabled once the jtag disable fuse bit is burned.
    -k <KeyFile> ------------- 2048 bit RSA private KEY file. (.pem file)
    -l <0xXXX> --------------- sets odm_lock=0xX. (4 bits)
    -p ----------------------- sets production mode.
    -r <0xXX> ---------------- sets sw_reserved=0xXX.
    -S <SBK file> ------------ 128bit Secure Boot Key file in HEX format.
    --auth ------------------- Set the current authentication type of the board. Possible values:
                               NS -- No authentication, PKC - PKC is enabled, SBKPKC - SBK and PKC are enabled.
                               This option is only needed in offline mode, namely option "--noburn" is set.
    --noburn ----------------- Prepare fuse blob without actual burning.
    --test ------------------- No fuses will be really burned, for test purpose.
    --force ------------------ For fuses that have been burned, force to burn it again.
    --disable-jtag ----------- Burn the jtag-disable fuse. You can't re-enable it after it is burned.
    --KEK0 <Key file> -------- 128bit Key Encryption Key file in HEX format.
    --KEK1 <Key file> -------- 128bit Key Encryption Key file in HEX format.
    --KEK2 <Key file> -------- 128bit Key Encryption Key file in HEX format.
    --KEK256 <Key file> ------ 256bit Key Encryption Key file in HEX format.
    --odm_reserved[0-7] ------ sets 32bit ReservedOdm[0-7]. (Input=0xXXXXXXXX)
    --debug_authentication --- Set arm_debug_authentication=0xXX&0x1f. (5 bits)
    --odm_id ----------------- Set odm_id=0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. (64 bits)
                               High 32 bits: odm_id[0]. Low 32 bits: odm_id[1].

For Jetson TX1, Jetson TK1, Jetson nano platforms:
  ./odmfuse.sh -c <CryptoType> -i <TegraID> -k <KeyFile> [options]

  Where options are,
    -c <CryptoType> ------ NS -- No Crypto, PKC - Public Key Crypto.
    -d <0xXXXX> ---------- sets sec_boot_dev_cfg=0xXXXX&0x3fff.
    -i <TegraID> --------- tegra ID: 0x40-TK1, 0x21-TX1
    -j ------------------- Keep jtag enabled (obsolete). Jtag by default is enabled.
                           Jtag can be disabled by using "--disable-jtag" option.
                           Jtag can't be re-enabled once the jtag disable fuse bit is burned.
    -k <KeyFile> --------- 2048 bit RSA private KEY file. (.pem file)
    -l <0xX> ------------- sets odm_lock=0xX. (4 bits)
    -o <8-0xXXXXXXXX> ---- sets odm_reserved=<8-0xXXXXXXXX>
                           1 256bit Big Endian value.
    -p ------------------- sets production mode.
    -r <0xXX> ------------ sets sw_reserved=0xXX.
    -D <DK file> --------- 32bit Device Key file in HEX format (TK1 & TX1 only).
    -S <SBK file> -------- 128bit Secure Boot Key file in HEX format.
    --noburn ------------- Prepare fuse blob without actual burning.
    --test --------------- No fuses will be really burned, for test purpose.
    --disable-jtag ------- Burn the jtag-disable fuse. You can't re-enable it after it is burned.

hello dcapers44,

the error shows the kernel-dtb is broken according to bootloader logs,

are you having a customized device tree blob.
is this boot from kernel-dtb partition, or, you’re having FDT entry in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf?

as the odmfuse.sh shown, the -c option has been deprecated. (starting from l4t-r32.5 release)
you may use --auth to program the board authentication status.
for example,
--auth PKC, for the PKC hash burned.
--auth SBKPKC, to enable both SBK and PKC hash fuses burned.

it’s now only support the offline method to program the fuse to provide the board authentication status,
you’ll need to assign board spec and enable --noburn into the command-line,
for example,
$ sudo FAB=400 BOARDID=2888 BOARDSKU=0006 BOARDREV=B.0 CHIPREV=2 ./odmfuse.sh --noburn -i 0x19 --auth SBKPKC -p -k rsa_priv.pem --KEK2 kek2.key -S sbk.key jetson-xavier-8gb

@JerryChang Not sure of the question you are asking

extlinux does not even exist under /boot


dcapers@NUC-Ubuntu-18:~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo FAB=400 BOARDID=2888 BOARDSKU=0006 BOARDREV=B.0 CHIPREV=2 ./odmfuse.sh --noburn -i 0x19 --auth SBKPKC -p -k RSA_Key.pem -S SBK.txt jetson-agx-xavier-devkit
Board ID(2888) version(400) sku(0006) revision(B.0)
copying sdram_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg)... done.
copying sdram_config1(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg)... done.
copying misc_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg)... done.
copying pinmux_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg)... done.
copying scr_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg)... done.
copying scr_cold_boot_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg)... done.
copying pmc_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg)... done.
copying pmic_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying br_cmd_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying prod_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying dev_params(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg)... done.
copying misc_cold_boot_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg)... done.
copying device_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg)... done.
copying uphy_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying minratchet_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying gpioint_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying soft_fuses(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg)... done.
Existing mb2_bootloader(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin) reused.
Existing mts_preboot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
Existing mts_mce(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mce_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
Existing mts_proper(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mts_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
copying bootloader_dtb(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb)... done.
Existing bpmp_fw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/bpmp_t194.bin) reused.
copying bpmp_fw_dtb(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02.dtb)... done.
Existing tlk(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tos-trusty_t194.img) reused.
Existing eks(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/eks.img) reused.
Existing spe_fw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/spe_t194.bin) reused.
Existing mb1file(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin) reused.
Existing spefile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/spe_t194.bin) reused.
Existing tegraboot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_t194.bin) reused.
Existing tbcfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cboot_t194.bin) reused.
Existing scefile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/camera-rtcpu-sce.img) reused.
Existing camerafw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/camera-rtcpu-rce.img) reused.
Existing wb0boot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/warmboot_t194_prod.bin) reused.
Existing cfg(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/flash.xml) reused.
Existing bl(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin) reused.
Existing applet(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin) reused.
./tegraflash.py --sdram_config tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg,tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg --misc_config tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg --pinmux_config tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg --scr_config tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --scr_cold_boot_config tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --pmc_config tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg --pmic_config tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-p2822-0000.cfg --br_cmd_config tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --prod_config tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --dev_params tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --misc_cold_boot_config tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg --device_config tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg --uphy_config tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --minratchet_config tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --gpioint_config tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --soft_fuses tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg  --bins "mb2_bootloader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin; mts_preboot preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin; mts_mce mce_c10_prod_cr.bin; mts_proper mts_c10_prod_cr.bin; bootloader_dtb tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb; bpmp_fw bpmp_t194.bin; bpmp_fw_dtb tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02.dtb; tlk tos-trusty_t194.img; eks eks.img; kernel boot.img; kernel_dtb tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb; spe_fw spe_t194.bin" --cfg flash.xml --bl nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin --odmdata 0x9190000 --chip 0x19 --applet mb1_t194_prod.bin  --key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem" --encrypt_key "/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt" --cmd "sign" 
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0124 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0135 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0139 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0142 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0156 ] 
[   0.0158 ] Generating RCM messages
[   0.0168 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file mb1_t194_prod.bin --offset 4096
[   0.0179 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0181 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   0.0348 ] 
[   0.0361 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin zerosbk
[   0.0372 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin
[   0.0417 ] 
[   0.0429 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0440 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0443 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0446 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0462 ] 
[   0.0475 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --file mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin --offset 2960 --length 1136 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.0490 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0494 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0496 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0512 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.1219 ] 
[   0.1232 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --setmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.sig oem-rsa
[   0.1283 ] 
[   0.1295 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg sfuse.bin
[   0.1307 ] 
[   0.1319 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --ratchet_blob ratchet_blob.bin --minratchet tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg
[   0.1330 ] FwIndex: 1, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1333 ] FwIndex: 2, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1334 ] FwIndex: 3, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1334 ] FwIndex: 4, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1334 ] FwIndex: 5, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1334 ] FwIndex: 6, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1334 ] FwIndex: 7, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1334 ] FwIndex: 8, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1334 ] FwIndex: 11, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1334 ] FwIndex: 12, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1334 ] FwIndex: 13, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1335 ] FwIndex: 14, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1335 ] FwIndex: 15, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1335 ] FwIndex: 16, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1335 ] FwIndex: 17, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1335 ] FwIndex: 18, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1335 ] FwIndex: 19, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1335 ] FwIndex: 30, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1335 ] FwIndex: 31, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.1335 ] 
[   0.1348 ] tegrarcm_v2 --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x19 0 --sfuses sfuse.bin --download rcm mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin 0 0
[   0.1358 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
[   0.1399 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
[   0.1399 ] RCM 2 is saved as rcm_2.rcm
[   0.1399 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
[   0.1399 ] 
[   0.1399 ] Signing RCM messages
[   0.1410 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.1420 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.1423 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.1425 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.1441 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.3570 ] 
[   0.3571 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
[   0.3585 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.3603 ] 
[   0.3604 ] Parsing partition layout
[   0.3617 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt flash.xml.tmp
[   0.3635 ] 
[   0.3635 ] Creating list of images to be signed
[   0.3646 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --list images_list.xml
[   0.3657 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t194_prod.bin
[   0.3665 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   0.3672 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t194_prod.bin
[   0.3715 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   0.3733 ] adding BCH for spe_t194.bin
[   0.3770 ] adding BCH for spe_t194.bin
[   0.3798 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_t194.bin
[   0.3827 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_t194.bin
[   0.3882 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.3933 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.3938 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.3944 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.3966 ] adding BCH for mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.4015 ] adding BCH for mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.5036 ] adding BCH for cboot_t194.bin
[   0.6056 ] adding BCH for cboot_t194.bin
[   0.6193 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.6331 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.6414 ] adding BCH for tos-trusty_t194.img
[   0.6499 ] adding BCH for tos-trusty_t194.img
[   0.6613 ] adding BCH for eks.img
[   0.6733 ] adding BCH for eks.img
[   0.6736 ] adding BCH for bpmp_t194.bin
[   0.6742 ] adding BCH for bpmp_t194.bin
[   0.7001 ] adding BCH for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02.dtb
[   0.7258 ] adding BCH for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02.dtb
[   0.7482 ] adding BCH for camera-rtcpu-rce.img
[   0.7705 ] adding BCH for camera-rtcpu-rce.img
[   0.7784 ] adding BCH for adsp-fw.bin
[   0.7862 ] adding BCH for adsp-fw.bin
[   0.7889 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod.bin
[   0.7916 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod.bin
[   0.7927 ] adding BCH for boot.img
[   0.7937 ] adding BCH for boot.img
[   0.7939 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.7943 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.8110 ] 
[   0.8124 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list images_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.8135 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.8139 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.8141 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.8157 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.2225 ] 
[   3.2226 ] Generating br-bct
[   3.2238 ] Performing cfg overlay
[   3.2239 ] ['tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg', 'tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg']
[   3.2245 ] sw_memcfg_overlay.pl -c tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg -s tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg -o /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg
[   3.2730 ] 
[   3.2732 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   3.2732 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[   3.3614 ] 
[   3.3615 ] Updating bl info
[   3.3628 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin
[   3.3657 ] 
[   3.3677 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   3.3689 ] 
[   3.3691 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.3704 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.3715 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.3717 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.3888 ] 
[   3.3904 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.3955 ] 
[   3.3968 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.3981 ] 
[   3.3995 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   3.4009 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.4051 ] 
[   3.4052 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.4067 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.4077 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.4081 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.4083 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.4100 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.4810 ] 
[   3.4826 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.4876 ] 
[   3.4894 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   3.4905 ] 
[   3.4907 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.4922 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.4934 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.4937 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.5103 ] 
[   3.5121 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.5176 ] 
[   3.5190 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.5201 ] 
[   3.5213 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   3.5223 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.5265 ] 
[   3.5266 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.5282 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.5292 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.5296 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.5298 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.5314 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.6033 ] 
[   3.6048 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.6098 ] 
[   3.6116 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.6127 ] 
[   3.6129 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.6143 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.6162 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.6172 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.6227 ] 
[   3.6242 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt spe_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.6268 ] 
[   3.6281 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.6292 ] 
[   3.6305 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid SPEF
[   3.6317 ] Header already present for spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.6336 ] 
[   3.6338 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.6353 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.6364 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.6368 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.6370 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.6385 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.7094 ] 
[   3.7110 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.7137 ] 
[   3.7152 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.7164 ] 
[   3.7166 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.7180 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.7190 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.7192 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.7256 ] 
[   3.7272 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt spe_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.7299 ] 
[   3.7312 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.7328 ] 
[   3.7344 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid SPEF
[   3.7363 ] Header already present for spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.7381 ] 
[   3.7383 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.7397 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.7407 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.7411 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.7414 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.7429 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.8136 ] 
[   3.8152 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.8179 ] 
[   3.8194 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.8206 ] 
[   3.8207 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.8220 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.8230 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.8233 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.8345 ] 
[   3.8361 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.8399 ] 
[   3.8414 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.8428 ] 
[   3.8442 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[   3.8454 ] Header already present for nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.8484 ] 
[   3.8485 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.8501 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.8511 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.8515 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.8517 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.8533 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.9242 ] 
[   3.9257 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   3.9296 ] 
[   3.9313 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   3.9324 ] 
[   3.9326 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.9340 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   3.9350 ] Key is a SBK key
[   3.9353 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   3.9464 ] 
[   3.9479 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   3.9529 ] 
[   3.9544 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.9555 ] 
[   3.9567 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[   3.9577 ] Header already present for nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   3.9607 ] 
[   3.9608 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   3.9624 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.9635 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.9639 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.9642 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.9657 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.0379 ] 
[   4.0396 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.0434 ] 
[   4.0451 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.0463 ] 
[   4.0465 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.0478 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.0490 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.0493 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.0508 ] 
[   4.0522 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.0538 ] 
[   4.0550 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.0561 ] 
[   4.0573 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSP
[   4.0583 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.0589 ] 
[   4.0590 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.0605 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.0615 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.0618 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.0620 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.0638 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.1382 ] 
[   4.1397 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.1412 ] 
[   4.1426 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.1438 ] 
[   4.1439 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.1453 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.1464 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.1466 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.1481 ] 
[   4.1494 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.1732 ] 
[   4.1758 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.1784 ] 
[   4.1809 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSP
[   4.1835 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.1848 ] 
[   4.1851 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.1881 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.1903 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.1912 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.1917 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.1951 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.2788 ] 
[   4.2803 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.2819 ] 
[   4.2834 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.2858 ] 
[   4.2860 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.2874 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.2885 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.2887 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.2980 ] 
[   4.2996 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.3033 ] 
[   4.3045 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.3060 ] 
[   4.3074 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSM
[   4.3086 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.3112 ] 
[   4.3113 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.3127 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.3136 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.3140 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.3142 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.3160 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.3872 ] 
[   4.3888 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.3923 ] 
[   4.3939 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.3952 ] 
[   4.3954 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.3969 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.3986 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.3988 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.4083 ] 
[   4.4098 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.4133 ] 
[   4.4145 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.4161 ] 
[   4.4173 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSM
[   4.4184 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.4208 ] 
[   4.4210 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.4224 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.4235 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.4238 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.4241 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.4256 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.4964 ] 
[   4.4980 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.5015 ] 
[   4.5031 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   4.5043 ] 
[   4.5044 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.5058 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   4.5069 ] Key is a SBK key
[   4.5071 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   4.7273 ] 
[   4.7287 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   4.7840 ] 
[   4.7854 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.7866 ] 
[   4.7878 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSB
[   4.7888 ] Header already present for mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   4.8422 ] 
[   4.8423 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   4.8438 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.8449 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.8453 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.8455 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.8470 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.9246 ] 
[   4.9261 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.9816 ] 
[   5.0255 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[   5.0269 ] 
[   5.0271 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.0289 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.0303 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.0307 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.2575 ] 
[   5.2589 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.3151 ] 
[   5.3164 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.3175 ] 
[   5.3188 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSB
[   5.3199 ] Header already present for mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.3739 ] 
[   5.3740 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.3755 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.3766 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.3770 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.3772 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.3789 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.4557 ] 
[   5.4572 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.5127 ] 
[   5.5182 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   5.5193 ] 
[   5.5195 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.5209 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.5219 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.5222 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.5514 ] 
[   5.5529 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.5611 ] 
[   5.5624 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.5637 ] 
[   5.5648 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.5658 ] Header already present for cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.5734 ] 
[   5.5736 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.5750 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.5762 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.5765 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.5768 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.5783 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.6515 ] 
[   5.6531 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.6612 ] 
[   5.6633 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[   5.6645 ] 
[   5.6647 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.6664 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   5.6675 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.6677 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.6971 ] 
[   5.6986 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   5.7066 ] 
[   5.7079 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.7090 ] 
[   5.7105 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.7117 ] Header already present for cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   5.7192 ] 
[   5.7193 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.7209 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.7219 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.7223 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.7225 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.7242 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.7957 ] 
[   5.7974 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.8054 ] 
[   5.8076 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   5.8090 ] 
[   5.8092 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.8106 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   5.8117 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.8119 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.8306 ] 
[   5.8323 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   5.8380 ] 
[   5.8393 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   5.8405 ] 
[   5.8416 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.8427 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   5.8474 ] 
[   5.8475 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.8489 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.8500 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.8504 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.8506 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.8522 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   5.9230 ] 
[   5.9246 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.9303 ] 
[   5.9321 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   5.9333 ] 
[   5.9335 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.9352 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   5.9363 ] Key is a SBK key
[   5.9366 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   5.9556 ] 
[   5.9571 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   5.9628 ] 
[   5.9641 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   5.9655 ] 
[   5.9668 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   5.9679 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   5.9727 ] 
[   5.9728 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   5.9743 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   5.9754 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   5.9757 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   5.9759 ] Valid PKC key
[   5.9775 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.0487 ] 
[   6.0503 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.0560 ] 
[   6.0578 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img
[   6.0589 ] 
[   6.0591 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.0607 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.0618 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.0621 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.0885 ] 
[   6.0899 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.0973 ] 
[   6.0986 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.0998 ] 
[   6.1009 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.1019 ] Header already present for tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.1089 ] 
[   6.1090 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.1105 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.1115 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.1119 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.1121 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.1137 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.1853 ] 
[   6.1868 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.1942 ] 
[   6.1963 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img
[   6.1975 ] 
[   6.1976 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.1994 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.2008 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.2011 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.2282 ] 
[   6.2302 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.2382 ] 
[   6.2395 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.2407 ] 
[   6.2418 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.2428 ] Header already present for tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.2493 ] 
[   6.2495 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.2510 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.2521 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.2524 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.2527 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.2542 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.3260 ] 
[   6.3276 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.3350 ] 
[   6.3371 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img
[   6.3384 ] 
[   6.3386 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.3400 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list eks_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.3410 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.3413 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.3414 ] 
[   6.3427 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt eks_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.3440 ] 
[   6.3452 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.3464 ] 
[   6.3475 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.3488 ] Header already present for eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.3491 ] 
[   6.3492 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.3506 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list eks_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.3517 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.3520 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.3522 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.3541 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.4258 ] 
[   6.4274 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.4287 ] 
[   6.4302 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img
[   6.4313 ] 
[   6.4315 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.4328 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list eks_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   6.4339 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.4341 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.4344 ] 
[   6.4357 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt eks_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   6.4371 ] 
[   6.4384 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.4396 ] 
[   6.4407 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.4417 ] Header already present for eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   6.4420 ] 
[   6.4421 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.4435 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list eks_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.4445 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.4449 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.4451 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.4467 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.5174 ] 
[   6.5189 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.5202 ] 
[   6.5216 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin
[   6.5228 ] 
[   6.5229 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.5243 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   6.5253 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.5256 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.5810 ] 
[   6.5826 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   6.5980 ] 
[   6.5996 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.6008 ] 
[   6.6020 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.6030 ] Header already present for bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.6164 ] 
[   6.6166 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.6181 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.6191 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.6195 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.6197 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.6213 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.6951 ] 
[   6.6966 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.7112 ] 
[   6.7137 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin
[   6.7151 ] 
[   6.7152 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.7168 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   6.7178 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.7181 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.7729 ] 
[   6.7746 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   6.7892 ] 
[   6.7905 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.7917 ] 
[   6.7928 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.7938 ] Header already present for bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   6.8078 ] 
[   6.8080 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.8094 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.8105 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.8109 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.8111 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.8126 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   6.8855 ] 
[   6.8870 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.9016 ] 
[   6.9042 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb
[   6.9054 ] 
[   6.9055 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.9070 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   6.9080 ] Key is a SBK key
[   6.9083 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   6.9562 ] 
[   6.9579 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   6.9709 ] 
[   6.9723 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   6.9734 ] 
[   6.9746 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   6.9757 ] Header already present for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   6.9876 ] 
[   6.9877 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   6.9891 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   6.9902 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.9906 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.9909 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.9923 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.0640 ] 
[   7.0655 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.0784 ] 
[   7.0806 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb
[   7.0822 ] 
[   7.0824 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.0838 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   7.0849 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.0852 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.1333 ] 
[   7.1348 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   7.1475 ] 
[   7.1490 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   7.1504 ] 
[   7.1516 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.1526 ] Header already present for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   7.1648 ] 
[   7.1649 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.1667 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.1678 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.1681 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.1683 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.1700 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.2435 ] 
[   7.2451 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.2580 ] 
[   7.2603 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img
[   7.2615 ] 
[   7.2616 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.2630 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.2641 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.2644 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.2820 ] 
[   7.2837 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.2892 ] 
[   7.2904 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.2928 ] 
[   7.2940 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.2952 ] Header already present for camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.2997 ] 
[   7.2998 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.3012 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.3024 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.3028 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.3030 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.3046 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.3762 ] 
[   7.3778 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.3836 ] 
[   7.3854 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img
[   7.3866 ] 
[   7.3868 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.3885 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.3895 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.3898 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.4079 ] 
[   7.4094 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.4150 ] 
[   7.4165 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.4176 ] 
[   7.4188 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.4199 ] Header already present for camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.4244 ] 
[   7.4245 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.4260 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.4270 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.4273 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.4275 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.4292 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.5009 ] 
[   7.5024 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.5079 ] 
[   7.5096 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin
[   7.5108 ] 
[   7.5110 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.5126 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.5137 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.5140 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.5192 ] 
[   7.5207 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.5232 ] 
[   7.5243 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.5255 ] 
[   7.5266 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.5279 ] Header already present for adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.5296 ] 
[   7.5297 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.5311 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.5323 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.5327 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.5329 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.5346 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.6061 ] 
[   7.6077 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.6102 ] 
[   7.6117 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin
[   7.6129 ] 
[   7.6130 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.6145 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.6155 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.6158 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.6211 ] 
[   7.6226 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.6252 ] 
[   7.6274 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.6285 ] 
[   7.6297 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.6307 ] Header already present for adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.6326 ] 
[   7.6328 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.6346 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.6357 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.6361 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.6364 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.6378 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.7086 ] 
[   7.7102 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.7127 ] 
[   7.7143 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   7.7154 ] 
[   7.7156 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.7170 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.7180 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.7183 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.7225 ] 
[   7.7239 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.7262 ] 
[   7.7274 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.7285 ] 
[   7.7297 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.7308 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.7321 ] 
[   7.7323 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.7338 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.7350 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.7354 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.7357 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.7374 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.8085 ] 
[   7.8100 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.8123 ] 
[   7.8137 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   7.8149 ] 
[   7.8151 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.8165 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   7.8175 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.8178 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.8222 ] 
[   7.8237 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   7.8259 ] 
[   7.8271 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.8283 ] 
[   7.8294 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.8305 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   7.8320 ] 
[   7.8321 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.8337 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.8347 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.8350 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.8353 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.8371 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   7.9081 ] 
[   7.9097 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   7.9120 ] 
[   7.9135 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img
[   7.9147 ] 
[   7.9148 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.9162 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list boot_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   7.9172 ] Key is a SBK key
[   7.9175 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   7.9175 ] 
[   7.9189 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt boot_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   7.9203 ] 
[   7.9216 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.9227 ] 
[   7.9239 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   7.9249 ] Header already present for boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   7.9251 ] 
[   7.9252 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   7.9266 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list boot_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   7.9277 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   7.9281 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   7.9283 ] Valid PKC key
[   7.9298 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.0009 ] 
[   8.0025 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.0038 ] 
[   8.0052 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img
[   8.0064 ] 
[   8.0066 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.0080 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list boot_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   8.0090 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.0093 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.0094 ] 
[   8.0108 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt boot_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   8.0125 ] 
[   8.0138 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   8.0152 ] 
[   8.0165 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   8.0175 ] Header already present for boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[   8.0177 ] 
[   8.0179 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.0193 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list boot_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.0203 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.0207 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.0209 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.0224 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.0930 ] 
[   8.0946 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.0959 ] 
[   8.0973 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   8.0984 ] 
[   8.0986 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.1000 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   8.1011 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.1014 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.1201 ] 
[   8.1218 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   8.1275 ] 
[   8.1288 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.1300 ] 
[   8.1311 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   8.1326 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.1373 ] 
[   8.1374 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.1389 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.1400 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.1404 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.1406 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.1421 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.2132 ] 
[   8.2148 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.2217 ] 
[   8.2235 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[   8.2248 ] 
[   8.2250 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.2265 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   8.2276 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.2279 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.2470 ] 
[   8.2487 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   8.2545 ] 
[   8.2558 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.2570 ] 
[   8.2581 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   8.2592 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[   8.2641 ] 
[   8.2642 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   8.2657 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.2668 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.2672 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.2674 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.2690 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.3405 ] 
[   8.3421 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.3478 ] 
[   8.3542 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin
[   8.3553 ] 
[   8.3555 ] header_magic: 50000ea
[   8.3569 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_list.xml
[   8.3579 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.3583 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.3669 ] 
[   8.3688 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.3706 ] 
[   8.3719 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.3731 ] 
[   8.3743 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[   8.3754 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.3795 ] 
[   8.3796 ] header_magic: 3e918cce
[   8.3811 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.3825 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.3829 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.3832 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.3847 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.4563 ] 
[   8.4579 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.4612 ] 
[   8.4624 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin
[   8.4636 ] 
[   8.4638 ] header_magic: 9000014
[   8.4652 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_list.xml
[   8.4663 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.4665 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.4839 ] 
[   8.4855 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.4872 ] 
[   8.4884 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.4896 ] 
[   8.4907 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid CPBL
[   8.4918 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt
[   8.5002 ] 
[   8.5004 ] header_magic: 572127db
[   8.5019 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.5030 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.5034 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.5036 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.5050 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.5765 ] 
[   8.5781 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.5837 ] 
[   8.5839 ] Copying signed file in /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x
[   8.5849 ] Generating br-bct
[   8.5860 ] Performing cfg overlay
[   8.5861 ] ['/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg']
[   8.5861 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   8.5861 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[   8.6754 ] 
[   8.6754 ] Updating bl info
[   8.6768 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.6797 ] 
[   8.6798 ] Generating br-bct
[   8.6811 ] Performing cfg overlay
[   8.6812 ] ['/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg']
[   8.6812 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   8.6814 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[   8.7687 ] 
[   8.7687 ] Updating bl info
[   8.7701 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[   8.7740 ] 
[   8.7741 ] Updating smd info
[   8.7753 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 --updatesmdinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.7779 ] 
[   8.7779 ] Updating Odmdata
[   8.7791 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0x9190000
[   8.7807 ] 
[   8.7808 ] Get encrypted section of bct
[   8.7822 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --listencbct bct_list.xml
[   8.7837 ] 
[   8.7838 ] Signing BCT
[   8.7850 ] Generating signatures with encryption
[   8.7862 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --offset 2328 --file br_bct_BR.bct
[   8.7872 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.7875 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.7875 ] 
[   8.7875 ] Updating BCT with signature
[   8.7880 ] Get Signed section of bct
[   8.7891 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --listbct bct_list.xml
[   8.7904 ] 
[   8.7916 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   8.7927 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.7930 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.7932 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.7950 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   8.8664 ] 
[   8.8665 ] Updating BCT with signature
[   8.8677 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   8.8691 ] 
[   8.8692 ] Generating coldboot mb1-bct
[   8.8708 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg --misc tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg --scr tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --pinmux tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg --pmc tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg --pmic tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-p2822-0000.cfg --brcommand tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --prod tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --gpioint tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --uphy tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --device tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg
[   8.8719 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1

[   8.8723 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg 
[   8.8732 ] Added Platform Config 0 data with size :- 3008

[   8.8753 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg 
[   8.8759 ] Added Platform Config 1 data with size :- 19640

[   8.8973 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg 
[   8.8980 ] Added Platform Config 2 data with size :- 24

[   8.8982 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.8986 ] Added Platform Config 4 data with size :- 348

[   8.8990 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.8998 ] Added Platform Config 3 data with size :- 92
[   8.8999 ] 
[   8.8999 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.8999 ] Added Platform Config 5 data with size :- 56
[   8.8999 ] 
[   8.9000 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.9000 ] Added Platform Config 7 data with size :- 392
[   8.9000 ] 
[   8.9000 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   8.9000 ] Added Platform Config 8 data with size :- 12
[   8.9000 ] 
[   8.9000 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg 
[   8.9000 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 32
[   8.9000 ] 
[   8.9001 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[   8.9013 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.9023 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.9028 ] 
[   8.9028 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[   8.9041 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[   8.9052 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.9058 ] 
[   8.9058 ] Updating mb1-bct with ratchet information
[   8.9069 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --minratchet tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg
[   8.9079 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   8.9083 ] FwIndex: 1, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9084 ] FwIndex: 2, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9084 ] FwIndex: 3, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9084 ] FwIndex: 4, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9084 ] FwIndex: 5, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9084 ] FwIndex: 6, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9084 ] FwIndex: 7, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9085 ] FwIndex: 8, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9085 ] FwIndex: 11, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9085 ] FwIndex: 12, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9085 ] FwIndex: 13, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9085 ] FwIndex: 14, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9085 ] FwIndex: 15, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9085 ] FwIndex: 16, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9085 ] FwIndex: 17, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9085 ] FwIndex: 18, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9086 ] FwIndex: 19, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9086 ] FwIndex: 30, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9086 ] FwIndex: 31, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   8.9086 ] 
[   8.9097 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct
[   8.9108 ] 
[   8.9109 ] header_magic: 80680000
[   8.9124 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_list.xml
[   8.9135 ] Key is a SBK key
[   8.9138 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   8.9156 ] 
[   8.9169 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.hash zerosbk
[   8.9182 ] 
[   8.9194 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   8.9206 ] 
[   8.9217 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MBCT
[   8.9228 ] adding BCH for mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   8.9239 ] 
[   8.9240 ] header_magic: 65f5398e
[   8.9256 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   8.9270 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   8.9274 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   8.9276 ] Valid PKC key
[   8.9291 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.0001 ] 
[   9.0017 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.0035 ] 
[   9.0036 ] Generating recovery mb1-bct
[   9.0050 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --mb1bct mb1_bct.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg --misc tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg --scr tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --pinmux tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg --pmc tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg --pmic tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-p2822-0000.cfg --brcommand tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --prod tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --gpioint tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --uphy tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --device tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg
[   9.0061 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1

[   9.0065 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg 
[   9.0074 ] Added Platform Config 0 data with size :- 3008

[   9.0095 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg 
[   9.0101 ] Added Platform Config 1 data with size :- 19640

[   9.0313 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg 
[   9.0326 ] Added Platform Config 2 data with size :- 24

[   9.0331 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0338 ] Added Platform Config 4 data with size :- 348
[   9.0338 ] 
[   9.0338 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0338 ] Added Platform Config 3 data with size :- 92
[   9.0338 ] 
[   9.0339 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0339 ] Added Platform Config 5 data with size :- 56
[   9.0339 ] 
[   9.0339 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0339 ] Added Platform Config 7 data with size :- 392
[   9.0339 ] 
[   9.0339 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[   9.0339 ] Added Platform Config 8 data with size :- 12
[   9.0339 ] 
[   9.0339 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg 
[   9.0340 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 32
[   9.0340 ] 
[   9.0340 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[   9.0352 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[   9.0362 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   9.0367 ] 
[   9.0368 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[   9.0382 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[   9.0394 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   9.0398 ] 
[   9.0399 ] Updating mb1-bct with ratchet information
[   9.0410 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --minratchet tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg
[   9.0420 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[   9.0423 ] FwIndex: 1, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0425 ] FwIndex: 2, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0425 ] FwIndex: 3, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0425 ] FwIndex: 4, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0425 ] FwIndex: 5, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0425 ] FwIndex: 6, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0425 ] FwIndex: 7, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 8, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 11, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 12, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 13, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 14, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 15, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 16, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 17, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 18, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 19, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0426 ] FwIndex: 30, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0427 ] FwIndex: 31, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   9.0427 ] 
[   9.0439 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_bct_MB1.bct
[   9.0451 ] 
[   9.0453 ] header_magic: 80680000
[   9.0467 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_bct_MB1.bct_list.xml
[   9.0478 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.0481 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.0500 ] 
[   9.0513 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt mb1_bct_MB1.bct.hash zerosbk
[   9.0526 ] 
[   9.0539 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   9.0550 ] 
[   9.0562 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MBCT
[   9.0573 ] adding BCH for mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[   9.0586 ] 
[   9.0587 ] header_magic: 65f5398e
[   9.0603 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   9.0614 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.0617 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.0619 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.0635 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.1354 ] 
[   9.1369 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.1387 ] 
[   9.1388 ] Generating coldboot mem-bct
[   9.1400 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg --membct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_1.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_2.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_3.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_4.bct
[   9.1410 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[   9.2289 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[   9.2293 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[   9.2293 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]
[   9.2293 ] Packing sdram param for instance[4]
[   9.2293 ] Packing sdram param for instance[5]
[   9.2294 ] Packing sdram param for instance[6]
[   9.2294 ] Packing sdram param for instance[7]
[   9.2294 ] Packing sdram param for instance[8]
[   9.2294 ] Packing sdram param for instance[9]
[   9.2294 ] Packing sdram param for instance[10]
[   9.2294 ] Packing sdram param for instance[11]
[   9.2294 ] Packing sdram param for instance[12]
[   9.2294 ] Packing sdram param for instance[13]
[   9.2294 ] Packing sdram param for instance[14]
[   9.2295 ] Packing sdram param for instance[15]
[   9.2295 ] 
[   9.2295 ] Getting sector size from pt
[   9.2308 ] tegraparser_v2 --getsectorsize flash.xml.bin sector_info.bin
[   9.2320 ] 
[   9.2321 ] BlockSize read from layout is 200

[   9.2332 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_1.bct
[   9.2343 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.2346 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.2377 ] 
[   9.2389 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_2.bct
[   9.2404 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.2406 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.2438 ] 
[   9.2450 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_3.bct
[   9.2461 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.2464 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.2497 ] 
[   9.2510 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_4.bct
[   9.2521 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.2523 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.2555 ] 
[   9.2568 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --blocksize 512 --magicid MEMB --addsigheader_multi /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_1_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_2_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_3_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_4_encrypt.bct
[   9.2581 ] adding BCH for /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_1_encrypt.bct
[   9.2615 ] 
[   9.2628 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.2639 ] 
[   9.2651 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mem_coldboot.bct oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB
[   9.2666 ] Header already present for mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.2671 ] 
[   9.2672 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   9.2685 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mem_coldboot.bct_list.xml
[   9.2695 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.2699 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.2701 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.2717 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.3436 ] 
[   9.3451 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_coldboot.bct.signed mem_coldboot.bct.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.3468 ] 
[   9.3480 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.3492 ] 
[   9.3503 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB --ratchet_blob ratchet_blob.bin --appendsigheader mem_coldboot.bct oem-rsa
[   9.3514 ] Header already present for mem_coldboot.bct
[   9.3520 ] 
[   9.3535 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   9.3547 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.3551 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.3552 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.3570 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.4292 ] 
[   9.4308 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --updatesigheader mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.sig oem-rsa
[   9.4325 ] 
[   9.4326 ] Generating recovery mem-bct
[   9.4338 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1.cfg --membct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_1.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_2.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_3.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/28015/tmpzzix67ax1_4.bct
[   9.4348 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[   9.5214 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[   9.5219 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[   9.5220 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]
[   9.5220 ] Packing sdram param for instance[4]
[   9.5220 ] Packing sdram param for instance[5]
[   9.5221 ] Packing sdram param for instance[6]
[   9.5221 ] Packing sdram param for instance[7]
[   9.5221 ] Packing sdram param for instance[8]
[   9.5221 ] Packing sdram param for instance[9]
[   9.5221 ] Packing sdram param for instance[10]
[   9.5221 ] Packing sdram param for instance[11]
[   9.5221 ] Packing sdram param for instance[12]
[   9.5221 ] Packing sdram param for instance[13]
[   9.5221 ] Packing sdram param for instance[14]
[   9.5222 ] Packing sdram param for instance[15]
[   9.5222 ] 
[   9.5223 ] Using default ramcode 0
[   9.5223 ] Disabled BPMP dtb trim, using default dtb
[   9.5223 ] 
[   9.5237 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_rcm.bct
[   9.5249 ] 
[   9.5251 ] header_magic: 3000000
[   9.5264 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mem_rcm.bct_list.xml
[   9.5275 ] Key is a SBK key
[   9.5278 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   9.5310 ] 
[   9.5323 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm.bct.encrypt mem_rcm.bct.hash zerosbk
[   9.5342 ] 
[   9.5355 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_rcm.bct.encrypt
[   9.5367 ] 
[   9.5378 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mem_rcm.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB
[   9.5389 ] adding BCH for mem_rcm.bct.encrypt
[   9.5406 ] 
[   9.5407 ] header_magic: 72aa2959
[   9.5421 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   9.5432 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.5436 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.5438 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.5453 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.6203 ] 
[   9.6218 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.6239 ] 
[   9.6250 ] nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   9.6253 ] preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   9.6254 ] mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   9.6257 ] mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   9.6297 ] tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   9.6304 ] bpmp_t194.bin
[   9.6321 ] tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a02.dtb
[   9.6332 ] tos-trusty_t194.img
[   9.6338 ] eks.img
[   9.6340 ] boot.img
[   9.6341 ] tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   9.6492 ] spe_t194.bin
[   9.6496 ] nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   9.6515 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   9.6527 ] 
[   9.6539 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B
[   9.6550 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[   9.6591 ] 
[   9.6592 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[   9.6609 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[   9.6621 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   9.6625 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   9.6627 ] Valid PKC key
[   9.6643 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   9.7355 ] 
[   9.7371 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   9.7421 ] 
[   9.7441 ] tegraparser_v2 --generategpt --pt flash.xml.bin
[   9.7466 ] 
[   9.7544 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt flash.xml.bin --generateflashindex /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/flash.xml.tmp flash.idx
[   9.9500 ] 
*** Calculating HASH from keyfile /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem ... done
PKC HASH: 0x9331affe97426f7ad6b2d421ee80876f424a0b81f3a3e52ff1e60fc440142b9c
*** Generating fuse configuration ... done.
*** Start preparing fuse configuration ... 
*** done.

hello dcapers44,

so it looks preparing fuse configuration completely. you should have fuse blob generated.
please further to fuse the board and actually using the same keys for image flashing.

dcapers@NUC-Ubuntu-18:~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo tar -jxpf fuseblob.tbz2 
dcapers@NUC-Ubuntu-18:~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra$ cd bootloader/
dcapers@NUC-Ubuntu-18:~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader$ sudo ./fusecmd.sh 
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0077 ] Burning fuses
[   0.0077 ] Boot Rom communication
[   0.0089 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --rcm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_1_signed.rcm --rcm /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/rcm_2_signed.rcm
[   0.0100 ] BR_CID: 0xd8021911647d15030c00000013ff0100
[   0.0109 ] Boot Rom communication completed
[   1.0530 ] 
[   2.0576 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   2.0586 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.0615 ] 
[   2.0640 ] Parsing fuse info as per xml file
[   2.0654 ] tegraparser_v2 --fuse_info odmfuse_pkc.xml blow_fuse_data.bin
[   2.0668 ] MagicId=0x45535546 version=0x1
[   2.0672 ] node: name=SecurityMode size=4
[   2.0676 ]   value=0x1
[   2.0699 ] 
[   2.0723 ] tegrarcm_v2 --oem burnfuses blow_fuse_data.bin
[   2.0743 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.0900 ] 0000000074741201: E> NV3P_SERVER: Fuse burn is not supported.
[   2.0988 ] 
[   2.0989 ] Fuse burning failed
[   2.0989 ] 
[   2.0990 ] trying fusing with CPU binary
[   2.1031 ] Updating Odmdata
[   2.1077 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0x9190000
[   2.1136 ] 
[   2.1138 ] Sending BCTs
[   2.1181 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download bct_bootrom /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/br_bct_BR.bct --download bct_mb1 /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --download bct_mem /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   2.1221 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.1432 ] Sending bct_bootrom
[   2.1441 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.1467 ] Sending bct_mb1
[   2.1503 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.1553 ] Sending bct_mem
[   2.2014 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.2864 ] 
[   2.2866 ] Generating blob
[   2.2954 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --generateblob blob.xml blob.bin
[   2.2985 ] number of images in blob are 11
[   2.3003 ] blobsize is 6381592
[   2.3014 ] Added binary blob_nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed of size 260032
[   2.3140 ] Added binary blob_nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed of size 130928
[   2.3188 ] Added binary blob_preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 24016
[   2.3229 ] Added binary blob_mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 143200
[   2.3258 ] Added binary blob_mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 3430416
[   2.3292 ] Added binary blob_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed of size 287248
[   2.3321 ] Added binary blob_bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 856352
[   2.3346 ] Added binary blob_tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed of size 746752
[   2.3388 ] Added binary blob_tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed of size 402368
[   2.3425 ] Added binary blob_eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed of size 5136
[   2.3443 ] Added binary blob_spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 94960
[   2.3472 ] 
[   2.3475 ] Sending bootloader and pre-requisite binaries
[   2.3514 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download blob blob.bin
[   2.3554 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.3756 ] Sending blob
[   2.3759 ] [................................................] 100%
[   3.2737 ] 
[   3.2770 ] tegrarcm_v2 --boot recovery
[   3.2800 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.3071 ] 
[   4.3129 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   4.9936 ] 
[   4.9978 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   5.0134 ] 
[   5.0151 ] tegradevflash_v2 --iscpubl
[   5.0166 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0352 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0357 ] 
[   5.0359 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem burnfuses blow_fuse_data.bin
[   5.0400 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0590 ] 000000002929061c: E> FUSE: buffer[0] has wrong value 3211145234.
[   5.0724 ] 
[   5.0724 ] Fuse burning failed
[   5.0725 ] 
Error: Return value 28
Command tegradevflash_v2 --oem burnfuses blow_fuse_data.bin

@JerryChang I tried to flash the board… it is still freezing like before:

dcapers@NUC-Ubuntu-18:~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo FAB=400 BOARDID=2888 BOARDSKU=0006 BOARDREV=H.0 CHIPREV=2 ./flash.sh -u RSA_Key.pem -v SBK.txt --user_key User_Key.txt jetson-agx-xavier-devkit mmcblk0p1
[sudo] password for dcapers: 
# L4T BSP Information:
# R32 , REVISION: 5.0
# Target Board Information:
# Name: jetson-agx-xavier-devkit, Board Family: t186ref, SoC: Tegra 194, 
# OpMode: production, Boot Authentication: SBKPKC, 
# Disk encryption: disabled ,
Board ID(2888) version(400) sku(0006) revision(H.0)
Copy /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb to /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.rec
copying bctfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg)... done.
copying bctfile1(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg)... done.
copying uphy_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying minratchet_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying device_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg)... done.
copying misc_cold_boot_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg)... done.
copying misc_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg)... done.
copying pinmux_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg)... done.
copying gpioint_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying pmic_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying pmc_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg)... done.
copying prod_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying scr_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg)... done.
copying scr_cold_boot_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg)... done.
copying bootrom_config(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg)... done.
copying dev_params(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg)... done.
Existing bootloader(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_cpu_t194.bin) reused.
copying initrd(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/l4t_initrd.img)... done.
	populating kernel to rootfs... done.
/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py  --chip 0x19 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --encrypt_key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --cmd sign /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/boot/Image
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0071 ] Generating signature
[   0.0082 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0092 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0096 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0098 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0114 ] 
[   0.0116 ] header_magic: 5614
[   0.0117 ] Encrypting file
[   0.0127 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_Image
[   0.0140 ] 
[   0.0141 ] header_magic: 5614
[   0.0160 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --list 1_Image_list.xml
[   0.0170 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0395 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   2.2872 ] 
[   2.2886 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_Image.encrypt 1_Image.hash zerosbk
[   2.5849 ] 
[   2.5885 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_Image.encrypt
[   2.5925 ] 
[   2.5960 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader 1_Image.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   2.5988 ] adding BCH for 1_Image.encrypt
[   3.6374 ] 
[   3.6376 ] header_magic: 6fedc3dd
[   3.6390 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list 1_Image_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   3.6399 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   3.6403 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   3.6405 ] Valid PKC key
[   3.6422 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   3.7605 ] 
[   3.7620 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_Image_sigheader.encrypt.signed 1_Image_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   4.6478 ] 
[   4.6899 ] Signed and encrypted file: /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/Image_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate header for Image_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: chip 0x19: add 0x20bf808 to offset  0x8 in sig file
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate 16-byte-size-aligned base file for Image_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: the sign header is saved at /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/boot/Image.sig
	populating initrd to rootfs... done.
/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py  --chip 0x19 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --encrypt_key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --cmd sign /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/boot/initrd
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0070 ] Generating signature
[   0.0081 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0091 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0097 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0100 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0115 ] 
[   0.0117 ] header_magic: 1f8b0800
[   0.0119 ] Encrypting file
[   0.0138 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_initrd
[   0.0149 ] 
[   0.0151 ] header_magic: 1f8b0800
[   0.0170 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --list 1_initrd_list.xml
[   0.0179 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0182 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   0.4919 ] 
[   0.4934 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_initrd.encrypt 1_initrd.hash zerosbk
[   0.5061 ] 
[   0.5073 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_initrd.encrypt
[   0.5085 ] 
[   0.5095 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader 1_initrd.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   0.5105 ] adding BCH for 1_initrd.encrypt
[   0.7255 ] 
[   0.7256 ] header_magic: 60c14cf2
[   0.7271 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list 1_initrd_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   0.7281 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.7284 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.7287 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.7303 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.8122 ] 
[   0.8136 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_initrd_sigheader.encrypt.signed 1_initrd_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.9275 ] 
[   0.9342 ] Signed and encrypted file: /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/initrd_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate header for initrd_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: chip 0x19: add 0x6e6cb6 to offset  0x8 in sig file
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate 16-byte-size-aligned base file for initrd_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: the sign header is saved at /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/boot/initrd.sig
	populating /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb to rootfs... done.
Making Boot image... done.
/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py  --chip 0x19 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --encrypt_key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --cmd sign boot.img
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0008 ] Generating signature
[   0.0018 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0029 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0033 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0036 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0052 ] 
[   0.0054 ] header_magic: 414e4452
[   0.0056 ] Encrypting file
[   0.0065 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_boot.img
[   0.0075 ] 
[   0.0077 ] header_magic: 414e4452
[   0.0095 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --list 1_boot.img_list.xml
[   0.0105 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0109 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   2.6646 ] 
[   2.6661 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_boot.img.encrypt 1_boot.img.hash zerosbk
[   3.1463 ] 
[   3.1493 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_boot.img.encrypt
[   3.1526 ] 
[   3.1573 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader 1_boot.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   3.1603 ] adding BCH for 1_boot.img.encrypt
[   4.4089 ] 
[   4.4091 ] header_magic: a8380e96
[   4.4107 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list 1_boot.img_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   4.4117 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   4.4121 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   4.4123 ] Valid PKC key
[   4.4140 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   4.5414 ] 
[   4.5428 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_boot.img_sigheader.encrypt.signed 1_boot.img_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   5.5059 ] 
[   5.5456 ] Signed and encrypted file: /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/temp_user_dir/boot.img_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate header for boot.img_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: chip 0x19: add 0x27a7800 to offset  0x8 in sig file
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate 16-byte-size-aligned base file for boot.img_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: the signed file is /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/temp_user_dir/boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
Making recovery ramdisk for recovery image...
Re-generating recovery ramdisk for recovery image...
~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/ramdisk_tmp ~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader ~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra
30402 blocks
~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/ramdisk_tmp/lib ~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/ramdisk_tmp ~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader ~/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra
65752 blocks
Making Recovery image...
copying recdtbfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.rec)... done.
20+0 records in
20+0 records out
20 bytes copied, 0.000570804 s, 35.0 kB/s
Existing sosfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin) reused.
Existing tegraboot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_t194.bin) reused.
Existing cpu_bootloader(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_cpu_t194.bin) reused.
Existing mb2blfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin) reused.
Existing mtspreboot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
Existing mcepreboot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mce_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
Existing mtsproper(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mts_c10_prod_cr.bin) reused.
Existing mb1file(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t194_prod.bin) reused.
Existing bpffile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/bpmp_t194.bin) reused.
copying bpfdtbfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb)... done.
Existing scefile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/camera-rtcpu-sce.img) reused.
Existing camerafw(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/camera-rtcpu-rce.img) reused.
Existing spefile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/spe_t194.bin) reused.
Existing drameccfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/dram-ecc.bin) reused.
Existing badpagefile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/badpage.bin) reused.
Existing wb0boot(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/warmboot_t194_prod.bin) reused.
Existing tosfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tos-trusty_t194.img) reused.
Existing eksfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/eks.img) reused.
copying soft_fuses(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg)... done.
copying dtbfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb)... done.
Copying nv_boot_control.conf to rootfs
/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py  --chip 0x19 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --encrypt_key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --cmd sign kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0007 ] Generating signature
[   0.0017 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0027 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0031 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0035 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0051 ] 
[   0.0053 ] header_magic: d00dfeed
[   0.0055 ] Encrypting file
[   0.0066 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.0077 ] 
[   0.0078 ] header_magic: d00dfeed
[   0.0099 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --list 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_list.xml
[   0.0109 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0113 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   0.0297 ] 
[   0.0315 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.encrypt 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   0.0333 ] 
[   0.0347 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.encrypt
[   0.0359 ] 
[   0.0374 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   0.0387 ] adding BCH for 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.encrypt
[   0.0486 ] 
[   0.0487 ] header_magic: 36b13e4f
[   0.0503 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   0.0514 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0519 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0523 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0536 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.1254 ] 
[   0.1269 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.signed 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.1325 ] 
[   0.1331 ] Signed and encrypted file: /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/temp_user_dir/kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate header for kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: chip 0x19: add 0x45209 to offset  0x8 in sig file
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate 16-byte-size-aligned base file for kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: the sign header is saved at kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.sig
/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py  --chip 0x19 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --encrypt_key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --cmd sign kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0007 ] Generating signature
[   0.0018 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0028 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0033 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0035 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0052 ] 
[   0.0054 ] header_magic: d00dfeed
[   0.0055 ] Encrypting file
[   0.0067 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   0.0078 ] 
[   0.0080 ] header_magic: d00dfeed
[   0.0099 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/User_Key.txt --list 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_list.xml
[   0.0108 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0113 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   0.0298 ] 
[   0.0315 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.encrypt 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   0.0333 ] 
[   0.0346 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.encrypt
[   0.0358 ] 
[   0.0368 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[   0.0380 ] adding BCH for 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.encrypt
[   0.0470 ] 
[   0.0472 ] header_magic: 36b13e4f
[   0.0485 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[   0.0495 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0498 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0500 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0518 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.1227 ] 
[   0.1242 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.signed 1_kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.1298 ] 
[   0.1305 ] Signed and encrypted file: /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/temp_user_dir/kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate header for kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: chip 0x19: add 0x45209 to offset  0x8 in sig file
l4t_sign_image.sh: Generate 16-byte-size-aligned base file for kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.encrypt.signed
l4t_sign_image.sh: the signed file is /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/temp_user_dir/kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed
Making system.img... 
	populating rootfs from /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs ... done.
	populating /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf ... done.
	Sync'ing system.img ... done.
	Converting RAW image to Sparse image... done.
system.img built successfully. 
Existing tbcfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cboot_t194.bin) reused.
copying tbcdtbfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb)... done.
copying cfgfile(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_t194_sdmmc.xml) to flash.xml... done.
Existing flasher(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin) reused.
Existing flashapp(/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py) reused.
./tegraflash.py --bl nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin --sdram_config tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg,tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg  --odmdata 0x9190000 --applet mb1_t194_prod.bin --cmd "sign" --soft_fuses tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg  --cfg flash.xml --chip 0x19 --uphy_config tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --minratchet_config tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --device_config tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg --misc_cold_boot_config tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg --misc_config tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg --pinmux_config tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg --gpioint_config tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --pmic_config tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg --pmc_config tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg --prod_config tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --scr_config tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --scr_cold_boot_config tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --br_cmd_config tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --dev_params tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg  --bin "mb2_bootloader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin; mts_preboot preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin; mts_mce mce_c10_prod_cr.bin; mts_proper mts_c10_prod_cr.bin; bpmp_fw bpmp_t194.bin; bpmp_fw_dtb tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb; spe_fw spe_t194.bin; tlk tos-trusty_t194.img; eks eks.img; bootloader_dtb tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb"  --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --encrypt_key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt 
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0623 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0641 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.0768 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.0772 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.0798 ] 
[   0.0801 ] Generating RCM messages
[   0.0817 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file mb1_t194_prod.bin --offset 4096
[   0.0834 ] Key is a SBK key
[   0.0869 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[   0.1298 ] 
[   0.1732 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin zerosbk
[   0.1743 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_encrypt.bin
[   0.1790 ] 
[   0.1802 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --getmode mode.txt
[   0.1812 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.1816 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.1818 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.1836 ] 
[   0.1849 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --file mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin --offset 2960 --length 1136 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.1859 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.1864 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.1867 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.1885 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.2635 ] 
[   0.2648 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --setmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.sig oem-rsa
[   0.2701 ] 
[   0.3099 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg sfuse.bin
[   0.3190 ] 
[   0.3207 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --ratchet_blob ratchet_blob.bin --minratchet tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg
[   0.3221 ] FwIndex: 1, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3294 ] FwIndex: 2, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3294 ] FwIndex: 3, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3294 ] FwIndex: 4, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3294 ] FwIndex: 5, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3294 ] FwIndex: 6, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3294 ] FwIndex: 7, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3294 ] FwIndex: 8, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3294 ] FwIndex: 11, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3295 ] FwIndex: 12, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3295 ] FwIndex: 13, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3295 ] FwIndex: 14, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3295 ] FwIndex: 15, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3295 ] FwIndex: 16, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3295 ] FwIndex: 17, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3295 ] FwIndex: 18, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3295 ] FwIndex: 19, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3295 ] FwIndex: 30, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3296 ] FwIndex: 31, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[   0.3296 ] 
[   0.3314 ] tegrarcm_v2 --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x19 0 --sfuses sfuse.bin --download rcm mb1_t194_prod_encrypt_sigheader.bin 0 0
[   0.3325 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
[   0.3379 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
[   0.3379 ] RCM 2 is saved as rcm_2.rcm
[   0.3379 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
[   0.3380 ] 
[   0.3380 ] Signing RCM messages
[   0.3393 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[   0.3403 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   0.3407 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   0.3409 ] Valid PKC key
[   0.3425 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[   0.5655 ] 
[   0.5656 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
[   0.5671 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.5690 ] 
[   0.5692 ] Parsing partition layout
[   0.5871 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt flash.xml.tmp
[   0.5901 ] 
[   0.5902 ] Creating list of images to be signed
[   0.5915 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --list images_list.xml
[   0.5929 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t194_prod.bin
[   0.5940 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   0.5950 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t194_prod.bin
[   0.5989 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[   0.6000 ] adding BCH for spe_t194.bin
[   0.6234 ] adding BCH for spe_t194.bin
[   0.6321 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_t194.bin
[   0.6790 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_t194.bin
[   0.6926 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.7243 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.7249 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.7410 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.7432 ] adding BCH for mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.7964 ] adding BCH for mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[   0.9244 ] adding BCH for cboot_t194.bin
[   1.0281 ] adding BCH for cboot_t194.bin
[   1.0417 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   1.0558 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   1.0645 ] adding BCH for tos-trusty_t194.img
[   1.0887 ] adding BCH for tos-trusty_t194.img
[   1.1010 ] adding BCH for eks.img
[   1.1413 ] adding BCH for eks.img
[   1.1416 ] adding BCH for bpmp_t194.bin
[   1.1624 ] adding BCH for bpmp_t194.bin
[   1.2108 ] adding BCH for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb
[   1.2651 ] adding BCH for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb
[   1.2974 ] adding BCH for camera-rtcpu-rce.img
[   1.3348 ] adding BCH for camera-rtcpu-rce.img
[   1.3427 ] adding BCH for adsp-fw.bin
[   1.3572 ] adding BCH for adsp-fw.bin
[   1.3596 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod.bin
[   1.3667 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod.bin
[   1.3677 ] adding BCH for recovery.img
[   1.9032 ] adding BCH for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.rec
[   3.4016 ] adding BCH for boot.img
[   3.9530 ] adding BCH for boot.img
[   5.2105 ] adding BCH for kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   6.8715 ] adding BCH for kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[   6.9084 ] 
[   6.9099 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list images_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   6.9112 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[   6.9116 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[   6.9119 ] Valid PKC key
[   6.9134 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  10.0877 ] 
[  10.0877 ] Generating br-bct
[  10.0891 ] Performing cfg overlay
[  10.0891 ] ['tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg', 'tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg']
[  10.0896 ] sw_memcfg_overlay.pl -c tegra194-mb1-bct-memcfg-p2888.cfg -s tegra194-memcfg-sw-override.cfg -o /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg
[  10.4309 ] 
[  10.4310 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[  10.4311 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[  10.5282 ] 
[  10.5283 ] Updating bl info
[  10.5295 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin
[  10.5327 ] 
[  10.5349 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[  10.5361 ] 
[  10.5363 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  10.5376 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  10.5387 ] Key is a SBK key
[  10.5389 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  10.5557 ] 
[  10.5572 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  10.5625 ] 
[  10.5637 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  10.5649 ] 
[  10.5660 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  10.5671 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  10.5714 ] 
[  10.5716 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  10.5732 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  10.5742 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  10.5746 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  10.5748 ] Valid PKC key
[  10.5765 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  10.6494 ] 
[  10.6510 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  10.6565 ] 
[  10.6582 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[  10.6594 ] 
[  10.6596 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  10.6612 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  10.6623 ] Key is a SBK key
[  10.6627 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  10.6790 ] 
[  10.6804 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  10.6856 ] 
[  10.6870 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  10.6885 ] 
[  10.6896 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  10.6906 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  10.6948 ] 
[  10.6950 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  10.6964 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  10.6975 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  10.6978 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  10.6980 ] Valid PKC key
[  10.6998 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  10.7714 ] 
[  10.7729 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  10.7780 ] 
[  10.7797 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin
[  10.7809 ] 
[  10.7811 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  10.7824 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  10.7836 ] Key is a SBK key
[  10.7839 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  10.7900 ] 
[  10.7915 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt spe_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  10.7941 ] 
[  10.7953 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  10.7965 ] 
[  10.7976 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid SPEF
[  10.7987 ] Header already present for spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  10.8007 ] 
[  10.8008 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  10.8024 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  10.8035 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  10.8040 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  10.8043 ] Valid PKC key
[  10.8059 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  10.8777 ] 
[  10.8793 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  10.8821 ] 
[  10.8836 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin
[  10.8848 ] 
[  10.8850 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  10.8864 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  10.8876 ] Key is a SBK key
[  10.8878 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  10.8945 ] 
[  10.8959 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt spe_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  10.8986 ] 
[  10.8999 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  10.9010 ] 
[  10.9021 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid SPEF
[  10.9033 ] Header already present for spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  10.9055 ] 
[  10.9057 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  10.9077 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  10.9089 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  10.9092 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  10.9095 ] Valid PKC key
[  10.9111 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  10.9833 ] 
[  10.9848 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  10.9877 ] 
[  10.9894 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[  10.9905 ] 
[  10.9907 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  10.9920 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  10.9931 ] Key is a SBK key
[  10.9934 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  11.0043 ] 
[  11.0060 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  11.0100 ] 
[  11.0115 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.0128 ] 
[  11.0140 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[  11.0150 ] Header already present for nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.0179 ] 
[  11.0180 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.0194 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  11.0206 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  11.0211 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  11.0214 ] Valid PKC key
[  11.0231 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  11.0951 ] 
[  11.0967 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  11.1006 ] 
[  11.1023 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[  11.1037 ] 
[  11.1039 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.1053 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  11.1078 ] Key is a SBK key
[  11.1080 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  11.1187 ] 
[  11.1204 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  11.1254 ] 
[  11.1267 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.1279 ] 
[  11.1290 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[  11.1301 ] Header already present for nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.1331 ] 
[  11.1332 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.1346 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  11.1357 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  11.1361 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  11.1363 ] Valid PKC key
[  11.1380 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  11.2093 ] 
[  11.2109 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  11.2149 ] 
[  11.2166 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[  11.2179 ] 
[  11.2181 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.2197 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  11.2210 ] Key is a SBK key
[  11.2212 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  11.2227 ] 
[  11.2240 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  11.2257 ] 
[  11.2269 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.2280 ] 
[  11.2292 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSP
[  11.2302 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.2308 ] 
[  11.2309 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.2322 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  11.2332 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  11.2335 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  11.2337 ] Valid PKC key
[  11.2354 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  11.3079 ] 
[  11.3094 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  11.3123 ] 
[  11.3152 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[  11.3165 ] 
[  11.3167 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.3181 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  11.3194 ] Key is a SBK key
[  11.3198 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  11.3213 ] 
[  11.3226 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  11.3242 ] 
[  11.3254 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.3266 ] 
[  11.3277 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSP
[  11.3288 ] Header already present for preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.3294 ] 
[  11.3296 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.3309 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  11.3320 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  11.3323 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  11.3325 ] Valid PKC key
[  11.3343 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  11.4056 ] 
[  11.4072 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  11.4088 ] 
[  11.4102 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[  11.4123 ] 
[  11.4126 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.4141 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  11.4152 ] Key is a SBK key
[  11.4155 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  11.4254 ] 
[  11.4267 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  11.4302 ] 
[  11.4314 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.4329 ] 
[  11.4342 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSM
[  11.4356 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.4383 ] 
[  11.4385 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.4403 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  11.4414 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  11.4418 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  11.4419 ] Valid PKC key
[  11.4436 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  11.5156 ] 
[  11.5172 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  11.5207 ] 
[  11.5223 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[  11.5235 ] 
[  11.5236 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.5250 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  11.5261 ] Key is a SBK key
[  11.5263 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  11.5359 ] 
[  11.5375 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  11.5413 ] 
[  11.5429 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.5444 ] 
[  11.5458 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSM
[  11.5469 ] Header already present for mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.5495 ] 
[  11.5496 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.5510 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  11.5520 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  11.5523 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  11.5525 ] Valid PKC key
[  11.5543 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  11.6273 ] 
[  11.6290 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  11.6325 ] 
[  11.6341 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[  11.6353 ] 
[  11.6354 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.6369 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  11.6380 ] Key is a SBK key
[  11.6383 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  11.8584 ] 
[  11.8599 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  11.9147 ] 
[  11.9164 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.9180 ] 
[  11.9194 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSB
[  11.9207 ] Header already present for mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  11.9737 ] 
[  11.9738 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  11.9753 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  11.9763 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  11.9767 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  11.9769 ] Valid PKC key
[  11.9786 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  12.0560 ] 
[  12.0575 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  12.1134 ] 
[  12.1186 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin
[  12.1200 ] 
[  12.1203 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  12.1218 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  12.1229 ] Key is a SBK key
[  12.1232 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  12.3443 ] 
[  12.3457 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  12.4008 ] 
[  12.4021 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  12.4032 ] 
[  12.4044 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MTSB
[  12.4054 ] Header already present for mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  12.4597 ] 
[  12.4599 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  12.4613 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  12.4624 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  12.4627 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  12.4630 ] Valid PKC key
[  12.4645 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  12.5433 ] 
[  12.5448 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  12.6003 ] 
[  12.6056 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[  12.6068 ] 
[  12.6070 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  12.6083 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  12.6093 ] Key is a SBK key
[  12.6096 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  12.6390 ] 
[  12.6406 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  12.6491 ] 
[  12.6504 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  12.6515 ] 
[  12.6527 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  12.6539 ] Header already present for cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  12.6615 ] 
[  12.6616 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  12.6630 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  12.6641 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  12.6644 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  12.6646 ] Valid PKC key
[  12.6663 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  12.7385 ] 
[  12.7400 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  12.7483 ] 
[  12.7506 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin
[  12.7518 ] 
[  12.7520 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  12.7535 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  12.7548 ] Key is a SBK key
[  12.7551 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  12.7840 ] 
[  12.7855 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  12.7935 ] 
[  12.7948 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  12.7961 ] 
[  12.7975 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  12.7987 ] Header already present for cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  12.8062 ] 
[  12.8063 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  12.8078 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  12.8089 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  12.8093 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  12.8095 ] Valid PKC key
[  12.8111 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  12.8832 ] 
[  12.8847 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  12.8928 ] 
[  12.8951 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[  12.8962 ] 
[  12.8964 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  12.8978 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[  12.8988 ] Key is a SBK key
[  12.8991 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  12.9181 ] 
[  12.9196 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[  12.9257 ] 
[  12.9269 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  12.9281 ] 
[  12.9292 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  12.9303 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  12.9350 ] 
[  12.9351 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  12.9365 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[  12.9376 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  12.9380 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  12.9382 ] Valid PKC key
[  12.9397 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  13.0112 ] 
[  13.0127 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  13.0183 ] 
[  13.0202 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[  13.0214 ] 
[  13.0216 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.0234 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[  13.0244 ] Key is a SBK key
[  13.0247 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  13.0434 ] 
[  13.0449 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[  13.0506 ] 
[  13.0519 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  13.0532 ] 
[  13.0546 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  13.0557 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  13.0604 ] 
[  13.0605 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.0619 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[  13.0630 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  13.0634 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  13.0637 ] Valid PKC key
[  13.0652 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  13.1376 ] 
[  13.1391 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  13.1448 ] 
[  13.1466 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img
[  13.1478 ] 
[  13.1479 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.1494 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img_list.xml
[  13.1506 ] Key is a SBK key
[  13.1508 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  13.1770 ] 
[  13.1784 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[  13.1859 ] 
[  13.1871 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  13.1882 ] 
[  13.1894 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  13.1905 ] Header already present for tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  13.1971 ] 
[  13.1972 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.1987 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[  13.1999 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  13.2002 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  13.2005 ] Valid PKC key
[  13.2020 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  13.2756 ] 
[  13.2770 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  13.2844 ] 
[  13.2866 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img
[  13.2880 ] 
[  13.2882 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.2895 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img_list.xml
[  13.2906 ] Key is a SBK key
[  13.2909 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  13.3170 ] 
[  13.3184 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[  13.3260 ] 
[  13.3273 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  13.3284 ] 
[  13.3296 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  13.3307 ] Header already present for tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  13.3375 ] 
[  13.3377 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.3393 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[  13.3404 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  13.3408 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  13.3410 ] Valid PKC key
[  13.3425 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  13.4166 ] 
[  13.4180 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  13.4435 ] 
[  13.4457 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img
[  13.4470 ] 
[  13.4472 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.4486 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list eks_sigheader.img_list.xml
[  13.4496 ] Key is a SBK key
[  13.4499 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  13.4500 ] 
[  13.4514 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt eks_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[  13.4527 ] 
[  13.4542 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  13.4555 ] 
[  13.4565 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  13.4575 ] Header already present for eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  13.4577 ] 
[  13.4578 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.4591 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list eks_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[  13.4602 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  13.4606 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  13.4608 ] Valid PKC key
[  13.4624 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  13.5367 ] 
[  13.5383 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  13.5400 ] 
[  13.5417 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img
[  13.5428 ] 
[  13.5430 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.5444 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list eks_sigheader.img_list.xml
[  13.5455 ] Key is a SBK key
[  13.5457 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  13.5460 ] 
[  13.5475 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt eks_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[  13.5489 ] 
[  13.5502 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  13.5514 ] 
[  13.5526 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  13.5537 ] Header already present for eks_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  13.5541 ] 
[  13.5542 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.5559 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list eks_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[  13.5570 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  13.5573 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  13.5575 ] Valid PKC key
[  13.5592 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  13.6307 ] 
[  13.6323 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  13.6336 ] 
[  13.6351 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin
[  13.6363 ] 
[  13.6365 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.6392 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  13.6405 ] Key is a SBK key
[  13.6432 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  13.6964 ] 
[  13.6978 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  13.7123 ] 
[  13.7135 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  13.7147 ] 
[  13.7158 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  13.7170 ] Header already present for bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  13.7305 ] 
[  13.7307 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.7321 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  13.7332 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  13.7336 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  13.7338 ] Valid PKC key
[  13.7354 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  13.8089 ] 
[  13.8105 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  13.8252 ] 
[  13.8276 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin
[  13.8288 ] 
[  13.8290 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.8303 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  13.8314 ] Key is a SBK key
[  13.8317 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  13.8870 ] 
[  13.8885 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  13.9030 ] 
[  13.9045 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  13.9058 ] 
[  13.9069 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  13.9080 ] Header already present for bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  13.9226 ] 
[  13.9228 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  13.9242 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  13.9252 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  13.9255 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  13.9257 ] Valid PKC key
[  13.9273 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  13.9993 ] 
[  14.0009 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  14.0155 ] 
[  14.0180 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb
[  14.0192 ] 
[  14.0193 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.0212 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[  14.0223 ] Key is a SBK key
[  14.0226 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  14.0704 ] 
[  14.0719 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[  14.0848 ] 
[  14.0860 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  14.0874 ] 
[  14.0888 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  14.0899 ] Header already present for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  14.1019 ] 
[  14.1020 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.1042 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[  14.1054 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  14.1058 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  14.1061 ] Valid PKC key
[  14.1076 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  14.1811 ] 
[  14.1827 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  14.1957 ] 
[  14.1979 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb
[  14.1991 ] 
[  14.1993 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.2006 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[  14.2017 ] Key is a SBK key
[  14.2019 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  14.2501 ] 
[  14.2516 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[  14.2653 ] 
[  14.2665 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  14.2677 ] 
[  14.2688 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  14.2702 ] Header already present for tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  14.2824 ] 
[  14.2827 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.2847 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[  14.2859 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  14.2863 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  14.2866 ] Valid PKC key
[  14.2889 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  14.3611 ] 
[  14.3626 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  14.3757 ] 
[  14.3780 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img
[  14.3793 ] 
[  14.3795 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.3809 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img_list.xml
[  14.3819 ] Key is a SBK key
[  14.3822 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  14.4000 ] 
[  14.4015 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[  14.4072 ] 
[  14.4085 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  14.4096 ] 
[  14.4107 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  14.4118 ] Header already present for camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  14.4171 ] 
[  14.4173 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.4187 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[  14.4198 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  14.4202 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  14.4204 ] Valid PKC key
[  14.4221 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  14.4962 ] 
[  14.4978 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  14.5032 ] 
[  14.5050 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img
[  14.5061 ] 
[  14.5063 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.5079 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img_list.xml
[  14.5090 ] Key is a SBK key
[  14.5093 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  14.5276 ] 
[  14.5290 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[  14.5346 ] 
[  14.5358 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  14.5373 ] 
[  14.5385 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  14.5396 ] Header already present for camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  14.5442 ] 
[  14.5443 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.5457 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[  14.5467 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  14.5471 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  14.5473 ] Valid PKC key
[  14.5489 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  14.6225 ] 
[  14.6240 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  14.6294 ] 
[  14.6313 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin
[  14.6324 ] 
[  14.6326 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.6342 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  14.6353 ] Key is a SBK key
[  14.6355 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  14.6409 ] 
[  14.6423 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  14.6447 ] 
[  14.6460 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  14.6471 ] 
[  14.6483 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  14.6496 ] Header already present for adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  14.6513 ] 
[  14.6515 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.6530 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  14.6544 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  14.6547 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  14.6549 ] Valid PKC key
[  14.6566 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  14.7279 ] 
[  14.7294 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  14.7320 ] 
[  14.7336 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin
[  14.7348 ] 
[  14.7350 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.7364 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  14.7375 ] Key is a SBK key
[  14.7377 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  14.7434 ] 
[  14.7448 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  14.7473 ] 
[  14.7485 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  14.7497 ] 
[  14.7508 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  14.7519 ] Header already present for adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  14.7540 ] 
[  14.7542 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.7562 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  14.7577 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  14.7580 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  14.7582 ] Valid PKC key
[  14.7599 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  14.8314 ] 
[  14.8336 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  14.8363 ] 
[  14.8379 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[  14.8391 ] 
[  14.8393 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.8406 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  14.8416 ] Key is a SBK key
[  14.8419 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  14.8462 ] 
[  14.8477 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  14.8499 ] 
[  14.8511 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  14.8521 ] 
[  14.8535 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  14.8549 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  14.8566 ] 
[  14.8567 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.8582 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  14.8595 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  14.8600 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  14.8603 ] Valid PKC key
[  14.8619 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  14.9334 ] 
[  14.9356 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  14.9386 ] 
[  14.9403 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin
[  14.9414 ] 
[  14.9416 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.9430 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[  14.9440 ] Key is a SBK key
[  14.9443 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  14.9485 ] 
[  14.9499 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[  14.9523 ] 
[  14.9541 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  14.9556 ] 
[  14.9567 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  14.9577 ] Header already present for warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  14.9590 ] 
[  14.9591 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  14.9605 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  14.9616 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  14.9620 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  14.9622 ] Valid PKC key
[  14.9637 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  15.0356 ] 
[  15.0371 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  15.0394 ] 
[  15.0413 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align recovery_sigheader.img
[  15.0428 ] 
[  15.0430 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  15.0447 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list recovery_sigheader.img_list.xml
[  15.0457 ] Key is a SBK key
[  15.0460 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  18.1955 ] 
[  18.1970 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader recovery_sigheader.img.encrypt recovery_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[  19.9829 ] 
[  19.9844 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align recovery_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  19.9857 ] 
[  19.9869 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader recovery_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  19.9881 ] Header already present for recovery_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  20.7425 ] 
[  20.7426 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  20.7441 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list recovery_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[  20.7452 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  20.7456 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  20.7458 ] Valid PKC key
[  20.7474 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  22.0014 ] 
[  22.0057 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader recovery_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed recovery_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  23.9138 ] 
[  25.3979 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec
[  25.4018 ] 
[  25.4024 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  25.4068 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec_list.xml
[  25.4103 ] Key is a SBK key
[  25.4115 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  25.4462 ] 
[  25.4477 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec.encrypt tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec.hash zerosbk
[  25.5688 ] 
[  25.5725 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec.encrypt
[  25.5764 ] 
[  25.5798 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  25.5837 ] Header already present for tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec.encrypt
[  25.5983 ] 
[  25.5985 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  25.6015 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec.encrypt_list.xml
[  25.6031 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  25.6036 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  25.6039 ] Valid PKC key
[  25.6066 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  25.7127 ] 
[  25.7144 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec.encrypt.signed tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb_sigheader.rec.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  25.8143 ] 
[  25.8193 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img
[  25.8227 ] 
[  25.8233 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  25.8282 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list boot_sigheader.img_list.xml
[  25.8315 ] Key is a SBK key
[  25.8323 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  28.4969 ] 
[  28.4983 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt boot_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[  29.4438 ] 
[  29.4478 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  29.4510 ] 
[  29.4537 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  29.4565 ] Header already present for boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  30.1045 ] 
[  30.1046 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  30.1061 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list boot_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[  30.1072 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  30.1075 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  30.1077 ] Valid PKC key
[  30.1093 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  30.6133 ] 
[  30.6173 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  31.5515 ] 
[  32.0163 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img
[  32.0175 ] 
[  32.0177 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  32.0193 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list boot_sigheader.img_list.xml
[  32.0205 ] Key is a SBK key
[  32.0208 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  35.1703 ] 
[  35.1735 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt boot_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[  36.1999 ] 
[  36.2029 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  36.2058 ] 
[  36.2084 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  36.2108 ] Header already present for boot_sigheader.img.encrypt
[  37.2597 ] 
[  37.2600 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  37.2638 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list boot_sigheader.img.encrypt_list.xml
[  37.2666 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  37.2676 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  37.2682 ] Valid PKC key
[  37.2725 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  37.8210 ] 
[  37.8250 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  38.7323 ] 
[  39.2426 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[  39.2458 ] 
[  39.2463 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  39.2500 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[  39.2527 ] Key is a SBK key
[  39.2534 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  39.2920 ] 
[  39.2934 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[  39.2991 ] 
[  39.3004 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  39.3020 ] 
[  39.3036 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  39.3049 ] Header already present for kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  39.3094 ] 
[  39.3096 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  39.3109 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[  39.3120 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  39.3124 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  39.3126 ] Valid PKC key
[  39.3141 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  39.3863 ] 
[  39.3878 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  39.3935 ] 
[  39.3953 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb
[  39.3965 ] 
[  39.3966 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  39.3980 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[  39.3991 ] Key is a SBK key
[  39.3994 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  39.4179 ] 
[  39.4194 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[  39.4254 ] 
[  39.4267 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  39.4279 ] 
[  39.4290 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid DATA
[  39.4301 ] Header already present for kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt
[  39.4348 ] 
[  39.4350 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  39.4367 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt_list.xml
[  39.4380 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  39.4384 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  39.4386 ] Valid PKC key
[  39.4401 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  39.5128 ] 
[  39.5143 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  39.5201 ] 
[  39.5267 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin
[  39.5278 ] 
[  39.5546 ] header_magic: 50000ea
[  39.5587 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_list.xml
[  39.5614 ] Key is a SBK key
[  39.5620 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  39.5844 ] 
[  39.5873 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[  39.5896 ] 
[  39.5913 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt
[  39.5927 ] 
[  39.5940 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB2B
[  39.5953 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin.encrypt
[  39.5995 ] 
[  39.5996 ] header_magic: 3e918cce
[  39.6014 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[  39.6026 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  39.6031 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  39.6033 ] Valid PKC key
[  39.6048 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  39.6761 ] 
[  39.6777 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  39.6810 ] 
[  39.6823 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin
[  39.6834 ] 
[  39.6836 ] header_magic: 9000014
[  39.6849 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_list.xml
[  39.6860 ] Key is a SBK key
[  39.6863 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  39.7040 ] 
[  39.7058 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.hash zerosbk
[  39.7087 ] 
[  39.7100 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt
[  39.7112 ] 
[  39.7123 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid CPBL
[  39.7133 ] adding BCH for nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin.encrypt
[  39.7218 ] 
[  39.7219 ] header_magic: 572127db
[  39.7234 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[  39.7244 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  39.7248 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  39.7251 ] Valid PKC key
[  39.7266 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  39.7984 ] 
[  39.8000 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  39.8053 ] 
[  39.8054 ] Copying signed file in /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x
[  39.8064 ] Generating br-bct
[  39.8076 ] Performing cfg overlay
[  39.8076 ] ['/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg']
[  39.8077 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[  39.8077 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[  39.8953 ] 
[  39.8954 ] Updating bl info
[  39.8967 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin
[  39.8997 ] 
[  39.8997 ] Generating br-bct
[  39.9013 ] Performing cfg overlay
[  39.9013 ] ['/home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg']
[  39.9014 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[  39.9015 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra194-br-bct-sdmmc.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --sfuse tegra194-mb1-soft-fuses-l4t.cfg --chip 0x19 0
[  39.9897 ] 
[  39.9897 ] Updating bl info
[  39.9910 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[  39.9947 ] 
[  39.9948 ] Updating smd info
[  39.9960 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 --updatesmdinfo flash.xml.bin
[  39.9974 ] 
[  39.9975 ] Updating Odmdata
[  39.9986 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0x9190000
[  40.0001 ] 
[  40.0002 ] Get encrypted section of bct
[  40.0015 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --listencbct bct_list.xml
[  40.0028 ] 
[  40.0029 ] Signing BCT
[  40.0043 ] Generating signatures with encryption
[  40.0062 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --offset 2328 --file br_bct_BR.bct
[  40.0075 ] Key is a SBK key
[  40.0079 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  40.0079 ] 
[  40.0079 ] Updating BCT with signature
[  40.0084 ] Get Signed section of bct
[  40.0096 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --listbct bct_list.xml
[  40.0110 ] 
[  40.0122 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[  40.0132 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  40.0136 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  40.0138 ] Valid PKC key
[  40.0155 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  40.0893 ] 
[  40.0893 ] Updating BCT with signature
[  40.0906 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x19 0 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  40.0921 ] 
[  40.0922 ] Generating coldboot mb1-bct
[  40.1147 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg --misc tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-l4t.cfg --scr tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --pinmux tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg --pmc tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg --pmic tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg --brcommand tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --prod tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --gpioint tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --uphy tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --device tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg
[  40.1185 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1

[  40.1196 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg 
[  40.1218 ] Added Platform Config 0 data with size :- 3008

[  40.1372 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg 
[  40.1384 ] Added Platform Config 1 data with size :- 19640

[  40.1871 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg 
[  40.1879 ] Added Platform Config 2 data with size :- 24

[  40.1883 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.1891 ] Added Platform Config 4 data with size :- 348

[  40.1896 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.1903 ] Added Platform Config 3 data with size :- 92
[  40.1903 ] 
[  40.1903 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.1903 ] Added Platform Config 5 data with size :- 56
[  40.1903 ] 
[  40.1903 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.1903 ] Added Platform Config 7 data with size :- 392
[  40.1904 ] 
[  40.1904 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.1904 ] Added Platform Config 8 data with size :- 12
[  40.1904 ] 
[  40.1904 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg 
[  40.1904 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 32
[  40.1904 ] 
[  40.1905 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[  40.1916 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[  40.1926 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[  40.1931 ] 
[  40.1932 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[  40.1944 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[  40.1956 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[  40.1962 ] 
[  40.1962 ] Updating mb1-bct with ratchet information
[  40.1973 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --minratchet tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg
[  40.1983 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[  40.1987 ] FwIndex: 1, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1989 ] FwIndex: 2, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1989 ] FwIndex: 3, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 4, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 5, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 6, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 7, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 8, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 11, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 12, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 13, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 14, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 15, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1990 ] FwIndex: 16, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1991 ] FwIndex: 17, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1991 ] FwIndex: 18, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1991 ] FwIndex: 19, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1991 ] FwIndex: 30, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1991 ] FwIndex: 31, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.1991 ] 
[  40.2004 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct
[  40.2015 ] 
[  40.2017 ] header_magic: 80680000
[  40.2031 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_list.xml
[  40.2046 ] Key is a SBK key
[  40.2049 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  40.2067 ] 
[  40.2081 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.hash zerosbk
[  40.2095 ] 
[  40.2107 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[  40.2118 ] 
[  40.2130 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MBCT
[  40.2142 ] adding BCH for mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[  40.2154 ] 
[  40.2156 ] header_magic: 65f5398e
[  40.2172 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[  40.2182 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  40.2186 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  40.2188 ] Valid PKC key
[  40.2205 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  40.2915 ] 
[  40.2930 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  40.2947 ] 
[  40.2949 ] Generating recovery mb1-bct
[  40.2964 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --mb1bct mb1_bct.cfg --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg --misc tegra194-mb1-bct-misc-flash.cfg --scr tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg --pinmux tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg --pmc tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg --pmic tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg --brcommand tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --prod tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --gpioint tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --uphy tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg --device tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg
[  40.2975 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1

[  40.2979 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-pinmux-p2888-0000-a04-p2822-0000-b01.cfg 
[  40.2986 ] Added Platform Config 0 data with size :- 3008

[  40.3009 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-scr-cbb-mini.cfg 
[  40.3014 ] Added Platform Config 1 data with size :- 19640

[  40.3231 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-padvoltage-p2888-0000-a00-p2822-0000-a00.cfg 
[  40.3237 ] Added Platform Config 2 data with size :- 24

[  40.3241 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-pmic-p2888-0001-a04-E-0-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.3247 ] Added Platform Config 4 data with size :- 348

[  40.3251 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-reset-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.3257 ] Added Platform Config 3 data with size :- 92

[  40.3260 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-prod-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.3264 ] Added Platform Config 5 data with size :- 56
[  40.3264 ] 
[  40.3264 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-bct-gpioint-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.3264 ] Added Platform Config 7 data with size :- 392
[  40.3264 ] 
[  40.3264 ] Parsing config file :tegra194-mb1-uphy-lane-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg 
[  40.3264 ] Added Platform Config 8 data with size :- 12
[  40.3264 ] 
[  40.3264 ] Parsing config file :tegra19x-mb1-bct-device-sdmmc.cfg 
[  40.3264 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 32
[  40.3264 ] 
[  40.3265 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[  40.3276 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[  40.3285 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[  40.3290 ] 
[  40.3290 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[  40.3302 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[  40.3312 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[  40.3316 ] 
[  40.3316 ] Updating mb1-bct with ratchet information
[  40.3327 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --minratchet tegra194-mb1-bct-ratchet-p2888-0000-p2822-0000.cfg
[  40.3338 ] MB1-BCT version: 0x1
[  40.3341 ] FwIndex: 1, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3343 ] FwIndex: 2, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3343 ] FwIndex: 3, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3343 ] FwIndex: 4, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3344 ] FwIndex: 5, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3344 ] FwIndex: 6, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3344 ] FwIndex: 7, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3344 ] FwIndex: 8, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3344 ] FwIndex: 11, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3344 ] FwIndex: 12, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3344 ] FwIndex: 13, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3344 ] FwIndex: 14, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3344 ] FwIndex: 15, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3345 ] FwIndex: 16, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3345 ] FwIndex: 17, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3345 ] FwIndex: 18, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3345 ] FwIndex: 19, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3345 ] FwIndex: 30, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3345 ] FwIndex: 31, MinRatchetLevel: 0
[  40.3345 ] 
[  40.3357 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_bct_MB1.bct
[  40.3368 ] 
[  40.3370 ] header_magic: 80680000
[  40.3387 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mb1_bct_MB1.bct_list.xml
[  40.3399 ] Key is a SBK key
[  40.3401 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  40.3420 ] 
[  40.3433 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt mb1_bct_MB1.bct.hash zerosbk
[  40.3445 ] 
[  40.3457 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[  40.3469 ] 
[  40.3480 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MBCT
[  40.3492 ] adding BCH for mb1_bct_MB1.bct.encrypt
[  40.3506 ] 
[  40.3507 ] header_magic: 65f5398e
[  40.3523 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[  40.3534 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  40.3538 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  40.3540 ] Valid PKC key
[  40.3557 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  40.4275 ] 
[  40.4291 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  40.4308 ] 
[  40.4310 ] Generating coldboot mem-bct
[  40.4322 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg --membct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_1.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_2.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_3.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_4.bct
[  40.4333 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[  40.5200 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[  40.5204 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[  40.5207 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]
[  40.5209 ] Packing sdram param for instance[4]
[  40.5209 ] Packing sdram param for instance[5]
[  40.5209 ] Packing sdram param for instance[6]
[  40.5209 ] Packing sdram param for instance[7]
[  40.5209 ] Packing sdram param for instance[8]
[  40.5210 ] Packing sdram param for instance[9]
[  40.5210 ] Packing sdram param for instance[10]
[  40.5210 ] Packing sdram param for instance[11]
[  40.5210 ] Packing sdram param for instance[12]
[  40.5210 ] Packing sdram param for instance[13]
[  40.5210 ] Packing sdram param for instance[14]
[  40.5210 ] Packing sdram param for instance[15]
[  40.5210 ] 
[  40.5210 ] Getting sector size from pt
[  40.5223 ] tegraparser_v2 --getsectorsize flash.xml.bin sector_info.bin
[  40.5236 ] 
[  40.5237 ] BlockSize read from layout is 200

[  40.5248 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_1.bct
[  40.5259 ] Key is a SBK key
[  40.5261 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  40.5296 ] 
[  40.5313 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_2.bct
[  40.5326 ] Key is a SBK key
[  40.5329 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  40.5360 ] 
[  40.5383 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_3.bct
[  40.5399 ] Key is a SBK key
[  40.5401 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  40.5433 ] 
[  40.5445 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --file /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_4.bct
[  40.5455 ] Key is a SBK key
[  40.5458 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  40.5494 ] 
[  40.5507 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --blocksize 512 --magicid MEMB --addsigheader_multi /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_1_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_2_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_3_encrypt.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_4_encrypt.bct
[  40.5518 ] adding BCH for /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_1_encrypt.bct
[  40.5559 ] 
[  40.5573 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_coldboot.bct
[  40.5587 ] 
[  40.5598 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mem_coldboot.bct oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB
[  40.5609 ] Header already present for mem_coldboot.bct
[  40.5613 ] 
[  40.5615 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  40.5628 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mem_coldboot.bct_list.xml
[  40.5638 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  40.5641 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  40.5643 ] Valid PKC key
[  40.5659 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  40.6374 ] 
[  40.6390 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_coldboot.bct.signed mem_coldboot.bct.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  40.6410 ] 
[  40.6424 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_coldboot.bct
[  40.6436 ] 
[  40.6448 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB --ratchet_blob ratchet_blob.bin --appendsigheader mem_coldboot.bct oem-rsa
[  40.6458 ] Header already present for mem_coldboot.bct
[  40.6465 ] 
[  40.6479 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --list mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --getmontgomeryvalues montgomery.bin
[  40.6490 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  40.6494 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  40.6496 ] Valid PKC key
[  40.6513 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  40.7233 ] 
[  40.7249 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --updatesigheader mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.sig oem-rsa
[  40.7266 ] 
[  40.7267 ] Generating recovery mem-bct
[  40.7279 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --sdram /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1.cfg --membct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_1.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_2.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_3.bct /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/5828/tmp168g3zis1_4.bct
[  40.7290 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[  40.8157 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[  40.8160 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[  40.8164 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]
[  40.8167 ] Packing sdram param for instance[4]
[  40.8167 ] Packing sdram param for instance[5]
[  40.8167 ] Packing sdram param for instance[6]
[  40.8168 ] Packing sdram param for instance[7]
[  40.8168 ] Packing sdram param for instance[8]
[  40.8168 ] Packing sdram param for instance[9]
[  40.8168 ] Packing sdram param for instance[10]
[  40.8168 ] Packing sdram param for instance[11]
[  40.8168 ] Packing sdram param for instance[12]
[  40.8168 ] Packing sdram param for instance[13]
[  40.8168 ] Packing sdram param for instance[14]
[  40.8168 ] Packing sdram param for instance[15]
[  40.8168 ] 
[  40.8170 ] Using default ramcode 0
[  40.8170 ] Disabled BPMP dtb trim, using default dtb
[  40.8170 ] 
[  40.8184 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_rcm.bct
[  40.8196 ] 
[  40.8197 ] header_magic: 3000000
[  40.8211 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/SBK.txt --list mem_rcm.bct_list.xml
[  40.8221 ] Key is a SBK key
[  40.8224 ] Key Size is 16 bytes
[  40.8260 ] 
[  40.8278 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm.bct.encrypt mem_rcm.bct.hash zerosbk
[  40.8292 ] 
[  40.8304 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_rcm.bct.encrypt
[  40.8316 ] 
[  40.8328 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mem_rcm.bct.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB
[  40.8338 ] adding BCH for mem_rcm.bct.encrypt
[  40.8356 ] 
[  40.8357 ] header_magic: 72aa2959
[  40.8375 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt_list.xml
[  40.8388 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  40.8392 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  40.8394 ] Valid PKC key
[  40.8410 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  40.9124 ] 
[  40.9140 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  40.9161 ] 
[  40.9172 ] nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[  40.9174 ] preboot_c10_prod_cr.bin
[  40.9176 ] mce_c10_prod_cr.bin
[  40.9178 ] mts_c10_prod_cr.bin
[  40.9212 ] bpmp_t194.bin
[  40.9222 ] tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04.dtb
[  40.9230 ] spe_t194.bin
[  40.9232 ] tos-trusty_t194.img
[  40.9237 ] eks.img
[  40.9239 ] tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb
[  40.9245 ] nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[  40.9260 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  40.9272 ] 
[  40.9283 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt oem-rsa-sbk --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MB1B
[  40.9294 ] Header already present for mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt
[  40.9335 ] 
[  40.9336 ] header_magic: 4e564441
[  40.9350 ] tegrasign_v2 --key /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/RSA_Key.pem --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --list mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt_list.xml
[  40.9361 ] PKC key in Open SSL format
[  40.9365 ] Key size is 256 bytes
[  40.9367 ] Valid PKC key
[  40.9384 ] Saving pkc public key  in pub_key.key
[  41.0101 ] 
[  41.0116 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.sig oem-rsa --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[  41.0171 ] 
[  41.0188 ] tegraparser_v2 --generategpt --pt flash.xml.bin
[  41.0207 ] 
[  41.0670 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt flash.xml.bin --generateflashindex /home/dcapers/nvidia/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/encrypted_signed_t19x/flash.xml.tmp flash.idx
[  43.2389 ] 
./tegraflash.py --bl nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed --bct br_bct_BR.bct --applet rcm_2_signed.rcm --applet_softfuse rcm_1_signed.rcm --cmd "secureflash;reboot"  --cfg secureflash.xml --chip 0x19 --mb1_bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --mem_bct mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --mb1_cold_boot_bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --mem_bct_cold_boot mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed  --bins "mb2_bootloader nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed; mts_preboot preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; mts_mce mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; mts_proper mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; bpmp_fw bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; bpmp_fw_dtb tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed; spe_fw spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed; tlk tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed; eks eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed; bootloader_dtb tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed"  --skipuid 
saving flash command in flashcmd.txt
*** Flashing target device started. ***
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0119 ] Parsing partition layout
[   0.0130 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt secureflash.xml.tmp
[   0.0148 ] 
[   0.0149 ] Boot Rom communication
[   0.0161 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --rcm rcm_1_signed.rcm --rcm rcm_2_signed.rcm --skipuid
[   0.0172 ] Boot Rom communication completed
[   1.0461 ] 
[   2.0527 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   2.0539 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.0561 ] 
[   2.0561 ] Sending BCTs
[   2.0573 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download bct_bootrom br_bct_BR.bct --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed --download bct_mem mem_rcm.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[   2.0584 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.0788 ] Sending bct_bootrom
[   2.0794 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.0817 ] Sending bct_mb1
[   2.0866 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.0917 ] Sending bct_mem
[   2.1382 ] [................................................] 100%
[   2.2224 ] 
[   2.2226 ] Generating blob
[   2.2283 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --generateblob blob.xml blob.bin
[   2.2314 ] number of images in blob are 11
[   2.2331 ] blobsize is 6381592
[   2.2339 ] Added binary blob_nvtboot_recovery_cpu_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed of size 260032
[   2.2450 ] Added binary blob_nvtboot_recovery_t194.bin_sigheader.encrypt.signed of size 130928
[   2.2490 ] Added binary blob_preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 24016
[   2.2518 ] Added binary blob_mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 143200
[   2.2542 ] Added binary blob_mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 3430416
[   2.2568 ] Added binary blob_bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 856352
[   2.2591 ] Added binary blob_tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed of size 746752
[   2.2611 ] Added binary blob_spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed of size 94960
[   2.2625 ] Added binary blob_tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed of size 402368
[   2.2642 ] Added binary blob_eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed of size 5136
[   2.2656 ] Added binary blob_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed of size 287248
[   2.2690 ] 
[   2.2691 ] Sending bootloader and pre-requisite binaries
[   2.2709 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download blob blob.bin
[   2.2722 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   2.2943 ] Sending blob
[   2.2945 ] [................................................] 100%
[   3.1944 ] 
[   3.1985 ] tegrarcm_v2 --boot recovery
[   3.2022 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   3.2225 ] 
[   4.2280 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   5.0155 ] 
[   5.0200 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[   5.0420 ] 
[   5.0704 ] tegradevflash_v2 --iscpubl
[   5.0746 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0791 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.0792 ] 
[   5.0793 ] Retrieving storage infomation
[   5.0838 ] tegrarcm_v2 --oem platformdetails storage storage_info.bin
[   5.0880 ] Applet is not running on device. Continue with Bootloader
[   5.0920 ] 
[   5.0957 ] tegradevflash_v2 --oem platformdetails storage storage_info.bin
[   5.0989 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.1152 ] Saved platform info in storage_info.bin
[   5.1162 ] 
[   5.1164 ] Flashing the device
[   5.1201 ] tegraparser_v2 --storageinfo storage_info.bin --generategpt --pt secureflash.xml.bin
[   5.1264 ] 
[   5.1307 ] tegradevflash_v2 --pt secureflash.xml.bin --create
[   5.1340 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[   5.1376 ] Erasing sdmmc_boot: 3 ......... [Done]
[   6.2457 ] Writing partition secondary_gpt with gpt_secondary_0_3.bin
[   6.2481 ] [................................................] 100%

[   6.2794 ] Erasing sdmmc_user: 3 ......... [Done]
[   7.0506 ] Writing partition master_boot_record with mbr_1_3.bin
[   7.0523 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.0536 ] Writing partition primary_gpt with gpt_primary_1_3.bin
[   7.0603 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.0620 ] Writing partition secondary_gpt with gpt_secondary_1_3.bin
[   7.0825 ] [................................................] 100%

[   7.1024 ] Writing partition mb1 with mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[   7.1046 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.1135 ] Writing partition mb1_b with mb1_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[   7.2213 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.2303 ] Writing partition spe-fw with spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[   7.2568 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.2607 ] Writing partition spe-fw_b with spe_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[   7.2822 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.2859 ] Writing partition mb2 with nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[   7.3069 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.3127 ] Writing partition mb2_b with nvtboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[   7.3368 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.3431 ] Writing partition mts-preboot with preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[   7.3671 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.3692 ] Writing partition mts-preboot_b with preboot_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[   7.3886 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.3903 ] Writing partition SMD with slot_metadata.bin
[   7.4080 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.4092 ] Writing partition SMD_b with slot_metadata.bin
[   7.4221 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.4232 ] Writing partition VER_b with emmc_bootblob_ver.txt
[   7.4366 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.4381 ] Writing partition VER with emmc_bootblob_ver.txt
[   7.4514 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.4543 ] Writing partition master_boot_record with mbr_1_3.bin
[   7.4665 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.4677 ] Writing partition APP with system.img
[   7.4752 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 253.7354 ] Writing partition mts-mce with mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 253.7635 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 253.7679 ] Writing partition mts-mce_b with mce_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 253.8008 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 253.8040 ] Writing partition mts-proper with mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 253.8240 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 253.9747 ] Writing partition mts-proper_b with mts_c10_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 253.9951 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.1451 ] Writing partition cpu-bootloader with cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 254.1664 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.1819 ] Writing partition cpu-bootloader_b with cboot_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 254.2035 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.2170 ] Writing partition bootloader-dtb with tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed
[ 254.2381 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.2465 ] Writing partition bootloader-dtb_b with tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed
[ 254.2689 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.2772 ] Writing partition secure-os with tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
[ 254.2987 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.3101 ] Writing partition secure-os_b with tos-trusty_t194_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
[ 254.3333 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.3458 ] Writing partition eks with eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
[ 254.3665 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.3676 ] Writing partition eks_b with eks_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
[ 254.3877 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.3894 ] Writing partition bpmp-fw with bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 254.4074 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.4346 ] Writing partition bpmp-fw_b with bpmp_t194_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 254.4597 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.4889 ] Writing partition bpmp-fw-dtb with tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed
[ 254.5147 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.5375 ] Writing partition bpmp-fw-dtb_b with tegra194-a02-bpmp-p2888-a04_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed
[ 254.5622 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.5856 ] Writing partition xusb-fw with xusb_sil_rel_fw
[ 254.6086 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.6131 ] Writing partition xusb-fw_b with xusb_sil_rel_fw
[ 254.6198 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.6248 ] Writing partition rce-fw with camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
[ 254.6325 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.6409 ] Writing partition rce-fw_b with camera-rtcpu-rce_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
[ 254.6621 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.6704 ] Writing partition adsp-fw with adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 254.6899 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.6938 ] Writing partition adsp-fw_b with adsp-fw_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 254.7120 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.7149 ] Writing partition sc7 with warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 254.7336 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.7362 ] Writing partition sc7_b with warmboot_t194_prod_sigheader.bin.encrypt.signed
[ 254.7552 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.7578 ] Writing partition BMP with bmp.blob
[ 254.7770 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.7824 ] Writing partition BMP_b with bmp.blob
[ 254.8024 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 254.8095 ] Writing partition recovery with recovery_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
[ 254.8287 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 257.0888 ] Writing partition recovery-dtb with tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000.dtb.rec
[ 257.1155 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 257.1235 ] Writing partition kernel-bootctrl with kernel_bootctrl.bin
[ 257.1438 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 257.1449 ] Writing partition kernel-bootctrl_b with kernel_bootctrl.bin
[ 257.1582 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 257.1598 ] Writing partition kernel with boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
[ 257.1731 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 259.1005 ] Writing partition kernel_b with boot_sigheader.img.encrypt.signed
[ 259.1119 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 261.0238 ] Writing partition kernel-dtb with kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed
[ 261.0363 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 261.0443 ] Writing partition kernel-dtb_b with kernel_tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000_sigheader.dtb.encrypt.signed
[ 261.0673 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 261.0938 ] 
[ 261.0976 ] tegradevflash_v2 --write BCT br_bct_BR.bct
[ 261.1008 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[ 261.1046 ] Writing partition BCT with br_bct_BR.bct
[ 261.1055 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 261.1625 ] 
[ 261.1705 ] tegradevflash_v2 --write MB1_BCT mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[ 261.1741 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[ 261.1776 ] Writing partition MB1_BCT with mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[ 261.1812 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 261.1983 ] 
[ 261.2016 ] tegradevflash_v2 --write MB1_BCT_b mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[ 261.2044 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[ 261.2075 ] Writing partition MB1_BCT_b with mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct_sigheader.encrypt.signed
[ 261.2102 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 261.2279 ] 
[ 261.2351 ] tegradevflash_v2 --write MEM_BCT mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed
[ 261.2383 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[ 261.2413 ] Writing partition MEM_BCT with mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed
[ 261.2431 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 261.2598 ] 
[ 261.2634 ] tegradevflash_v2 --write MEM_BCT_b mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed
[ 261.2671 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[ 261.2701 ] Writing partition MEM_BCT_b with mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.signed
[ 261.2718 ] [................................................] 100%
[ 261.2878 ] 
[ 261.2879 ] Flashing completed

[ 261.2880 ] Coldbooting the device
[ 261.2901 ] tegrarcm_v2 --ismb2
[ 261.3092 ] 
[ 261.3112 ] tegradevflash_v2 --reboot coldboot
[ 261.3127 ] Bootloader version 01.00.0000
[ 261.3299 ] 


dcapers@NUC-Ubuntu-18:~$ sudo minicom 
[sudo] password for dcapers: 

Welcome to minicom 2.7.1

Compiled on Aug 13 2017, 15:25:34.
Port /dev/ttyUSB3, 21:33:13

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys

[0000.103] W> RATCHET: MB1 binary ratchet value 4 is too large than ratchet lev.
[0000.111] I> MB1 (prd-version:
[0000.117] I> Boot-mode: Coldboot
[0000.120] I> Chip revision : A02P
[0000.123] I> Bootrom patch version : 15 (correctly patched)
[0000.128] I> ATE fuse revision : 0x200
[0000.131] I> Ram repair fuse : 0x0
[0000.135] I> Ram Code : 0x2
[0000.137] I> rst_source : 0x0
[0000.140] I> rst_level : 0x0
[0000.143] I> Boot-device: eMMC
[0000.158] I> sdmmc DDR50 mode
[0000.162] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register
[0000.168] W> Return default slot: _a                                           
[0000.171] I> Active Boot chain : 0                                             
[0000.174] I> Boot-device: eMMC                                                 
[0000.179] W> MB1_PLATFORM_CONFIG: device prod data is empty in MB1 BCT.        
[0000.187] I> Temperature = 25000                                               
[0000.190] W> Skipping boost for clk: BPMP_CPU_NIC                              
[0000.194] W> Skipping boost for clk: BPMP_APB                                  
[0000.198] W> Skipping boost for clk: AXI_CBB                                   
[0000.202] W> Skipping boost for clk: AON_CPU_NIC                               
[0000.207] W> Skipping boost for clk: CAN1                                      
[0000.210] W> Skipping boost for clk: CAN2                                      
[0000.215] I> Boot-device: eMMC                                                 
[0000.217] I> Boot-device: eMMC                                                 
[0000.227] I> Sdmmc: HS400 mode enabled                                         
[0000.233] I> ECC region[0]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0000.237] I> ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0000.241] I> ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0000.245] I> ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0000.249] I> ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0000.253] I> Non-ECC region[0]: Start:0x80000000, End:0x100000000              
[0000.259] I> Non-ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                             
[0000.263] I> Non-ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                             
[0000.268] I> Non-ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                             
[0000.272] I> Non-ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                             
[0000.278] E> FAILED: Thermal config                                            
[0000.285] E> FAILED: MEMIO rail config                                         
[0000.303] I> Boot-device: eMMC                                                 
[0000.314] I> sdmmc bdev is already initialized                                 
[0000.410] I> MB1 done                                                          
����main enter                                                                  
SPE VERSION #: R01.00.14 Created: Sep 19 2018 @ 11:03:21                        
HW Function test                                                                
Start Scheduler.                                                                
in late init                                                                    
  [0000.418] I> Welcome to MB2(TBoot-BPMP) (version: 00.00.2018.32-mobile-feba5)
[0000.418] I> DMA Heap @ [0x526fa000 - 0x52ffa000]                              
[0000.419] I> Default Heap @ [0xd486400 - 0xd48a400]                            
[0000.419] E> DEVICE_PROD: Invalid value data = 70020000, size = 0.             
[0000.425] W> device prod register failed                                       
[0000.429] I> Boot-device: eMMC                                                 
[0000.432] I> Boot_device: SDMMC_BOOT instance: 3                               
[0000.438] I> sdmmc-3 params source = boot args                                 
[0000.441] I> sdmmc bdev is already initialized                                 
[0000.445] I> sdmmc-3 params source = boot args                                 
[0000.453] I> Found 17 partitions in SDMMC_BOOT (instance 3)                    
[0000.460] I> Found 42 partitions in SDMMC_USER (instance 3)                    
[0000.461] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register                 
[0000.466] W> Return default slot: _a                                           
[0000.469] I> Active Boot chain : 0                                             
[0000.473] I> parsing oem signed section of bpmp-fw header done                 
[0000.478] I> bpmp-fw binary init read from storage                             
[0000.486] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0000.487] I> oem authentication of bpmp-fw header done                         
[0000.494] I> bpmp-fw binary done read from storage                             
[0000.496] I> bpmp-fw: Authentication init Done                                 
[0000.501] I> parsing oem signed section of cpubl header done                   
[0000.506] I> cpubl binary init read from storage                               
[0000.515] I> bpmp-fw: Authentication Finalize Done                             
[0000.518] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0000.519] I> oem authentication of cpubl header done                           
[0000.524] I> cpubl binary done read from storage                               
[0000.528] I> cpubl: Authentication init Done                                   
[0000.533] I> parsing oem signed section of rce header done                     
[0000.538] I> rce binary init read from storage                                 
[0000.542] I> Relocating BR-BCT                                                 
[0000.547] I> cpubl: Authentication Finalize Done                               
[0000.552] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0000.553] I> oem authentication of rce header done                             
[0000.558] I> rce binary done read from storage                                 
[0000.562] I> rce: Authentication init Done                                     
[0000.567] I> parsing oem signed section of ape header done                     
[0000.571] I> ape binary init read from storage                                 
[0000.578] I> rce: Authentication Finalize Done                                 
[0000.582] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0000.584] I> oem authentication of ape header done                             
[0000.588] I> ape binary done read from storage                                 
[0000.593] I> ape: Authentication init Done                                     
[0000.597] I> parsing oem signed section of tos header done                     
[0000.602] I> tos binary init read from storage                                 
[0000.607] I> ape: Authentication Finalize Done                                 
[0000.613] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0000.614] I> oem authentication of tos header done                             
[0000.619] I> tos binary done read from storage                                 
[0000.623] I> tos: Authentication init Done                                     
[0000.628] I> parsing oem signed section of bpmp-fw-dtb header done             
[0000.633] I> bpmp-fw-dtb binary init read from storage                         
[0000.640] I> tos: Authentication Finalize Done                                 
[0000.646] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0000.647] I> oem authentication of bpmp-fw-dtb header done                     
[0000.654] I> bpmp-fw-dtb binary done read from storage                         
[0000.657] I> bpmp-fw-dtb: Authentication init Done                             
[0000.661] I> parsing oem signed section of cpubl-dtb header done               
[0000.667] I> cpubl-dtb binary init read from storage                           
[0000.675] I> bpmp-fw-dtb: Authentication Finalize Done                         
[0000.711] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0000.712] I> oem authentication of cpubl-dtb header done                       
[0000.712] I> cpubl-dtb binary done read from storage                           
[0000.713] I> cpubl-dtb: Authentication init Done                               
[0000.715] I> parsing oem signed section of eks header done                     
[0000.715] I> eks binary init read from storage                                 
[0000.718] I> cpubl-dtb: Authentication Finalize Done                           
[0000.721] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0000.723] I> oem authentication of eks header done                             
[0000.727] I> eks binary done read from storage                                 
[0000.732] I> eks: Authentication init Done                                     
[0000.736] I> eks: Authentication Finalize Done                                 
[0000.740] I> EKB detected (length: 0x410) @ VA:0x5270a400                      
��NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):5b49e7f80                                        
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 14:42:47, Jan 15 2021                                    
ipc-unittest-main: 1519: Welcome to IPC unittest!!!                             
ipc-unittest-main: 1531: waiting forever                                        
ipc-unittest-srv: 329: Init unittest services!!!                                
hwkey-agent: 40: hwkey-agent is running!!                                       
hwkey-agent: 197: key_mgnt_processing .......                                   
hwkey-agent: 162: ekb_verification: EKB_CMAC verification is not match.         
hwkey-agent: 240: key_mgnt_processing: failed (-7)                              
hwkey-agent: 44: main: Failed to verify or extract EKB (-7).                    
exit called, thread 0xffffffffea8a2d58, name trusty_app_2_92b92883-f96a-4177    
luks-srv: 40: luks-srv is running!!                                             
platform_bootstrap_epilog: trusty bootstrap complete                            
welcome to lk                                                                   
calling constructors                                                            
initializing heap                                                               
creating bootstrap completion thread                                            
top of bootstrap2()                                                             
initializing platform                                                           
bpmp: platform_init                                                             
tag is e73a758761f0c6d24a1e69a2ac6b5035                                         
tag_show initialized                                                            
dt initialized                                                                  
mail initialized                                                                
chipid initialized                                                              
fuse initialized                                                                
sku initialized                                                                 
speedo initialized                                                              
ec_get_ec_list: found 45 ecs                                                    
ec initialized                                                                  
ec_mrq initialized                                                              
vmon_populate_monitors: found 3 monitors                                        
vmon initialized                                                                
adc initialized                                                                 
fmon_populate_monitors: found 73 monitors                                       
fmon initialized                                                                
fmon_mrq initialized                                                            
reset initialized                                                               
nvhs initialized                                                                
392 clocks registered                                                           
WARNING: pll_c4 has no dyn ramp                                                 
clk_mrq_init: mrq handler registered                                            
clk initialized                                                                 
nvlink initialized                                                              
io_dpd initialized                                                              
io_dpd initialized                                                              
thermal initialized                                                             
i2c5 controller initialized                                                     
initialized i2c mrq handling                                                    
i2c initialized                                                                 
regulator initialized                                                           
avfs_clk_platform initialized                                                   
soctherm initialized                                                            
aotag initialized                                                               
powergate initialized                                                           
dvs initialized                                                                 
pm initialized                                                                  
pg_late initialized                                                             
strap initialized                                                               
tag initialized                                                                 
emc initialized                                                                 
clk_dt initialized                                                              
avfs_ccplex_platform initialized                                                
tj_max: dt node not found                                                       
tj_init initialized                                                             
uphy_mrq_init: mrq handler registered                                           
uphy_dt initialized                                                             
uphy initialized                                                                
safereg_init: period 80 ms                                                      
ec_late initialized                                                             
  [0001.241] I> Welcome to Cboot��mrq initialized                               
fmon_post initialized                                                           
[0001.242] I> Cboot Version: t194-9efcbc4f                                      
[0001.242] I> CPU-BL Params @ 0xf2820000                                        
[0001.242] I>  0) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.246] I>  1) Base:0xf1100000 Size:0x00100000                               
[0001.250] I>  2) Base:0xf2000000 Size:0x00200000                               
[0001.255] I>  3) Base:0xf1200000 Size:0x00200000                               
��clk_set_parent failed for clk i2c2, parent pll_aon (-22)                      
clk_set_parent failed for clk i2c8, parent pll_aon (-22)                        
clk_dt_late initialized                                                         
machine_check initialized                                                       
pm_post initialized                                                             
dbells initialized                                                              
avfs_clk_platform_post initialized                                              
dmce initialized                                                                
cvc initialized                                                                 
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster0: not monitored                              
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster1: not monitored                              
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster2: not monitored                              
ccplex_avfs_hw_init: nafll_cluster3: not monitored                              
avfs_clk_mach_post initialized                                                  
regulator_post initialized                                                      
rm initialized                                                                  
sc7_diag initialized                                                            
thermal_test initialized                                                        
serial_late initialized                                                         
clk_post initialized                                                            
clk_dt_post initialized                                                         
mc_reg initialized                                                              
pg_post initialized                                                             
dyn_modules initialized                                                         
sku_debugfs initialized                                                         
speedo_debugfs initialized                                                      
adc_debugfs initialized                                                         
clk_debugfs initialized                                                         
��[0001.259] I>  4) Base:0xf1000000 Size:0x00100000                             
[0001.339] I>  5) Base:0xf0f00000 Size:0x00100000                               
[0001.343] I>  6) Base:0xf3800000 Size:0x00400000                               
[0001.348] I>  7) Base:0xf1c00000 Size:0x00400000                               
[0001.352] I>  8) Base:0xf0e00000 Size:0x00100000                               
[0001.356] I>  9) Base:0xf0d00000 Size:0x00100000                               
[0001.361] I> 10) Base:0xf3000000 Size:0x00800000                               
[0001.365] I> 11) Base:0x40000000 Size:0x00040000                               
[0001.370] I> 12) Base:0xf0c00000 Size:0x00100000                               
[0001.374] I> 13) Base:0x40046000 Size:0x00002000                               
[0001.379] I> 14) Base:0x40048000 Size:0x00002000                               
��emc_debugfs initialized                                                       
dvs_debugfs initialized                                                         
��[0001.383] I> 15) Base:0xac000000 Size:0x00004000                             
��fmon_debugfs initialized                                                      
vmon_debugfs initialized                                                        
pg_debugfs initialized                                                          
profile_fs initialized                                                          
debugfs_cons initialized                                                        
mail_fs initialized                                                             
profile initialized                                                             
cvc_debugfs initialized                                                         
dmce_debugfs initialized                                                        
ec_debugfs initialized                                                          
rm_debugfs initialized                                                          
soctherm_debug initialized                                                      
gr_reader initialized                                                           
mods initialized                                                                
dt_fs initialized                                                               
debugfs_mrq initialized                                                         
debug_mrq initialized                                                           
debug_safereg initialized                                                       
initializing target                                                             
calling apps_init()                                                             
starting app shell                                                              
entering main console loop                                                      
] ��[0001.392] I> 16) Base:0x4004a000 Size:0x00002000                           
[0001.443] I> 17) Base:0xf0b00000 Size:0x00100000                               
[0001.447] I> 18) Base:0x4004c000 Size:0x00002000                               
[0001.452] I> 19) Base:0xf2200000 Size:0x00600000                               
[0001.456] I> 20) Base:0x4004e000 Size:0x00002000                               
[0001.461] I> 21) Base:0xf0ad0000 Size:0x0000c000                               
[0001.465] I> 22) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.470] I> 23) Base:0xf0ae0000 Size:0x00020000                               
[0001.474] I> 24) Base:0xf6000000 Size:0x02000000                               
[0001.479] I> 25) Base:0x40050000 Size:0x00002000                               
[0001.483] I> 26) Base:0x40040000 Size:0x00006000                               
[0001.488] I> 27) Base:0xf1800000 Size:0x00400000                               
[0001.492] I> 28) Base:0xf4c00000 Size:0x01400000                               
[0001.496] I> 29) Base:0xf1400000 Size:0x00400000                               
[0001.501] I> 30) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.505] I> 31) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.510] I> 32) Base:0xf8000000 Size:0x08000000                               
[0001.514] I> 33) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.519] I> 34) Base:0xf3c00000 Size:0x01000000                               
[0001.523] I> 35) Base:0xab000000 Size:0x01000000                               
[0001.528] I> 36) Base:0xa0000000 Size:0x0b000000                               
[0001.532] I> 37) Base:0xf2800000 Size:0x00800000                               
[0001.537] I> 38) Base:0x80000000 Size:0x20000000                               
[0001.541] I> 39) Base:0xb0000000 Size:0x08000000                               
[0001.546] I> 40) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.550] I> 41) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.554] I> 42) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.559] I> 43) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.563] I> 44) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.568] I> 45) Base:0x00000000 Size:0x00000000                               
[0001.572] GIC-SPI Target CPU: 0                                                
[0001.575] Interrupts Init done                                                 
[0001.578] calling constructors                                                 
[0001.581] initializing heap                                                    
[0001.584] I> Heap: [0xa06945e8 ... 0xab000000]                                 
[0001.588] initializing threads                                                 
[0001.591] initializing timers                                                  
[0001.594] creating bootstrap completion thread                                 
[0001.598] top of bootstrap2()                                                  
[0001.601] CPU: MIDR: 0x4E0F0040, MPIDR: 0x80000000                             
[0001.605] initializing platform                                                
[0001.608] E> DEVICE_PROD: Invalid value data = 0, size = 0.                    
[0001.614] W> device prod register failed                                       
[0001.618] I> Bl_dtb @0xaaf00000                                                
[0001.624] W> "plugin-manager" doesn't exist, creating                          
[0001.626] W> "ids" doesn't exist, creating                                     
[0001.630] W> "connection" doesn't exist, creating                              
[0001.634] W> "configs" doesn't exist, creating                                 
[0001.649] I> Find /i2c@3160000's alias i2c0                                    
[0001.649] I> Reading eeprom i2c=0 address=0x50                                 
[0001.675] I> Device at /i2c@3160000:0x50                                       
[0001.675] I> Reading eeprom i2c=0 address=0x56                                 
[0001.700] I> Device at /i2c@3160000:0x56                                       
[0001.702] I> Find /i2c@3180000's alias i2c2                                    
[0001.702] I> Reading eeprom i2c=2 address=0x54                                 
[0001.704] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.                                   
[0001.704] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a8 with repeat start t.
[0001.705] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.              
[0001.706] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa8 a.
[0001.714] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device                           
[0001.718] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d                                     
[0001.722] I> Reading eeprom i2c=2 address=0x57                                 
[0001.727] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.                                   
[0001.731] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00ae with repeat start t.
[0001.739] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.              
[0001.744] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xae a.
[0001.754] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device                           
[0001.759] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d                                     
[0001.763] I> Reading eeprom i2c=2 address=0x52                                 
[0001.767] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.                                   
[0001.771] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a4 with repeat start t.
[0001.779] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.              
[0001.784] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa4 a.
[0001.794] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device                           
[0001.799] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d                                     
[0001.803] I> Find /i2c@c240000's alias i2c1                                    
[0001.807] I> Reading eeprom i2c=1 address=0x52                                 
[0001.812] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.                                   
[0001.815] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a4 with repeat start t.
[0001.823] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.              
[0001.828] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa4 a.
[0001.838] E> eeprom: Retry to read I2C slave device.                           
[0001.843] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.                                   
[0001.847] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a4 with repeat start t.
[0001.855] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.              
[0001.860] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa4 a.
[0001.870] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device                           
[0001.875] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d                                     
[0001.879] I> Reading eeprom i2c=1 address=0x50                                 
[0001.883] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.                                   
[0001.887] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a0 with repeat start t.
[0001.895] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.              
[0001.900] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa0 a.
[0001.910] E> eeprom: Retry to read I2C slave device.                           
[0001.915] E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.                                   
[0001.919] E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00a0 with repeat start t.
[0001.927] E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.              
[0001.932] E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xa0 a.
[0001.942] E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device                           
[0001.947] I> Eeprom read failed 0x3526070d                                     
[0001.950] I> create_pm_ids: id: 2888-0004-400-L, len: 15                       
[0001.956] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:03
[0001.967] I> create_pm_ids: id: 2822-0000-700-K, len: 15                       
[0001.972] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:03
[0001.983] I> Adding plugin-manager/ids/2888-0004-400=/i2c@3160000:module@0x50  
[0001.990] W> "i2c@3160000" doesn't exist, creating                             
[0001.995] W> "module@0x50" doesn't exist, creating                             
[0001.999] I> Adding plugin-manager/ids/2822-0000-700=/i2c@3160000:module@0x56  
[0002.006] W> "module@0x56" doesn't exist, creating                             
[0002.013] I> Adding plugin-manager/cvm                                         
[0002.015] W> "chip-id" doesn't exist, creating                                 
[0002.019] I> Adding plugin-manager/chip-id/A02P                                
[0002.023] I> Plugin-manager override starting                                  
[0002.028] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement-tegra-wdt-en matches               
[0002.036] I> node /plugin-manager/fragement-soft-wdt matches                   
[0002.044] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-pcie-c5-rp matches                  
[0002.047] I> node /plugin-manager/fragment-tegra-ufs-lane10 matches            
[0002.060] I> Disable plugin-manager status in FDT                              
[0002.061] I> Plugin-manager override finished successfully                     
[0002.061] I> gpio framework initialized                                        
[0002.065] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'nvidia,tegra194-gpio' drir
[0002.072] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'nvidia,tegra194-gpio-aon'r
[0002.079] I> tegrabl_tca9539_init: i2c bus: 1, slave addr: 0x46                
[0002.086] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible 9
[0002.094] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible 9
[0002.101] W> tegrabl_tca9539_init: failed to fetch phandle from dt             
[0002.107] I> tegrabl_tca9539_init: i2c bus: 1, slave addr: 0x44                
[0002.114] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible 9
[0002.122] W> fetch_driver_phandle_from_dt: failed to get node with compatible 9
[0002.129] W> tegrabl_tca9539_init: failed to fetch phandle from dt             
[0002.136] I> fixed regulator driver initialized                                
[0002.147] I> register 'maxim' power off handle                                 
[0002.148] I> virtual i2c enabled                                               
[0002.149] I> registered 'maxim,max20024' pmic                                  
[0002.151] I> tegrabl_gpio_driver_register: register 'max20024-gpio' driver     
[0002.157] I> Boot-device: eMMC                                                 
[0002.160] I> Boot_device: SDMMC_BOOT instance: 3                               
[0002.169] I> sdmmc-3 params source = boot args                                 
[0002.169] I> create_pm_ids: id: 2888-0004-400-L, len: 15                       
[0002.174] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:03
[0002.185] I> create_pm_ids: id: 2822-0000-700-K, len: 15                       
[0002.190] I> config: mem-type:00,power-config:00,misc-config:00,modem-config:03
[0002.201] I> sdmmc bdev is already initialized                                 
[0002.206] I> sdmmc-3 params source = boot args                                 
[0002.236] I> Found 17 partitions in SDMMC_BOOT (instance 3)                    
[0002.249] I> Found 42 partitions in SDMMC_USER (instance 3)                    
[0002.259] I> enabling 'vdd-hdmi-5v0' regulator                                 
[0002.264] I> regulator 'vdd-hdmi-5v0' already enabled                          
[0002.264] I> hdmi cable connected                                              
[0002.266] W> set volts not configured for 'vdd-1v0'                            
[0002.269] W> set volts not configured for 'vdd-1v8-hs'                         
[0002.273] E> invalid display type                                              
[0002.277] E> invalid display type                                              
[0002.279] E> cannot find any other nvdisp nodes                                
[0002.294] I> edid read success                                                 
[0002.306] I> edid read success                                                 
[0002.307] I> width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825                   
[0002.307] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148500000                
[0002.308] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148500000                
[0002.308] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648                
[0002.308] I> width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648                
[0002.313] I> width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824                  
[0002.319] I> width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824                  
[0002.324] I> width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026                   
[0002.330] I> width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026                   
[0002.335] I> width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026                   
[0002.341] I> width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026                   
[0002.346] I> width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825                   
[0002.352] I> Best mode Width = 1920, Height = 1080, freq = 148351648           
[0002.362] I> hdmi_enable, starting HDMI initialisation                         
[0002.367] I> hdmi_enable, HDMI initialisation complete                         
[0002.378] I> Load in CBoot Boot Options partition and parse it                 
[0002.384] E> Error -9 when finding node with path /boot-configuration          
[0002.385] E> tegrabl_cbo_parse_info: "boot-configuration" not found in CBO fil.
[0002.387] I> Using default boot order                                          
[0002.391] I> boot-dev-order :-                                                 
[0002.394] I> 1.sd                                                              
[0002.395] I> 2.usb                                                             
[0002.397] I> 3.nvme                                                            
[0002.399] I> 4.emmc                                                            
[0002.401] I> 5.net                                                             
[0002.403] I> Hit any key to stop autoboot:     4       3       2       1       
[0004.411] initializing target                                                  
[0004.411] calling apps_init()                                                  
[0004.412] starting app kernel_boot_app                                         
[0004.431] I> found decompressor handler: lz4-legacy                            
[0004.432] I> decompressing BMP blob ...                                        
[0004.443] I> Kernel type = Normal                                              
[0004.443] I> Loading kernel-bootctrl from partition                            
[0004.443] I> Loading partition kernel-bootctrl at 0xa4ad0000 from device(0x1)  
[0004.450] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: magic number(0x00000000) is invalid  
[0004.450] W> tegrabl_get_kernel_bootctrl: use default dummy boot control data  
[0004.451] I> ########## SD (0) boot ##########                                 
[0004.451] I> No sdcard                                                         
[0004.453] I> -0 params source =                                                
[0004.456] E> Blockdev open: exit error                                         
[0004.460] E> SD boot failed, err: 724238353                                    
[0004.464] I> ########## USB (0) boot ##########                                
[0004.473] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register                 
[0004.474] W> Return default slot: _a                                           
[0004.489] I> USB Firmware Version: 60.06 release                               
[0004.545] I> regulator of usb2-0 already enabled                               
[0004.553] I> regulator of usb2-1 already enabled                               
[0004.561] I> regulator of usb2-2 already enabled                               
[0004.571] I> enabling 'vdd-5v-sata' regulator                                  
[0005.643] I> USB 2.0 port 4 new full-speed USB device detected                 
[0005.645] W> WARNING: event and command not matching, cmd_trb_ptr = 0xa9ad00000
[0005.746] I> Start to enumerate device                                         
[0005.747] W> WARNING: event and command not matching, cmd_trb_ptr = 0xa9ad00000
[0005.751] I> This device is non-MSD, skip enumeration                          
[0005.751] E> Failed to enumerate USB device                                    
[0005.751] E> failed to start xhci controller                                   
[0005.752] E> Error in init of XUSB host driver, err: 7979000d                  
[0005.752] W> Failed to initialize device 5-0                                   
[0005.756] E> USB boot failed, err: 2037973005                                  
[0005.761] I> ########## Fixed storage boot ##########                          
[0005.771] I> Already published: 00010003                                       
[0005.772] I> Look for boot partition                                           
[0005.773] I> Fallback: assuming 0th partition is boot partition                
[0005.778] I> Detect filesystem                                                 
[0005.805] I> Loading extlinux.conf ...                                         
[0005.806] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf              
[0005.849] I> L4T boot options                                                  
[0005.849] I> [1]: "primary kernel"                                             
[0005.849] I> Enter choice:                                                     
[0008.850] I> Continuing with default option: 1                                 
[0008.850] I> Loading kernel sig file from rootfs ...                           
[0008.850] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/Image.sig                           
[0008.869] I> Loading kernel binary from rootfs ...                             
[0008.869] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/Image                               
[0009.092] I> overload load_size to 34338824 (from 34338832)                    
[0009.113] I> Validate kernel ...                                               
[0009.114] I> T19x: Authenticate kernel (bin_type: 37), max size 0x5000000      
[0009.115] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0009.427] W> keyslot 14 is zero                                                
[0009.444] I> No kernel-dtb binary path                                         
[0009.444] W> No valid slot number is found in scratch register                 
[0009.445] W> Return default slot: _a                                           
[0009.445] I> A/B: bin_type (38) slot 0                                         
[0009.445] I> Loading kernel-dtb from partition                                 
[0009.446] I> Loading partition kernel-dtb at 0x91000000 from device(0x1)       
[0009.455] I> Validate kernel-dtb ...                                           
[0009.455] I> T19x: Authenticate kernel-dtb (bin_type: 38), max size 0x400000   
[0009.457] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0009.463] W> keyslot 14 is zero                                                
[0009.464] I> Loading ramdisk from rootfs ...                                   
[0009.467] I> Loading initrd sig file from rootfs ...                           
[0009.472] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/initrd.sig                          
[0009.495] I> Loading initrd binary from rootfs ...                             
[0009.495] I> rootfs path: /sdmmc_user/boot/initrd                              
[0009.553] I> overload load_size to 7236790 (from 7236800)                      
[0009.556] I> Validate initrd ...                                               
[0009.557] I> T19x: Authenticate initrd (bin_type: 49), max size 0x4000000      
[0009.558] I> RSA PSS signature check: OK                                       
[0009.624] W> keyslot 14 is zero                                                
[0009.637] I> Kernel hdr @0xa4ad0000                                            
[0009.638] I> Kernel dtb @0x90000000                                            
[0009.638] I> decompressor handler not found                                    
[0009.638] I> Copying kernel image (34338824 bytes) from 0xa4ad0000 to 0x800800e
[0009.649] E> fdt_open_into fail (FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC)                             
[0009.649] E> Error (727449637) extracting the kernel DTB                       
[0009.671] I> Kernel EP: 0x80080000, DTB: 0x90000000                            
[0009.672] -----------------------------------------------                      
[0009.674] Synchronous Exception: UNKNOWN EXCEPTION                             
[0009.675] -----------------------------------------------                      
[0009.678] ESR 0x2000000: ec 0x0, il 0x1, iss 0x0                               
[0009.679] -----------------------------------------------                      
[0009.681]  [Stack Trace]                                                       
[0009.683] => pc:0x80080000, sp:0xA0EA3500                                      
[0009.685] => pc:0xA060F858, sp:0xA0EA3730                                      
[0009.689] => pc:0xA060F86C, sp:0xA0EA37A0                                      
[0009.692] => pc:0xA060F4EC, sp:0xA0EA37E0                                      
[0009.696] => pc:0xA060EA60, sp:0xA0EA37F0                                      
[0009.700] => pc:0xA060EA34, sp:0xA0EA3800                                      
[0009.704] -----------------------------------------------                      
[0009.709] iframe 0xa0ea3410:                                                   
[0009.712] x0  0x        90000000 x1  0x               0 x2  0x               00
[0009.721] x4  0x        80080000 x5  0x              20 x6  0x         b2001230
[0009.730] x8  0x               0 x9  0xffffffffffffffff x10 0x               62
[0009.739] x12 0x               1 x13 0x              40 x14 0x               10
[0009.748] x16 0x            1500 x17 0x             1e0 x18 0x               00
[0009.757] x20 0x        a0ea37b0 x21 0x               0 x22 0x               00
[0009.767] x24 0x               0 x25 0x               0 x26 0x               00
[0009.776] x28 0x               0 x29 0x        a0ea3730 lr  0x        a060f80c0
[0009.785] elr 0x        80080000                                               
[0009.788] spsr 0x        400003c9                                              
[0009.791] -----------------------------------------------                      
[0009.796] panic (caller 0xa0601238): die                                       
[0009.800] HALT: spinning forever...       

hello dcapers44,

since the error is same as previous attachment, it’s an error related device tree blob.
device tree settings were related to hardware specific configurations.

may I know are you working with default Jetson AGX Xavier DevKit, or you’re using a customize carrier board?