AGX ORIN in the L4T36.2 version of GPIO usage issues

We tested GPIO in the general version 36.2. Found a problem.
As a rule of thumb, and as described in the latest Developer Guide, you should perform operations under the /sys/class/gpio/ path.

There is no gpio path under /sys/class/ in the system. May I ask how to operate it?

Please tell me how to operate in order to control GPIO.

Hi chen.xi,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Orin?

Please refer to the following instruction to use GPIO character device API instead.
Unable to access GPIO in the latest L4T 35.3.1 - #23 by lhoang

We use custom carrier plates,
One thing is clear, the same board, using the L4T35.3.1 and L4T35.4.1 version did not appear this situation.
In fact, our problem is that in the L4T36.2 version of the system. The /sys/class/gpio directory cannot be found.

Please note that the software stack in R36.X is much different from R35.X and we suggest using GPIO character device API instead of sysfs to control GPIO.

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