Xavier does not boot after flashing Jetpack 4.1.1


I am trying to flash the Jetpack 4.1.1 on my Jetson Xavier. In particular I followed this tutorial:


I downloaded and installed only the default components in the “Jetpack components manager” and finally I flashed the OS and the components with the USB-C cable. The procedure seems to work, since it does not return errors.

But when the Xavier fails to boot and hangs as in figure:


I wonder if your host file system had filled up, and thus flashed a truncated image. On your host, from the location where your JetPack software exists, what do you see from this (the “.” is important):

df -H -T .

Thanks for your answer. I have a lot of space in my HDD

gian > … > JetPack > Xavier > Linux_for_Tegra $ ls
apply_binaries.sh  jetson-tx2.conf             kernel                  p2771-0000-dsi-hdmi-dp.conf  p2972-0000-devkit.conf          source_sync.sh
bootloader         jetson-xavier.conf          nv_tegra                p2771-3489-ucm1.conf         p2972-0000-devkit-maxn.conf
build_l4t_bup.sh   jetson-xavier-maxn.conf     p2771-0000.conf.common  p2771-3489-ucm2.conf         p2972-0000-devkit-slvs-ec.conf
flash.sh           jetson-xavier-slvs-ec.conf  p2771-0000-devkit.conf  p2972-0000.conf.common       rootfs
 gian > … > JetPack > Xavier > Linux_for_Tegra $ df -H -T .
File system    Tipo     Dim. Usati Dispon. Uso% Montato su
/dev/sda2      fuseblk  1,1T  217G    784G  22% /storage
 gian > … > JetPack > Xavier > Linux_for_Tegra $ 

This may be an issue: “fuseblk”.

During a flash a sample rootfs is copied in to the “rootfs/” subdirectory. Various drivers are updated to be the NVIDIA-specific hardware-accelerated version. Then the bootloader directory gets an image the size of the final rootfs there, and it is this image which is flashed. If the files in the “rootfs/” subdirectory do not correctly preserve file permissions and types, then the resulting image has those same issues. Boot fails as soon as root permission is required, but in which root does not have the permission.

Some file system types are not capable of preserving permissions because they are not native to Linux, e.g., NTFS and VFAT have no knowledge of root since there is no such thing in the the Windows world. I am thinking that your fuseblk and/or any actual storage underlying it is not a native Linux file system type. Normally this would be ext4. If you try to flash from a Live DVD or similar, then flash will succeed, but actual operation will always fail. Can you run this from a real ext4 formatted partition? There is no possibility of success without a file system preserving Linux’s full permission setup.

It worked, thanks!