Implementation of end effector force sensor
To implement an end effector force sensor i followed this documentation and installed a cylinder at the tool0 of the robot with a fixed joint.
To test the sensor the robot is set up in a up right position and placed a cube with the mass of 1kg on top.
The detected force should be g * 1 = 8.91
But i read:
joint forces: x=-0.001930191763676703, y=0.005002821795642376, z=1.4727673530578613
and this for all joints:
[[ 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00
0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00]
[ 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 9.8100002e-04 0.0000000e+00
0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00]
[ 2.4458431e-03 7.5626111e-04 2.0742494e+02 -1.5149940e+01
1.5930146e+00 2.5189444e-04]
[ 1.6818484e+02 7.4255792e-04 -2.3956299e-03 2.5367737e-04
1.5921823e+00 1.5149865e+01]
[-6.9589913e-04 1.4429598e-01 1.3188777e+02 -1.5921844e+00
-1.5149855e+01 1.6547110e-02]
[-7.3272735e-04 8.5403465e-02 4.9552433e+01 -1.5496687e+00
-3.7872777e+00 6.5937703e-03]
[-7.4718520e-04 5.0591342e-02 2.7234718e+01 -1.5234911e+00
-3.7417954e-04 -6.8649999e-05]
[-2.9437888e-02 1.5276368e+01 1.2859625e-02 3.7435238e-04
6.4752367e-06 4.3600606e-04]
[ 3.3180218e+00 8.2689524e-03 3.3936501e-03 6.4761989e-06
-3.5903722e-05 -3.8815313e-04]
[ 1.4747292e+00 -1.9317770e-03 5.0063627e-03 6.5159602e-06
3.1345614e-04 -6.9297297e-05]
[-1.9309691e-03 5.0045582e-03 1.4737483e+00 3.1345626e-04
-6.9297057e-05 6.5160757e-06]
[-1.9301918e-03 5.0028218e-03 1.4727674e+00 3.1345640e-04
-6.9296882e-05 6.5162008e-06]]
Is the articulation joint sensor not working?
Is something wrong with my implementation down below?
Thank you for any help!
Code to Reproduce
import asyncio
import numpy as np
from omni.isaac.core import World
from omni.isaac.core.robots import Robot
from omni.isaac.robot_assembler import RobotAssembler
from omni.isaac.core.articulations import Articulation
from omni.isaac.core.objects import DynamicCuboid, DynamicCylinder
from omni.isaac.core import SimulationContext
from omni.isaac.core.utils.stage import add_reference_to_stage
from omni.isaac.core.utils.nucleus import get_assets_root_path
import omni.kit.commands
import omni.usd
import carb
async def setup_world():
if World.instance():
world = World()
simulation_context = SimulationContext()
await simulation_context.initialize_simulation_context_async()
async def transform_prim_pos(prim_path, position, rotation):
stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
if stage.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path).IsValid():
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path)
prim.GetAttribute("xformOp:translate").Set(position, 0)
prim.GetAttribute("xformOp:orient").Set(rotation, 0)
def spawn_cylinder(x, y, z):
cylinder = DynamicCylinder(prim_path="/World/ur5e/dummy_sensor",
position=np.array([0, 0, 0]),
color=np.array([0, 0, 0]),
radius=0.04 ,
return cylinder
async def setup_robot():
world = World()
assets_root_path = get_assets_root_path()
if assets_root_path is None:
carb.log_error("Could not find nucleus server with /Isaac folder")
asset_path = assets_root_path + "/Isaac/Robots/UniversalRobots/ur5e/ur5e.usd"
add_reference_to_stage(usd_path=asset_path, prim_path="/World/ur5e")
robot = world.scene.add(Robot(prim_path="/World/ur5e", name="ur5e"))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
RobotAssembler().create_fixed_joint("/World/ur5e/tool0", "/World/ur5e/tool0", "/World/ur5e/dummy_sensor")
base_robot_path = "/World/ur5e"
robot = Articulation(base_robot_path)
return robot
def spawn_dynamic_cuboid(position, mass):
cuboid = DynamicCuboid(prim_path="/World/Xform/Cube",
color=np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
return cuboid
async def joint_force(robot: Articulation):
world = World()
await world.play_async()
joint_state = np.array([0, -1.57, 0, 0, 1.57, 0])
cube_mass = 1
spawn_dynamic_cuboid(position=np.array([0.1001, 0.13338, 1.085]), mass=cube_mass)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
#joint_names = robot._articulation_view._metadata.joint_names
joint_indices = robot._articulation_view._metadata.joint_indices
forces = robot.get_measured_joint_forces()
flange_joint_forces = forces[joint_indices["AssemblerFixedJoint"] + 1]
print(f"Mass of cube: {cube_mass}kg")
print(f"Dummy sensor joint forces: x={flange_joint_forces[0]}, y={flange_joint_forces[1]}, z={flange_joint_forces[2]}")
async def main():
await setup_world()
robot = await setup_robot()
await joint_force(robot)
Screenshots or Videos
Additional Information
What I’ve Tried
I also tried to remove the tool0 and directly mount a cylinder to the lange and read the joint forces form a fixed joint between the flange and the cylinder but the results were the same.
Related Issues
Isaac Sim Version
Other (please specify):
Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Windows 11
Windows 10
Provided Container
GPU Information
- Model: GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
- Driver Version: 535.104.12