100G ethernet  failing to load in kernel 3.17 (cx415A)


I am trying to up 100G Ethernet driver in RHEL with kernel 3.17. But it is not working

  1. I have installed mlnx-en-3.3-, because of that all our IB drivers are unloaded

  2. I have installed MLNX_OFED_LINUX-3.3- with that ib drivers up, but those ib drivers api giving conflict with other current driver API’s

My requirement is:

I can use kernel from 3.17 to 4.0.0. with that kernel , I want to use 100G melanox card (cx415A)

  1. Is 100 G will work with above kernels.

  2. if it does not work, can you provide any patch to work with those kernels.

  3. From which kernel 100G work properly with out any issues ?



In order to get working configuration, check the MOFED release notes for supported OS/kernel matrix available from Mellanox site

http://www.mellanox.com/related-docs/prod_software/Mellanox_OFED_Linux_Release_Notes_3_3-1_0_4_0.pdf http://www.mellanox.com/related-docs/prod_software/Mellanox_OFED_Linux_Release_Notes_3_3-1_0_4_0.pdf

If the kernel you are using, provided by OS vendor, then it supported and should work. In the case if system has mixed configuration, like OS itself is based RedHat/SLES/Debian but used kernel is from www.kernel.org, this combination might not work.

For more details, check release notes.